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Coronavirus Coronavirus

02-25-2021 , 11:13 AM
Came across this article today

Some notes:

A very sick newborn, treated at Children's National Hospital in Washington, D.C., was found to have not only a new variant of the novel coronavirus, but a viral load 51,418 times higher than other young patients
It's not clear how common or how risky this new variant might be. The database found eight other cases of this variant in the US mid-Atlantic region, according to a pre-print study, which has not yet been peer-reviewed, on coronavirus variations in children
The variant, researchers said, has a different type of spike protein structure that may make it more infectious
In the past five months, the number of pediatric coronavirus cases has gone up "dramatically,"
And we do know that some children are more vulnerable than others — the death rate of children of color is far higher than that of their white peers. As of February 11, 241 children have died of COVID-19 and the vast majority have been Black, Hispanic, or American Indian or Native Alaskan
02-25-2021 , 01:07 PM
Originally Posted by lvr

not sure if this was posted but funny how bill gates forced oxford to go profit only instead of open source like they originally wanted

make a foundation but everything has to be profitable lol
Oxford backed by google/Alphabet group also. The idea they weren't/aren't planning to profit from vax is a lie.
02-25-2021 , 04:55 PM
Originally Posted by lvr
How old are you Joe?

shitting on family life is straight up clown **** lol

If you are over 30 you should feel embarrassed

People generally get over the hoe phase by their late 20s and generally stop bragging about doing drugs way before that
It's actually quite remarkable that on the same website he's trying to learn how to date, he can go around being condescending to people in general, never mind people celebrating their daughters birthday. Then refer to it as "dunking" while putting his social skills on display getting what a mid life crisis is completely backwards


A girl on social media changed her profile pic!

I've got a plan!!!!!


I'm going to send her a message in a month or 2!

Interesting incident in Canada. It seems like department store employees engaging in some sort of royal rumble puts their actual beliefs on display. Their actions demonstrate they're not exactly scared of the virus but will maul you in the name of obedience and compliance. Seems familiar
02-25-2021 , 05:04 PM
Are you guys loving Dr. Burry's Twitter today or what
02-25-2021 , 08:22 PM
Originally Posted by juan valdez
It's actually quite remarkable that on the same website he's trying to learn how to date, he can go around being condescending to people in general, never mind people celebrating their daughters birthday. Then refer to it as "dunking" while putting his social skills on display getting what a mid life crisis is completely backwards


A girl on social media changed her profile pic!

I've got a plan!!!!!


I'm going to send her a message in a month or 2!

Interesting incident in Canada. It seems like department store employees engaging in some sort of royal rumble puts their actual beliefs on display. Their actions demonstrate they're not exactly scared of the virus but will maul you in the name of obedience and compliance. Seems familiar
In the name of obedience and compliance.

Now I understand how communism and nazism takes over a seemingly semi-intelligent population, vast majority of humans are just brain dead and can't think for themselves.

You can take away all their freedoms and they will abide by it if you create an enemy big enough and you tell them to trust the government. They will also turn on each other if they see someone "breaking" from the newly established norms that everyone else follows. Lemmings.
02-25-2021 , 09:22 PM
Originally Posted by Tien
In the name of obedience and compliance.

Now I understand how communism and nazism takes over a seemingly semi-intelligent population, vast majority of humans are just brain dead and can't think for themselves.

You can take away all their freedoms and they will abide by it if you create an enemy big enough and you tell them to trust the government. They will also turn on each other if they see someone "breaking" from the newly established norms that everyone else follows. Lemmings.
That is Britain in a nutshell.

That is why I want a civil war here.
02-25-2021 , 09:44 PM
It's downright remarkable that you dorks are still talking about me, I'm not sure I've ever struck a nerve quite like this
02-25-2021 , 10:06 PM
Originally Posted by JoeC2012
It's downright remarkable that you dorks are still talking about me, I'm not sure I've ever struck a nerve quite like this
Originally Posted by JoeC2012
Cappers of OOT:

A girl from the past just changed her Instagram pic from one with her boyfriend to one of just herself. What are we making the odds that she's actually single now?

