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12-19-2013 , 01:00 PM
why arent there more btc exchanges, is the investment to open one so large? I hear two guys that opened bitstamp had 5million euro profits since november
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12-19-2013 , 01:02 PM
Originally Posted by Gullanian
Bitpay, refund policies have all been suggested to you and you slammed them because your situation with dynamic contracts is far more complicated and special. Which is why I suggested a short as an option if you're really sensitive to a bit of volatility. Now you're selling widgets? That's easy, just use Bitpay.

We take lots of CC payments. What perks are we missing out on? All we seem to do is get charged a good %, and get fairly regular chargebacks at $15 each. CC offer nothing in regards to protection for a business accepting them. Are you talking about buying things now?

I'm struggling to understand your situation here. What is it exactly you are selling?
Lets answer these questions first and 1 is a repeat.

-Your business never buys anything it just sells stuff? Cool story.

-How good in finance/business and how much resources do you think it takes to short BTC successfully given the current state? Why would a business that sells something successfully ever care about shorting Bitcoin? There are management theories such as stick to your knitting that you must always take into account.

Widgets and BTC really have nothing to do with the discussions I am proposing so if we can get to my original questions in a more robust manner that would be sweet.
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12-19-2013 , 01:03 PM
Here in the UK it's simply a problem with banking sector refusing to service Bitcoin businesses.

It's also an extremely high risk business, you're a world wide #1 target for top hackers. If you're naive you're going to get burnt.
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12-19-2013 , 01:04 PM
Originally Posted by MileyBynes
Lets answer these questions first and 1 is a repeat.

-Your business never buys anything it just sells stuff? Cool story.

-How good in finance/business and how much resources do you think it takes to short BTC successfully given the current state? Why would a business that sells something successfully ever care about shorting Bitcoin? There are management theories such as stick to your knitting that you must always take into account.

Widgets and BTC really have nothing to do with the discussions I am proposing so if we can get to my original questions in a more robust manner that would be sweet.
I can't help but thinking your hugely overcomplicating/overthinking this, and you keep dancing around to different situations and definitions.

What do you sell? Let's start from there.
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12-19-2013 , 01:11 PM
Originally Posted by nimbus

Ask yourself why the mainstream public would ever adopt btc. I'm aware of the low transactions costs and anonymity associated with btc.
This isn't even really true. It's only semi-true if you are dealing with large amounts of money. Right now in order to make a transfer it's going to cost you .001 BTC, or about .65 cents at todays rate. So if I'm buying something for a few bucks I am getting taken to the cleaners. If I'm shipping $5 million, I'm getting a good deal.

Then factor in how much it costs to turn fiat into bitcoin and bitcoin into fiat (into your bank account, not on an exchange).

Your looking at 2-3% ballpark. SO with bitcoin touting awesome low fees, why am I paying way way way way more to use it then a credit card? ****, the credit card actually PAYS ME 1-2%! So now it's 4-5% more expensive to use bitcoin then a credit card and If my BTC gets stolen, they are gone. If someone runs up my stolen credit card, I get my money back. It seems like a no brainer. It's kind of like things evolved backwards. Bitcoin should have come first and the credit card should have come after.

Bitcoin is great for the underground market, not mainstream stuff.
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12-19-2013 , 01:16 PM
Originally Posted by TomCollins
Except you can have 1% fee right now today if you use Bitpay, or even less if you have enough business to warrant flat fee.

Money deposited in your account tomorrow instead of in 30 days like a CC. No chargebacks. No exchange rate risk.

-CC processors I use have no exchange rate risk so thats a non issue.

-I make enough money using CC's against what I lose so its smart to form business relationships with them and the people that support them.

-You can actually get credit lines against CC sales so you can actually have way more money then you could ever want if you do it right and 30 day timeframes are a non issue.

-Lots and lots of protective features for the seller and buyer already built in for free.

-If I process 1 million in CC transactions and I know 20k - 40k is coming back every year regardless of the 10 payment options I offer I just add in that expense so I can afford to absorb the 40k loss. Bitcoin is to volatile for this. Sht I can lose 40k in 1 day on BTC lol.

