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Critique: NewDriverMagnets Critique: NewDriverMagnets

08-30-2013 , 04:33 PM
Originally Posted by NLSoldier
way better as a novelty item than serious item imo. you should also consider making "woman driver" and "asian driver" versions.
made me lol.......i like the idea OP. best of luck with it
Critique: NewDriverMagnets Quote
08-30-2013 , 04:52 PM
I'm surprised no one brought up theft. Novelty magnet stickers seems like a bad idea because I'm sure you could peel one off without any car alarm going off, and even if you did set it off who cares because you could be in a parking lot with 3,000 other cars.

Unless you expect people to constantly peel it off and put it on between driving sessions which is kind of ridiculous IMO.

The student driver one makes sense though because switching seats usually involves getting out of the car so they could swing past and peel it off.
Critique: NewDriverMagnets Quote
08-30-2013 , 09:57 PM
Good idea, OP's mom!
Critique: NewDriverMagnets Quote
09-01-2013 , 04:16 PM
so its not compulsory to have Learner plates in the states? ?

Also, for the guy wanting to know how they work, I believe its done with magnets.
Critique: NewDriverMagnets Quote
09-04-2013 , 05:56 AM
Here in NZ we have these plasticy type learner plates that stick to the inside of the window. The whole plate sticks, not just one part.

Critique: NewDriverMagnets Quote
09-04-2013 , 01:37 PM
I reckon you need a new website. Go to the and create better website or buy a new template and you're sorted. There are also Ecommerce services like Bigcommerce and others, Do your research with them. I think your site doesn't look reliable and I would never buy anything from site like that. I also agree that this idea may not work as you wish. If something becomes compulsive thing to new drivers by the law you have lost your edge. Otherwise I cant see n 18 year old declaring to the whole world something like this with a sticker.

Go for the traffic stickers but like it was mentioned earlier you have to have wider selection. Also go for the funny signs etc.

In UK plenty of cars have baby on board triangle warning sign. You can go for it and also mother in law on board, no baby on board etc if they get popular.

There could be market for this, but it needs to be signs , stickers, making fun of women , of your boss, of their son. Signs , stickers aimed at truck drivers, taxi drivers warning their customers to avoid certain things or reminders etc.

You need much wider selection. Good start but plenty of work to do. Wish you good luck!! Let us know how it works out.

Last edited by vento; 09-04-2013 at 01:42 PM.
Critique: NewDriverMagnets Quote
09-04-2013 , 01:46 PM
Find a few 18 year old drivers who you know through some other people and see if they use them even when asked by their parents ...

Also it may work out better that your local garage sells them with $2 price rather than website, but go ahead and try different channels and you will find out what works. Could be through the internet but as likely through gas station or selling in bulk.

Last edited by vento; 09-04-2013 at 01:52 PM.
Critique: NewDriverMagnets Quote
