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08-06-2020 , 08:58 PM
Who started this thread anyway?
Cuepee, how about you go back to the beginning
of the thread, read it and then continue your argument.
The amount of value TS has brought to this thread and
forum, whether his advice is good or not, cannot be discounted.
Your arguments are readily available all over the net.
I'm not a trump supporter either. Not that that makes my
point any more valid, one way or another.
08-06-2020 , 10:04 PM
Originally Posted by kustard
Who started this thread anyway?
Cuepee, how about you go back to the beginning
of the thread, read it and then continue your argument.
The amount of value TS has brought to this thread and
forum, whether his advice is good or not, cannot be discounted.
Your arguments are readily available all over the net.
I'm not a trump supporter either. Not that that makes my
point any more valid, one way or another.
A lot of posters would disagree with this btw. It can, and has been argued that a majority of what TS contributes has negative value.

Also, its hard to take anything he says seriously because hes so disingenious and is the king of gas lighting.

Leave and come back in 2 years, he'll be arguing with somebody new. One thing that remains constant in this forum, is that almost every thread is TS having drama with someone. (usually multiple people)

The constant disfunction is him.

(also agree Cupee needs to post like 75% less and or take it somewhere else though)
08-06-2020 , 10:36 PM
Originally Posted by WorldBoFree
A lot of posters would disagree with this btw. It can, and has been argued that a majority of what TS contributes has negative value.

Also, its hard to take anything he says seriously because hes so disingenious and is the king of gas lighting.

Leave and come back in 2 years, he'll be arguing with somebody new. One thing that remains constant in this forum, is that almost every thread is TS having drama with someone. (usually multiple people)

The constant disfunction is him.

(also agree Cupee needs to post like 75% less and or take it somewhere else though)
I often don't agree with him but he can think critically and express himself intelligently. Is he perhaps blind to some of his own biases and prejudices?
who isn't?
Does he feed the fire a bit too much with different posters, sure.
I think it's worth it.
08-06-2020 , 10:39 PM
I've been lurking here since 2003 and had an account until the forum got hacked or whatever in 2007 or whenever it was. So yeah i hope he or someone is still arguing here in a few years
08-07-2020 , 12:09 AM
This whole page is a big TL;DR
08-07-2020 , 02:59 AM
Thanks for making it even worse

YW to the ones who will say that to me
08-07-2020 , 06:38 AM
Originally Posted by WorldBoFree
Leave and come back in 2 years, he'll be arguing with somebody new. One thing that remains constant in this forum, is that almost every thread is TS having drama with someone. (usually multiple people)
Probably because of the following:

1. He is a very smart person.
2. He is willing to say anything if he believes it is true.
3. He has a very specific worldview.
4. He has become overly contrarian in defending Trump.
5. He seems to love winning intellectual boxing matches.

He's right most of the time. Well, at least well-reasoned most of the time.

I would agree he takes it too far on occasion. He engages with left wing trolls too often which is why he has so many arguments. He is exactly the kind of person who triggers them.

He should realize those arguments are beneath him.
08-07-2020 , 08:17 AM
Originally Posted by Max Cut
Truly remarkable the level and depth of cognitive dissonance the TS groupies display as they rush to his aide whenever he's getting an ass whooping. And if you don't want TS's politics in the thread, ****ing tell him instead of the people responding. Maybe you don't because you know he wont listen due to his mental issues, I don't know. Seems silly anyway to try to exclude politics from the discussion when Trump has done so much harm by basing his every statement, response, and decision on what he perceives as most beneficial to him and his campaign instead of dealing with it like a rational adult with any sense of humanity. But hey I support anyone willing to tell TS to STFU, or as doofy treesong would say, GTFO.

What you and Cuepee are choosing to ignore is that everyone here thinks you’re ******ed — including people who strongly disagree with TS about many things. You’re totally full of ****.

Challenge: post something that is informative, or useful, in this thread, and is based on facts/data/research rather than opinion/ideology/broad political commentary.
08-07-2020 , 08:39 AM
The last time Max Cut tried to post something about Corona he said the experts "nailed it every step".

Cuepee decided to go to bat for that point and both of them got destroyed.

