Originally Posted by ToothSayer
Experts are mostly useless morons in novel situations. They're subject to all the same basic errors of logic and not understanding data biases that the people getting it wrong in this thread are. There's nothing magical about being an expert in a situation like this; the data is clear and obvious. If experts had any clue they wouldn't have done such a horrible job coming up with containment measures for this or been so late calling it a global health emergency, which it was OBVIOUSLY going to be from late January.
This is a mistake Tooth. What is true is that many claims of expertise are nonsense or very weak. This is true particularly in economics and wherever politicians or organisations are the ones claiming to speak of the expertise.
However epidemiologists are experts in epidemiology and any who are working on Corona/similar virus types are going to be way way better informed than you or I. Thinking we know better than those experts is idiocy.
The problem is how much filtering there is between these experts and what we hear. Those filters are mostly straightforward politics and lack of comprehension by the people between us and what the experts are saying. Prof Whitty is competent to understand what he is being told the experts but some political filtering is to be expected. Even so his statement was qualified which is a good sign and it's very unlikely he is directly contradicting the experts for some political reason.