Originally Posted by The MoePro
I used to work for a large regional bank about 5 years ago while the internet poker world was robust and cutting checks for people. I do not recall ever, among the thousands of customers i helped, coming across a situation where an account was closed due to cashing checks from an online poker website. However, your debit card should be restriced for online gaming sites. Here is a summary of some common account closure reasons that I can come up with:
1. Too Many NSFs - No need to explain this one.
2. Recent Report From Chexsystems - If you write bad checks or deposit bad checks or have had an account closure due to bad check writing (bounced checks) or deposits, then you will be reported to chexsystems. Once the chexsystems report comes in and your on it, your account is very likely to be closed unless you have bank approval to keep it open.
3. Threats to bank employees or attempted fraud.
4. General unprofitablity of doing business with you - I know this reason sounds strange but I have seen it many times. You know all of those disclosure papers you sign and are given when you opened your account. Well, within all of that legal crap are disclosures that your bank may close your account without reason. Branch managers always search for unprofitable accounts that they can get rid of such as low average balance accounts that are used to just cash checks that could pose a liability. Another reason is if you argue too much with bank representatives and cause havoc while having a small account balance. This is rare but it happens. Keep in mind that banks are in the business of making money and with the competition across the street they need to remain efficient as possible without destroying their image and customer service.
5. IRS Seizure of assets or closure due to legal reasons
If i remember more i will post them. But you get the idea.
Okay OP which one(s) is it?