It takes a certain level of oddity to post something like that, get wrecked completely in an argument, pretend it never happened, and walk around thinking you know it all.
08-07-2020 , 09:31 AM
Originally Posted by Tien
The last time Max Cut tried to post something about Corona he said the experts "nailed it every step".

Cuepee decided to go to bat for that point and both of them got destroyed.

It takes a certain level of oddity to post something like that, get wrecked completely in an argument, pretend it never happened, and walk around thinking you know it all.
I have blocked these guys because all they do is derail the thread. All the poltards infecting this thread should go to the OOT Coronavirus thread. Its full of gloom and doom Trump bashers and they would be welcomed and be right at home instead of trying to discuss facts with adults.
08-07-2020 , 10:29 AM
Originally Posted by mrbaseball
I have blocked these guys because all they do is derail the thread. All the poltards infecting this thread should go to the politics Coronavirus thread. Its full of gloom and doom Trump bashers and they would be welcomed and be right at home instead of trying to discuss facts with adults.
Truthfully I don't think the OOT mods would put up with posters like Max and Cuppe very long. They definitely should be quarantined to politics.
08-07-2020 , 10:46 AM
Originally Posted by Kelhus100
Truthfully I don't think the OOT mods would put up with posters like Max and Cuppe very long. They definitely should be quarantined to politics.
Have you read that OOT thread? They would be right at home with the mods cheering them on But yeah, these guys are typical politard posters and I refuse to go anywhere near that forum.
08-07-2020 , 10:56 AM
Trying to get the thread back on track: there was a interesting article in Science about challenge trials. There is an organization called 1daysooner that has tried to find volunteers for challenge trials and has apparently found over 36000 of the same. So there seems to be no shortage of volunteers; the question is whether the FDA will permit challenge trials.

I don't know enough about challenge trials to know if they require a control group, but if they do I can well understand the ethical problems associated with one. From a purely utilitarian perspective, challenge trials seem quite reasonable, but utilitarianism may well not be the best guide here.

Also: Cuepee delenda est ITT.
08-07-2020 , 11:30 AM
Originally Posted by despacito
What you and Cuepee are choosing to ignore is that everyone here thinks you’re ******ed — including people who strongly disagree with TS about many things. You’re totally full of ****.

Challenge: post something that is informative, or useful, in this thread, and is based on facts/data/research rather than opinion/ideology/broad political commentary.
Should I be thanking you for this and your other informative or useful posts directed at me that are based on facts/data/research rather than opinion/ideology/broad political commentary, as well as those of many other posters in this thread?

Challenge: EAD
08-07-2020 , 11:38 AM
Originally Posted by Tien
You aren't mentally well Cuepee.

By all means continue if you wish. There really isn't any tears from me if you continue spamming.

It's an internet forum at the end of the day.
I do love it.

Toothsayer can proclaim for all to see "I do not politard this thread. It is you' and no one calls him on it. No one say 'hey man, own up to your part'.

Even as I bury him in his own politard stuff from weeks or months prior to me joining this thread, NOPE, it is me. He should get zero blame.

Great that you don't care but many on this forum do care. But it is CLEAR and SELECTIVE what they care about. And it is NOT politarding this thread, which TS has made, by design a politard filled thread. What they DO care about is having to read replies which refute what he says and shine a light on Trumps horrendous handling of this virus.

"NO MAKE IT STOP NOW. All was good prior when it was just Dem blame. that is just honest fact and not politarding. But the Trump blame. That is unfair. MODS PLEASE MAKE THEM STOP."

The above is the indisputable FACT of this thread.

Even as Toothsayer now proclaims nothing I quoted above is politarding no one calls him to say 'c'mon man. That is obviously political. Own your part' and that is SOLELY because he is on the partisan side they support. He feeds them confirmation bias and they cannot or do not want to see that and those who highlight it draw their ire.
08-07-2020 , 11:54 AM
Originally Posted by RikaKazak
You're a ****ing ******.

I'm not voting for Trump...I think Trump has handled covid like horseshit.

