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The Official Gold, Commodity, Alternative Currency and Asset Investment Thread The Official Gold, Commodity, Alternative Currency and Asset Investment Thread

04-24-2009 , 10:08 PM
john i would i agree w/ plowking...

those gold bars are way too close in price to gov't minted coins... usually you see bars selling at a lower % over spot than govt minted rounds... i would get a couple 1/4 oz britannias, a couple 1/2 oz britannias ( or krugs are fine too ), a couple 1 oz gold eagle or 1 oz britannia... i would pick up some of the cheaper soverigns @ 162 ( im assuming these have .2354 oz of gold in them or so, i'm not an expert on all of the different versions of this coin )

also the 1 kilo bars of silver look pretty decent but i would try to find some smaller denominations of silver as well. i think you will get more bang for your buck w silver than gold, the ratio favors silver immensely historically speaking... i would get at least 10-20 KG worth of silver before i worried about getting much gold/platinum.

you should be able to find gold for 8-10% over spot; silver might be a bit higher over spot. make sure to shop around there is always another seller out there too. good luck.

ALSO JOHN i wanted to add i was checking out
earlier yesteerday and i got the imprsesion they were taking international orders... I think they have a pretty high minimum order like 10$K USD but if you're willing to spend that much in one purchase it may be worth it... they have some of the tightest buy / ask spreads and are a very reputable company.

@crashjr depending how bad you think things are already or will get i would recommend storing up on food, guns, ammo, non hybrid seeds, water filter. great job timing the markets also i know s ilver might seem expensive right now but you won't regret picking up some more it is still pretty cheap imo.
If the economics really make sense nothing wrong with MH deals, I would try to get more cash up front as we might see high inflation soon. also try to finance the buy if you can. SPex_x has a real estate thread which might have some great advice on the MH's... personally I wouldn't devotte a whole on of money to RE deals right now but a couple MHs aren't the worst possible way to hedge your bets... I would make sure you buy MHs that are still driveable in case you need to transport them to a new location for a variety of reasons

Last edited by inf0wars; 04-24-2009 at 10:14 PM.
The Official Gold, Commodity, Alternative Currency and Asset Investment Thread Quote
04-24-2009 , 10:28 PM
Originally Posted by ArturiusX
People were pretty broke in 1933 so I hear.

Do you have any evidence that people were forced to hand in gold kicking and screaming? Since no one was prosecuted for gold hoarding, the law by itself doesn't prove anything. You're engaging in speculation when you say there was coercion in the gold buy back to force people to give up what they didn't want to.

I don't know what the answer is and I'm merely going by the evidence meditate has presented. Do you have anything more substantial, perhaps some kind of academic history report about the era that would clarify exactly what happened?
gold confiscation is a fact. it happened. i have never heard of anyone who believed it never happened. this point is not debated, and everyone (except you i guess) accepts as history that this happened. In fact, i'm sure there are still a few people alive today who could tell you stories about the day they had to turn in their gold. There are people who could tell you that there were IRS agents in banks to make sure you didn't have gold in your safety deposit box. This isn't some crazy scheme that gold bugs made up... it's not some conspiracy theory... Are you seriously asking me to prove that gold confiscation actually happened? The battle between gold and paper money has been going on a long time (thousands of years)... but the role of gold in the monetary system of the United States over the last 100 years is very interesting, and really explains why we are in the mess we are in today.

Executive Order 6102 is an Executive Order signed on April 5, 1933 by U.S. President Franklin D. Roosevelt "forbidding the Hoarding of Gold Coin, Gold Bullion, and Gold Certificates."

He took the people's gold and paid them a bit over $20 an ounce... and then he revalued (or devalued) the currency to $35 an ounce...where it stayed until Bretton Woods broke down in 1971.

It was illegal for US citizens to own physical gold from 1933 until the mid 1970's... (with obvious exceptions for jewelry, dental work, etc.)
The Official Gold, Commodity, Alternative Currency and Asset Investment Thread Quote
04-24-2009 , 10:43 PM
The Great Gold Robbery of 1933
Mises Daily by Thomas E. Woods, Jr.
The Official Gold, Commodity, Alternative Currency and Asset Investment Thread Quote
04-25-2009 , 04:20 AM
This seems to be about the measures the government took to prevent gold being used instead of USD, I'm more interested in physical actions the government was taking. It also seems to say 'the government', but it doesn't talk about what department, who was in charge, and there doesn't seem to be a lot of first hand information. I mean, if this effected people, surely there would be newspaper quotes, people writing different editorials or just something public.

