Originally Posted by yellowsub
that will make highpsiguy very happy. or sad, depending on if he sold all his SU
I sold all of my stock in SU and CVE for higher prices then Fridays close.
SU has been "a great buy" for a solid 2 years now and its done nothing I am not worried.
Also MGMT of SU has been playing some foul games IMO of late.
The CEO Rick George who basically built SU is leaving, Mr. George has millions in options, the underlying has been rank so SU has/is throwing 1.5 billion in share buybacks.
MGMT should know by now that the CDN marketplace is basically addicted to yield and if they really cared about shareholders they would spring for a 20cent/quarter or thereabouts (up from .11c/qtr) dividend. Heck I think they could afford to pay $1/year in dividends in the next 12-18 months but who am I.