(I will text her and find out for sure in a month or two -- if she actually did break up, messaging her now would look a bit thirsty, and besides I'm busy with moving right now. Just looking to scout the early line.)
02-25-2021 , 10:25 PM
Originally Posted by lvr
Really making my point for me here
02-26-2021 , 10:57 PM
Originally Posted by revots33
for whatever reason Biden/Fauci etc. seem to want to extend the pandemic in people's minds...
Not them but how many powerful people want to extend the pandemic so the Fed can keep pumping billions into the stock market?

Someone might even want it badly enough to keep creating new and scarier strains.

printer definitely stays on
if enough people aren't afraid they'll give us something to fear
go bbbbrrrrrrrrr
03-02-2021 , 10:00 PM
God bless Texas.

At 100% re-open. Hopefully this puts pressure on the rest of the world to re-open full force.
03-03-2021 , 01:41 AM
Originally Posted by Tien
God bless Texas.

At 100% re-open. Hopefully this puts pressure on the rest of the world to re-open full force.
Weren't you the one saying lock up the olds? They have not all been vaccinated and new more contagious strains are spreading, putting them even more at risk. Now you say forget protecting the old people, open everything and let's pretend it's gone.
03-03-2021 , 05:39 AM
All senior home residents have received 1 vaccination shot and 40% of folks over 65 have received 1 shot. Within a few weeks all 65 plus will be vaccinated 1x.

A 3rd vaccine is approved now which will have a supply dump into vaccine availability and increased vaccination rates.

That's good enough to open up.
03-03-2021 , 07:33 AM
Originally Posted by revots33
Weren't you the one saying lock up the olds? They have not all been vaccinated and new more contagious strains are spreading, putting them even more at risk. Now you say forget protecting the old people, open everything and let's pretend it's gone.
shup please

the olds the olds

that's the only thing you ever post

you would burn down your own house to kill a few cockroaches
03-03-2021 , 09:54 AM
It's a response toward what I said that the right decision to make from last summer onwards was to lock down the olds.

The online world is having a meltdown over this decision right now. I'm pretty sure 99% of those upset over this decision don't even know what the covid death rate is for under 50 year olds.
03-03-2021 , 11:06 AM
Originally Posted by Tien
All senior home residents have received 1 vaccination shot and 40% of folks over 65 have received 1 shot. Within a few weeks all 65 plus will be vaccinated 1x.

A 3rd vaccine is approved now which will have a supply dump into vaccine availability and increased vaccination rates.

That's good enough to open up.
Well the argument could be made that with only a few weeks until all elderly people have full vaccination, why fully open now with the finish line in sight.

I am not against reopening but with 3 vaccines in distribution, we are almost there.

And we still have to worry about outbreaks among younger people. True most will be fine but if colleges or places.of business such as restaurant workers start having major outbreaks it will derail the recovery before it starts.
03-03-2021 , 10:36 PM
New York is doing this dumb thing where retail outlets are only giving vaccines to people over 65 and people otherwise eligible can only get the vaccine from NY State operated locations.

Only NY State locations with appointments available before April 16 are all in upstate New York at least 3 hours away (Albany).

This makes no sense because Walgreens in Manhattan have appointments available for a few weeks so some doses have to be just sitting around.
03-03-2021 , 11:51 PM
Originally Posted by revots33
Well the argument could be made that with only a few weeks until all elderly people have full vaccination, why fully open now with the finish line in sight.

I am not against reopening but with 3 vaccines in distribution, we are almost there.

And we still have to worry about outbreaks among younger people. True most will be fine but if colleges or places.of business such as restaurant workers start having major outbreaks it will derail the recovery before it starts.
You are saying this after a full year of covid lol

The damage has already been done and this will be looked back as the worst decisions human ever made

The fear of death lead civilisation down an extremely dark path that we may never recover from

When did prevention of death becoming the single most important principle in society anyways? so bloody weird
03-04-2021 , 12:59 AM
Originally Posted by grizy
New York is doing this dumb thing where retail outlets are only giving vaccines to people over 65 and people otherwise eligible can only get the vaccine from NY State operated locations.

