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08-13-2022 , 10:07 AM
Well if 30 years isn't enough for you can go back another 12.5 years.

That was the 75 crash. S and P dropped 50 percent.

If 45 years isn't a big enough sample then you're deluded.

Most people start investing at 30. 45 years later your 75.

You're just but hurt because you're a fish who bought at the top.

Enjoy your crash.
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08-13-2022 , 10:27 AM
Originally Posted by SoCalQuest
You clearly have never heard of hunting stops and it is not illegal in crypto.
Wow sounds amazing.

Can you message me next time we are all going to apply a hunting stop to move the 467 billion dollar Bitcoin market.

Sounds amazing my friend. Thanks for the amazing information.

I can call my boss and quit my job now in the morning and never work again.

We should tell everyone else about the hunting stop too, so they can quit their jobs and never work again too.

Finally, the 9 to 5 is over.

God bless the hunting stop.
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08-13-2022 , 11:10 AM
It's not the market cap of bitcoin that counts. It's the amount of money on the exchange's order books. Any money on an exchange is at 3rd party risk at all times so people don't park billions on there. So exchange's order books have much smaller amounts which are easily manipulated.
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08-13-2022 , 11:44 AM
Binance trades 4 billion worth of Bitcoin a single day.

100k is nothing.

And you can lower the leverage if you want to give you more breathing room.

If you use 5X leverage you're playing with half a million. The Bitcoin would have to drop 20 percent for you to be stopped out.

Bitcoin is at 24k now so if it goes below 20k you lose. If you believe in Bitcoin and if it goes back up to 48k which is still well off the previous all time high you win.

Anyways, I've come up with tonnes of ideas and ye haven't come up with any.

Just criticism.

If you want to make 5 times you're money quick you have to take massive risk. It's just a fact.


Last edited by Maximus122; 08-13-2022 at 12:02 PM.
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08-13-2022 , 12:07 PM
And by the way I recommend being sensible and layering the 100k into the S and P consistently over time without leverage.

Markets can and will do anything. They are very unpredictable.

But, if you want to gamble and get rich quick, unfortunately you do have to take more risk.
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08-13-2022 , 03:28 PM
I think energy will be a very good bet this decade as well.

The market is seeing a rally now because its sniffing out that the Fed will pivot, because we just saw 2 negative quarters of GDP, something I said was going to happen months ago, and people were saying I was crazy, so I wouldn't be surprised to see a meaningful move up in the S and P.

I think the Fed will raise interest rates by 50 basis points at the next meeting and then it will say we'll stop and see how it goes and it will use slightly softening inflation and a weakening economy as justification for the shift in policy.

Initially the market will think this is great news as lower interest rates support stock prices.

However, it will be a case of be careful of what you wish for.

Because, when the oil traders sniff out that the economy is going to get a bit better it will send energy prices rocketing to new highs.

The record highs in petrol prices, electricity prices, transportation prices, will then bust the consumer and businesses and it will crash the stock market bubble along with it.

Last edited by Maximus122; 08-13-2022 at 03:44 PM.
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08-14-2022 , 03:03 AM
Originally Posted by theskillzdatklls
I'd way rather leverage long BTC/ETH than own the **** of **** ADA if it was 5x or die trying.

Not the worst spot ever to open up a 1-3x if it was the do or die.
If you had listened to this, you'd already be most of the way there to 5x lol. Just saying.
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08-14-2022 , 12:49 PM
Originally Posted by Maximus122
Well if 30 years isn't enough for you can go back another 12.5 years.

That was the 75 crash. S and P dropped 50 percent.

If 45 years isn't a big enough sample then you're deluded.

Most people start investing at 30. 45 years later your 75.

You're just but hurt because you're a fish who bought at the top.

Enjoy your crash.
Lol how I am butthurt yet you have this emotional response like a little girl? The point is the SP500 is a long term investment vehicle - it rarely has losing years and trying to "time" or "predict" the market is what fish say. You're picking short term events that were the worst stretches over decades and trying to normalize that - fact of the matter is over the past 30 years sp500 has had 5 losing years. Facts dont like bruh
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08-14-2022 , 03:32 PM
Don't sweat this guy pokerfan. He's clearly a non-market participant. He just saw 5x and got excited.
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08-15-2022 , 10:56 AM
Originally Posted by SoCalQuest
Don't sweat this guy pokerfan. He's clearly a non-market participant. He just saw 5x and got excited.
Dude I was very very fortunate. I started playing poker right at the beginning of the boom. I played 12 hours a day was completely addicted and obsessed and did very well.

I was buying Bitcoin, Ethereum and Google 10 years ago.

