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Mom wants to borrow money to build a bigger better house. Is potentially going mental. Mom wants to borrow money to build a bigger better house. Is potentially going mental.

01-02-2010 , 07:44 PM
Originally Posted by Henry17
but I also know that I have things that are critical to my happiness which would draw even greater criticism so I can fully understand her fixating on needing this.
Sure, but the things that are critical to your happiness are things you can afford to pay for yourself. Crying poor to your kid when you're not poor to try and get 400K out of him is completely ridiculous. Also I think there's a high chance the dad is gonna be extremely annoyed if this happens. He's happy with his 700K house, he's probably pretty proud of what he's achieved in his lifetime. He doesn't want or need financial charity from his son.
Mom wants to borrow money to build a bigger better house. Is potentially going mental. Quote
01-02-2010 , 07:54 PM
I don't see this as a charity case. If that is the case then that would change my view a little. I got the impression that the parents have more than enough equity in the house to repay the $400k and that this loan would only be to facilitate the overlap while the house is being built.
Mom wants to borrow money to build a bigger better house. Is potentially going mental. Quote
01-02-2010 , 08:11 PM
Or the fact this is the only way the mother can subvert the father.
Mom wants to borrow money to build a bigger better house. Is potentially going mental. Quote
01-02-2010 , 08:12 PM
The way I read it, Mom doesnt have access to the finances, dad refuses and she goes behind his back to do it anyways. If this were such a guaranteed loan it would be easy to get a bank to do it and not have to massively impose on her son.
Mom wants to borrow money to build a bigger better house. Is potentially going mental. Quote
01-02-2010 , 08:17 PM
The dad issue needs to be flushed out more but if it was to undermine the dad then the dad needs to address that. Obviously doing this to undermine the dad would not be an option.

I read it as mom wants this and dad isn't vehemently opposed or anything but just doesn't want to because it is a major hassle. Getting the money from the son would lower the hassle and allow mom to make a better pitch but that mom is still seeking dad's approval shows dad is still in control.

I can see how this would make it harder for the dad if he really doesn't want the new house under any circumstances but without knowing the dad's reasons it is hard to comment.
Mom wants to borrow money to build a bigger better house. Is potentially going mental. Quote
01-02-2010 , 08:27 PM
Was your mother a trophy wife?
Mom wants to borrow money to build a bigger better house. Is potentially going mental. Quote
01-02-2010 , 08:42 PM

WTF? You need to carefully read the prior posts. You're way off base.
Mom wants to borrow money to build a bigger better house. Is potentially going mental. Quote
01-02-2010 , 08:58 PM
I re-read the entire thread. All we know about Dad is:

Originally Posted by idrinkmilk
My dad is happy as things are and he is also 70 years old and really isn't in the mood to sell his house and build a new one.

She probably fantasizes that buying a land slot will make it easier to convince dad to sell the existing house.
That isn't a lot of information. I'm not sure why people assume he is dead set against this rather than just against it but within the area where he could be sold on it.
Mom wants to borrow money to build a bigger better house. Is potentially going mental. Quote
01-02-2010 , 09:10 PM
she wants to borrow $400k from me to buy a land slot before she sells the existing house. She probably fantasizes that buying a land slot will make it easier to convince dad to sell the existing house.
I thought this was the important part.
Mom wants to borrow money to build a bigger better house. Is potentially going mental. Quote
01-02-2010 , 09:14 PM
I read that as if she could present to Dad that they could buy the land without taking out a mortgage that he would be more likely to go for it.

I can see how it could be read to say she plans to buy a piece of land behind Dad's back as well but that is an entirely different level of crazy and obviously I wouldn't agree with it. Dad has to be on-board with everything from the start.
Mom wants to borrow money to build a bigger better house. Is potentially going mental. Quote
01-02-2010 , 09:25 PM
From the information in this thread I see it that dad does not want to really move because its a big change and it will take some time, work etc... to move. He just does not want to move cause he is happy where is, but I think if there is a thought out plan to answer all of dad's concerns he will accept it to make mom happy.