But how does ANY of that have anything to do absentee voting (or delaying the election, or whatever the **** you're spewing on about)? And why are you talking about politics when there's an entire section dedicated to politics?

Sure TS is talking politics non stop, and it's annoying. But at least he's adding value to the discussion. You're a negative to this forum. Not only do you add nothing, but you subtract some by distracting interesting/productive conversations.

**** off loser.
As you cry MODS, MODS please help protect our safe space I will just let this reply stand.

Originally Posted by Max Cut
Truly remarkable the level and depth of cognitive dissonance the TS groupies display as they rush to his aide whenever he's getting an ass whooping. And if you don't want TS's politics in the thread, ****ing tell him instead of the people responding. Maybe you don't because you know he wont listen due to his mental issues, I don't know. Seems silly anyway to try to exclude politics from the discussion when Trump has done so much harm by basing his every statement, response, and decision on what he perceives as most beneficial to him and his campaign instead of dealing with it like a rational adult with any sense of humanity. But hey I support anyone willing to tell TS to STFU, or as doofy treesong would say, GTFO.


Originally Posted by kustard
Who started this thread anyway?
Cuepee, how about you go back to the beginning
of the thread, read it and then continue your argument.
The amount of value TS has brought to this thread and
forum, whether his advice is good or not, cannot be discounted.
Your arguments are readily available all over the net.
I'm not a trump supporter either. Not that that makes my
point any more valid, one way or another.
Sure if others want me to do that I can.

Most of the quotes I posted above from TS where from weeks if not months before i joined the thread. He was politarding with his 'Trump brilliant" and "Dems Bad" stuff long before my first post.

If you are asking me to start combing thru from the beginning and bump and reply to those posts I am happy to.

But it will be a lot of bumped posts as it took only minutes for me to grab all those above as he does it so often.

And i have no issue with his data driven posts that are not crafted towards supporting 'Trump brilliant, Dems bad'. To say if I have no issue with those I should not then call out his very deliberate posts crafted to say 'Trump brilliant, Dems bad' when it pretty clear that is his over arching goal is spin all the prior data to that conclusion is just nonsense.

And BTW i noticed in the early parts of this thread the poster 'Shuffle' called out the TS for some of his more blatant politarding. He too got piled on and told not to 'politard the thread' and he reconsidered and backed off. That left the TS to keep politarding without being challenged and he did. And none of the people who called out Shuffles called out the TS.

Safe Space, protected and maintained!!

When I was first engaged with the cry of 'don't politard the thread' I actually decided I would stop. i posted some pure economic (GDP ) posts and immediately, IMMEDIATELY, the TS and another poster started to taunt me for not replying to a potlitard post he had made claiming it was proof i had no reply and they were right.

When i did then reply, I got called out, again by others, and TS did not, despite daring and challenging me to post a politard reply.

So that is why I do not and will not care about the tears. Merge this thread the one in the Politics forum as that is where it belongs. Do not PRETEND it is not a politard thread as TS has never allowed it to be anything but.

That is the proper Mod role here as there is no denying the TS is the one forcing this. You guys only have one counter which is 'if you guys do not reply to the TS poltarding, it will not be politarded.' That is just stupid.
08-07-2020 , 12:19 PM
Originally Posted by Tien
The last time Max Cut tried to post something about Corona he said the experts "nailed it every step".

Cuepee decided to go to bat for that point and both of them got destroyed.

It takes a certain level of oddity to post something like that, get wrecked completely in an argument, pretend it never happened, and walk around thinking you know it all.
Haha, imagine the idiocy it takes to say the above while IGNORING all this is what the person being argued against is saying and he is claiming both BEFORE and even AFTER this was posted he does not politard the thread...


Originally Posted by ToothSayer View Post

I love all the special pleading from Nittery and Hoagie. It doesn't bode well for your philosophical grasp of numbers or objectivity when you do that. But rather than explain it in detail, here are the facts which stab all your special pleading in the heart (and give it corona besides):

This is a Democrat disease, which is just one of many things that makes blaming Trump and his supporters for the mess so far so utterly absurd. For the slow: I'm not blaming Democrats for this, these are just the facts, which I'm using as a counterpoint to the completely insane/irrational people blaming Trump and his supporters for what's happened so far.