Only NY State locations with appointments available before April 16 are all in upstate New York at least 3 hours away (Albany).

This makes no sense because Walgreens in Manhattan have appointments available for a few weeks so some doses have to be just sitting around.
That's surprising with the new J&J vaccine being rolled out, I'd think it would be easier to get an appt these days. Some people I know got theirs by checking for openings at odd hours like 2am. You probably know the site but continually checks the major NYC sites for open appointments.
03-04-2021 , 06:15 AM
Originally Posted by lvr
When did prevention of death becoming the single most important principle in society anyways? so bloody weird
03-04-2021 , 12:08 PM
Originally Posted by revots33
That's surprising with the new J&J vaccine being rolled out, I'd think it would be easier to get an appt these days. Some people I know got theirs by checking for openings at odd hours like 2am. You probably know the site but continually checks the major NYC sites for open appointments.
I strongly suspect it's just bureaucratic momentum and lack of bandwidth at Cuomo's administration (he's busy with sexual harassment claims.)

I'll be very worried if the situation persists for another two weeks.
03-04-2021 , 05:50 PM
Originally Posted by lvr

When did prevention of death becoming the single most important principle in society anyways? so bloody weird
OK so Society is a collection of people under a common form of gov't right?

What beside the below might you add to their organizing "principles" and how would you rank them?

- provide border protections/security from death whether from war or from disease being brought in where collectively possible and means to fight it, once in

- provide common infrastructure that can foster business and community growth

- provide policing and courts to settle disputes

- etc


I would rank them in that order. Once you can establish and hold a border (which by definition means protecting the lives of those within it) you can then move on to the next 2.
03-04-2021 , 07:30 PM
Originally Posted by revots33
That's surprising with the new J&J vaccine being rolled out, I'd think it would be easier to get an appt these days. Some people I know got theirs by checking for openings at odd hours like 2am. You probably know the site but continually checks the major NYC sites for open appointments.
I got my appointment on the NYC site.

The trick is at the point where the site tells you there is no appointment available, refresh the page by clicking on the calendar and selecting a day (can be same day) to refresh availability (don’t refresh page, that forces you to redo the questionnaire leading up to availability)

It took a few tries but I still scored an appointment in about 10 minutes.

The vaccine site wasn’t nearly as crowded as when my wife got it.

The “end” is in sight, at least in NYC, where the “end” is defined as anyone that wants a vaccine will have gotten it. After that I expect things to ramp up to some semblance of normalcy in a few months.
03-05-2021 , 12:25 AM
Originally Posted by chytry
The fact that you think my post is ******ed shows how far we have gone as a society

Prevention of death at the cost of everything else huh? even our humanity?

@cuepee I'm not going to post something that off topic but it's obvious that we as humans have never ever valued life as the #1 principle in any society through out history

prevention of death has never been and should never be the #1 priority of society especially at the cost of things like liberty
03-05-2021 , 02:15 AM
Originally Posted by lvr
The fact that you think my post is ******ed shows how far we have gone as a society

Prevention of death at the cost of everything else huh? even our humanity?

@cuepee I'm not going to post something that off topic but it's obvious that we as humans have never ever valued life as the #1 principle in any society through out history

prevention of death has never been and should never be the #1 priority of society especially at the cost of things like liberty
Wear a mask, socially distance, wash your hands. That's essentially what most were asked to do. Oh and stay home during the worst spikes, although even in NYC I've been enjoying golf, outdoor dining, seeing friends and family, going to parks etc. throughout the entire pandemic.

You may think it's a valid position to just let the virus rip and kill millions more than already died. Some don't. Some see it as a slap in the face to healthcare workers risking their own health trying to save the lives you so casually dismiss.
