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Coronavirus Coronavirus

10-08-2021 , 03:43 PM
Try reading what I wrote? I don’t care about the opinions of people sharing memes on the internet that don’t have the foggiest idea what the literature says.
10-08-2021 , 03:49 PM
Try reading what I wrote. You have so much egg on your face here and you don't even know it, it's fun.
10-08-2021 , 03:56 PM
I don’t have that strong of an opinion on the correspondence because I can’t really get through the original “Pneumonia Outbreak Associated With a new coronavirus of probable bat origin” paper. You’re free to have strong opinions but people also are free to think you’re a clown. Which they seem to!
10-08-2021 , 04:08 PM
Seriously, read the article I linked and get a clue and some actual background knowledge. He discusses the paper you don't understand (not that you need to understand virology to know why it's junk; just critical thinking). The article above is written by the long time science editor of the New York Times. I would also suggest a critical reasoning course; the conclusions drawn from the paper you mentioned fail basic logic. This is also described in that article. Have a read, you might learn numerous things about the world you don't know: . The guy who wrote it is as mainstream, careful and deliberative as you'll find and as you've expect from the long time science editor of New York Times.
10-08-2021 , 04:29 PM
Tooth , the 2 most imbecile leaders during covid was Trump and bolsonaro that didn’t believe in the danger of Covid .

Im shock the countries with most COVID death related are the US and Brazil …

India arrived third but whit a much much larger population.
How’s strange , just bad luck of course …
10-08-2021 , 04:39 PM
Originally Posted by ToothSayer
he guy who wrote it is as mainstream, careful and deliberative as you'll find and as you've expect from the long time science editor of New York Times.
If you want me to read something, why destroy your credibility with such an easy to debunk lie?

Originally Posted by wiki
Nicholas Michael Landon Wade (born 17 May 1942) is a British author and journalist. He is the author of numerous books, and has served as staff writer and editor for Nature, Science, and the science section of The New York Times.

His 2014 book A Troublesome Inheritance: Genes, Race and Human History was widely denounced by the scientific community for misrepresenting research into human population genetics.

In May 2021, Wade published an article in support of the COVID-19 lab leak hypothesis,[8] fuelling the controversy around the origins of the virus. Wade's claims about the origin of COVID-19 are at odds with the prevailing view among scientists
I understand he's a pop sci writer who parrots what you want to be true, but you look an idiot when you aren't even able to follow the meta conversation on who is and isn't mainstream.
10-08-2021 , 04:53 PM
Literally incapable of embarrassment

Zerohedge with over 1 million readers on twitter alone was banned for writing an article about the lab leak theory. Interesting to see a link of that article pop up in faucis email before they got banned.


Francis Collins steps down after 12 years as NIH director

But something something science, something something toothless rubes on facebook

We've seen enough, politics bro. You're excused. Toodles
10-08-2021 , 04:59 PM
Originally Posted by ecriture d'adulte
If you want me to read something, why destroy your credibility with such an easy to debunk lie?

I understand he's a pop sci writer who parrots what you want to be true, but you look an idiot when you aren't even able to follow the meta conversation on who is and isn't mainstream.
The long time science editor of the NYT (as well as on the staff of Nature and Science) is indeed mainstream. And he's careful and deliberative.

If you read the article rather than engage in "La la i only listen to the groupthink I want to" I guarantee you'll learn quite a lot about the world you don't know. For example, did you know that the main published paper arguing covid was natural was written by the guy deeply involved in gain of function research using bat coronaviruses? I bet you didn't. The other one comes from Chinese scientists - a totalitarian country that blocked access to data and investigators on the origins. Extreme self interest is at play here - China and other high motivated self interested parties have done an excellent job pulling the levers on the chokeholds of published opinion they need to.

The fact that the mainstream media and scientific establishment has gone from "This can only be natural and to say otherwise is a right wing conspiracy" to "it's actually quite possible this came from a lab" proves their epistemology was 100% wrong. That would give you pause to read other sources if you were a more intelligent person. But alas.

Like I said, lots of egg on your face on this one. For real, no matter your politics.

Here's an excerpt:

It later turned out that the Lancet letter claiming the origin was natural had been organised and drafted by Peter Daszak, president of the EcoHealth Alliance of New York. Dr. Daszak’s organization funded coronavirus research at the Wuhan Institute of Virology. If the SARS2 virus had indeed escaped from research he funded, Dr. Daszak would be potentially culpable. This acute conflict of interest was not declared to the Lancet’s readers. To the contrary, the letter concluded, “We declare no competing interests.”

Virologists like Dr. Daszak had much at stake in the assigning of blame for the pandemic. For 20 years, mostly beneath the public’s attention, they had been playing a dangerous game. In their laboratories they routinely created viruses more dangerous than those that exist in nature
Literal direct deliberate fraud (“We declare no competing interests.”") as well as the Chinese communist party scientists were what created the narrative that stuck that it's natural, then people who say otherwise are slimed like you just did with the long time editor of the NYT. It's very effective in closing minds.

