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Cramer "any money you need in next 5 years take out of market" Cramer "any money you need in next 5 years take out of market"

10-13-2008 , 01:48 AM
Originally Posted by DesertCat
But anyone who invests based on his opinions is like someone immediately jumping into high stakes games after reading Phil Hellmuth's "Play Poker Like The Pros".
Ha ha. Everyone knows Mike Caro's book of tells is all you need to prepare for the big games.
Cramer "any money you need in next 5 years take out of market" Quote
10-13-2008 , 03:09 AM
Originally Posted by DogsBrekky
I was thinking about Aubrey today

I met him 6 years ago sitting at the bar at 57/57, didnt know he was a multibillionaire

sadly he isnt anymore, he borrowed to buy and buy and buy and buy CHK stock all the way up and then got stopped stopped stopped out on the way down

still a good guy and a good company

as for CRAMER - I think homicide should be justified once in life, a few million would have this f'wit at the top of their hit list..........

StockmarketFTW - AT NO TIME ON THE WAAAYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY down in price did Cramer tell folks to sell his 4 horsemen or CHK, AA, NYX (a super strong buy at $95 etc etc ad infinitum), then at 1000 on SP500 after his picks are down 50-95% he tells mums and dads to SELL ALL, I am sorry but if this occurred where I come from he would be in a ditch and save the enterntainment BS, those of us in the industry know what this guy did in the past and an stunned GE would keep such a wanker around, ............................

He is calling DOW 5550 this week and calling for Black Monday Tuesday etc

he should be hung, drawn and quartered then slowly sliced with a 1000 cuts
Here's Cramer latest opinion on CHK, from

Chesapeake Energy [CHK 16.52 -1.19 (-6.72%) ]: A Wall Street Journal story reported that CHK is out of cash, Cramer said, so this stock is a “don’t buy” for now.
Cramer "any money you need in next 5 years take out of market" Quote
10-13-2008 , 05:10 AM
Anyone who has a sense of history and Mr Cramer's history as a money manager, knows he is a douche and yes I watch his show everyday and have even taped some of them so I can lol at his GREAT TRADING ability and timing.

Someone here time stamped his views on CHK a few months ago and recently, nothing wrong with being wrong and stopping out, but he only advises this AFTER the crash occurred and was the biggest BRAGGARD to buy financials at the peak after the FED eased and again and again and then tells you to sell ALL last week.............. at the worst time in history to sell............ pluuueeeeeeaaaaaaassssssssssssssseeeeee

As for other market commentators at cnbc etc. I cannot recall any of them telling the world they know more than the FED and that the FED/Treasury follows what they say ala this clown, CLOWNMERICA is the new name of the show I hear
Cramer "any money you need in next 5 years take out of market" Quote
10-13-2008 , 01:04 PM
A douche is a device used to introduce a stream of water into the body for medical or hygienic reasons,

I understand how much of Cramer's advice could be called terrible but i must have missed the show where Cramer was used as a hygienic device. Apparently many of the posters here saw it so if somebody has a youtube link or something...
Cramer "any money you need in next 5 years take out of market" Quote
10-13-2008 , 01:39 PM
Here's someone on CNBC.COM defending Cramer. Notice the credential I bolded. You just can't make this up.

Why is Fox attacking Jim for being right?

You've probably seen the advertisements: "The last thing you need is bad advice, the last thing you need is Jim Cramer."

But let's look at what they cite as evidence for this: Jim's sell call on Today a week ago! They also link to this knucklehead Jason Schwarz at Seeking Alpha, who says Jim should be suspended for telling people to sell on Today last week. The LA Times explains why this guy is not to be taken seriously.

But let's take a step back. Jim Cramer tells people to sell ahead of the market's worst week since the depression and his advice is...bad? He sidesteps the biggest one-week decline since he's been born and he's...irresponsible? He gets people out ahead of the sell-off and he should be...suspended?

