Originally Posted by PatInTheHat
I guess I phrased that poorly. I mean I wouldn't be shocked at all to see this lose 75%+ of its value in a day. I wouldn't want to be in long term at these prices.
There is too much money in now and too much money sitting on the sidelines to buy during such an immediate drop. You might see a shock and recovery (we've seen this a lot lately), and a bleed, but I just don't see a ton of money immediately not jumping in if it crashes, unless there are technical glitches or some absurd type ruling like making it criminal to possess Bitcoins.
Originally Posted by DefendTheCult
These prices aren't sustainable. It's a pull out when your goals are hit, and come back in if you feel comfortable in the next dip.
Cool story. Why are they unsustainable?
Originally Posted by ianlippert
I haven't paid attention to this thread since the last crash but if I remember last time tom you seemed very bearish on bitcoins. Now you are full steam ahead bullish, what changed? What concerns did you have that have now been alleviated?
Bitcoin has survived its first serious bubble and now I am interested in getting into it.
Your memory is correct. I was in on the early bubble in 2011, saw the potential, just didn't see the roadmap to get to that potential. Got bored, dropped out, saw it stagnate for a year. Then the investment started coming in to actually show how that roadmap was not only possible, but likely. I've been doing my homework, getting way more involved, and learning more about what is actually happening. And right now the momentum is too huge. One of my concerns was of alt-coins making it not scarce (and ruining all crypto), that pretty much has been solved by alt-coins being jokes and wider adoption of Bitcoin. Governmental problems are much lesser based on neutral/positive guidance/cases. And I began to understand the investment world better and can see where this is going. I am stocking any money I can afford to lose into Bitcoins presently and getting involved in several projects, extensively networking, etc...
This is no longer pure speculation, there is active development in actually making the things Bitcoin can be superior at possible. That's probably been my biggest change, is seeing what is actually being built and its not just some random idiots with geocities-like webpages, which it was in 2011.