How does after hours trading work? Who does it/who CAN do it?
You must have an online account permissioned for pre/post market trading(just about every standard call-in BD doesnt allow it)
As far as who participates.......basically any trader/individual can.The most important thing to understand is that pre/post market trading is VERY illiquid.While market makers can and do often trade........they are not required to execute or maintian orderflow.That is the reason only LIMIT orders are allowed
Each BD is diff,so I would suggest you ask them their rules and guidelines.Some of the "standard online brokers"(E-trade,Ameritrade.Scottrade,Fidelity,etc) only allow trading from 8:00 am-9:15..........and 4:15 till 6:30.
The top trading platforms/BD's allow trading 24 hrs a day if there is a market for the security on liquid stocks/ETF's via ECN's