I can understand why all the professional touts hate the fact that Jim called it like he saw it. But he was right. His job is to tell you what he thinks will happen, not tell you to buy and hold forever, a money-losing strategy, or be a permabull (funny because he's been attacked for just that before – damned if you do, damned if you don't?). He thought things were bad, he told people to sell – something he'd been doing for weeks beforehand, and then the market went down. That's called getting it right.

Cliff Mason is the Senior Writer of CNBC's Mad Money w/Jim Cramer, and has been that program's primary writer, in cooperation with and under the supervision of Jim Cramer, since he began at CNBC as an intern during the summer of 2005. Mason was the author of a column at during 2007, which he describes as "hilarious, if short-lived." He graduated from Harvard College in 2007. It was at Harvard that Mason learned to multi-task, mastering the art of seeming to pay attention to professors while writing scripts for Mad Money. Mason has co-written two books with Jim Cramer: Jim Cramer's Mad Money: Watch TV, Get Rich and Stay Mad For Life: Get Rich, Stay Rich (Make Your Kids Even Richer). He is 100% responsible for any parts of either book that you did not like.

Mason has also had a fruitful relationship with Jim Cramer as his nephew for the last 23 years and will hopefully continue to hold that position for many more as long as he doesn't do anything to get himself kicked out of the family.
Cramer "any money you need in next 5 years take out of market" Quote
10-13-2008 , 02:27 PM
not sure if that was a level but let's time stamp and get facts correct

On FRIDAY, yes Friday October 10, "The Dow will crash on Monday/Tuesday, we can go to 5500 Dow".............

A week ago friday he told mums and dads to take EVERYTHING out of the market for anyone needing money the next 5 years..

October 2007..... "Buy the 4 horsemen AAPL, RIMM, GOOG, forget the 4th headless horse, buy GS (it was $210 AT THE TIME), buy NYX at $95

now everyone following that advice has just sold for 40% of what they bought for on average

that means the stocks need to go up 125% for these folks to break even ASSUMING they bought back in FRIDAY at the low after selling on Monday on this fwits advice...

.... hmmmmm

he should burn in a slow grease fire, nasty little ****er he is !!!!!!!
Cramer "any money you need in next 5 years take out of market" Quote
10-13-2008 , 02:32 PM
Originally Posted by Foghatlive
Here's Cramer latest opinion on CHK, from

Chesapeake Energy [CHK 16.52 -1.19 (-6.72%) ]: A Wall Street Journal story reported that CHK is out of cash, Cramer said, so this stock is a “don’t buy” for now.
yes CHK = 19.14 as we speak..........
Cramer "any money you need in next 5 years take out of market" Quote
10-13-2008 , 02:44 PM
I don't quite understand all the vitriol. I mean, I know he's been dead wrong a number of times, as has every other prognosticator, but he's really no different than any other fool with a television show, IMO, and it's not CNBC's job to protect every idiot investor from shooting themselves in the foot.
Cramer "any money you need in next 5 years take out of market" Quote
10-13-2008 , 04:45 PM
yes Eric except this guy is so widely watched and doesnt know the meaning of stop out, or good advice, I mean really honest, protect yourself advice

where I come from he would meet the grease and the fire.......
Cramer "any money you need in next 5 years take out of market" Quote
10-13-2008 , 05:28 PM
Forget his accuracy. How the **** can you acknowledge that youre speaking to the moms and pops out there who dont trade actively at all and tell them to buy stocks up 50%-100% or sell stocks down 50%-100%? Hes a ****ing momentum sheep. He likes buying things up a ton / selling things down a ton. When the trade reverses, hes out because the momentum was the only reason he was in there anyway. And dont get me wrong, this isnt necessarily a bad strategy, some shops do it very well, but its certainly not something to be pitching on primetime.
Cramer "any money you need in next 5 years take out of market" Quote
10-13-2008 , 09:12 PM
AT THE DEPTHS OF THE 1973-74 BEAR MARKET -- the worst of the post-war period -- when the Dow Jones industrial average was approaching its low of 577, Warren Buffett told Forbes magazine that he felt like "an oversexed guy in a whorehouse. This is the time to start investing."

