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03-20-2020 , 11:47 AM

Not sure if this question is better posted in the Politics and Society sub or in here.

As a zero knowledge guy in macroeconomics and politics stuff,how would you explain me what is the universal basic income and the pros and cons of it?

How does it affect to an average Joe in a 9-5 that hasn't been burnout from his job yet, but that does not feel like doing the same work until retirement?

ELI5 UBI Quote
03-20-2020 , 12:18 PM
Andrew Yang will tell you the benefits

Naval Ravikant will tell you how its dumb

Both discussed it on Joe Rogan
ELI5 UBI Quote
03-20-2020 , 12:20 PM
Removing the survival incentive from work is a good thing, people aren't lazy or selfish and will turn up to work anyway to support society imo.
ELI5 UBI Quote
03-20-2020 , 04:00 PM
A continuous monthly UBI within the near future is starting to feel inevitable at this point, no?
ELI5 UBI Quote
03-20-2020 , 08:16 PM
UBI imo is okay if its the right amount, enough for necessity is always a good thing
ELI5 UBI Quote
