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Help with Building Credit Help with Building Credit

02-08-2012 , 05:55 PM
Originally Posted by BradleyT
What's wrong with having 50K available if an opportunity presents itself - without actually needing to have 50K liquid?

Originally Posted by BradleyT
And what's so sheeple about opening some credit lines and paying them off on time?

however, i avoid borrowing money as much as possible.

Originally Posted by Henry17
In the States you need credit because your credit score is used for more than just granting credit.
not saying ur wrong, but please list some uses of a good credit score (which i have) other than being granted more credit.
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02-08-2012 , 06:17 PM
Originally Posted by sinner
not saying ur wrong, but please list some uses of a good credit score (which i have) other than being granted more credit.
I don't live in the States so I could be wrong but I was under the impression that auto insurance rates as well as employment were impacted by a person's credit rating.
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02-08-2012 , 06:20 PM
Originally Posted by sinner
not saying ur wrong, but please list some uses of a good credit score (which i have) other than being granted more credit.
Some careers, especially in the government, require a credit check. Also, many rental properties will do a credit check. Also, unless you have millions sitting in the bank, there's always a possibility that you might need to borrow. I'm sure there are other good reasons, but I'm not going to bother thinking more about it.

I agree that building credit (in the sense of doing all kinds of bs to push your score to the very highest number) is kind of silly. I've heard of people borrowing money for a car loan just to "build credit." On the other hand, if you have no credit history at all, that's probably a problem.
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02-08-2012 , 06:24 PM
Originally Posted by sinner
however, i avoid borrowing money as much as possible.

not saying ur wrong, but please list some uses of a good credit score (which i have) other than being granted more credit.
You're coming ass as pretty laughishly incorrect in this thread.

There's nothing "sheeple" about building credit. And Henry's right, it's a pretty important thing in the US. Having a good score can help with things like an auto loan, mortgage, etc.

Having a bad score can hinder you from landing a job. I know that a friend of mine worked for the Secret Service and he said if you ever defaulted on government school loans you won't get the job.

In general, borrowing money is a bad thing, but there are very "good debts" that are worth it. School loans, mortgages, a car payment can all be "good debt" as long as you make the right decisions. You're sentiment just doesn't hold water if you use credit responsibly, which is what everyone in this thread has been saying.
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02-08-2012 , 07:30 PM
Originally Posted by wil318466
You're coming ass as pretty laughishly incorrect in this thread.
please quote an incorrect statement i have made in this thread.

Originally Posted by wil318466
There's nothing "sheeple" about building credit.
ty for your opinion.

Originally Posted by wil318466
And Henry's right, it's a pretty important thing in the US. Having a good score can help with things like an auto loan, mortgage, etc.
yes, a credit score helps you borrow more at better rates.

Originally Posted by wil318466
Having a bad score can hinder you from landing a job. I know that a friend of mine worked for the Secret Service and he said if you ever defaulted on government school loans you won't get the job.

In general, borrowing money is a bad thing

but there are very "good debts" that are worth it. School loans, mortgages, a car payment can all be "good debt" as long as you make the right decisions.
there are "good debts" but we probably disagree on many of them.

You're sentiment just doesn't hold water if you use credit responsibly, which is what everyone in this thread has been saying.
my attitude is that the idea that we need to build credit is fed to us by the companies that issue the credit. i have never gone out of my way to build credit and i have never had a problem getting a credit card or a lease in the US.
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