You would think so, but it's actually not that simple. Voting preference is a much stronger correlate for infection than population density, amazingly.


Originally Posted by ToothSayer View Post

Trump's not the downfall of anything. Three things have hurt the US and will continue to hurt it:

1. Left wing thinking causing grievance and victim culture (they've ruined dozens of cultures and billions of lives) which always causes social divisions and hurts the poor
2. China stealing vast amounts of wealth and the shift of global economic and military power to a dangerous dictatorship (as dangerous as Nazi Germany in 1933) while Bush and Obama slept. Trump is the first to attack that.
3. Regulations choking off industry and investment. Trump has done massive economic good by cutting red tape in enormous ways. Any businessman will tell you that.

Trump is responsible for neither (1) or (2) and has been a massive positive on (3). There are no other threats to US primacy or strength.

Read the post above. Oops. You're another one the politics clowns bringing your insane bullshit into this thread.

I'm not blaming Democrats for corona. It's pretty simple:

1. Worthless politics posters come in here bashing Trump and blaming Trump voters for spreading corona by not wearing a mask

2. I point out that 80% of cases are spread by Democrats who don't listen to Trump anyway, so how can Trump be at fault?

3. Worthless politics posters claim I'm blaming dems because they lack basic reasoning skills. But what I'm obviously doing to anyone non-stupid is counterpointing their idiotic point they brought up by showing hard data that makes that point a joke (I'm not blaming anyone - idiotic politics posters are playing the stupid blame game)

4. With that dispatched, they move onto the next fake news meme of TRUMP SLASHES FUNDING TO TEXAS

5. Except it's all fake news.

How are you not embarrassed at your idiocy and how easily the media downloads bullshit into your brain? You're at the mental level of 2005 era Fox News rednecks, it's so embarrassing.


Originally Posted by ToothSayer View Post

Edited for clarity. It's a checkmate to the views of 20+ irrational Trump haters that all have the same view:

Fact: Democrats are 80+% of the spreaders
Democrat Opinion: It's Trump's fault

This is on par with thinking that rioting, pulling down statues and defunding the police will make black lives better rather than worse. Facts, evidence and reason don't matter, these people are out of their mind.

If the red states were the ones spreading it (rather than overwhelmingly the blue states, overwhelmingly disproportionately Democrat voting minorities, overwhelmingly disproportionately Democrat voting young people), then sure, you could have a point that Trump's lack of wearing a mask/politics is a big problem. As it is the data is 100% against that opinion, yet people keep holding it because facts and evidence don't matter; Trump is the witch and the village mob will blame her for everything.


Originally Posted by ToothSayer View Post

Nope, testing and tracing, small population (ultra simple to get enough tests - 3% of the population of the US!), central control both practically and legally, and a compliant, non-traveling populace was the difference. Trump had none of those things. If you put the Greek PM in charge of the US the result would look the same, sadly.

Again, your Trump Derangement Syndrome is causing you to make hilarious logic fails. You're better than that. If wearing a mask is a political issue, it's an issue for Republicans - if anything Trump not wearing making Democrats who hate him more inclined to be different.

But 80+% of spreaders are Democrats who hate Trump. So the vast bulk of the problem has nothing at all to do with the political stuff you talk about.

So why are you bringing up Trump mask wearing when logically it has made close to zero difference, and the CDC/WHO themselves said for months NOT to wear one? The only reason you would is Trump Derangement Syndrome in your media trained brain, because it has nothing to do with causing corona in the US in any meaningful way so far, and you're smart enough to know that.

What could Trump have done differently that would have substantially altered the outcome? If the red states (and Republican voters) were the majority and spreading this, I'd agree with you. But Democrats are overwhelmingly the majority spreading it. So your logic fails.

He nailed it up until March, then the US got totally shafted by the CDC's/expert's screwups (how can you handle a pandemic if you can't even test for it?). At that point nothing could have been done and the outcome was always going to be like this.

You say "objectively bad". What should practically have been done differently that would have a made a meaningful difference to the outcome right now? I'm going to laugh in your face if you say "wear a mask".

