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View Poll Results: Which name do you like better?
Envee Properties
8 61.54%
Sababa Properties
5 38.46%

09-25-2014 , 02:23 PM
Hi everyone,

I am currently writing a business plan for a real estate investing venture. I wanted to get some opinions on a business name. Please take 2 seconds to vote for which name you like more. I appreciate every opinion.

1. Envee Properties
2. Sababa Properties

If you could take a minute to let me know what kinds of emotions or what comes to mind when you hear those names, again, I'd really appreciate it.


PS. I'm open to hearing suggestions for names. I'm by no means attached to any particular name - those 2 are just the ones I've come up with (I don't want to give explanations as to what they mean, if anything, because I don't want to bias the feedback).
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09-25-2014 , 02:42 PM
I don't like either of those names.

Envee, sounds like Envy which is one of the 7 deadly sins.
Sababa sounds Arabic, and that is a negative ethnicity here in America.
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09-25-2014 , 03:24 PM
I don't like either one either with my reason for not liking the first being the same as the first poster while I don't like the second because I find it hard to pronounce.
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09-25-2014 , 06:37 PM
Thanks for the feedback so far!
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09-25-2014 , 07:03 PM
Envee isn't bad, but Sababa is awful.
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09-25-2014 , 07:34 PM
Both names are bad.
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09-25-2014 , 08:14 PM
Envee sounds like the realtor would show up in a Hummer, the second is simply bad.
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09-25-2014 , 10:24 PM
"Bluth Estate" Real Estate Ventures is better than both of those.

Those are both really bad. Why stop at those, though? let's look at some synomyms:

Envee: Lust Investments. Sloth Properties. Etc.
Sababa: Sinbad the Sailor Investments. Arab Property Group. Etc.

What do you want to evoke? Misspelled sins? Arabian (k)nights? I would aim a little higher.
Business Name - Poll Quote
09-25-2014 , 11:07 PM
Appreciate the feedback. Will not be using either name. Will come up with some more options and then post another poll.

Envee Properties had no meaning. I liked the way it sounded and looked but it seems to bring up the wrong emotions.

Sababa is actually a Hebrew word meaning awesome. I thought it sounded cool and was memorable but was worried about it sounding "foreign" and the replies backed that up.

Thanks guys.
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09-25-2014 , 11:30 PM
If someone suggests a name I end up using, I'll ship them $25 on PS. Keep in mind the domain name must be available.
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09-25-2014 , 11:32 PM
You need to provide the imagery / attributes you want the name to communicate
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09-25-2014 , 11:53 PM
I want the name to evoke feelings of honesty and professionalism while sounding simple and memorable. I realize that I was totally off on evoking those feelings lol.

Also to clarify, the business is not a real estate brokerage. I'm going to be buying investment properties and renting them out. So the group of people I will be dealing with are tenants as well as motivated sellers.

Looking forward to some suggestions.
Thanks 2+2
Business Name - Poll Quote
09-26-2014 , 01:09 AM
Originally Posted by GabeTheKid
I want the name to evoke feelings of honesty and professionalism while sounding simple and memorable. I realize that I was totally off on evoking those feelings lol.

Also to clarify, the business is not a real estate brokerage. I'm going to be buying investment properties and renting them out. So the group of people I will be dealing with are tenants as well as motivated sellers.

Looking forward to some suggestions.
Thanks 2+2

Seriously, the name doesn't matter. Your last name + real estate services will be fine.
Business Name - Poll Quote
09-26-2014 , 02:48 AM
Originally Posted by BrianTheMick2
Your last name + real estate services will be fine.
This. Unless you have a redicilous aweful last name.....
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09-26-2014 , 09:17 AM
Magnificent Investment Properties, LLC.
Magnificent Properties, LLC.
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10-01-2014 , 07:22 PM
What are some thoughts on "True Bleu Properties, LLC"? To me it sounds French, but I'll be doing business in Canada so this can even be a positive.

A non-french spelling could be "True Blu Properties, LLC"

I can't use "Blue" because that domain is taken.
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10-01-2014 , 07:34 PM
It makes me think of cheese, to be honest.

I vote for stopping trying to be clever/aspirational and just call it "Gabe Properties" or similar.
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10-02-2014 , 04:19 AM
Juicy Properties, LLC.
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10-02-2014 , 04:02 PM
Star (name of city) properties.

ex. Star Toronto Properties.
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