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02-06-2018 , 04:15 PM
Originally Posted by irockhoess
...Well who is he?
Almost certain it's Nick Szabo. He even let it slip in a recent interview.

Bitcoins - digital currency Quote
02-06-2018 , 04:30 PM
Originally Posted by SuperSwag
As I write this Bitcoin is worth 7400 dollars. That is worth more than Gold, how is that considered a failure?
If I tell you a stock is selling at $6.50 are you one of those people who says "wow, that is cheap - I should buy some"?
Bitcoins - digital currency Quote
02-06-2018 , 04:31 PM
Originally Posted by rubbrband
I’ve thought for a very long time that bitcoin’s biggest struggles will be with efficiency in transaction time and price. Bitcoin’s biggest problem will be competing with other crypto currencies. The lightning network is a very valuable service that patched some major flaws with bitcoin. What bothers me is when it’s described as a feature. It’s not really much of a feature and it can and will be adapted to other crypto currencies as well.

I think the real battles for speed and efficiency have yet to take place.
Why is speed important on the base layer? Payment systems built on layers above the blockchain can conduct transactions faster and more efficient than a blockchain ever could. What matters most is those upper level payment systems have a highly secure ledger to settle payments. In terms of security, no coins come close to Bitcoin, which is why all the "well I could just copy my own bitcoin!" argument is nonsense.

Originally Posted by the real mg0698
Have we reached a bottom yet? lol I have said the same at 13k 10k 8k maybe for once I'll be right?
I wish I hadn't thought TA was tea leave reading for so long, because it clearly works regardless of whatever reason it works. I've started learning how to chart ichimoku cloud since it's apparently one of the easiest techniques to spot high probably reversals. Regardless, this crash is the buying opportunity of a lifetime.
Bitcoins - digital currency Quote
02-06-2018 , 04:39 PM
Originally Posted by TimM
I like bowl shaped bottoms on the chart for a sustained recovery, not V bottoms, which I feel are more likely to be a fake out. Lots of people got burned in the 6 weeks and that memory is still fresh. If they haven't left the space entirely, most will now be very quick to sell coins and drop bids as soon as any rally looks like it's slowing down. A slow forming bottom followed by a slow rise will bring back some strength to the hodling hands.

These V moves may be tradeable but you're going to have to get the timing nearly perfect on both ends. The exception would be some ridiculously good change in the immediate term fundamentals, i.e. not something speculative.
Good post
Bitcoins - digital currency Quote
02-06-2018 , 04:43 PM
Originally Posted by DoOrDoNot
You know of that cool internet tool called google, right?
You have a lot more reading to do . Being an unemployed google warrior sure makes you look smart to the uninformed.
Bitcoins - digital currency Quote
02-06-2018 , 04:45 PM
Originally Posted by DoOrDoNot
Almost certain it's Nick Szabo. He even let it slip in a recent interview.

15 seconds before Naval asks Nick if he were to re-design BitGold today would he prefer onchain or offchain schaling. He then says "If I were to re-design BitGold" and answers.
Bitcoins - digital currency Quote
02-06-2018 , 04:48 PM

from the guy that people suspect to be satoshi nakamoto, who at worse is one guy that described fundamentals of bitcoin and called it bitgold in 1998.
He seems to have problem with that 2nd layer that betray the scripture from our lord nakamoto.
Bitcoins - digital currency Quote
02-06-2018 , 05:14 PM
Originally Posted by SuperSwag
As I write this Bitcoin is worth 7400 dollars. That is worth more than Gold, how is that considered a failure?
I assumed this comment was a joke btw
Bitcoins - digital currency Quote
02-06-2018 , 05:17 PM
Originally Posted by irockhoess
15 seconds before Naval asks Nick if he were to re-design BitGold today would he prefer onchain or offchain schaling. He then says "If I were to re-design BitGold" and answers.
That's not the only reason. There was a stylometric analysis done on the writings of Satoshi and Nick from his long-running blog and they matched near perfectly. Aside from that, Nick was one of the only digital currency precursor developers that Satoshi didn't personally email with, despite using his proof-of-work concept from bitgold. Nick also basically invented the concept of smart contracts years before bitcoin was even a thing.
Bitcoins - digital currency Quote
02-06-2018 , 05:17 PM
Originally Posted by bahbahmickey
If I tell you a stock is selling at $6.50 are you one of those people who says "wow, that is cheap - I should buy some"?
Yeah ripple is only 80 cents load up.
Bitcoins - digital currency Quote
02-06-2018 , 05:22 PM
DoOrDoNot calling people who disagree with his views that are based on just about anything but reality has to win the award for worst post in a thread full of bad takes by hin.
Bitcoins - digital currency Quote
02-06-2018 , 05:23 PM
Originally Posted by diskoteque
Money isn’t a great barometer for intelligence but doesn’t the fact that loads of successful people are using crypto to move huge amounts of money give you any pause? Do you think all of these people are just criminals, speculators, or just too lazy to create a PayPal account?
If you found out that 99% are speculators, how would that change your view of bitcoin?
Bitcoins - digital currency Quote
02-06-2018 , 05:32 PM
Originally Posted by WichitaDM
DoOrDoNot calling people who disagree with his views that are based on just about anything but reality has to win the award for worst post in a thread full of bad takes by hin.
There's two realities for most people. One that exists and one that exists in your head. I'm interested in having the one that exists in my head mirror the one that exists in reality as much as possible. Are you?