If u have the money I say the next step is to talk to ur dad about it and see what his opinion on all of this is...
Mom wants to borrow money to build a bigger better house. Is potentially going mental. Quote
01-02-2010 , 09:40 PM
Originally Posted by Henry17
I read it as mom wants this and dad isn't vehemently opposed or anything but just doesn't want to because it is a major hassle. Getting the money from the son would lower the hassle and allow mom to make a better pitch but that mom is still seeking dad's approval shows dad is still in control.
This is spot on. Dad is happy with what they have built and only sees problems with selling and starting over. He wants to continue living a calm life. Mom sees the loan as an enabler that will make persuading dad (against his desires, but for her) feasible. Dad currently refuses to talk about building a new house. Mom generally has a stronger and more endurable will than him.

Was your mother a trophy wife?
They are both simple working class people from peasant backgrounds. Both have worked hard all their lives, especially mom. She worked two jobs as a cleaning lady for 30 years (and one job the rest of the years).


Mom has all intentions to pay back the loan. Things can go wrong however so I think a reasonable EV estimate for me is -$40k if I loan them the money (since I take all downsides and no upsides). That is OK for me if it will make them happy. In addition to the EV I am not happy about investing $400k which is half of my net worth. I am really not happy about doing that for something this meaningless. But hey, I don't know.

Lending the money will make my mom happy and my dad unhappy. At least initially. It would be best if mom became rational, but maybe that isn't happening and I have to buy time like Henry is saying. If I didn't have money to lend, building a new house wouldn't be realistic and my mom would have been content with the current situation.

EDIT: Thanks for all of your thoughts on this topic. It helps to hear different perspectives.

EDIT: I talked to my dad about this a month ago. He became upset, said it was crazy, she is crazy and it's not going to happen. Then he didn't want to talk about it more.

EDIT: Maybe accept to lend the money and leave it up to my parents to battle it out?

Last edited by idrinkmilk; 01-02-2010 at 09:56 PM.
Mom wants to borrow money to build a bigger better house. Is potentially going mental. Quote
01-02-2010 , 10:03 PM
lol wtf. You're a bigger idiot than I thought.
Mom wants to borrow money to build a bigger better house. Is potentially going mental. Quote
01-02-2010 , 10:24 PM
Anyone who bitches that much about a 700K house will bitch about a 1.1 million dollar house too.

Seriously, she lives in a more expensive and nicer house than 99% of the population, she's extremely wealthy.

In no way should you be loaning someone who is wealthy money so they can indulge some childish whims.

Your mom may be way older than you, but you need to tell her to GROW UP.
Mom wants to borrow money to build a bigger better house. Is potentially going mental. Quote
01-03-2010 , 12:11 AM
OP, I can't understand why you would consider being so cruel to your father.
Mom wants to borrow money to build a bigger better house. Is potentially going mental. Quote
01-03-2010 , 12:23 AM
Originally Posted by idrinkmilk
Mom has had this fantasy to build a new house for the last 5 years, but recently her desire has escalated and she has become more emotional about it. In her plan, she wants to borrow $400k from me to buy a land slot before she sells the existing house. She probably fantasizes that buying a land slot will make it easier to convince dad to sell the existing house.
Does her Plan B involve a torch and gasoline?
Mom wants to borrow money to build a bigger better house. Is potentially going mental. Quote
01-03-2010 , 12:36 AM
OP, I really do hope you give that 400K to your mom so she can blow it on some stupid piece of dirt somewhere. At least she will make the owner of that dirt happy.
Mom wants to borrow money to build a bigger better house. Is potentially going mental. Quote
01-03-2010 , 12:44 AM
Originally Posted by Thremp
Your mom is manipulating you to get money. Treat her like any other gold digger you love. Laugh and tell her to get a grip on reality.