Testing has been ramped as hard as possible, national strategies put in place. I agree that the no mask stuff is terrible messaging, but it has not mattered in practical terms so far. So what should he have done differently that you think would have made a difference in say, 30% corona, 0.3% death rate minority Trump-hating Kings suburb in NY? That would have altered the behavior of the young Democrats spreading it? Minorities? There isn't even hard evidence that population mask wearing makes a lot of difference (The CDC and WHO for months said NOT to wear one)

Except nearly all the ridiculousness is all on the Trump hating side here. They're far nuttier than even the Republican idiots who say corona is a hoax.


Originally Posted by ToothSayer View Post

So Trump should have gone AGAINST the advice of the CDC and WHO, who both said for months NOT to wear masks?

Completely incapable of what? You can't unify anyone when the batshit insane left wing media is on a rampage to attack, attack, attack, using any lies possible.

Left wing thinking divided the country, and nothing else. A policeman in a Democrat state of a Democrat city with a Democrat police chief had a policeman do a standard hold on a career criminal resisting arrest with a heart condition and drugs in his system (he didn't choke). He followed standard training set by the black Democrat police chief. The optics of this (by people who don't care about facts - another left wing trait) led to nationwide riots (mostly by white hard leftists and anarchists), which Democrat mayors and governors cynically encouraged by telling their police forces to stand down while they looted and burned. In Democrat Seattle, they let protestors take over 6 city blocks and murder people.

Democrats created the toxic victim culture, the narrative of systemic racism (a total myth, culture determines success these days), the idea that the system needs to be overthrown. That toxic poison created the division, and nothing else. Leftists have ruined dozens of countries the same way.

Yeah man. A "proper leader" could have stopped the CDC scientists from screwing up their tests. The president would get a virology degree in a few weeks in his spare time and go verify the tests himself and spot the flaws that none of any of the experienced Democrat scientists making and vetting them did. He could have overridden scientific advice from both the CDC and WHO not to wear masks. Then he would shut down the country while the experts at the CDC were telling him that there was "no community spread" and while no other country was shut down. He could have made Democrat voters (the vast majority of spreaders - minorities and the young) not go to illegal parties in NY and elsewhere, not hook up on dating apps after months of lockdown, not be irresponsible and party. He could have made Cuomo not force infected seniors back into nursing homes despite having zero power to do so.

Your take is so utterly ridiculous. You're the problem with America, son, not Trump. And FFS save your politics for the politics forum. You're so jacked on irrational dumb hate you can't even post on topic. Democrats are ruining this thread (like they're ruining America) with their fact-free Trump hate.


Originally Posted by ToothSayer View Post

My info is still excellent. It's not a coincidence that everyone who disagrees is a rabid anti Trumper, constantly bringing politics into this thread. And batshit crazy about it too.

Trump hating weirdos: Trump not wearing a mask is the reason for this spread

Me: Lots of facts that destroy that claim (the vast majority of spreaders are Democrats, mask wearing makes little difference as practiced in the West (it's great in Asia with obedient populaces used to mask wearing), the CDC themselves said not to wear one for months during the time of greatest spread.

Trump hating weirdos: <lose their minds and try to argue again undeniable facts>


Originally Posted by ToothSayer View Post

You and GreenSmoke85 are so gone with political bias you can't even understand what's being said. It's not a "whatabout" thing.

Political idiots: Trump's lack of mask wearing caused a lot of this suffering

Me: The data clearly shows that Democrats are the vast majority of spreaders, so how can Trump's lack of mask wearing be the critical thing here?

Political idiots: OMG you're blaming Democrats?? That's whataboutism!

Step outside your completely ****ed up minds for a moment and appreciate that this has nothing to do with "blame". This claim that's been made simply not supported by the data:

It may be supported by the data in a few months depending how red states/counties go. It is no supported by the data in any way right now. If it was supported by the data I'd agree with it.

Furthermore, as I've shown, mask wearing post lockdown end seems to make little difference to country outcomes. The US is equivalent to ultra-low-infection Germany for mask wearing, and has 5x the mask wearing rate of ultra-low-infection Australian and Finland (57% vs 10%). Clearly masks are not the key differential in post-opening infection rates.

