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02-08-2018 , 03:14 AM
To the bears in the thread, do yourself the favor of watching the replay of Yahoo Finance's all Market Summit on Cryptocurrency. Institutional investors, regulators, politicians, financial journalists, essentially thought leaders in technology, finance, and economics are pouring into the space and legitimizing it and rationalizing its future functionality and value. A rational market or economy which believes only in the sentimental, collectible, or nefarious use cases of Bitcoin would not behave this way. Does this guarantee the long term future or success of Bitcoin vs other currencies? No. But it has a big, big lead over any of the other options and provides the most mature decentralized cryptocurrency available.
Bitcoins - digital currency Quote
02-08-2018 , 03:20 AM
Originally Posted by DoOrDoNot
Let's just dispel this myth of people moving millions or billions of dollars of money. They're moving crypto. To acquire crypto you have to buy it with money. To liquidate crypto you have to find someone who will buy your crypto for real money. Last time I checked my coinbase deposit limit was $250 a week. Even if I could get my limits on all exchanges as high as possible and buy coins from LBC etc it would take months to move even a million real dollars let alone a billion. And then the guy on the other end has to liquidate his!

No. Those big transactions you see on the blockchain are for the most part not actual money transactions. They're exchanges of crypto.
I didn't say money. And you're argument that bitcoin doesn't do x now so it can't to x in the future isn't a real argument. You haven't dispelled anything.
Bitcoins - digital currency Quote
02-08-2018 , 03:52 AM
If the relevant comp for bitcoin is the dot com bubble, then you probably should be buying most of the cryptos in sight with bitcoin most heavily weighted. Even with the dot com bubble tech heavy mutual funds still ended up doing very well over the past 30-40 years.

Even the most cited mania of all, the Tulip Mania, left behind a strong tulip/flower export industry that’s still shriving in Netherlands today. Early investors still ended up winners, provided they didn’t double down with borrowed money along the way.

Last edited by grizy; 02-08-2018 at 03:58 AM.
Bitcoins - digital currency Quote
02-08-2018 , 04:43 AM
Originally Posted by grizy
If the relevant comp for bitcoin is the dot com bubble, then you probably should be buying most of the cryptos in sight with bitcoin most heavily weighted. Even with the dot com bubble tech heavy mutual funds still ended up doing very well over the past 30-40 years.

Even the most cited mania of all, the Tulip Mania, left behind a strong tulip/flower export industry that’s still shriving in Netherlands today. Early investors still ended up winners, provided they didn’t double down with borrowed money along the way.
It's no coincidence one of the biggest, quickest crypto sell-offs ever culminated in CFTC/SEC hearing...Institutions don't buy TOPS. Textbook 3 wave gut-check sell off that had even OG Bitcoiners losing their minds.
Bitcoins - digital currency Quote
02-08-2018 , 04:59 AM
Venezuela is having an ico:

I believe this will work, and allow nations to programmatically inflation target bitcoin. Other's thing its terrible and bad and crazy.

Also relevant and interesting, an exchange announces it will "back" tether:
UpBit’s stance on Tether is announced:

"We are aware that there are various suspicions related to Tether," said an UpBit official.

"We will compensate the same amount of money to customers who have USDT on our exchange even if there is a problem."

Last edited by Nooseknot; 02-08-2018 at 05:29 AM.
Bitcoins - digital currency Quote
02-08-2018 , 05:10 AM
Originally Posted by Duffman08
You just answered why we aren't in the trillions of dollars total market cap for crypto yet...liquidity is not yet there for the big players....but exchanges are actively working on this every-day.
The market cap for cryptos is bull****. All these exchanges still rely on banks. And no reputable bank is going to allow a multimillion dollar (let alone billion lmao) deposit of gains made by crypto. So why not just use a really shady 2nd world bank and do away with crypto altogether? This is all a fugazi.
Bitcoins - digital currency Quote
02-08-2018 , 05:23 AM
Originally Posted by coordi
I really can't tell who the more delusional group is, the turbo bears or turbo bulls.
The turbo bulls talk over valid arguments that threathen the success of bitcoin or refuse to acknowledge their arguments are in favor of blockchain technology that can be implemented outside of btcoin.

Most of the turbo bears are worse though. They dont acknowledge simple facts about the value of bitcoin.
Bitcoins - digital currency Quote
02-08-2018 , 05:33 AM
turbo bull invest in their optimistic scenario, turbo bears talk alot.

Saying people can use technology outside of bitcoin is ignoring 9 years of solid developpment a super long and good(despite scaling issue that didnt last that long) reputation building from scratch.
Bitcoins - digital currency Quote
02-08-2018 , 06:49 AM
on the perma bulls vs bears stuff:

the bears can't seem to grasp the value thingy of crypto and thus it is bad and a bubble without solid reasoning.
the bulls tend to overestimate but engage in some interesting discussions.