Also...loaning money to family is a horrible idea.
Mom wants to borrow money to build a bigger better house. Is potentially going mental. Quote
01-03-2010 , 12:46 AM
Originally Posted by UATrewqaz
Anyone who bitches that much about a 700K house will bitch about a 1.1 million dollar house too.
Mom wants to borrow money to build a bigger better house. Is potentially going mental. Quote
01-03-2010 , 01:04 AM
Originally Posted by idrinkmilk
They are both simple working class people from peasant backgrounds.
Most peasants would be very happy living in a 700k house.
Mom wants to borrow money to build a bigger better house. Is potentially going mental. Quote
01-03-2010 , 02:40 AM
I think Thremp, Rika, and cwar are spot on. Why you're even considering this is so ludicrous to me. You show all the signs of someone who got a little bit of scratch before quickly pissing it away. First and foremost, don't lend any money to your family and friends. Just don't do it. Don't let money complicate your relationships with others. If your family and friends don't understand that, then they were never worth keeping anyways.

Furthermore, the specifics of your situation indicate:

1. Your mom is unhappy and thinks that a bigger house will make her happy (which it won't).

2. Your dad is content where he is.

3. The loan would constitute over half of your net worth.

Put another way: Why would you lock up half of your net worth by loaning it to a mentally unstable and manipulative mother and thus punishing the seemingly only sane member of your family, your father?
Mom wants to borrow money to build a bigger better house. Is potentially going mental. Quote
01-03-2010 , 03:03 AM
Originally Posted by Tupacia
I think Thremp, Rika, and cwar are spot on. Why you're even considering this is so ludicrous to me. You show all the signs of someone who got a little bit of scratch before quickly pissing it away. First and foremost, don't lend any money to your family and friends. Just don't do it. Don't let money complicate your relationships with others. If your family and friends don't understand that, then they were never worth keeping anyways.

Furthermore, the specifics of your situation indicate:

1. Your mom is unhappy and thinks that a bigger house will make her happy (which it won't).

2. Your dad is content where he is.

3. The loan would constitute over half of your net worth.

Put another way: Why would you lock up half of your net worth by loaning it to a mentally unstable and manipulative mother and thus punishing the seemingly only sane member of your family, your father?

OP, dont do it.
Mom wants to borrow money to build a bigger better house. Is potentially going mental. Quote
01-03-2010 , 03:14 AM
Originally Posted by idrinkmilk
This is spot on. Dad is happy with what they have built and only sees problems with selling and starting over. He wants to continue living a calm life. Mom sees the loan as an enabler that will make persuading dad (against his desires, but for her) feasible. Dad currently refuses to talk about building a new house. Mom generally has a stronger and more endurable will than him.

They are both simple working class people from peasant backgrounds. Both have worked hard all their lives, especially mom. She worked two jobs as a cleaning lady for 30 years (and one job the rest of the years).


Mom has all intentions to pay back the loan. Things can go wrong however so I think a reasonable EV estimate for me is -$40k if I loan them the money (since I take all downsides and no upsides). That is OK for me if it will make them happy. In addition to the EV I am not happy about investing $400k which is half of my net worth. I am really not happy about doing that for something this meaningless. But hey, I don't know.

Lending the money will make my mom happy and my dad unhappy. At least initially. It would be best if mom became rational, but maybe that isn't happening and I have to buy time like Henry is saying. If I didn't have money to lend, building a new house wouldn't be realistic and my mom would have been content with the current situation.

EDIT: Thanks for all of your thoughts on this topic. It helps to hear different perspectives.

EDIT: I talked to my dad about this a month ago. He became upset, said it was crazy, she is crazy and it's not going to happen. Then he didn't want to talk about it more.

EDIT: Maybe accept to lend the money and leave it up to my parents to battle it out?
Are you serious? wtf

You should give all of your money to a good charity as you are going to lose it on bad investments and get swindled for it anyways at this rate. It would be a huge weight off your shoulders, i suspect.
Mom wants to borrow money to build a bigger better house. Is potentially going mental. Quote
01-03-2010 , 04:47 AM
This is so bizarre that I'm not even sure I believe the OP's story.
Mom wants to borrow money to build a bigger better house. Is potentially going mental. Quote
01-03-2010 , 07:29 AM
The numbers should probably be devided by 10 as someone having that much cash can't possibly be this dumb, unless he inherited it.
Mom wants to borrow money to build a bigger better house. Is potentially going mental. Quote