Last edited by ToothSayer; 10-08-2021 at 05:12 PM.
10-08-2021 , 05:15 PM
Originally Posted by juan valdez
Literally incapable of embarrassment
Yeah I'm so embarrassed for ecriture d'adulte. He literally hasn't kept up with the scientific literature, then insults others who have, all while keeping a closed mind and refusing to read a proper background. It's quite sad actually.
10-08-2021 , 05:31 PM
Originally Posted by ToothSayer
Yeah I'm so embarrassed for ecriture d'adulte. He literally hasn't kept up with the scientific literature, then insults others who have, all while keeping a closed mind and refusing to read a proper background. It's quite sad actually.
I insulted you for posting a blog article from a rando non scientist with a history of misrepresenting research for political ends. If you've kept up with the literature feel free to demonstrate that now.
10-08-2021 , 05:42 PM
"rando non scientist" - do you think that's a reasonable and accurate description of someone who spent decades being a staffer and editor on Nature, Science and the New York Times? The dishonesty in you is profound and deep with that comment. Once you read the article your worldview and epistemology will change, which is why you won't read it.

As for your epistemology, The Lancet - as reputable as they come with "non-rando actual scientists" - literally published pure fraud riddled with basic logical errors from the guy actually funding the gain of function research at Wuhan, and that formed the basis of the mainstream groupthink, not any rational analysis. This is as clear cut as they come, and you have so much egg on your face. It gets worse with every post.
10-08-2021 , 05:48 PM
He is not a scientist, he is a journalist. He happened to write an article that you want to believe, so you respect him. Similarly you dismiss actual scientists when they say things you do not want to hear. You refer to them as idiots. This latest guy you like, the journalist who is a scientist to you has his Wiki start with

"His 2014 book A Troublesome Inheritance: Genes, Race and Human History was widely denounced by the scientific community for misrepresenting research into human population genetics."

but fortunately the actual scientists who denounced him were idiots, unless they were the actual PhDs that will not take the vaccine or something. If a journalist wrote for Nature magazine and had an opinion you did not agree with - that person would then be an idiot and you would not push that writing for Nature magazine is a sign of brilliance with regard to Covid.

Your messaging is kind of all over the place aside from your toxic personal attacks. That messaging you are consistent on, which is why you cannot get any followers, other than perhaps the people who mock you in the bitcoin thread about your prediction abilities. They seem to want to know your next prediction for some reason.
10-08-2021 , 05:48 PM
Yes, it's a completely fine description for someone with no graduate training in science and has never published in a scientific journal. Pop science is entertainment. If it's seriously changing how you think about things your opinion on that particular subject isn't very valuable.
10-08-2021 , 05:59 PM
Maybe when y'all get done attacking each other you could move on to debating the topic?

ecriture d'adulte & Monteroy is it your current belief that the virus certainly didn't come from a lab?
10-08-2021 , 06:11 PM
The topic is how people are sure it can from a lab because of some pop sci blog articles. I really don't think anybody here both has a strong opinion and isn't delusional about their level of understanding or in some cases thinking ability in general.
10-08-2021 , 06:14 PM
That might be the bullshit you want to talk about but it isn't the topic. Does your not answering my question mean you're still a million dollar confidant it didn't come from a lab?
10-08-2021 , 06:16 PM
Originally Posted by de captain
Maybe when y'all get done attacking each other you could move on to debating the topic?

ecriture d'adulte & Monteroy is it your current belief that the virus certainly didn't come from a lab?
I would suggest that the success of the vaccine and the need to get people properly vaccinated going forward as well as a discussion on the new Merck medication is more important than whether a dude who writes for Nature is right about what happened about 2 years ago. My take on that is that will be known in due time, but it does not change the current situation, so I do not place a ton of importance on that topic to discuss with randos for the moment. Still, I understand why the vaccine hesitant crowd keep pushing that and mask messaging from 18 months ago as important current topics, so sure - came from a lab. An evil lab. Masks are evil also.

Anyway, what are your thoughts about the effectiveness of the vaccine and also what are your thoughts about the new Merck product? Also, if you need to see some alt right Twitter info then that will be forthcoming by Juan in the near future. How would you rate his posts.
10-08-2021 , 06:25 PM
Originally Posted by de captain
That might be the bullshit you want to talk about but it isn't the topic. Does your not answering my question mean you're still a million dollar confidant it didn't come from a lab?
That's not the topic..... what pop sci articles say about covid is just the bullshit you want to talk about.