Remember, I'm talking in the scope of gold confiscation, meditate as made the assertion that the government did, in the past, come and take people's gold, and that there was some kind of opposition to this. A law was passed, but a law doesn't prove anything happened, that needs court cases and testimony from people. The government i would imagine should have records on these transactions. It also seems ironic to me that this act was done out of desperate to keep the gold standard by giving the government a stronger monetary base, because I do remember 1933 was about the time the obsession with the gold standard did was adverse effects on pumping the money supply, and it wasn't until this idea was given up did production start meeting a better place.

If someone could address my points, using excerpts from more neutral sources (or whatever, as long as they quote more primary sources or w/e), that would be helpful, because I have difficulty bridging the gap between 'gold confiscation' and 'no one's gold was technically confiscated'. Surely some academics have done research into this, be it law or economics.

Executive Order 6102 is an Executive Order signed on April 5, 1933 by U.S. President Franklin D. Roosevelt "forbidding the Hoarding of Gold Coin, Gold Bullion, and Gold Certificates."

He took the people's gold and paid them a bit over $20 an ounce... and then he revalued (or devalued) the currency to $35 an ounce...where it stayed until Bretton Woods broke down in 1971.
You're going to have to prove coercion here, because from everything I've read, it was voluntary. People needed money, the government instituted what might be considered a favorable buy back, people are going to cash in. Using the word 'took' needs to have some backing, too.
The Official Gold, Commodity, Alternative Currency and Asset Investment Thread Quote
04-25-2009 , 06:56 AM
Are you dense, ArturiusX?

Originally Posted by Presidential Executive Order 6102
Section 9. Whoever willfully violates any provision of this Executive Order or these regulation or of any rule, regulation or license issued there under may be fined not more than $10,000, or,if a natural person may be imprisoned for not more than ten years or both; and any officer, director, or agent of any corporation who knowingly participates in any such violation may be punished by a like fine, imprisonment, or both.
Some guy tried to sue the government over it and was going to go to jail until he backed down. Nobody else took a stand. But you're a ****** if you don't think that the gold confiscation was coercive.
The Official Gold, Commodity, Alternative Currency and Asset Investment Thread Quote
04-25-2009 , 09:36 AM
Originally Posted by Discipline
Are you dense, ArturiusX?

Some guy tried to sue the government over it and was going to go to jail until he backed down. Nobody else took a stand. But you're a ****** if you don't think that the gold confiscation was coercive.
haha. It could go either way. A lot of people didnt read the fineprint on that Executive order. Because if they did, they would of known they didnt have to trade their gold in. Most people are irrational and heard they had to turn it in and did. Without reading the fineprint and manipulating it to their advantage. A lot of people kept their gold and legally. Confiscating the peoples gold was necessary. Because

1)dont forget world war 1 left britians economy in a downturn. They needed gold and were suffering financially. What better place than to get it from the americans? They transferred a lot of the gold across seas. If its comes downt o america or europe economies suffering best believe its the americans(at least in the 20s and 30s this was true). This is why when the executive order wa ssigned a lot of people took their gold out of the country and most put it in europe. Coincidence eh?

2)fiat and commodity money dont go good together for bankers. Forcing fiat as legal tender totally destabilized the middle class and enslaved the people to massive communism. Most americans to this day still think of money in nominal terms and not in real value. You have to give credit where credits due. I use to think it sucked. But than ir ealized i could be doing the same thing they are.

But section 2 part b

Gold coin and gold certificates in an amount not exceeding in the aggregate $100.00 belonging to any one person; and gold coins having recognized special value to collectors of rare and unusual coins.

haha. A few people took that line and read between the print. Most people didnt. I remember a professor pointing that line out and reading it like 5 times. Its ashame. But oh well.

anyway i encourage people to read this - federal resevre published a while ago. They describe the ins and outs of money. Its long but well well worth it talks about banking and econ cycles mystery of banking is a classic - monopoly men

Last edited by onthelow; 04-25-2009 at 09:57 AM.
The Official Gold, Commodity, Alternative Currency and Asset Investment Thread Quote
04-25-2009 , 10:09 AM
Originally Posted by inf0wars
to infowars:

are you part of the alex jones crusade? I see his image portrayed as a fearmongerer . The way he conveys his message looks like an attempt to redicule conspiracy theorists and label them. Dont get me wrong. A lot of the stuff he says is on point if its even relevant. But he could just be controlled opposition. Anyways i have learned a lot of him. So i cant badmouth him. Hes done more than I have right now about the problems ill tell you that.