I'm totally open to being proven wrong with anything I say; it's just that no one does a very good job of discounting my arguments.

Certainly just making assertions about how dumb I am or how far off the mark I am doesn't make me question my view. It makes me question if bitcoin is a cult more than anything else. You continue to be a shining example in this regard.
Bitcoins - digital currency Quote
02-06-2018 , 05:47 PM
Originally Posted by DoOrDoNot
There's two realities for most people. One that exists and one that exists in your head. I'm interested in having the one that exists in my head mirror the one that exists in reality as much as possible. Are you?

I'm totally open to being proven wrong with anything I say; it's just that no one does a very good job of discounting my arguments.

Certainly just making assertions about how dumb I am or how far off the mark I am doesn't make me question my view. It makes me question if bitcoin is a cult more than anything else. You continue to be a shining example in this regard.
I have posted many counterpoints to the drivel you post. You conveniently don't respond to most of them. Anyways being up almost 800,000% (Oh man I am just crushed I am not up 2,000,000% anymore "/) since I first owned bitcoin is really all the proof I need that I am right and you are wrong. You literally missed the easiest chance to make a ton of money in your lifetime. Must really hurt to continue to post this crap day after day in here huh.
Bitcoins - digital currency Quote
02-06-2018 , 05:55 PM
Staring at 8k right now.

Kinda sick just what like 20hrs ago it was like 5900... Just a 2k per coin increase.

Also icx up 45% last 24hrs
Bitcoins - digital currency Quote
02-06-2018 , 05:57 PM
Originally Posted by WichitaDM
I have posted many counterpoints to the drivel you post. You conveniently don't respond to most of them. Anyways being up almost 800,000% (Oh man I am just crushed I am not up 2,000,000% anymore "/) since I first owned bitcoin is really all the proof I need that I am right and you are wrong. You literally missed the easiest chance to make a ton of money in your lifetime. Must really hurt to continue to post this crap day after day in here huh.
No you haven't really. You basically just call me an idiot and spew the same tired meme level talking points that bulls all over the internet spew.

That's great to hear you made 800000%. I would like to believe you, I really would. I think you getting so defensive about it is real good evidence ya didn't tho, homey. I considered buying into crypto many times, and I've never regretted my decision because the reason I didn't is always the same. I am risk averse and this is the riskiest **** I've ever seen.

Even if you are one of the very few who made big money on this, it sure didn't make you happy or a civil human being, did it?
Bitcoins - digital currency Quote
02-06-2018 , 06:27 PM
Originally Posted by OmgGlutten!
If you found out that 99% are speculators, how would that change your view of bitcoin?

I think it’s 95%+ speculators so not much. 5% if transactions being legit transactions is quite a bit though.
Bitcoins - digital currency Quote
02-06-2018 , 06:37 PM
Originally Posted by 12bigworm81
1. Bitcoin isn’t an entity.

2. 100m is significant in relation to the amount traded daily.

IMO any technicians charting this that sees this as a buying opportunity are lying to themselves. $6k within days.
Bitcoins - digital currency Quote
02-06-2018 , 06:50 PM
Originally Posted by DoOrDoNot
No you haven't really. You basically just call me an idiot and spew the same tired meme level talking points that bulls all over the internet spew.

That's great to hear you made 800000%. I would like to believe you, I really would. I think you getting so defensive about it is real good evidence ya didn't tho, homey. I considered buying into crypto many times, and I've never regretted my decision because the reason I didn't is always the same. I am risk averse and this is the riskiest **** I've ever seen.

Even if you are one of the very few who made big money on this, it sure didn't make you happy or a civil human being, did it?
There was a p2p sportsbetting site in btc started by a guy named cusipz here on 2+2 in 2011 when btc was 1$. So you would be wrong and a simple cursory look around 2+2 would show that. I was originally against btc but changed my mind in 2011 and bought bitcoin at roughly 1$ to use on his site. I also bought more bitcoin when it was under $10 to play on SWC. Guess what, I still have some of that.

You are literally complaining about my insults of you while insulting me in this and the posts above all the while playing the victim with the whole "it sure didn't make you a civil person". Pretty comical.

