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I want to make millions opening toys, too I want to make millions opening toys, too

10-17-2015 , 10:08 PM
Backstory - working full time, wife is bored with our 2y girl old at home all the time, 2y old spends hours every day watching some woman open egg toys on the iPad…so out of left field the wife wants to record 2y old opening and playing with presents, too (since she thinks she can do it better). Meanwhile I see view counts in the millions and get $$ in my eyes.

Bottom line: Primary goal is to make the wife happy / fulfilled with pursuing something. She doesn't care about the money. I can fund this maybe to the tune of $5-10K and not shed a tear if it never makes a dime. I like the upside ‘call option’ on catching a wave to millions of views per vid and becoming a youtube star.

Logistics? - camera/tripod, microphone, video editing software, business LLC / tax expensing?

I’m lost on distribution and growth, for now - Facebook will help. I'm mostly focused right now and getting a video launched. Wife and daughter are literally just going to open toys and play with them, which they already do every week anyways.
I want to make millions opening toys, too Quote
10-17-2015 , 10:43 PM
I have nothing to add except that I laughed when I saw your post. My 2.5 yo daughter watches those same stupid videos all the time. Eggs, play doh stuff, whatever. I don't get it, but I love the 30 min of peace that it gives me. I'll probably personality make you rich through hits. Lol.
I want to make millions opening toys, too Quote
10-18-2015 , 04:01 PM
Ya every kid I know watches those type of vids on YouTube over anything else.
Hard part would be getting enough views so you start showing up on page 1 of a YouTube search.
I want to make millions opening toys, too Quote
10-19-2015 , 08:33 AM
So this is what girls do. I only have boys, and they watch.....videos of people playing Minecraft or spoofing Minecraft. Do they want to play Minecraft themselves? Hardly ever - just watch others playing it. Oh, and view counts on some of these videos - hundreds or thousands and up.

But I guess it's just changing times. Probably 30 years ago my parents were saying something to the effect of "kids these days only want to watch music on TV, not listen to it on the radio - I can't figure them out at all."

But yeah - trying to spin this into a way to actually generate income for your family would be a long shot. Do yourself a favor and do a youtube search for unboxing or whatever they call this, but instead of searching by most views try searching by least, and then see how many people have given this a shot only to never even be a blip on the radar.
I want to make millions opening toys, too Quote
10-19-2015 , 12:43 PM
Originally Posted by Rizzeedizzee
So this is what girls do. I only have boys, and they watch.....videos of people playing Minecraft or spoofing Minecraft. Do they want to play Minecraft themselves? Hardly ever - just watch others playing it. Oh, and view counts on some of these videos - hundreds or thousands and up.

But I guess it's just changing times. Probably 30 years ago my parents were saying something to the effect of "kids these days only want to watch music on TV, not listen to it on the radio - I can't figure them out at all."

But yeah - trying to spin this into a way to actually generate income for your family would be a long shot. Do yourself a favor and do a youtube search for unboxing or whatever they call this, but instead of searching by most views try searching by least, and then see how many people have given this a shot only to never even be a blip on the radar.
Should say hundreds of thousands and up - a rather consequential typo....
I want to make millions opening toys, too Quote
10-19-2015 , 02:34 PM
Originally Posted by Rizzeedizzee
instead of searching by most views try searching by least, and then see how many people have given this a shot only to never even be a blip on the radar.
great point
I want to make millions opening toys, too Quote
10-19-2015 , 02:39 PM
I had never heard of this before, but here is a good example:

Barbie Egg Unboxing

Which video has more views?

Video 1 - 246,000 views
Video 2 - 196 views
I want to make millions opening toys, too Quote
10-19-2015 , 03:38 PM
Originally Posted by Larry Legend
I had never heard of this before
This type of thing exists for so many different areas, from people recording themselves playing slots (some casinos even embrace it if you don't show anyone's face, most likely due to indirect marketing), to people opening boxes of trading cards. And I'm guessing there are dozens of others.

The common thread in nearly every case is there seems to be a precious few who dominate and spawn countless imitators, who in turn go largely unnoticed.
I want to make millions opening toys, too Quote
10-19-2015 , 03:43 PM
Originally Posted by Rizzeedizzee
So this is what girls do. I only have boys, and they watch.....videos of people playing Minecraft or spoofing Minecraft. Do they want to play Minecraft themselves? Hardly ever - just watch others playing it. Oh, and view counts on some of these videos - hundreds or thousands and up.

But I guess it's just changing times. Probably 30 years ago my parents were saying something to the effect of "kids these days only want to watch music on TV, not listen to it on the radio - I can't figure them out at all."

But yeah - trying to spin this into a way to actually generate income for your family would be a long shot. Do yourself a favor and do a youtube search for unboxing or whatever they call this, but instead of searching by most views try searching by least, and then see how many people have given this a shot only to never even be a blip on the radar.
My 5 year old boy does this all the time, too.
I want to make millions opening toys, too Quote
10-19-2015 , 04:18 PM
get your wife something sexy to wear, why?

Meanwhile I see view counts in the millions and get $$ in my eyes
I want to make millions opening toys, too Quote
10-20-2015 , 04:06 AM
99% sure it's the conglomerate toy makers (Disney, Hasbro, Mattel, etc) behind the big time youtube toy videos getting kids into their ecosystem.

Check out some of the more niche channels to get a more realistic expectation of what you can achieve with this model - one that springs to mind is the Mommy and Gracie Show.

One thing that I personally will be looking into in 2016 is creating a wide variety characters & making video shorts - then begin manufacturing toys for any of the shows that gain traction. Web advertising & retail is in my wheelhouse, manufacturing I will face a minor learning curve, creativity I will face a huge learning curve.
I want to make millions opening toys, too Quote
10-20-2015 , 07:23 PM
Make sure your on top of SEO ... Also post comments on creators content that is similar to yours and hope people click on to your channel. Also contact toy people to see if they will send you free toys so you can do unboxing videos instead of spending x amount.

Not sure how this content pays for 1k views, but I know gaming videos ranges in the $1.40 per 1k views.
I want to make millions opening toys, too Quote
10-23-2015 , 12:21 PM
New business plan

Surprise egg surprise! reaction videos
I want to make millions opening toys, too Quote
10-25-2015 , 09:30 PM
Originally Posted by Larry Legend
I had never heard of this before, but here is a good example:

Barbie Egg Unboxing

Which video has more views?

Video 1 - 246,000 views
Video 2 - 196 views
second one has terrible music
I want to make millions opening toys, too Quote
