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January Trading Thread January Trading Thread

01-12-2012 , 08:13 AM
Originally Posted by highpsiguy
I try and ignore the likes of ZH, CNBC, and basically most media, especially when making financial decisions, but shiz and gigs i just went onto ZH...

Volume to hit 0 by year end, LOL WTF??? Surely the scum at GS, JPM, BAC et al will keep some volume going in order to fleece retail investors, I mean come on.
thats not a real prediction, hes just making fun of birinyis call last year of sp500 hitting a ridiculously high level based on extending the QE2 runup with a ruler
01-12-2012 , 10:59 AM
A week ago I said to stay the hell away from ECA after Ahnuld brought it up, I should have made that silly bet because ECA continues to be the biggest slug in the sector and just put in a 10 year low, lol.

ECA YTD -3%, Sector +3%

It is not to late to enter a short ECA, long SU trade.

Suncor has all the momentum now and is already up double digits on the year. Suncor should be good for 30% return this year.

If you are a hedger I would suggest Long (2) SU Short (3) ECA
01-12-2012 , 11:01 AM
i should correct that 10 year low comment, while certainly ECA is beaten like a red headed step child, it did spin Cenovus out of itself so although the shares of ECA are 10 year low, you would have received some CVE shares for your trouble.

Long CVE, Short ECA equal weight will be another winner this year.
01-12-2012 , 01:44 PM
For a scalp.... SHORT QQQ @ 58.25 will be shocked if i dont cover/profit tomorrow some bull crap is suppose to heat up tomorrow in europe which should wiggle me a profit .... I am looking for less then 50 cents a share .... EASY PICK .... :-)
01-12-2012 , 02:13 PM
also Tomorrow is Friday the 13th ..... a great day for shorting the market :-)
01-12-2012 , 04:11 PM
Originally Posted by frinxor
Bought some lvs@40.78.
out at 45.00

also, bought some aapl yesterday @ 423.74
01-12-2012 , 04:15 PM
Originally Posted by highstakesfan
also Tomorrow is Friday the 13th ..... a great day for shorting the market :-)
01-12-2012 , 05:01 PM
Originally Posted by highstakesfan
For a scalp.... SHORT QQQ @ 58.25 will be shocked if i dont cover/profit tomorrow some bull crap is suppose to heat up tomorrow in europe which should wiggle me a profit .... I am looking for less then 50 cents a share .... EASY PICK .... :-)
So how much you willing to risk for that easy 50cents?

So far about .15 to .20 cents, I take it youre going to let it ride?
01-12-2012 , 05:16 PM
I did not see that end of day rally coming.... STILL see a Black Cat scaring the market tomorrow .... Would add more tomorrow .... will try to get a feel for it tomorrow.... Did not see a closing rally hitting today :-(
01-12-2012 , 05:35 PM
Also.... sometimes the Friday the 13th fright factor is a bit late and doesnt occur till the Monday after Friday the 13th,
01-12-2012 , 07:19 PM
Originally Posted by highstakesfan
Also.... sometimes the Friday the 13th fright factor is a bit late and doesnt occur till the Monday after Friday the 13th,
And sometimes when it doesn't come either of those days, it comes the Tuesday. Sometimes when it doesn't come on the Tuesday, it comes on the Wednesday.

How can a Friday the 13th "fright factor" come on a Monday, honestly, think about it, are people waking up monday morning and saying "oh god, I forgot to be superstitious 3 days ago, I better sell a bunch of stuff now, on Monday the 16th!!".

I mean, you could be levelling, but the rest of your posts make me think you're not.
01-12-2012 , 07:22 PM
Originally Posted by highstakesfan
Also.... sometimes the Friday the 13th fright factor is a bit late and doesnt occur till the Monday after Friday the 13th,
I will bet the house the QQQ will finish UNCH Monday, nice theory though.
01-12-2012 , 08:00 PM
Sometimes, if the first Friday the 13th of the new year is followed by a Monday in which the NYSE is closed for a holiday (in this case, MLK day) the Friday the 13th effect is more muted, and is pushed back to the following Friday the 13th, which in this case will occur April 13th, possibly triggering a near historic intraday crash of the Dow exceeding 400 points :-)
01-12-2012 , 08:11 PM
Originally Posted by highpsiguy
A week ago I said to stay the hell away from ECA after Ahnuld brought it up, I should have made that silly bet because ECA continues to be the biggest slug in the sector and just put in a 10 year low, lol.

ECA YTD -3%, Sector +3%

It is not to late to enter a short ECA, long SU trade.

Suncor has all the momentum now and is already up double digits on the year. Suncor should be good for 30% return this year.

If you are a hedger I would suggest Long (2) SU Short (3) ECA
I didnt bring it up in the fashion you are implying. someone was asking for nat gas plays, i said that its one that needs to be considered. hardly the recommendation you're implying.
01-12-2012 , 11:25 PM
Tza? Got some of it.
01-13-2012 , 01:03 AM
Originally Posted by highstakesfan
For a scalp.... SHORT QQQ @ 58.25 will be shocked if i dont cover/profit tomorrow some bull crap is suppose to heat up tomorrow in europe which should wiggle me a profit .... I am looking for less then 50 cents a share .... EASY PICK .... :-)
Not a bad idea. I prolly would of gone short LNKD for a day trade, but I guess that's more risky if your wrong. gl!
01-13-2012 , 06:35 AM
Originally Posted by frinxor
bought some aapl yesterday @ 423.74
Are you buying AAPL for short-term? Any specific reason you bought it?
01-13-2012 , 08:55 AM
If the market can somehow ignore Italy, Europe. JPMorgan and Friday the 13th, then the rally shows no signs of slowing :-) ....
01-13-2012 , 10:30 AM
does anyone trade the bund future? pretty crazy
01-13-2012 , 10:47 AM
My friend works at a large company (200k+people) that offers every employee an ESPP with a 15% discount. This program is widely popular and heavily used by the employees.

The company makes a massive stock purchase twice a year at the same date.

Is it profitable to buy this stock about a week before the massive stock purchase, then dump it on the purchase date?
01-13-2012 , 11:05 AM
Does anyone else like Olympus for a straddle?

Last edited by Doug Funnie II; 01-13-2012 at 11:08 AM. Reason: is it even possible?
01-13-2012 , 11:24 AM
01-13-2012 , 12:01 PM
I was in at 58.25 and out at 57.72
01-13-2012 , 12:06 PM
pre market the QQQ was up or flatish for an hour and i didnt have the conviction to add shares to increase my short
01-13-2012 , 12:15 PM
ECA in the news today (ECA can simply not be IGNORED its so ****) Analcysts cut to underperform cutting target price from $30 to $18, stock trades at $18 as of today.

Nice work analysts recommend some dog that will clearly underperform, trap the public, sell it off, and cut to underperform, nothing to see here just parasitic analcysts doing what they do.

I dont think i have ever seen an analyst actually made a good call, and I dont actually believe they are expected to.

I think it goes like this:

Analyst to broker: ECA is a slug and it will go down the tubes.

Broker: OK, lets slap a 40% premium target on it so I can unload the company position on 100 retail investors.

Retail investor: Why is the market rigged.

And repeat
