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The Markets Will Recrash on Monday. The Markets Will Recrash on Monday.

10-13-2008 , 03:44 PM
This will go down as one of the posts most off the mark ever.
The Markets Will Recrash on Monday. Quote
10-13-2008 , 03:55 PM
Hard to argue with at this point.
The Markets Will Recrash on Monday. Quote
10-13-2008 , 04:03 PM
there was no reason to say borodog was wrong. My bet was governemtns would intervene as they did and we would get a huge rally. But if they didnt borodog would have been correct and we could have been down a 1000 pts.
The Markets Will Recrash on Monday. Quote
10-13-2008 , 04:06 PM

At this point it is pretty damn funny, though.
The Markets Will Recrash on Monday. Quote
10-13-2008 , 04:07 PM
Originally Posted by Uglyowl
This will go down as one of the posts most off the mark ever.
what the **** you talking about?! its 50-50, either up or down, jackass.
The Markets Will Recrash on Monday. Quote
10-13-2008 , 04:11 PM
Am I the only one that thinks the true problem is being masked here as crude oil starts to shoot back up today? I'd much rather see the Dow at 7000 and oil at 50 than the Dow at 12000 and oil at 150. Speaking as a member of the economy rather than an investor.

Its going to be a good thing that lines of credit get opened back up because the cost of doing business is too high to make a profit and all your consumers are too broke to purchase your products.
The Markets Will Recrash on Monday. Quote
10-13-2008 , 04:14 PM
Its going to be a good thing that lines of credit get opened back up because the cost of doing business is too high to make a profit and all your consumers are too broke to purchase your products.
But at least that won't have an adverse effect on equities markets.
The Markets Will Recrash on Monday. Quote
10-13-2008 , 04:16 PM
lol, biggest 1day gain since 1932.

The Markets Will Recrash on Monday. Quote
10-13-2008 , 04:22 PM
I was only off by 2500 points.
The Markets Will Recrash on Monday. Quote
10-13-2008 , 04:43 PM
Originally Posted by ahnuld
there was no reason to say borodog was wrong. My bet was governemtns would intervene as they did and we would get a huge rally.
The government has intervened before and failed massively (short sale ban, $700 billion bail out, rate cut), did they finally get it right or did we just get so oversold this was bound to happen? Government intervention doesn't guarantee a rally anymore, are they on the right track?

Borodog, it was one statement you made, everyone misses sometimes, I enjoy reading your posts, you obviously are right more often than wrong I just hope you get a good chuckle like me that this was the biggest rally in a long long time
The Markets Will Recrash on Monday. Quote
10-13-2008 , 04:58 PM
Smells like a massive short-covering rally to me. Should be interesting to see what happens the rest of the week.
The Markets Will Recrash on Monday. Quote
10-13-2008 , 05:21 PM
Boro does understand long-term economic trends extremely well. It's pretty clear he doesn't play the markets on a day-to-day basis or else he never would have made this post. Predicting ultra short term volatility in these markets is very, very difficult given that it is the most volatile atmosphere in human history. Everyone and their mother thought the markets would shoot up once the second bailout bill passed and look what happened. A solid fundamental outlook can help you select the proper long positions though and that's the important thing (given that most of the good short positions are banned heh).
The Markets Will Recrash on Monday. Quote
10-13-2008 , 05:23 PM
Originally Posted by TimTimSalabim
Smells like a massive short-covering rally to me. Should be interesting to see what happens the rest of the week.
This. Tomorrow is going to be an extremly interesting day.
The Markets Will Recrash on Monday. Quote
10-13-2008 , 05:37 PM
boro's crystal ball must have been turned sideways:

The Markets Will Recrash on Monday. Quote
10-13-2008 , 05:38 PM
I was holding it upside down.
The Markets Will Recrash on Monday. Quote
10-13-2008 , 05:39 PM
No wait. Still goes up that way.

The Markets Will Recrash on Monday. Quote
10-13-2008 , 05:53 PM
Originally Posted by Uglyowl
This will go down as one of the posts most off the mark ever.
It just shows how difficult macro predictions are, even over very short periods.
The Markets Will Recrash on Monday. Quote
10-13-2008 , 05:53 PM
This is what happens when the world's central banks get together over the weekend and decide to intervene to prop up the market. None of what happened today was real.
The Markets Will Recrash on Monday. Quote
10-13-2008 , 06:01 PM
Originally Posted by owsley
This is what happens when the world's central banks get together over the weekend and decide to intervene to prop up the market. None of what happened today was real.
Are you in the camp that government equity stakes in banks won't work? I think it is much more productive than the bailout.
The Markets Will Recrash on Monday. Quote
10-13-2008 , 06:08 PM
I think everyone's missing how much stress there was last week over the potential impact of the Lehman CDS settlements, which now appear to have been very overstated.