I've my money made.

But, I was smart enough to take it off the table.

To get out.

When all the sheep on Twitter were going nuts talking about how amazing NFTs were you knew it was all over.

Gamestop, AMC going up 100 percent a day. Biggest sign of a mania top ever.

There's a girl in her mid 20s called Connie Glynn who makes Disney videos on YouTube that I watch, very nice girl wouldn't be into markets at all and she commentated about the amazing run that the S and P was on and was wondering why it was going up in the middle of a Pandemic.

When a girl who makes Disney videos is talking about the market you know its peak mania and time to get out.

Last edited by Maximus122; 08-15-2022 at 11:07 AM.
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08-15-2022 , 11:26 AM
Originally Posted by pokerfan655
Lol how I am butthurt yet you have this emotional response like a little girl? The point is the SP500 is a long term investment vehicle - it rarely has losing years and trying to "time" or "predict" the market is what fish say. You're picking short term events that were the worst stretches over decades and trying to normalize that - fact of the matter is over the past 30 years sp500 has had 5 losing years. Facts dont like bruh
The only reason the market kept coming back is because the Fed saved you every time.

In 87 the market crashed and Volker slashed rates to prop it up again.

That then caused the Dot com bubble.

When the Dot com bubble popped the Fed slashed rates again to stimulate the economy which caused the housing bubble. That popped.

When the housing bubble popped the bubble was so enormous cutting rates wasn't enough to reflate the bubble so they had to start printing money which they called QE.

QE 1, QE 2, QE 3 QE 4, that's what made the market go up. Trillion and Trillions in money printing.

It's not the laughable 1 percent dividend yield that makes the S and P go up which works out lower when you tax the yield. It' the Fed that makes money free with zero percent interest rates and QE that makes the market go up.

But, there's nothing left to bubble up now.

The Bitcoin bubble, the housing market bubble, the stock market bubble, the bond market bubble, everythings already been bubbled up.

It's over.

Now the stimulus is going into higher prices in the supermarket which is always the final resting place of inflation.
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08-15-2022 , 12:03 PM
Originally Posted by Maximus122
Binance trades 4 billion worth of Bitcoin a single day.

100k is nothing.

Ever heard of wash trading? You could literally trade any amount of BTC back and forth to your hearts desire. This is what exchanges do. They create the illusion of more liquidity then exists.
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08-15-2022 , 12:05 PM
Originally Posted by Maximus122
Dude I was very very fortunate. I started playing poker right at the beginning of the boom. I played 12 hours a day was completely addicted and obsessed and did very well.

I was buying Bitcoin, Ethereum and Google 10 years ago.

I've my money made.

But, I was smart enough to take it off the table.

To get out.

When all the sheep on Twitter were going nuts talking about how amazing NFTs were you knew it was all over.

Gamestop, AMC going up 100 percent a day. Biggest sign of a mania top ever.

There's a girl in her mid 20s called Connie Glynn who makes Disney videos on YouTube that I watch, very nice girl wouldn't be into markets at all and she commentated about the amazing run that the S and P was on and was wondering why it was going up in the middle of a Pandemic.

When a girl who makes Disney videos is talking about the market you know its peak mania and time to get out.
No ya didn't. Your a wannabe who wishes you did all those things. It's pretty easy to read through you.
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08-15-2022 , 12:38 PM
Lol. Buying ETH 10 years ago would have literally been impossible.

It's also really obvious why the S&P, cryptos, housing market, etc. went up in the middle of a pandemic.
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08-15-2022 , 12:47 PM
Originally Posted by Maximus122
Dude I was very very fortunate. I started playing poker right at the beginning of the boom. I played 12 hours a day was completely addicted and obsessed and did very well.
Any proof? I looked up your recent threads and saw in 2018 you started a thread titled "In Tournaments should you always just go for the Win?" How could someone who cleaned up during the poker boom not know basic poker ideas? I also like how you made all this money during the poker boom, was in on the ground floor of BTC, etc - you sound like your completely FOS.
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08-15-2022 , 03:34 PM
Originally Posted by onemoretimes
Ever heard of wash trading? You could literally trade any amount of BTC back and forth to your hearts desire. This is what exchanges do. They create the illusion of more liquidity then exists.
Dude Coinbase is a fully regulated and audited company that is listed on the Nasdaq.

You can literally look at there trading revenues in their annual reports.
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08-15-2022 , 03:50 PM
Originally Posted by tarheels2222
Lol. Buying ETH 10 years ago would have literally been impossible.

