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01-02-2021 , 05:28 PM
Yea one random guy did some stuff. BTC doomed

before the bear tag line was everyone lost money in 2017 during the crash. now its, oh you just wait soon you're screwed.

Lol sideline boys
Bitcoins - digital currency Quote
01-02-2021 , 05:36 PM
Originally Posted by revots33
Up to $31.5k. I remember when it first hit $5k and I thought that was absolutely insane.

I do think this is being driven by a gold alternative/debasing of USD trade. How many people really think BTC will become a widely-adopted currency? Very few I suspect.

Congrats to those who saw this from the early days. I can't imagine another way to get this wealthy this quickly, with so little starting capital.
It's doesn't have to become a widely adopted currency. It will do just fine as a store of value for rich people and if regular people want to save in bitcoin then they are welcome.

Institutions storing their $$$ in bitcoin so it doesn't deflate away is enough to see bitcoin over 50 trillion. People that can't grasp this simple fact are not thinking it through.

Btw, with the recent rise of debit/credit cards with bitcoin cashbacks, we could argue that crypto/bitcoin is doing alright as a currency.

I personally like the idea of bitcoin as a savings mechanism, it doesn't have to take over as the global dominant currency, and there's nothing wrong with that.
Bitcoins - digital currency Quote
01-02-2021 , 05:39 PM
Originally Posted by astro
Bitcoin looks like a bubble, smells like a bubble, sounds like a bubble, has same properties that all other bubbles in the history of humanity...

Don't forget 'literally created because of a bubble.'
Bitcoins - digital currency Quote
01-02-2021 , 05:50 PM
Yikes, there's some sad stuff happening on the bitcoin reddit. Some recent posts:

Disabled vet here, who used to work in tech but my PTSD and TBI have all but made it impossible to keep up with the field and eventually became fully unemployable at VA standards. I do part time jobs here and there as I can but it's not sustainable between MH and seizures.

Feels like this is a rare opportunity to rise above my lot in life so to speak and I think because of that I worry that maybe it's all some kind of pyramid scheme because.. seriously can the powers that be really let this happen? I can't contribute to society much anymore so I'm supposed to always be on the bottom rung.

Anyone else feel it's too good to be true?
Yes i feel the same. Bitcoin is my only chance to get rich and help my family get out of our financial situation. I hope i made the right choice.
i have .058 and have put in as much as i can as a college dropout and i just feel like im not putting enough in or could have done a bit better
I think Bitcoin is a lot of people’s chance at wealth. The system right now is rigged and “trickle down economics” is the worst idea ever presented.

I hope Bitcoin will provide a future for me and you my friend. HODL!!!
I feel like it's the world's only shot at removing the elites from absolute control. Right now they create as much money as they like and buy real assets with it. With bitcoin, once they spend it, it's gone. They have to work like everyone else to get more.
Lots of FOMO, people cheering about how much money they made, how they deserve it, how they're saving the world AND getting rich quick. Michael Saylor is their new hero. And lots of "it goes up when I sell, down when I buy" posts.

If you like cringe-entertainment like The Office, or Nathan For You, I recommend it.
Bitcoins - digital currency Quote
01-02-2021 , 05:51 PM
think its prudent to derisk some ~32k for short term

Last edited by As1an1nvas1on; 01-02-2021 at 05:56 PM.
Bitcoins - digital currency Quote
01-02-2021 , 05:57 PM
Originally Posted by ThrowingRocks
Most of it is paper profits. Not many people are selling, profit isn't made until it's realized. Paper profit is theoretical.

Hot potato
People still in disbelief! You fail to understand what is happening right now. If things go according to what I think will happen, you and many others will be shocked.

The problem you and quite a few others have is that you think it's all 1 big scam.

The coming years, you will feel it. You have been told by many people, in fact you will realise just how ignorant you were back then(you will think back to this time period). You don't see it yet, but in a few years you will. You are blinded by rage and emotion right now.

I know you tell yourself now that it won't bother you but it will. Of course it will, just look at Schiff, the guy can't let it go, everyday he posts the same crap, sometimes he changes the wording but the message stays the same, I mean how crazy ca a person get, to get up each and every day, be wrong, yet tweet the same stuff again and again, and simply keep doing it, that's the definition of insanity, just ask Einstein!

Of course I can't tell the future but I'm not going to bet against innovation and a bunch of very smart people trying to change the world for the better.

Rich people getting on board, could send bitcoin into the 10's of trillions, we won't see that this cycle as that takes time. Retail saving in bitcoin is a genius idea, especially since 90% of people have no other way to get 5-10% a year.

With Square and other credit/debit card cashback providers, people get bitcoin back when they purchase stuff, they can then spend those bitcoins, so when people say stuff like nobody spends bitcoin, or bitcoin won't ever be a currency, blah blah, well this is a great way to get things rolling for bitcoin.

Slowly then suddenly.

The bitcoin protocol is getting integrated heavily into everyday life, don't sleep on this innovation, people don't even need to know it exists, they shouldn't have to either, all they need to know is that it works and that it is beneficial for them to try bitcoin.

Edit this is in, you talk about paper profits like the crypto space is illiquid or something? People can cash out whenever they want and many people do. There's 100's of thousands of traders not investors, that take profit and cash out regularly. Your Peter Schiff "paper profits" is something you state without any substance, remember he's an absolute donkey and has been wrong regarding bitcoin for 11 years straight!

1 last thing, I think is important and it's something I hear Saylor talk about and that is holding $$$. Cashing out into $$$, so it can deflate away at 15% a year (currently), yeah no thank you, I can see why big investors prefer to keep it running in bitcoin and just have "paper profits".