How is this so hard for you to wrap your head around? Just amazing intellectual incompetence by both you and GreenSmoke85. Even beyond intellectual, this is just failure to be a functional human being. If you can't get simple things like this correct, how on Earth are you going to figure out the truth in more complex situations?


Originally Posted by ToothSayer View Post

Yes, but not on mask wearing, which was the original claim I debunked, and that people like you are so batshit crazy and irrational that you refuse to accept that claim is thoroughly debunked.

If you want to blame Trump for the "underlying factors" - meaning stuff other than masks - then that's a separate discussion. It's also wrong, but it's a separate discussion.

"America" is touting itself?

America does have the best people. But longstanding left wing bureaucratic policy stopped the best people from making tests while the idiot bureaucratic experts under Fauci and Birx screwed up those tests. Private labs were legally prevented from making tests by left wing bureaucratic norms established under Obama. The experts screwing up the testing, plus the long established norms of banning private tests in epidemics (the same procedure was used in previous epidemics), meant that the result was all but inevitable. You seem not to understand this.

The US has massive disadvantages in dealing with this, namely:

- It's a highly international and mobile country (lots of infections incoming, difficult to lock down without large economic damage and social disruption)

- It's enormous, with the third largest population in the world. This means getting enough tests in the first few months to track, trace and isolate is impossible.

- It has high levels of inviolable legally mandated freedoms (unlike most other countries), so it's very hard to lock down and forcibly isolate or quarantine people as you need to do in a pandemic, or force testing and tracing.

- It's highly decentralized, with the federal executive/President having close to zero practical or legal control over health care, policing, emergency policy (like lockdowns), or anything at all really. In fact it's the most decentralized country on Earth by far. It's more like a cluster of 50 countries than it is a centralized government. This makes coordinated response impossible. For example, the Democrat mayor of NYC, Bill de Blasio, was telling people to go out and socialize and not worry about the virus, to live their normal lives and go to parades, Chinatown, etc, all through February until mid-March, just before lockdown. Trump was supposed to do what with this? Beg this Trump hater to lock down his city? He would have been laughed at. The Democrats openly called Trump racist and overreacting when he locked borders to China (something the entire world ended up doing).

- The logistics of coordinated organizing a response in the US are crazy. You have dozens of different federal departments, hundreds of state departments, thousands of localized responsibilities, tens of thousands of hospitals and community centers with their own billings, command chain, policies, suppliers. It's a logistics problem beyond handling, and there's no centralized command chain in place in a free decentralized society to make that happen.

- The US is a very diverse society with a populace with low social responsibility and impulse control in many regions who are guaranteed to spread corona widely.

Except it's not on leadership at all. Here's what happened;

- Trump acted brilliantly early - task force with the best bipartisan experts, China ban, testing development and ramp starting in January.

- The experts screwed up the tests, and didn't discover the screwup until weeks into the ramp. The US was completely ****ed at this point and 130K were going to die no matter what Trump did. That was your "black hawk down" moment - the initiative was lost and the only thing to do was hold your dick and wait for massive amounts of death to happen. The experts also screwed up their advice, advising people NOT to wear a mask for example. Both the WHO and CDC said this.

- Everything done since that screwup has been irrelevant; the result was predetermined at that point.

That's the reality. You can't wrap your head around that reality because you don't understand cause and effect (and want to hate Trump), but that is literally what happened.

People like to blame figureheads for disasters. It's human nature. Churchill was widely seen as a hero of WWII, but he was voted out just after the war, because people associated him with war (even though he was a hero responsible for the defense of Britain) and wanted to put that behind them. This was a bitter moment for Churchill obviously (he never got to be a non-war Prime Minister), but it's what humans do. So i don't blame you too much for being a total moron about this. It's a common human failing to be that stupid.

The problem here is that you can't test and trace because the virus ran ahead of the testing infrastructure despite the early initiative. Once you can't test, messages are irrelevant, and barring a highly destructive lockdown (which you can't even argue for because you have no data on infection rates because you have no tests), the virus is guaranteed to sweep through your population. Did you also miss the fact that multiple NY Democrats openly called Trump a racist and overeacting at border closures, and exhorted people to go out and live their lives normally? Hows that for "doubting and conflicting in times of crisis"?