Pretty much sums it up.
Bitcoins - digital currency Quote
02-08-2018 , 08:19 AM
Originally Posted by well named
Speaking as a lurking sort-of-bear, I'm definitely bitter that I'm not super rich from bitcoinz. I knew about it early enough to be :P

I'm not really looking for free investment advice though. It's just interesting to follow. As far as being bearish, I think some of the questions about where the value of bitcoin really comes from are meaningful. I understand the tech well enough (I work in tech, I have some background in cryptology, blah blah blah), and it's definitely intriguing. It's definitely cool. If coolness were a reliable measure of value, that would be enough. But when trolly asks about adoption, or about what bitcoin is ultimately going to be useful for, I think those are fairly reasonable questions. I find it difficult to take seriously claims that cryptocurrencies are going to replace banks. Not that anyone has to answer these questions or justify the value. But "how much money have you made?" isn't really a particularly compelling argument as far as figuring out the future of BTC. Although I take the point that in the mid-short term those questions may not really matter as far as opportunities to make money? But I'm mostly interested in what the long-term value of the tech really is. I can understand why the Big Ideas (for lack of a better term) capture people's imaginations, but I'm still a bit skeptical that it's really going to change the world in the way that the "HODL TO THE MOON" perspective claims.

On the other hand, I doubt that it's worthless too. I just don't know what the actual value is.

Bitcoins - digital currency Quote
02-08-2018 , 08:23 AM
Originally Posted by 6ix
guy needs to do some curls
Bitcoins - digital currency Quote
02-08-2018 , 10:20 AM
Originally Posted by grizy
If the relevant comp for bitcoin is the dot com bubble, then you probably should be buying most of the cryptos in sight with bitcoin most heavily weighted. Even with the dot com bubble tech heavy mutual funds still ended up doing very well over the past 30-40 years.

Even the most cited mania of all, the Tulip Mania, left behind a strong tulip/flower export industry that’s still shriving in Netherlands today. Early investors still ended up winners, provided they didn’t double down with borrowed money along the way.
See this is a fair point. For sure the people who got in way early when BTC was a dollar or less are always going to end up with a tidy profit. Also, if you'd put your money in the stock market right before the Great Depression, you'd recoup your losses within 30 years I think.

But then the Internet really was a revolutionary technology that transformed everyday life. Is there a case to be made that crypto is going to be the same kind of game-changer, or is it more like Beanie Babies? I would guess the truth is somewhere in between those extremes.
Bitcoins - digital currency Quote
02-08-2018 , 10:42 AM
Originally Posted by well named
Speaking as a lurking sort-of-bear, I'm definitely bitter that I'm not super rich from bitcoinz. I knew about it early enough to be :P

I just don't know what the actual value is
tl;dr summary, I fixed the post.
Bitcoins - digital currency Quote
02-08-2018 , 10:48 AM
Originally Posted by DoOrDoNot
Let's just dispel this myth of people moving millions or billions of dollars of money. They're moving crypto. To acquire crypto you have to buy it with money. To liquidate crypto you have to find someone who will buy your crypto for real money. Last time I checked my coinbase deposit limit was $250 a week. Even if I could get my limits on all exchanges as high as possible and buy coins from LBC etc it would take months to move even a million real dollars let alone a billion. And then the guy on the other end has to liquidate his!

No. Those big transactions you see on the blockchain are for the most part not actual money transactions. They're exchanges of crypto.
No, this is completely wrong. It's easy to get millions into the exchanges like coinbase/gdax. You obviously have no idea what you are talking about. Do some research first. You can do it within the same business day with a bank wire if you have a verified account with a $250 deposit limit on coinbase.

I also have a tiny $250 deposit limit as well for most options on my coinbase. Bank wire information might be little harder to find but it's there. If you send a bank wire to coinbase/GDAX it will clear the same business day (especially if you put the gdax reference information in it). I've done over 6 figures and it cleared the same day and I was able to trade all of it instantly. You can do this for millions. GDAX is set up for institutions and traders. It's how coinbase get's its bid/ask numbers for the coinbase retail side. GDAX offers free trading if you use limit orders and the market orders are .3%. So way cheaper than coinbase and everyone should use that over coinbase. It uses the same login information as your coinbase. You can instantly transfer over your coinbase funds into your gdax account. I recommend everyone doing that and go on youtube and learn how to do limit orders.

Last edited by AllinPoker; 02-08-2018 at 10:53 AM.
Bitcoins - digital currency Quote
02-08-2018 , 10:52 AM
Getting verified on gdax is much harder for people now. I ve tried sincerely November and still have no news from support
Bitcoins - digital currency Quote
02-08-2018 , 11:04 AM
Originally Posted by Trolly McTrollson
This all sounds like what I would call a "bubble," at least in the short term. I don't pretend to be an expert so maybe my terminology is off.
I'm of the position that it was in a bubble, yet long term undervalued.