Last edited by The_Jackal21; 01-02-2021 at 06:10 PM.
Bitcoins - digital currency Quote
01-02-2021 , 06:07 PM
I'm waiting for quotes in units of Satoshis.
Bitcoins - digital currency Quote
01-02-2021 , 06:14 PM
Unless you’re uncomfortable with your btc allocation, why try timing?

Originally Posted by As1an1nvas1on
think its prudent to derisk some ~32k for short term
Bitcoins - digital currency Quote
01-02-2021 , 06:15 PM
My Dad is visiting right now and about 2 hours ago he was shilling me Doge, and NIO stock. He said I should get on doge because he has 100k shares and he making big money fast, and that I should put 5k in NIO because it's the next tesla.

I'm not ****ing joking
Bitcoins - digital currency Quote
01-02-2021 , 06:15 PM
Originally Posted by AtticusFish
Unless you’re uncomfortable with your btc allocation, why try timing?
i trade it

not financial advice
Bitcoins - digital currency Quote
01-02-2021 , 06:22 PM
Got it. Glgl
Originally Posted by As1an1nvas1on
i trade it

not financial advice
Bitcoins - digital currency Quote
01-02-2021 , 06:23 PM
Originally Posted by onemoretimes
The difference now is that all the coin being bought up is being locked up in things like GBTC. This is going to be the strongest run with the smallest corrections until it gets to a point that even HODLERS start taking profits.

Also, GBTC is trading at record premiums of 40%. This means they will continue to load up on on BTC and disperse shares.

No moon scenario left.
No moon?! What do you mean?
Bitcoins - digital currency Quote
01-02-2021 , 06:25 PM
Originally Posted by MSchu18
NO... and I stress NO... person that ever held or bought BTC at it's all time high has EVER LOST money.

the only way you loose money, is if you had sold your holdings.

As stated in the video I posted pages ago, the only mistake someone would have made if they had purchased Apple, Amazon or Google in the year 2000 would have been... IF YOU SOLD IT. you don't sell the opportunity of a lifetime.
If you look at the all time charts, that's most people during a long stretch in a downward trend. The people who've bought in the 2 big updrafts seem far fewer than the alternative.
Bitcoins - digital currency Quote
01-02-2021 , 07:00 PM
Originally Posted by rafiki
If you look at the all time charts, that's most people during a long stretch in a downward trend. The people who've bought in the 2 big updrafts seem far fewer than the alternative.
More dumb people than smart people, story checks out.
Bitcoins - digital currency Quote
01-02-2021 , 07:03 PM
10% correction is good... now upward BTC

that being said, it does feeling like we need a period of consolidation here to catch our breath because this last push up has been so explosive. Hopefully enough time to give me a chance to get another Cheque.
Bitcoins - digital currency Quote
01-02-2021 , 07:07 PM
Originally Posted by Shuffle
Why are you randomly guessing
Im not guessing, exhaustion is real. Go run a mile as fast as you can and tell me if you are not exhausted? How far and at what speed can you run...? How long until you can run again?

It is no different with markets. Once all the bulls have blown their wad price flips.

What perhaps you meant? is that I was guessing at the time frame? And IDK, sort of. The point I was trying to make is that I was not calling an end to what is clearly a very strong bull market, I was just observing exhaustion on the hourly and looking for a pause.
Bitcoins - digital currency Quote
01-02-2021 , 07:16 PM
Originally Posted by MSchu18
10% correction is good... now upward BTC

that being said, it does feeling like we need a period of consolidation here to catch our breath because this last push up has been so explosive. Hopefully enough time to give me a chance to get another Cheque.
LMAO didn't see this when writing my post. Often corrections are in both price and time...
Bitcoins - digital currency Quote
01-02-2021 , 07:39 PM
Originally Posted by rafiki
If you look at the all time charts, that's most people during a long stretch in a downward trend. The people who've bought in the 2 big updrafts seem far fewer than the alternative.
my state should have read... 'previous all time high of 2017'.
Bitcoins - digital currency Quote
01-03-2021 , 01:30 AM
34K! Champagne bubbles! So tasty
Bitcoins - digital currency Quote
01-03-2021 , 01:32 AM
Originally Posted by hansmolman
34K! Champagne bubbles! So tasty
a nice red wine for me cheers
Bitcoins - digital currency Quote
01-03-2021 , 01:38 AM
another Rolex...
Bitcoins - digital currency Quote
01-03-2021 , 02:05 AM
Sold ~ 25% of my coin, hoping to have the opportunity to buy back under 30k at some point in 2021. Buying TGT and WMT in the meantime.
Bitcoins - digital currency Quote
01-03-2021 , 02:21 AM
Eth made it to $800

Bitcoins - digital currency Quote
01-03-2021 , 02:22 AM
Originally Posted by dmatz327
Sold ~ 25% of my coin, hoping to have the opportunity to buy back under 30k at some point in 2021. Buying TGT and WMT in the meantime.
Long term capital gains tax rate > selling and hoping to rebuy considerably lower (which may never come) only to try to sell the top of the market at a short term capital gains tax rate
Bitcoins - digital currency Quote
01-03-2021 , 03:29 AM
Originally Posted by johnnyBuz
Long term capital gains tax rate > selling and hoping to rebuy considerably lower (which may never come) only to try to sell the top of the market at a short term capital gains tax rate
Mostly rebalancing, the time my never come in which case I'm quite happy with what I hold and what I've gained over the years.
Bitcoins - digital currency Quote