I dont understand why people get so scared about this stuff about the government and money/banking. There is two sides to the fence. And we can cross that fence anytime we want. INstead of complaining we could be the ones doing the stuff. I just see a lot of attempts at fearmongering.

Gte on the money train. I know people have heard of silver thursday(even though it failed it was a brave attempt). Instead of complaining why dont people make attempts like that? Taking action is a lot better then complaining.
The Official Gold, Commodity, Alternative Currency and Asset Investment Thread Quote
04-25-2009 , 11:40 AM

Last edited by inf0wars; 04-25-2009 at 12:09 PM.
The Official Gold, Commodity, Alternative Currency and Asset Investment Thread Quote
04-25-2009 , 11:40 AM
Originally Posted by onthelow
haha. It could go either way. A lot of people didnt read the fineprint on that Executive order. Because if they did, they would of known they didnt have to trade their gold in. Most people are irrational and heard they had to turn it in and did. Without reading the fineprint and manipulating it to their advantage. A lot of people kept their gold and legally. Confiscating the peoples gold was necessary. Because

not worth my time to repeat this again since we just went through it but not two pages ago but this is blatantly untrue... sometimes the best tool the state has is instilling fear in people. Anyone who thinks confiscating gold was necessary is dense beyond belief. You are obviously a troll/paid shill etc

1)dont forget world war 1 left britians economy in a downturn. They needed gold and were suffering financially. What better place than to get it from the americans? They transferred a lot of the gold across seas. If its comes downt o america or europe economies suffering best believe its the americans(at least in the 20s and 30s this was true). This is why when the executive order wa ssigned a lot of people took their gold out of the country and most put it in europe. Coincidence eh?

actually this is not true at all... our gold didn't go to Britain... this is RIDICULOUS LOL. Britain WENT OFF THE GOLD STANDARD in 1931 and a bunch of money from Britain CAME OVER TO OUR COUNTRY propping UP the dollar because our currency was perceived as safer because it was still backed by gold.

2)fiat and commodity money dont go good together for bankers. Forcing fiat as legal tender totally destabilized the middle class and enslaved the people to massive communism. Most americans to this day still think of money in nominal terms and not in real value. You have to give credit where credits due. I use to think it sucked. But than ir ealized i could be doing the same thing they are.

I agree fiat currency always leads to the death of the middle class and enslavement of the people, HOWEVER, I would NOT call this communism by any means: "Fascism should more properly be called corporatism because it is the merger of state and corporate power." -Mussolini

But section 2 part b

Gold coin and gold certificates in an amount not exceeding in the aggregate $100.00 belonging to any one person; and gold coins having recognized special value to collectors of rare and unusual coins.

wow they let us keep a tiny bit of gold and so that surely excuses their behavior... after all... they "needed" the gold more than us. If you think the gold went to the UK, or europe, you might be right. The fac is it went to only a handful of elite powerful corrupt banksters

haha. A few people took that line and read between the print. Most people didnt. I remember a professor pointing that line out and reading it like 5 times. Its ashame. But oh well.
The Official Gold, Commodity, Alternative Currency and Asset Investment Thread Quote
04-25-2009 , 11:53 AM
Originally Posted by onthelow
to infowars:

are you part of the alex jones crusade? I see his image portrayed as a fearmongerer . The way he conveys his message looks like an attempt to redicule conspiracy theorists and label them. Dont get me wrong. A lot of the stuff he says is on point if its even relevant. But he could just be controlled opposition. Anyways i have learned a lot of him. So i cant badmouth him. Hes done more than I have right now about the problems ill tell you that.

i have watched alex jones' documentaries before, and i listen to his radio show when i have time to kill or when there is a guest on who i would like o hear... i'm not sure what the alex jones crusade is though exactly, so I couldn't tell you if i was a part of it or not. i'm not in any way affiliated with him or his websites. I highly disagree with you that he is attempting to "redicule" conspiracy theorists and label them. Since you're a troll, obviously you have tons of BS to spew and zero facts to back them up...
Why don't you post a few examples of alex jones ridiculing conspiracy theorists? and a few examples of alex jones fearmongerering?

i definitely dont agree with everything that alex jones has to say, but his documentaries have been a real eye opener... hard o believe some of them are more than 10 years old... he really saw this stuff coming
i would not be at all surprised if ron paul is controlled opposition... anyone could be... i would be shocked if alex jones is controlled opposition... but you can never be 100% sure... but whether he is or not I do tend o agree with most of his message and his show and others have been instrumental in bringing ideas of independence, personal freedom, self sufficiency to the mainstream.