The final auction for Lehman credit default swaps (CDS) was due to settle in the New York afternoon. The final prices were likely to be lower than the initial ones because there were a lot more sellers of bonds to settle the auctions than buyers, according to traders.

There have been widespread concerns that the prospect of these payouts - the gross value of which is roughly $360bn - is contributing to banks' hoarding of cash. As well as Lehman's default, the steady collapse of banks will require pay-outs on other credit derivatives, such as Washington Mutual and three Icelandic banks.

Eraj Shirvani, chairman of International Swaps and Derivatives Association (ISDA), the industry body that manages the auctions, said these concerns were misplaced. "Sellers of protection mark their positions to market every single day. So those firms have already marked down and provided collateral against their positions. As a result, there should be little or no unanticipated additional cost involved in the settlement of Lehman CDS," said Mr Shirvani, who is co-head of European credit at Credit Suisse.Net exposures were usually around two per cent of the gross amount, which vastly reduced the potential cashflows. Assuming $360bn of gross exposure, this would translate into $7.2bn if these estimates are correct.

"Despite immoderate claims relating to the magnitude of the Lehman settlement, these are insignificant when put into the context of $5 trillion in payments on foreign exchange transactions that occur each and every day," he said.
The payment calculations so far performed by the DTCC Trade Information Warehouse relating to the Lehman Brothers bankruptcy indicate that the net funds transfers from net sellers of protection to net buyers of protection are expected to be in the $6 billion range (in U.S. dollar equivalents).
The Markets Will Recrash on Monday. Quote
10-13-2008 , 06:09 PM
Originally Posted by TimTimSalabim
Smells like a massive short-covering rally to me. Should be interesting to see what happens the rest of the week.
Nah, I'm sure it will be low volume doldrums.
The Markets Will Recrash on Monday. Quote
10-13-2008 , 06:16 PM
Originally Posted by Borodog
I agree completely with that analysis. I mean, everytime the President hits the Rose Garden to announce, "Stay calm! All is well!" the markets tank. What do they think is going to happen when the Masters of the Universe come out and say, "Ok, time to panic"?

Their whole job is to blow smoke regardless of how ****ty the situation is.

It's almost as if the inducement of panic is intentional.
it is. the bush family (and to a lesser extent, american military-industrial interests, i.e., halliburton) want to maximize their returns when they move their capital into the equity markets. the more depressed prices are, the more shares they can buy.

i know it sounds like a conspiracy theory and all, but looking at the 8 years of the bush presidency as a power grab (the imperial presidency, etc, ad nauseum) is the only filter through which one sees any semblance of consistency throughout.
The Markets Will Recrash on Monday. Quote
10-13-2008 , 06:30 PM
Originally Posted by Uglyowl
The government has intervened before and failed massively (short sale ban, $700 billion bail out, rate cut), did they finally get it right or did we just get so oversold this was bound to happen? Government intervention doesn't guarantee a rally anymore, are they on the right track?

Borodog, it was one statement you made, everyone misses sometimes, I enjoy reading your posts, you obviously are right more often than wrong I just hope you get a good chuckle like me that this was the biggest rally in a long long time
yes but this time the fix is much much more substantial than anything previously discussed before thrusday/friday and pretty much takes most of the 3rd party risk out of the banking system so credit can flow again. Still might have writedowns and low earnings, but for the most part the government is guaranteeing everything so as long as people still have faith in the EU/US gov credit should flow again. If people lose faith in that, well then we all ****ed
The Markets Will Recrash on Monday. Quote
10-13-2008 , 06:31 PM
heh, curious to see how things go tomorrow. People either jump out now with a bit of some of their money back, or they stay pat and ride this out. Tomorrow is massive IMO.
The Markets Will Recrash on Monday. Quote
10-13-2008 , 06:35 PM
People either jump out now with a bit of some of their money back, or they stay pat and ride this out.
The Markets Will Recrash on Monday. Quote
