Originally Posted by Didace
Many years ago, when direct deposit of pay was just starting to be a thing, we gave employees the option of having direct deposit or continue to receive an actual check. Over the next year or so most that chose the check moved over to direct deposit until we were down to one woman that still wanted a check. I asked her why and she said she liked to take her check to the bank and cash it, take the money home where she could touch it for a few days, and then return to the bank and deposit it in her account.
People are weird.
You comparing a piece of paper to silver or gold? Lol i can go buy a stack of paper for a few dollars. Money is a piece of paper that the government forces you to accept as legal tender. You can not replace silver or gold, its an element.
A 1$ bill is the same as 100$ bill except the number and some head figure. Gold and silver are of value, you can not create that stuff out of thin air unlike printng more paper. Also gold and silver have properties that can help you make appliances. Paper is good to start fires.
It be wise to direct deposit if you like having more time. Meh i just can get excited over paper money. If the money was back by gold cough cough gold standard unlike the scam of a system we have now in fiat, I would be excited.
Why i barely keep any cash, it always gets devalue, you need hard assets. Keep whatever you need for 3 months and rest should be in investments or hard assets
Also thats why people wear gold and silver, its nice to look at.
Last edited by jfound; 10-03-2017 at 03:26 AM.