I dont understand why people get so scared about this stuff about the government and money/banking. There is two sides to the fence. And we can cross that fence anytime we want. INstead of complaining we could be the ones doing the stuff. I just see a lot of attempts at fearmongering.

great why don't you post a few examples of what you consider fearmongering??? sometimes the truth can be downright scary, but i have found its best not to ignore it.

Gte on the money train. I know people have heard of silver thursday(even though it failed it was a brave attempt). Instead of complaining why dont people make attempts like that? Taking action is a lot better then complaining.
your posts are even more all over the place than mine are... and that's really saying something... most people sure have not heard of silver thursday... most people think the federal reserve is owned by he govt and not a privately held corporation operated for profit...
the silver market will be cornered soon enough... it will only take 1 or 2 billionaires... the silver market really is ALREADY cornered for all practical purposes... unless you're looking for paper silver... in which case I have plenty for sale Each patriot who takes delivery of silver IS in a small way building us up towards the next silver thursday- except this time silver isn't going to stop @ $50 an ounce... there is no government implemented catalyst left to keep the price down.. sure they can move the limits on physical delivery down on COMEX but that will only show how weak their hand is and they know it !

"Like Liberty, gold never stays where it is undervalued."
-J.S. Morrill
The Official Gold, Commodity, Alternative Currency and Asset Investment Thread Quote
04-25-2009 , 12:18 PM
i have no incentive to argue with you. Only for ego rights but thats not enough of a payoff for me. I could prove you wrong in so many areas but really i just dont care too. If anyone thinks anything i said was wrong..well..look it up. Good day all!
The Official Gold, Commodity, Alternative Currency and Asset Investment Thread Quote
04-25-2009 , 12:54 PM
Originally Posted by Discipline
Are you dense, ArturiusX?

Some guy tried to sue the government over it and was going to go to jail until he backed down. Nobody else took a stand. But you're a ****** if you don't think that the gold confiscation was coercive.
Quoting a law isn't proof of anything. Do you have any transcripts of the court case, that would be a great start.
The Official Gold, Commodity, Alternative Currency and Asset Investment Thread Quote
04-25-2009 , 02:25 PM
Originally Posted by ArturiusX
Quoting a law isn't proof of anything. Do you have any transcripts of the court case, that would be a great start.
go look for this stuff yourself. i think you have a lot to learn about the monitary history of gold. and it would be great if you spent some time to learn about this stuff...

you're the only person i've ever run into who doesn't believe that gold was confiscated, so the burdon of proof lies with you. if you want transcripts or whatever else... go look for it yourself if you're that intrested. i know i have better things to do that look for transcipts from a court case that happened 75 years ago.

but if i were you, i'd stop trying to debate something you clearly know nothing about... do some research of your own, and then come your own conclusions... and maybe after you actually know something, then you can have an intelligent discussion about it. because at the moment, it just seems like you're talking out of your ass
The Official Gold, Commodity, Alternative Currency and Asset Investment Thread Quote
04-25-2009 , 02:37 PM

**EDIT** for to add a description of this article :
this article is about why the housing bubble is not going to reinflate. it has s ome interesting graphs.

wow onthelow you are one of the weaker trolls i have encountered, you remind me of yowserrrs in a lot of ways.... except he would never write 3 paragraphs in a row... only 1 liners.
The Official Gold, Commodity, Alternative Currency and Asset Investment Thread Quote
04-25-2009 , 02:53 PM
Originally Posted by inf0wars

**EDIT** for to add a description of this article :
this article is about why the housing bubble is not going to reinflate. it has s ome interesting graphs.

wow onthelow you are one of the weaker trolls i have encountered, you remind me of yowserrrs in a lot of ways.... except he would never write 3 paragraphs in a row... only 1 liners.
this guy thinks housing prices in the US are going to go back up to the bubble prices? lol. is he still waiting for the NASDAQ to go back to 5000 also?

