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05-01-2013 , 06:13 PM
Selling Bitcoins for MB/Stars/FTP $ or € , 3% vig.

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05-01-2013 , 06:57 PM
Originally Posted by The Nemesis
1milly/coin would be more like it under these circumstances. ebay adoption alone would get us past 1k/coin.
Explain how ebay adoption gets there. Because increased speculation, or actual usage? How would you imagine it being used by ebay?
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05-01-2013 , 07:09 PM
Ebay adoption does not get bitcoin to $1k/coin, this is just another random statement with no facts or analysis to back it up. Just because a big site adopts bitcoin usage, doesn't mean every user will start using it.
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05-01-2013 , 07:23 PM
Originally Posted by RaineTech
Ebay adoption does not get bitcoin to $1k/coin
I agree. Not trying to start a flame war, but if someone really thinks ebay accepting bitcoin will cause the value of them to explode to 1K/coin... just lol.

Maybe we could start talking big numbers if ebay announced they were now accepting Bitcoin, and all ebay/paypal transactions would take place ONLY in Bitcoin, then we can start talking big numbers.
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05-01-2013 , 07:32 PM
Originally Posted by TomCollins
Explain how ebay adoption gets there. Because increased speculation, or actual usage? How would you imagine it being used by ebay?
i have no idea how it gets there. my point is that 1k/coin isnt pure fantasy, and bettng that we get to <$10/btc vs >$1000/btc within the next 7 months isnt a freeroll.
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05-01-2013 , 07:42 PM
Originally Posted by starvingwriter82
I agree. Not trying to start a flame war, but if someone really thinks ebay accepting bitcoin will cause the value of them to explode to 1K/coin... just lol.
thinking that we might get over 1k/coin if the EU fails, and advises every one to take up BTC is ridiculous. i can see how if you could think this you would think ebay adoption would have no effect.
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05-01-2013 , 08:06 PM
What you don't understand that even if the people in charge at e-bay decide to adopt bitcoin today it still won't be available to the public before the end of the year. This is not some small shop adding a pay with bitcoin button. Their legal department alone will take months to make sure there aren't any issues with accepting bitcoin. It will push the price up when they make the announcement but not to a $1000/bitcoin.
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05-01-2013 , 08:15 PM
Originally Posted by The Nemesis
thinking that we might get over 1k/coin if the EU fails, and advises every one to take up BTC is ridiculous. i can see how if you could think this you would think ebay adoption would have no effect.
is it necessary for something to fail in order to drive the price up?

imo even if EU stabilizes, US repays the debt (lol), and somehow nanotechnologies/asteroid mining/artificial IT creates complete abundance for humanity, it still wont change the fact that BTC>current transactional system.

yes there are problems with BTC as of now, but the technology is in its infancy and the general consensus is that most of these issues can be rectified

have you asked people on the street about BTC? 99% of them laugh or are just completely clueless, and even if they know something usually we hear two words repeating tullips", "bubble".

right now the biggest problems are ignorance and adoption and both of them are interconnected. ignorance cannot be changed unless BTC is recognized from reputable players on the worldwide scene - multi billion companies/governments. only then the average joe will stop laughing and and start using it.

the process has already started.
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05-01-2013 , 09:07 PM
Originally Posted by iLLuS10n-
is it necessary for something to fail in order to drive the price up?

imo even if EU stabilizes, US repays the debt (lol), and somehow nanotechnologies/asteroid mining/artificial IT creates complete abundance for humanity, it still wont change the fact that BTC>current transactional system.

yes there are problems with BTC as of now, but the technology is in its infancy and the general consensus is that most of these issues can be rectified

have you asked people on the street about BTC? 99% of them laugh or are just completely clueless, and even if they know something usually we hear two words repeating tullips", "bubble".

right now the biggest problems are ignorance and adoption and both of them are interconnected. ignorance cannot be changed unless BTC is recognized from reputable players on the worldwide scene - multi billion companies/governments. only then the average joe will stop laughing and and start using it.

