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The "I have XX money to invest, where should I put it?" Thread The "I have XX money to invest, where should I put it?" Thread

05-17-2012 , 01:35 AM
Originally Posted by tyler_cracker

stomp CLAP stomp stomp CLAP.

i would start with a TR fund. as you learn more, you'll come to a point where the TR fund doesn't do exactly what you want; that's a good time to branch out.

i've heard good things about the BlackRock funds but i don't know anything specific about them. i just use passive indexes everywhere.

I really appreciate the advice, I'll do some digging into the BlackRock to see how it looks, but most people have agreed that TR seems to be the way to go. As I read/research/learn more I will definitely branch out and be more active in managing it on my own.

Thanks again!
The "I have XX money to invest, where should I put it?" Thread Quote
05-17-2012 , 04:50 PM
I'd like to get started in investing beyond my 401k. Currently I contribute 7% which is matched anywhere from 80-100% based on company results. (The max I can contribute and get matched.)

Country you live in: US
Income: 100k
Risk Tolerance: High (8+?)
Timeframe for investment: No plan 1-20 years? Like I said I'd just like to get started in investing, I'd like to keep the money somewhat accessible though so no 401k type stuff
Debt: None

I have 6k in my Schwab account to start with and I plan on adding $500 a month to have available for additional investments.

Sorry I really am clueless!
The "I have XX money to invest, where should I put it?" Thread Quote
05-17-2012 , 05:16 PM
individual non-qualified account with a mutual fund company, either a balanced fund of multiple funds, stocks and bonds. diversification outside of this is perfectly fine. domestic and international. is a common place to begin. one of these knuckleheads is going to tell you to get a target fund. doesn't really matter. have a balanced and diversified allocation. I would personally recommend have a bond fund for money you plan to use in 1-4 years, a balanced fund for 3-12 years, and a stock fund to use for 7-20 years. Specify what you want to use the money for, or what your financial goal is, and invest accordingly.
The "I have XX money to invest, where should I put it?" Thread Quote
05-17-2012 , 10:03 PM

are you already contributing the max possible to a Roth IRA (or traditional IRA)? don't fund a taxable account until you do so.

i am a knucklehead who will recommend starting with a TR fund. if you want to get your hands dirtier, oofrome has given you some places to start.
The "I have XX money to invest, where should I put it?" Thread Quote
05-18-2012 , 02:10 AM
adding on a little more to what tyler said-
if you're single and making 100k/year, you're getting pretty close to the roth income limits. contribute to that account as much as you can, because in a few years you may not be able to put anymore money into it.
The "I have XX money to invest, where should I put it?" Thread Quote
05-19-2012 , 01:42 PM
Originally Posted by oofRome
adding on a little more to what tyler said-
if you're single and making 100k/year, you're getting pretty close to the roth income limits. contribute to that account as much as you can, because in a few years you may not be able to put anymore money into it.
I do not currently have a Roth IRA so that would probably be a wise move. I was kind of thinking I wanted to have a little fun and take some risks (almost treating this as a slightly smarter move then having 500 bucks more a month of diposible income). I am actually not single, I'm married and my wife makes about 50k a year so I don't think I would be excluded from a Roth IRA (in addition to what I make). I appreciate the feedback.

I may have not represented my "debt" properly. I do have a mortgage with about 200k remaining. I dont know if I should have mentioned that before! But the payment amount is well within our budget.
The "I have XX money to invest, where should I put it?" Thread Quote
05-19-2012 , 04:34 PM
look into refinancing if you haven't already done so in the last year or two.

everyone - new rules for new FHA loan if you're underwater is 120% now, up from 105%, so if that stopped you from doing it earlier try again. this is a very late announcement, but I haven't seen it in the few threads I frequent, so i'm saying it now.
The "I have XX money to invest, where should I put it?" Thread Quote
05-22-2012 , 11:27 AM
Country you live in: Canada
Income: 100k
Amount to invest: 10-20k
Risk Tolerance: 8-9
Debt: None

Timeframe for investment: No set plan, would just like to start investing and take advantage of my tax free savings account (TSFA). I would like to contribute 10k more within the next couple of months and start growing my portfolio. A complete newbie so any advice is appreciated.

Don't really want to spend a lot of time, would like a kind of "set it and forget it" option. Would some type of mutual fund make sense? The TSFA is with the Bank of Montreal if that means anything.

Debt: None
The "I have XX money to invest, where should I put it?" Thread Quote
05-23-2012 , 06:17 AM
150k usd
9 months - 18 months
non country specific
looking for 6%+ return
The "I have XX money to invest, where should I put it?" Thread Quote
05-23-2012 , 12:19 PM
Originally Posted by supersplitz
Country you live in: Canada
Income: 100k
Amount to invest: 10-20k
Risk Tolerance: 8-9
Debt: None

Timeframe for investment: No set plan, would just like to start investing and take advantage of my tax free savings account (TSFA). I would like to contribute 10k more within the next couple of months and start growing my portfolio. A complete newbie so any advice is appreciated.

Don't really want to spend a lot of time, would like a kind of "set it and forget it" option. Would some type of mutual fund make sense? The TSFA is with the Bank of Montreal if that means anything.