It's also really obvious why the S&P, cryptos, housing market, etc. went up in the middle of a pandemic.
I said Bitcoin and Ethereum.

Bitcoin was invented in 2009.

It's always been easy to buy Bitcoin in Ireland.

As I said I was at the beginning of the poker boom and there were bitcoin only sites like seals with clubs that got me interested in it.

Also my friends dad who passed away in 2020 was a big Gold bug, very skeptical of government, and he would go on about Bitcoin sparking my interest in it.

When I was 16 theres a race track beside my house and all I would be able to think about is the horses.

I would look at all the newspapers to see what tips the best punters were giving out and I'd bet the money that I made in my job collecting glasses on the horses that I thought would win.

I've always been somewhat of a problemed individual I think.

Attracted to horses, Bitcoin, Poker, Sports, Stocks, anything you could bet on which probably acts as a distraction from other problems that are going on in my life.
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08-15-2022 , 03:54 PM
Originally Posted by pokerfan655
Any proof? I looked up your recent threads and saw in 2018 you started a thread titled "In Tournaments should you always just go for the Win?" How could someone who cleaned up during the poker boom not know basic poker ideas? I also like how you made all this money during the poker boom, was in on the ground floor of BTC, etc - you sound like your completely FOS.
I don't remember making that thread.

Ask me any poker related question related to strategy events which have happened in the last 15 years in poker and I will get right back to you with a response.

I don't think I have proof because I played on Full Tilt and that's since closed down. I was a black card there I would spend all day playing and watching old strategy viseos on Cardrunners from Brian Townsend, David Benefield, Brian Hastings, Cole South all those guys.

It was enough to give me a good edge in the games because back then there was no Twitch.

You had to pay a 300 dollar membership fee and it would give you an edge over players who were very very bad at the time.

Poker is nothing like that now. The games are 100 times harder and the rake is higher.

I also played on Boyle Poker a European site.

But the traffic is dead there now. It was amazing in 2007.

I eventually got booted off there for multi accounting, because I was trying to clear deposit bonuses using different accounts.

Last edited by Maximus122; 08-15-2022 at 04:00 PM.
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08-15-2022 , 04:09 PM
Anyways, this is kind of a waste of my time and not great for my mental health.

Gonna leave now.

Best of luck trading in the future.
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08-15-2022 , 05:07 PM
Originally Posted by pokerfan655
Any proof? I looked up your recent threads and saw in 2018 you started a thread titled "In Tournaments should you always just go for the Win?" How could someone who cleaned up during the poker boom not know basic poker ideas? I also like how you made all this money during the poker boom, was in on the ground floor of BTC, etc - you sound like your completely FOS.
My two plus two username is Maximus122. Pokerstars username Maximus122.

You can see below I've played 2.5 million real money cash game hands on Pokerstars.

So, saying I don't know **** about poker is nonsense.

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08-15-2022 , 05:12 PM

Found you, confirmed crusher, 7 years into his career.
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08-15-2022 , 05:15 PM

11 years in. Can confirm he probably played 2.5m hands.
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08-15-2022 , 05:46 PM
Bro every single player in the history of poker has donked around at low stakes from time to time where you deposit 50 or 500 bucks and try to run it up as a bankroll challenge or to practice multi tabling or to adjust your hud.

I remember when I was playing those 50 cent sit and gos I was experimenting with 24 tabling, donking around a bit, doing a run it up challenge. At this stage 2018 the Poker Boom was over, I hadn't played in a long time and had a full time job.

That 25 cent 50 cent game looks like it was 9 max zoom back in 2013. You could 4 table it win around 4 bb/100 get in around 1000 hands an hour and you would be earning rakeback as well. It was like a 50 dollar an hour grind.

And in 2013 Poker had become semi tough. This was 3 years after Black Friday.

Why are you so hateful.

Everything I post and you launch some kind of a random attack.

Last edited by Maximus122; 08-15-2022 at 05:57 PM.
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08-15-2022 , 08:00 PM
I guess you decided to google my Username of Maximus122 and you came up with those 2 results above in an attempt to embarrass me.

Of course there was a third result as well which was a 215 dollar buy in to the SuperSonic in April of 2012 where I finished 39th, that you conveniently decided to leave out.
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08-16-2022 , 12:23 AM
Originally Posted by Maximus122
Anyways, this is kind of a waste of my time and not great for my mental health.

Gonna leave now.

Best of luck trading in the future.
Several things always amaze me despite it being quite clear that they are not remotely amazing:

1) that there is a grey-haired man in the mirror staring back at me.

2) "I'm out for mental health and time-management reasons" never coincides with getting out.

3) that I can't think of a third thing.
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