the process has already started.
So have you actually asked people on the street, or are you just another guy pulling numbers out of his ass? I have talked to random students at my school about it and almost all of them ranged from having heard about them to knowing quite a bit about them. We had an entire class discussion about them just a few weeks ago when we were discussing gun control and how 3d printers allowed for gun making. And then I brought up silk road/buying guns illegally, and then the teacher knew about it, and then kids knew about it, and boom full fledged bitcoin discussion. I think you underestimate how much these constant headlines in the major media outlets get read by average joe people.
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05-01-2013 , 09:16 PM
Originally Posted by RaineTech
So have you actually asked people on the street, or are you just another guy pulling numbers out of his ass? I have talked to random students at my school about it and almost all of them ranged from having heard about them to knowing quite a bit about them. We had an entire class discussion about them just a few weeks ago when we were discussing gun control and how 3d printers allowed for gun making. And then I brought up silk road/buying guns illegally, and then the teacher knew about it, and then kids knew about it, and boom full fledged bitcoin discussion. I think you underestimate how much these constant headlines in the major media outlets get read by average joe people.
Your audience is a bit skewed being a university setting. I am surprised at how many people I talk to have never heard of it and this is usually someone I think might have a clue what it is, ie Wall Street traders or even currency traders, hell George Soros has not even heard of it.
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05-01-2013 , 09:21 PM
Originally Posted by RaineTech
So have you actually asked people on the street, or are you just another guy pulling numbers out of his ass? I have talked to random students at my school about it and almost all of them ranged from having heard about them to knowing quite a bit about them. We had an entire class discussion about them just a few weeks ago when we were discussing gun control and how 3d printers allowed for gun making. And then I brought up silk road/buying guns illegally, and then the teacher knew about it, and then kids knew about it, and boom full fledged bitcoin discussion. I think you underestimate how much these constant headlines in the major media outlets get read by average joe people.
Probably in your social circle of young tech students this is a known topic and I would not argue with this.

I am from Bulgaria and reside in Asia right now. 99% of my social circle of 30-50y old professionals out of the tech sector have never heard of BitCoins.

Yes i am big owner of BTC and have an incentive to spread the idea, but from my experience i have faced mostly ignorance.
Bitcoins - digital currency Quote
05-01-2013 , 09:45 PM
Originally Posted by iLLuS10n-
Probably in your social circle of young tech students this is a known topic and I would not argue with this.

I am from Bulgaria and reside in Asia right now. 99% of my social circle of 30-50y old professionals out of the tech sector have never heard of BitCoins.

Yes i am big owner of BTC and have an incentive to spread the idea, but from my experience i have faced mostly ignorance.
Young tech students? I am taking 0 tech classes. Half the kids in all of my classes are near brain dead. Trust me I am not appealing to some specific audience other than them being younger and not 50 years old. Are 50 year olds regularly using ebay anyway?

Also being that I actually work on wall street, I have yet to meet someone who has never heard of bitcoin.

Last edited by DickFuld; 05-01-2013 at 09:54 PM.
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05-01-2013 , 10:12 PM
Originally Posted by RaineTech
Young tech students? I am taking 0 tech classes. Half the kids in all of my classes are near brain dead. Trust me I am not appealing to some specific audience other than them being younger and not 50 years old. Are 50 year olds regularly using ebay anyway?

Also being that I actually work on wall street, I have yet to meet someone who has never heard of bitcoin.
Young people are going to be more technically interested. Something like 30% of adults in the US cannot even name the vice president.