Debt: None
i would start with a Target Retirement fund (if those are available in canada).
The "I have XX money to invest, where should I put it?" Thread Quote
05-23-2012 , 12:20 PM
Originally Posted by BluffingX
150k usd
9 months - 18 months
non country specific
looking for 6%+ return
good luck!
The "I have XX money to invest, where should I put it?" Thread Quote
05-23-2012 , 01:39 PM
Originally Posted by BluffingX
150k usd
9 months - 18 months
non country specific
looking for 6%+ return
do you have a floor?
(for example, suppose there is an account where you have the full potential for market returns, but in order to do so requires putting some of your capital at risk, and if the market goes south, you're not guaranteed to be 100% in cash until a certain mark, like 135k or 125k or 115k, etc)
The "I have XX money to invest, where should I put it?" Thread Quote
05-23-2012 , 05:31 PM
Not sure what to do with about a 100K in three different 401Ks that I'm no longer contributing to...roll it over into the new 401K I'm getting ready to start, maybe an IRA? Right now I've got about 2/3 of it sitting in one account and it's all in a Prime Reserve fund so it's making really no money.
The "I have XX money to invest, where should I put it?" Thread Quote
05-23-2012 , 05:42 PM
Originally Posted by GodSmackJack
Not sure what to do with about a 100K in three different 401Ks that I'm no longer contributing to...roll it over into the new 401K I'm getting ready to start, maybe an IRA? Right now I've got about 2/3 of it sitting in one account and it's all in a Prime Reserve fund so it's making really no money.
Definitely roll into into an IRA where you'll have more control and options.
The "I have XX money to invest, where should I put it?" Thread Quote
05-23-2012 , 06:16 PM

dale gave you the best answer. ^^^
The "I have XX money to invest, where should I put it?" Thread Quote
05-23-2012 , 10:05 PM
Originally Posted by oofRome
do you have a floor?
(for example, suppose there is an account where you have the full potential for market returns, but in order to do so requires putting some of your capital at risk, and if the market goes south, you're not guaranteed to be 100% in cash until a certain mark, like 135k or 125k or 115k, etc)
I'm not against putting my money somewhere that isn't 99% safe, but the math would need to work out very nicely.. and I would be on the conservative side for 2 reasons: 1/ I'm not experienced in estimating probabilities on investments and 2/ I don't trust these fund managers/financial analysts/business type people.

Could you give me some options to look at, I'll review them then post back here what I think..
The "I have XX money to invest, where should I put it?" Thread Quote
05-24-2012 , 04:07 AM
Originally Posted by BluffingX
I'm not against putting my money somewhere that isn't 99% safe, but the math would need to work out very nicely.. and I would be on the conservative side for 2 reasons: 1/ I'm not experienced in estimating probabilities on investments and 2/ I don't trust these fund managers/financial analysts/business type people.
vanguard total bond market it is!!
The "I have XX money to invest, where should I put it?" Thread Quote
05-24-2012 , 04:24 AM
except he also wants 6% return, which seems... optimistic for a bond fund.
The "I have XX money to invest, where should I put it?" Thread Quote
05-24-2012 , 08:43 AM

Your expectations are completely unrealistic. If you want to be on the "conservative side" for 9-18 months, there's no way to get anywhere near 6%. In order to have any possibility to get that return you would have to take on signficant risk. If you're going to want this money in less than 18 months, then just stash it in an 18-month CD or a bank account or something. You could do a shortterm bond fund, but that will return less than 1% as well.
The "I have XX money to invest, where should I put it?" Thread Quote
05-24-2012 , 09:02 AM
what's the deal with term deposits 3,6,12 months etc, with reputable banks in:

india +8%
brazil +9%
australia +4.5%

these would seem pretty safe, why is the return so high?
The "I have XX money to invest, where should I put it?" Thread Quote
05-24-2012 , 10:31 AM
Originally Posted by tyler_cracker
except he also wants 6% return, which seems... optimistic for a bond fund.
of course it's optimistic! He really should just put his money in a CD if he needs it in 9 months.
The "I have XX money to invest, where should I put it?" Thread Quote
05-24-2012 , 11:37 AM
I'm thinking,

100k usd worth of INR in indian 1 year term deposit @ 8%.
5k usd in a forex trading account, selling 100k usd worth of INR on margin.. i.e. short INR so you break even on any currency movement.

What am I missing?
The "I have XX money to invest, where should I put it?" Thread Quote
05-25-2012 , 06:45 PM
Well, please come back in 1 year and let us know how it works out. I'm always interested in hearing about ways people can put their money to work. This sounds something like that is off the beaten path, but if it works (or doesn't work) I'd love to know the details.
The "I have XX money to invest, where should I put it?" Thread Quote
07-23-2012 , 06:15 AM
Country you live in: Canada
Income: not too important
Amount to invest: 30k
Risk Tolerance: Low
Debt: None

Timeframe for investment: 1 year

Just have 30k to invest in a year and don't want to just let it sit in a savings account. It's a one time thing, so I don't think my income really matters. No worries about emergency funds.
The "I have XX money to invest, where should I put it?" Thread Quote
07-23-2012 , 12:17 PM
with low risk tolerance and a 1 year horizon, i recommend a "high-yield" savings account. i feel like i learned a good option for this in canada but i can't remember what it was anymore. try searching this thread.
The "I have XX money to invest, where should I put it?" Thread Quote