I'd still take natural origin for a million dollar free roll. But I'd take the same deal for a coin not coming up tails. So not sure why you think that has anything to do with confidence.
10-08-2021 , 06:28 PM
never mind. Carry on with your **** flinging.
10-08-2021 , 06:35 PM
Guess you are not as interested in talking about the vaccine effectiveness or the new Merck product as the lab theory from 2019-20. No problem, thanks for the quick chat, and if you go to Breitbart you will see they have a recent article titled

"Biden Admin. Could Declassify Info on COVID Origin, But Doesn’t ‘Because They Don’t See a Political Upside’ in Finding Origin"

You will probably like it, and the comments section will get you cheering. Not sure if the journalist who wrote it ever wrote for Nature magazine. Does not matter.
10-08-2021 , 06:48 PM
Vaccine effectiveness is pretty well known. The new Merck pill isn't really a game changer.

You're the one who just started chiming in on a conversation about lab origin. But of course you're not willing to ever actually posit a position, you simply attack the people you don't like in a conversation without contributing anything.

If you don't think the possibility of it originating in a Chinese lab is relevant to BFI then maybe just listen and learn.

Originally Posted by Monteroy
...I do not place a ton of importance on that topic to discuss with randos for the moment...
Then why do you continue to do so incessantly?

Last edited by de captain; 10-08-2021 at 07:01 PM.
10-08-2021 , 07:05 PM
Actually I chimed in about the trend of some in this thread to claim certain things represent qualifications (such as being a write for Nature) simply based on the messaging. In this case that poster has always wanted to believe in the lab theory, so anyone who prints it in a magazine is an expert in his mind. The fact that write is generally dismissed by the scientific community does not matter, because scientists that do not say what he wants are idiots.

Is the dude right about the lab thing? Maybe. I don't know and you certainly have no idea. My theory is that information will come out in time, but even if he is right on that one that does not make him right about everything, unless one does a lot of cherry picking, which some here certainly engage in.

Thus, I was commenting more on the sloppy and inconsistent messaging that is seen in this thread, because that does make any secondhand information provided less important, hence the complete irrelevance of this thread in general.

To sum it up - the Nature dude may or may not be right about the lab theory. He is still someone that is generally regarded poorly by the scientific community. You can decide whether that community or a dude who rights for Nature is a more important source for scientific information in general. One poster above clearly picked Nature guy, maybe you will as well.

Originally Posted by de captain
Then why do you continue to do so incessantly?
A harmless activity in a harmless thread.

You talk about the need to "listen and learn." How about you list some of the important things discussed in this thread and the important posters as well. You can even use selective cherry picking to leave out all the stuff like the Covid started in 2002 or its a heat wave or hydroxy love or that the vaccines did nothing stuff. Take this time to educate the people who do not see the light as you do.
10-08-2021 , 07:20 PM
Originally Posted by Monteroy
A harmless activity in a harmless thread.
This is a ridiculously childish response in defense of childish behavior.

Originally Posted by Monteroy
How about you list some of the important things discussed in this thread...
Are you incapable of reading the thread for yourself?

Your inability to parse value doesn't mean that it doesn't exist. Quite a few people have said they gained value from this thread, and subforum. You've made it incredibly clear that you've gained no value from either. That's perfectly fine, but it doesn't mean you have to just **** all over it and yourself.
10-08-2021 , 07:56 PM
Originally Posted by de captain
This is a ridiculously childish response in defense of childish behavior.
Childish thread in general, though I do not choose to whine to or about the unpaid mods all the time. How would you characterize that behavior when you see it?

Originally Posted by de captain
Are you incapable of reading the thread for yourself?

Your inability to parse value doesn't mean that it doesn't exist. Quite a few people have said they gained value from this thread, and subforum. You've made it incredibly clear that you've gained no value from either. That's perfectly fine, but it doesn't mean you have to just **** all over it and yourself.
How have you gained value from this thread?
10-08-2021 , 09:31 PM
The thread didn't start out childish in nature (it's incredibly obvious that you didn't read any of the thread before you started posting, if you had you would know the thread was incredibly serious in nature at the beginning). With regard to the moderation, neither of the moderators participate in the forum anymore, and both have said in the past that they no longer have the time to moderate the forum. That's certainly understandable but it's left a vacuum that they seem unwilling to let anyone else fill. I don't participate in a lot of the subforms but from what I've seen this is by far the least moderated subforum.

Yes, I have received value from this thread, as well as from other threads in this subforum. Yes, I have directly made money from following posters in this subforum. Contrary to what the non BFI posters think, many of the regular BFI posters, myself included, don't always, or even usually, agree with Tooth on many topics. That said, I have directly made money from more than one of Tooth's trade recommendations.

You continually ask everyone if they've received value from this thread, and subforum. Plenty of people have expressed that they have received value. You then keep asking us to point it out to you. That's not our job. Grow the **** up.

I'm sorry that you can't recognize alpha. That doesn't mean it doesn't exist. It continues to exist, but there is much less of it now because of posters like yourself who only post to read your own stupid bullshit, and because you continually ***** about people being unwilling to point the value out for you.

Last edited by de captain; 10-08-2021 at 09:40 PM.