the only way that housing prices will go up, is if there's lot of inflation... in which case, the nominal price of houses will go up, but the real price (measured in gold, foreign currencies, commodities, etc.) will likely continue to fall.
The Official Gold, Commodity, Alternative Currency and Asset Investment Thread Quote
04-25-2009 , 03:02 PM
Originally Posted by inf0wars

**EDIT** for to add a description of this article :
this article is about why the housing bubble is not going to reinflate. it has s ome interesting graphs.

wow onthelow you are one of the weaker trolls i have encountered, you remind me of yowserrrs in a lot of ways.... except he would never write 3 paragraphs in a row... only 1 liners.
Nice article, and spot on. It also illustrates the lunancy of America's current fiscal and monetary policies which are bent on reinflating the "false boom" bubbles (housing/asset). Also of note: The bond bubble is next to pop.
The Official Gold, Commodity, Alternative Currency and Asset Investment Thread Quote
04-25-2009 , 03:10 PM

hey i meant to post this earlier for you john kane but here is a list of some ( i believe )
reputable dealers in the UK if you are having trouble finding them... soemtimes its good to
pit the dealers agains each other to get the best price. obviously DYODD
The Official Gold, Commodity, Alternative Currency and Asset Investment Thread Quote
04-25-2009 , 03:18 PM
Originally Posted by Bigdaddydvo
Nice article, and spot on. It also illustrates the lunancy of America's current fiscal and monetary policies which are bent on reinflating the "false boom" bubbles (housing/asset). Also of note: The bond bubble is next to pop.
i agree that the bond bubble is the next to pop... but there are a lot of people who think they will make money if the bubble pops by shorting the long term US government bonds (betting that rates will go up). This can be done easily through etf's like TBT. however... i think that if rates start to rise too much, the fed will come in and buy the t-bills (and monitize the debt again) which will push rates down. So even though these bonds will be virtually worthless, i don't think you'll be able to profit from shorting them, since the yields will not actually rise because the fed will resist these free market forces. that's why i still think the best way to profit from the bursting of the bond bubble is to own real assets, such as gold and silver... and to be out of the US dollar.
The Official Gold, Commodity, Alternative Currency and Asset Investment Thread Quote
04-25-2009 , 03:23 PM
Lots of good stuff from Peter Schiff/Ron Paul that's consolidated on this blog:
The Official Gold, Commodity, Alternative Currency and Asset Investment Thread Quote
04-25-2009 , 04:10 PM
Originally Posted by Bigdaddydvo
Lots of good stuff from Peter Schiff/Ron Paul that's consolidated on this blog:
thanks for this... didn't know schiff was on lew rockwell's show... listening now
The Official Gold, Commodity, Alternative Currency and Asset Investment Thread Quote
04-25-2009 , 04:18 PM
Originally Posted by plowking3777
thanks for this... didn't know schiff was on lew rockwell's show... listening now
Schiff pwns. If you're ever bored watch some of the countless "Peter Schiff Was Right" videos on youtube. Schiff says the sky is falling in '06 and '07 and other analysts practically laugh him off, saying "Buy Lehmen! Buy Citi!"

The Official Gold, Commodity, Alternative Currency and Asset Investment Thread Quote
04-25-2009 , 04:22 PM
Originally Posted by Bigdaddydvo
Schiff pwns. If you're ever bored watch some of the countless "Peter Schiff Was Right" videos on youtube. Schiff says the sky is falling in '06 and '07 and other analysts practically laugh him off, saying "Buy Lehmen! Buy Citi!"

ya... i'm a big schiff fan... i've seen all the videos
The Official Gold, Commodity, Alternative Currency and Asset Investment Thread Quote
04-25-2009 , 05:04 PM
this is probably one of my favourite interviews... kind of provides a bit of a road map and some clearity as to what is going to happen over the next few years

John Williams - Hyperinflationary Depression 2010 {audio} [April 12th, 2008] (42:22)
The Official Gold, Commodity, Alternative Currency and Asset Investment Thread Quote
04-25-2009 , 05:06 PM

zimbabwe ftw

shutting down another 4 banks tis weekend... nothing to see here...

high spain unemploymen #s

UK pound collapsing coming o theater near you
The Official Gold, Commodity, Alternative Currency and Asset Investment Thread Quote