Seems a bit contradictory...

If you are looking to make short term profits, yeah buying then can get you rekt, if you are looking for long term, buy when you can, don't try to time the market too much.
Bitcoins - digital currency Quote
02-08-2018 , 11:05 AM
ed, I only had a simple verification from coinbase but I didn't do my first bank wire till December and didn't have to do any extra verification to send it over to GDAX when I learned about it during that time. I just transferred over my money into the account instantly and was able to trade it instantly.
Bitcoins - digital currency Quote
02-08-2018 , 11:08 AM
Highly recommend the Cash app from Square if you are looking to purchase BTC.
Bitcoins - digital currency Quote
02-08-2018 , 11:15 AM
Originally Posted by WichitaDM
It is an argument why it doesn't need to be widely adopted to have massive value. It is valued today at 7-8k which is what the market deems the value to be and it ISN'T widely adoped. Imagine what a fair value would be if it ever was? If you think the market is way off you should be betting on/against it one way or another. If you aren't doing this then you are either full of **** or a coward. This i suppose is also part of the argument for the above.
Some people aren't betting against BTC because there isn't a great way to do so. Let me know when 2+ year options are available.
Bitcoins - digital currency Quote
02-08-2018 , 11:20 AM
Originally Posted by bahbahmickey
Some people aren't betting against BTC because there isn't a great way to do so. Let me know when 2+ year options are available.
I thought they rolled out investment vehicles for shorting Bitcoin like a month or two ago? Not sure about the details.
Bitcoins - digital currency Quote
02-08-2018 , 11:29 AM
Originally Posted by Trolly McTrollson
I thought they rolled out investment vehicles for shorting Bitcoin like a month or two ago? Not sure about the details.
regulated futures market was rolled out. I think it's cleared monthly, maybe bit longer. he's looking for longer options.

Are exchanges allowed to do options trading like if GDAX wanted to? or is this something the SEC would have to approve?
Bitcoins - digital currency Quote
02-08-2018 , 11:32 AM
Originally Posted by AllinPoker
No, this is completely wrong. It's easy to get millions into the exchanges like coinbase/gdax. You obviously have no idea what you are talking about. Do some research first. You can do it within the same business day with a bank wire if you have a verified account with a $250 deposit limit on coinbase.
No, you obviously aren't thinking or seeing past your own nose. Banking is available for Americans. I am not American. Banking is not available to me.

I also have a tiny $250 deposit limit as well for most options on my coinbase. Bank wire information might be little harder to find but it's there. If you send a bank wire to coinbase/GDAX it will clear the same business day (especially if you put the gdax reference information in it). I've done over 6 figures and it cleared the same day and I was able to trade all of it instantly. You can do this for millions. GDAX is set up for institutions and traders. It's how coinbase get's its bid/ask numbers for the coinbase retail side. GDAX offers free trading if you use limit orders and the market orders are .3%. So way cheaper than coinbase and everyone should use that over coinbase. It uses the same login information as your coinbase. You can instantly transfer over your coinbase funds into your gdax account. I recommend everyone doing that and go on youtube and learn how to do limit orders.
We weren't talking about $100000, we were talking about millions and billions. You find me a guy who regularly cashes in and out millions of dollars on these exchanges to reputable banks and I'll eat my ****ing shoe.
Bitcoins - digital currency Quote
02-08-2018 , 11:44 AM
Originally Posted by AllinPoker
ed, I only had a simple verification from coinbase but I didn't do my first bank wire till December and didn't have to do any extra verification to send it over to GDAX when I learned about it during that time. I just transferred over my money into the account instantly and was able to trade it instantly.
lucky you, GDAX never accepted my passport and no answer from support ever
Bitcoins - digital currency Quote
02-08-2018 , 11:48 AM
Originally Posted by DoOrDoNot
No, you obviously aren't thinking or seeing past your own nose. Banking is available for Americans. I am not American. Banking is not available to me.

We weren't talking about $100000, we were talking about millions and billions. You find me a guy who regularly cashes in and out millions of dollars on these exchanges to reputable banks and I'll eat my ****ing shoe.
I d be suprised if people wanting do deal with millions/billions didnt deal privately with other whales not to crash or pump the price on some exchanges(unless a pump or crash suit them obv)
Bitcoins - digital currency Quote
02-08-2018 , 11:49 AM
Originally Posted by AllinPoker
regulated futures market was rolled out. I think it's cleared monthly, maybe bit longer. he's looking for longer options.

Are exchanges allowed to do options trading like if GDAX wanted to? or is this something the SEC would have to approve?

CFTC approved options trading on ledgerx last year
Bitcoins - digital currency Quote
