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03-25-2008 , 04:32 PM

Here's a good article that explains the credit mess we are in. $1.2 trillion is the estimate, with 40% of it being in Wall Streets books. We will see a bottom develop when this is finally recognized, until then these rally's are nominal and our dollar is getting killed. Let's hear some of your thoughts?
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03-25-2008 , 04:48 PM
Stock market rallies don't prevent the hundreds of thousands of homeowners that are due to lose their homes in the next few years.

Nor do the rallies magically put money into the pockets of consumers that are more in debt today than they've ever been in debt.
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03-25-2008 , 04:54 PM
Stock market rallies don't prevent the hundreds of thousands of homeowners that are due to lose their homes in the next few years.
when this happens

Nor do the rallies magically put money into the pockets of consumers that are more in debt today than they've ever been in debt.
this won't be as big of a problem
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03-26-2008 , 09:19 PM
Bullish article here

Originally Posted by The Daily Telegraph
The best definition of a contrarian opportunity is when market momentum has failed to take notice of a change in direction of the fundamentals. An increasing gap then opens up between what the market discounts and what is actually happening. We think we are at that point now: markets may not be at the absolute low, but it would require luck as well as judgement to pick that. With the Federal Reserve having aggressively slashed interest rates again and other Central Banks sure to follow before long, we believe it is a time to embrace risk, not to avoid it. We expect markets to recover as quickly as they have fallen, and it will be much harder to buy on the way up than now.
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