I am not trying to be civil with you. People like you are risk averse and thats great. But you don't own crypto so why are you here? I can only assume it is because you missed the boat and want to continue to make yourself feel better by arguing how you are right when all of the evidence shows you are dead wrong (ie anyone with a brain who has been in crypto for more than like a year has made an absolute killing by definition why you have made nothing). So you spew your garbage at warp speed every time crypto dips becuase you are just praying THIS IS THE TIME THOSE STUPID CRYPTO GUYZ FINALLY GET WREKED. Guess what. These dips have happened a lot, this is nothing new.

Only up 60% today on my trading account trading crypto today. You will be lucky to make that over the next 5 years being "risk averse". Congrats you are quite a genious.
Bitcoins - digital currency Quote
02-06-2018 , 07:18 PM
Originally Posted by WichitaDM
There was a p2p sportsbetting site in btc started by a guy named cusipz here on 2+2 in 2011 when btc was 1$. So you would be wrong and a simple cursory look around 2+2 would show that. I was originally against btc but changed my mind in 2011 and bought bitcoin at roughly 1$ to use on his site. I also bought more bitcoin when it was under $10 to play on SWC. Guess what, I still have some of that.

You are literally complaining about my insults of you while insulting me in this and the posts above all the while playing the victim with the whole "it sure didn't make you a civil person". Pretty comical.

I am not trying to be civil with you. People like you are risk averse and thats great. But you don't own crypto so why are you here? I can only assume it is because you missed the boat and want to continue to make yourself feel better by arguing how you are right when all of the evidence shows you are dead wrong (ie anyone with a brain who has been in crypto for more than like a year has made an absolute killing by definition why you have made nothing). So you spew your garbage at warp speed every time crypto dips becuase you are just praying THIS IS THE TIME THOSE STUPID CRYPTO GUYZ FINALLY GET WREKED. Guess what. These dips have happened a lot, this is nothing new.

Only up 60% today on my trading account trading crypto today. You will be lucky to make that over the next 5 years being "risk averse". Congrats you are quite a genious.
I'm here because crypto is interesting and this thread is not a hugbox. Sorry you feel threatened by what I'm saying. Feel free to put me on mute if you can't handle it. Congrats on being up 800060%
Bitcoins - digital currency Quote
02-06-2018 , 07:40 PM
Bitcoin is worth 3-9% what it costs to produce it. How is there any other valuation? Are you going to suggest stopping production?
Bitcoins - digital currency Quote
02-06-2018 , 07:54 PM
Originally Posted by DoOrDoNot
I'm here because crypto is interesting and this thread is not a hugbox. Sorry you feel threatened by what I'm saying. Feel free to put me on mute if you can't handle it. Congrats on being up 800060%
Wait I am confused weren't you just complaining about personal insults? I haven't once complained about that and you have multiple times so a big LOL at saying I want a hugbox. Project much?

No one feels threatened by what you are saying, you are just transparent as can be with how much you want to be right about how crypto is a sham. That's why you come here and spout this crap furiously everytime the market isn't soaring.

Unfortunately for you that isn't reality and it cost you a lot of money. Trust me I am part entertained and part horrified by your horrible posting and viewpoint on this as a whole. It takes a special kind of stupid to literally post on this for this long as the value and usage of crypto has soared in the process and still come here to crow about the fact you are right.

The stock market is in a historic runup. A whopping 100% or so over the last 5 years. Meanwhile crypto is up roughly 100x that. And you are still here trying to convince us not to do it as you sulk about the lost opportunity. Completely ridiculous and absurd.

Last edited by WichitaDM; 02-06-2018 at 08:00 PM.
Bitcoins - digital currency Quote
02-07-2018 , 01:11 AM
One word for all the fellow bitcoin bears out there: Christianity

How did that work out for the bears? I am sure somebody picked up the bible and laughed at it.

I am as big of a bitcoin bear that there is in terms of it's actual long term utility outside of illegal transactions. However, I realize that unlike other bubbles there is no day of reckoning. Tech companies report earnings. Mortgage companies have to collect the rent.

Hypothetically, bitcoin can just keep going up forever.

When it is worth more than the US dollar people in this thread will be saying crap like "Hyperinflation of the US dollar is coming. Buy bitcoin! It is not too late! You will become a slave if you don't! There will be a run on the banks soon. Get out the dollar now"

The higher it goes, the more convinced they are that it is the one true god. Note that in all the little micro debates, the bulls always point at the scoreboard. The price itself is proof that they are right.

Think it over.

Last edited by OmgGlutten!; 02-07-2018 at 01:28 AM.
Bitcoins - digital currency Quote
02-07-2018 , 01:48 AM
What's your point?
Bitcoins - digital currency Quote
02-07-2018 , 01:56 AM
Originally Posted by CheckCheckFold
What's your point?
i know right, that post was pure nonsense i read it 3 times over and just lol'd
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