Not sure what you guys are doing but we are having really different business experiences. Always happy to learn!
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12-19-2013 , 01:17 PM
Originally Posted by Gullanian
If someone wants to pay for something in Bitcoin, why would you ever turn down that business or ask them to exchange it into something else and come back? You should just be thankful you're getting orders, and take as many as you can.
Ummm, what?

So you think every American business should accept payment in Rupees? Or every Peruvian business should accept payment in Yen?

There are significant costs and risks that go in to accepting different payment methods or to consider them to all be equal footing for a business is a little crazy to me.
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12-19-2013 , 01:20 PM
Originally Posted by mmbt0ne
Ummm, what?

So you think every American business should accept payment in Rupees? Or every Peruvian business should accept payment in Yen?

There are significant costs and risks that go in to accepting different payment methods or to consider them to all be equal footing for a business is a little crazy to me.
That's not what I said. If we get emails saying "I want to pay in Yen" then sure, we'll look at ways to accept that business because we want to make money. So far no emails requesting Yen, but we've had emails asking for Bitcoin.

Bitcoin really is quite easy to implement and starting accepting orders for. Yen perhaps is harder.
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12-19-2013 , 01:22 PM
Originally Posted by MileyBynes
Lots and lots of protective features for the seller and buyer already built in for free.
What protective features do CC offer sellers who accept them?

Also, what do you sell? I'm curious now and you're not answering for some reason.

Last edited by Gullanian; 12-19-2013 at 01:28 PM.
Bitcoins - digital currency Quote
12-19-2013 , 01:32 PM
Originally Posted by Gullanian
What features do CC offer sellers who accept them?

Also, what do you sell? I'm curious now and you're not answering for some reason.
-I have 5+ online and 5+ offline businesses currently so getting into what I sell is not as important as 1 might think (also busto'ed like 5+ 100k biz ideas in my life lol so what you sell is not that big of a deal to me).

I have listed tons of benefits to both accepting and forming business relationships in a CC environment please stop making me list them.

-Free sht
-Money back
-Access to more customers
-Credit Line access
-Tax/Legit business accounting
-Product access
-Resource use

the list really goes on an on.

Back to my questions?
Bitcoins - digital currency Quote
12-19-2013 , 01:35 PM
What you sell is important because you keep telling us that accepting Bitcoin is not suitable for you as you have special circumstances (dynamic contracts or something).

None of those things you listed are "protective features for the seller".
Bitcoins - digital currency Quote
12-19-2013 , 01:43 PM
I am now Bitstamp verified. Coins are currently $660. I'm pretty pissed it wasnt verified 2 days ago when they were $400. If i were to buy now, how long does BS usually take to cash out to my bank should I wish to do this?

Last edited by dappadan777; 12-19-2013 at 01:57 PM.
Bitcoins - digital currency Quote
12-19-2013 , 01:43 PM
Originally Posted by Gullanian
What you sell is important because you keep telling us that accepting Bitcoin is not suitable for you as you have special circumstances (dynamic contracts or something).

None of those things you listed are "protective features for the seller".
What you sell is important.

-Nope business is more similar then you think. We breath the same air, bleed the same blood etc. type sht. Some of my biz's have performance/dynamic based contracts and some dont. BTC **** up the ones that do and occasionally the ones that dont? Some have every hope in being paid in BTC some have no hope. Not sure what the point is still here. Some swing crazy in BTC some dont.

None of those things you listed are "protective features for the seller"

-Free sht = Insurance
-Money back = Insurance
-Access to more customers = Insurance
-Credit Line access = Insurance
-Tax/Legit business accounting = Insurance
-Product access = Insurance
-Resource use = Insurance

While I could probable elaborate on why the above provides protection for the seller for another 20 reasons Ill just leave it to 1 for now for the simple minded.

Hope someone starts addressing the pertinent questions I have been asking soon.
Bitcoins - digital currency Quote
12-19-2013 , 01:48 PM
Ok, well, good luck to you and your 10 plus businesses. I can't really fully understand what you're saying or asking.
Bitcoins - digital currency Quote
12-19-2013 , 01:53 PM
Originally Posted by Gullanian
Ok, well, good luck to you and your 10 plus businesses. I can't really fully understand what you're saying or asking.
No problem G much respect.