Younger and in a university setting is already a very favorable demographic for Bitcoins.
Bitcoins - digital currency Quote
05-01-2013 , 10:18 PM
Originally Posted by RaineTech
Also being that I actually work on wall street, I have yet to meet someone who has never heard of bitcoin.
Sorry mate, just by saying you work on wall street, you opinion about the average people is disqualified. Nothing personal

Originally Posted by RaineTech
Young tech students? I am taking 0 tech classes. Half the kids in all of my classes are near brain dead. Trust me I am not appealing to some specific audience other than them being younger and not 50 years old. Are 50 year olds regularly using ebay anyway?
It isnt really about PayPal and their users, but if PayPal adopts it, then it will be Starbucks and the next thing you see is average people using BTC cards to pay electronically for the cab/public transport/fast food (as people do in Hong Kong with Octopus Cards)

Last edited by iLLuS10n-; 05-01-2013 at 10:24 PM.
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05-01-2013 , 10:56 PM

Kelso is a bitcoin supporter
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05-01-2013 , 11:10 PM
Originally Posted by iLLuS10n-
Sorry mate, just by saying you work on wall street, you opinion about the average people is disqualified. Nothing personal
Care to explain why given that my evidence is based on the following:
1. You clearly have not spoken to random people about this to state that "99% of people" have never heard of bitcoin.

2. I used the knowledge/interest of a random population of students in unrelated classes such as philosophy and public speaking as my example of why you are wrong.

3. Your/others retort was that because they are younger it doesn't matter, even though bitcoin/ebay/anything tech related is rarely used by the 50+ population.

4. Another statement was made about currency traders not knowing anything about bitcoin on wall st which was again clearly a fabrication of someone's delusions.
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05-01-2013 , 11:11 PM
Bill Gross (PIMCO) mentions Bitcoins in his latest market update.
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05-01-2013 , 11:13 PM
To clarify, it just shows he's heard of them. The post is actually a good read. His opinion on the market is worth considering. Link:
Bitcoins - digital currency Quote
05-02-2013 , 12:37 AM
Ebay accepting Bitcoins might not shoot them to $1000, but it certainly wouldn't be the craziest possibility. Even if they just announced plans to add it down the line, people don't always need the most solid reasons to go crazy speculating on Bitcoins.
Bitcoins - digital currency Quote
05-02-2013 , 12:53 AM
To me, there was an interesting thing in the article about the Ebay CEO talking about Bitcoin.

To start, I was like "whoa what the heck is going on, the heads of Paypal and Ebay sound like really clued in, up to date dudes who really grasp this stuff and are open to embracing it". This was completely crazy to me, because these are not businesses that have really done any groundbreaking in the last 10 years. Paypal especially has let things like Stripe and Square come along and innovate and take a big chunk of their pie.

So I was shocked at the Ebay CEO comments. But then he compared Bitcoin to Napster and Kazaa as being early, but failed, versions of more mature products that were successful later on. This really got me wondering: Is he actually thinking along some other lines, like creating what he considers a virtual currency, that really benefits Ebay but is actually some dumb thing like Flooz or Facebook tokens or something?

Anyway, just a thought, I've seen dumber things happen, and it just seems weird as hell to me that Paypal or Ebay would start dealing with Bitcoin in some cool way that would make everyone happy, as opposed to some dumb way where they try to take it over or change or clone it or who knows what.
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05-02-2013 , 01:07 AM
From what I've read about it, they seem to be considering accepting it for purchases, etc.

Somebody is gonna come up with something huge that is built on top of bitcoins, and that's what'll bring it up to 1k per. Something mindblowing and easy to use. I hope.
Bitcoins - digital currency Quote
05-02-2013 , 01:12 AM
Ripple I guess? I don't fully understand Ripple. I thought I did but then I saw 1000 people who are smarter than me saying "I don't fully understand Ripple" so I was like oh okay I probably missed something.
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05-02-2013 , 01:33 AM
Originally Posted by 27AllIn

Kelso is a bitcoin supporter
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05-02-2013 , 01:54 AM
Originally Posted by JimAfternoon
From what I've read about it, they seem to be considering accepting it for purchases, etc.

Somebody is gonna come up with something huge that is built on top of bitcoins, and that's what'll bring it up to 1k per. Something mindblowing and easy to use. I hope.
Unfortunately that already exists in multiple forms. It is called USD, EUR, GBP, JPY, etc....
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05-02-2013 , 01:58 AM
Programmer found. Thank you for all the PM's.
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