Irrational idiots who can't evaluate data dispassionately such as yourself piss me off and are the reason we have this pandemic in the first place. I argue against irrational idiots who are penny stock chasers, Republicans, Democrats, christians, atheists, Tesla bulls, Tesla bears. I really don't have a dog in this fight except to call out idiotic notions. And the notion that Trump is to blame for this is idiotic - it's contradicted overwhelmingly by facts and data.

it takes a special kind of stupid to make the argument you do here. Oh you got me with that one example which you are not even presenting in context, when I can post all the above in full context.
08-07-2020 , 12:19 PM
Imagine being so biased that you can view the above quotes by the TS, and even if you ignore all the 'anyone but Trump is at fault' that infuses his entire premise, and all the 'correlation equals causation' fallacious arguments TS makes as he tries to draw the line that Dems being the ones getting most sick = Dems and not Trump being to blame, and still call out others and not the TS for politarding this thread.

Good god, the blinders that people put on when wanting confirmation bias material to be spoon fed them.

The TS is shouting DEMS, DEMS, DEMS and EXPERTS, EXPERTS, EXPERTS are to blame while Trump has been "excellent" and 'is a victim of circumstances beyond his control'.


yes, yes, if we could only get rid of the guys who reply to TS politarding of the thread, and force them to only post in the Politics this thread would have no politarding in it.

Well outside the constant stream from the TS that is. But we like what he is saying so that is the acceptable potliarding.
08-07-2020 , 12:40 PM
Good grief. I had to unsub from this thread cuz even with Cuepee (and others) on ignore it was unreadable. Good to see nothing has changed.
08-07-2020 , 01:16 PM
Originally Posted by mrbaseball
Have you read that OOT thread? They would be right at home with the mods cheering them on
I'm pretty sure there would be zero tolerance for the type of manifestos posted here. From either side. This thread is now unreadable.
08-07-2020 , 01:26 PM
Originally Posted by Didace
I'm pretty sure there would be zero tolerance for the type of manifestos posted here. From either side. This thread is now unreadable.
Well maybe? I have had them blocked for over a week but the OOT thread is basically an Orange Man Bad! cheerleading section.
08-07-2020 , 02:13 PM
Originally Posted by mrbaseball
Well maybe? I have had them blocked for over a week but the OOT thread is basically an Orange Man Bad! cheerleading section.
As opposed to your thoughtful, important 'I just don't get testing? Why would you ever get tested?' contributions.
08-07-2020 , 03:26 PM
Orange man isnt bad? Explain.
08-07-2020 , 03:59 PM
Originally Posted by m_reed05

As opposed to your thoughtful, important 'I just don't get testing? Why would you ever get tested?' contributions.
I said I don't understand why the public in general should get tested and I still don't. Front line workers whether it be health care of walmart checkers then sure. People whose work forces them into personal interactions then sure. But why should people working from home and following guidelines need to be tested?

Testing I believe is overblown. I would like to see a reliable antibody test though because I think lots of people already had covid and didn't even know it.
08-07-2020 , 05:04 PM
Originally Posted by mrbaseball
I said I don't understand why the public in general should get tested and I still don't. Front line workers whether it be health care of walmart checkers then sure. People whose work forces them into personal interactions then sure. But why should people working from home and following guidelines need to be tested?

Testing I believe is overblown. I would like to see a reliable antibody test though because I think lots of people already had covid and didn't even know it.
The reason testing is important is because it has a causative impact on lowering the reproduction of the virus. If you can get results within 24 - 48 hours, you can engage in widespread contact tracing, which will inherently lowering the reproduction of the virus. Every little step, weather it be testing, masks, eating outdoors at restaurants, all lower the reproduction of the virus. The objective is to use all strategic resources to lower the r naught. Each strategic method may not have a significant impact on their own, but when you combine all of these strategic methods into one, you get drastic decreases in the reproduction of the virus, and this is why quick efficient testing is important, and other countries have already proven this.