The question is pretty simple. Out of all my choices (plus a few I missed) what are the top five payment processing choices for businesses the next 5 years and why. Hoping BTC makes a run!
Bitcoins - digital currency Quote
12-19-2013 , 02:08 PM
Originally Posted by mmbt0ne
Ummm, what?

So you think every American business should accept payment in Rupees? Or every Peruvian business should accept payment in Yen?

There are significant costs and risks that go in to accepting different payment methods or to consider them to all be equal footing for a business is a little crazy to me.
Another weird thing about this is I turn down business deals all the time and it does not matter who shows up, with how much and in what form. This is not even a remotely optimal approach to business I can assure you regardless if BTC is the revolution of payment.

Lets not even get me singing old school Bob Marley songs...
Bitcoins - digital currency Quote
12-19-2013 , 02:22 PM
America Biz in Summary:

-Buy your old hoe a new car with a new logo its tax free
-Buy your new hoe an old car and its tax weeeeeeeeeee
-Problem solved
-I just can't wait till BTC gets involved!
Bitcoins - digital currency Quote
12-19-2013 , 02:38 PM
Originally Posted by Gullanian
Here in the UK it's simply a problem with banking sector refusing to service Bitcoin businesses.
what do you make of this:

Bitcoins - digital currency Quote
12-19-2013 , 03:06 PM
My read on the comments in this thread is no one has spent or processed close to a million in 1 year on CC's, more less the other 10+ unique payment types I mentioned in this thread. I have and if you think CC's are a detriment compared to BTC's you just aint doing right. You can accept both but you just might not be doing it right. Who knows. Radio silence it seems to all my questions so far.
Bitcoins - digital currency Quote
12-19-2013 , 03:14 PM
-Yeah it was cute when Tom Collins named BTC the next internet

I named 10 alternatives and I'm just waiting for TC to do the same next:

1. Internet

Last edited by MileyBynes; 12-19-2013 at 03:26 PM.
Bitcoins - digital currency Quote
12-19-2013 , 03:42 PM
Originally Posted by MileyBynes
-Yeah it was cool when Tom Collins named BTC the next internet

I named 10 alternatives and I'm just waiting for TC to do the same next:

1. Internet
I'm not sure if you are intentionally trolling, but your last few posts make it seem this is the case. you started off with some valid points. then it seems as though you started drinking. some of your statements/questions were incoherent, which makes it difficult to respond. asking for 10 alternatives to the internet makes zero sense. talking about buying hoes cars makes zero sense. some people responded to your questions (as I understood them), but you completely ignored them. accepting btc might not make sense for your business right now. bitcoin is still in its infancy. it is still evolving. I believe tc's main point with comparing the internet to bitcoin was that the internet was not nearly as useful when it first came out, compared to today. many people foresee improvements to bitcoin, which will make it much more useful in the near future.
Bitcoins - digital currency Quote
12-19-2013 , 03:53 PM
Originally Posted by notaveryclevername

asking for 10 alternatives to the internet makes zero sense.

talking about buying hoes cars makes zero sense.

some people responded to your questions (as I understood them), but you completely ignored them. accepting btc might not make sense for your business right now. bitcoin is still in its infancy. it is still evolving.

I believe tc's main point with comparing the internet to bitcoin was that the internet was not nearly as useful when it first came out, compared to today. many people foresee improvements to bitcoin, which will make it much more useful in the near future.
-I provide direct points to my posts. No alternatives. Specific questions let me know. Read my lines. Theres like 5x the meaning within the meaning, its hard to explain sometimes to the the inexperienced/slow.

-Post any specific questions I missed and i will respond.

-The internet and BTC should not be used in the same sentence when it comes to inventions or business and its not even close. Just prove otherwise. Examples and comparisons are good.
Bitcoins - digital currency Quote
12-19-2013 , 04:01 PM
Originally Posted by notaveryclevername
many people foresee improvements to bitcoin, which will make it much more useful in the near future.
Take a look at mastercoin:

Its a protocol built on top of bitcoin that will eventually have the ability for a distributed exchange with securities that track the price of gold, USD, stocks and trading contracts based on events (eg sports betting).
Bitcoins - digital currency Quote
12-19-2013 , 04:03 PM
Mastercoin is really interesting but I struggle to get my head around it.
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