Buffett's words may have been indelicate -- Forbes ended up changing the world "whorehouse" to "harem" when the interview ran -- but the CEO of Berkshire Hathaway was on the mark because that era produced some of the best bargains of the past 50 years.
Scott Pollack for Barron's
Investors willing to show a little patience can find discounts on everything from real estate to stocks, bonds and commodities.

The stock market now is suffering a comparable decline to that historic '73-74 loss, with the Dow Jones Industrial Average, at 8,451, having fallen 40% from its October 2007 peak and 36% this year. The peak-to-trough drop in '73-'74 was 45%.

From America For Sale in Barrons this week.
Cramer "any money you need in next 5 years take out of market" Quote
10-13-2008 , 09:18 PM
Originally Posted by Foghatlive
I can understand why all the professional touts hate the fact that Jim called it like he saw it. But he was right. His job is to tell you what he thinks will happen, not tell you to buy and hold forever, a money-losing strategy
I've defended Cramer as an entertainer, but if he and his little nephew are trying to sell this swill, maybe someone should prep a nice sized grease fire for both of them. It's like they are trying to actively turn people with no market skills or understanding into traders and market timers, which for most market newbs guarantees an absolute financial disaster when they could have been long profitable just being a passive investor.
Cramer "any money you need in next 5 years take out of market" Quote
10-14-2008 , 12:40 AM
My only real encounter with Cramer:

If I had listened to 2p2, I could have paid off the capital gains and re-bought with money to spare.
Cramer "any money you need in next 5 years take out of market" Quote
10-14-2008 , 03:00 PM
Originally Posted by DesertCat
I've defended Cramer as an entertainer, but if he and his little nephew are trying to sell this swill, maybe someone should prep a nice sized grease fire for both of them. It's like they are trying to actively turn people with no market skills or understanding into traders and market timers, which for most market newbs guarantees an absolute financial disaster when they could have been long profitable just being a passive investor.
What they're trying to do is induce the public to buy at highs while his insider buddies are dumping the stock. Of course, I can't prove this but "If it looks like a duck..."

Chesapeak has a classic pump and dump chart. Was Cramer reccommending the stock at 40 on the way up, when investors could've made a nice profit? Of course, not. He was pimping it at its peak.

Cramer "any money you need in next 5 years take out of market" Quote
11-26-2008 , 12:17 PM
Incredible. In this new clip from CNBC, Cramer advises investors to watch out for people who go on television and declare bottoms:

Of course, Cramer neglects to mention that he, himself, called a bottom back in July.

Source: Saving Alpha

Stocks discussed in the in-depth session of Jim Cramer’s Mad Money TV program, Wednesday, July 30.

“It smells to me like something, in fact many things,” he said, “have at last changed for the better.” “I am indeed sticking my neck out right here, right now,” Cramer continued, “declaring emphatically that I believe the market will not revisit the panicked lows it hit on July 15.” With earnings coming in strong across the board, except in the financial sector, Cramer said the markets may finally be leaving the bears behind. He said the negativity in the market is striking. He cited an investor intelligence survey, which indicated that only 30% of investors are bullish, while 50% are bearish on the markets. "It's always darkest just before the dawn," he said.
Cramer "any money you need in next 5 years take out of market" Quote
11-26-2008 , 02:41 PM
Isn't there a guy who has done the exact opposite of everything Cramer has advised and shown higher returns the past few years?

I'm pretty sure I read this article earlier this year that named the guy who was a 'Cramer Contrarian'.. fading Cramer all the way to the bank. Showing good returns.
Cramer "any money you need in next 5 years take out of market" Quote
11-26-2008 , 06:44 PM
Come on. At least 20 people have said that on this forum. Can we get over this guy?
Cramer "any money you need in next 5 years take out of market" Quote
11-26-2008 , 07:50 PM
But it's fun!
Cramer "any money you need in next 5 years take out of market" Quote
