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10-01-2010 , 01:13 AM
Originally Posted by yimc17
I don't know of any way but I just went through the entire thread and copy/pasted every question spex answered into a notepad, then organized the questions into categories. I don't plan on investing in real estate any time soon but I did it so if I decide to be a REI in the future I have all the info I need.
anyway you could make that available to others?

i have read through most of the thread but it would be nice to have a printable version to bring on trips to reread thigns
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10-01-2010 , 02:04 AM
Originally Posted by mcleod014
anyway you could make that available to others?
Maybe he can use Google Docs to post it?
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10-01-2010 , 07:18 PM
Originally Posted by mcleod014
anyway you could make that available to others?

i have read through most of the thread but it would be nice to have a printable version to bring on trips to reread thigns
try this

and this

these were from the ask the pilot thread in oot
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10-01-2010 , 09:13 PM
Originally Posted by cres
looks like he's got it here but if you still want something from me just pm me your email and I'll send it to you. If you don't trust a random forum poster(me!) with your email then just tell me how and where to upload it and I will, I'm a noob to sending word docs.
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10-01-2010 , 10:47 PM
Boobies, I see what you are saying, and I believe that you will put in the effort.
I don't think you see what I'm saying, since it's not a matter of putting in effort. It's like someone who trades stocks asking a blackjack pro to just give him an idea on how other blackjack grinders make, so he can have an idea if it's even something worth researching further. If the # is low then there's no need to bother due to relative income ranges. If # is high, then he can research it further and potentially put in serious effort if interested. Instead, the blackjack pro tells the stock trader "look, you need to just go invest the time into studying the game first for a long while, if you try to shortcut things then you'll make nothing". Stock guy responds "..........".

Originally Posted by crashjr
Everyone who has read the thread and responded to you is telling you to read the thread. That should be enough to convince you to read the thread. Please quit tarding up this fine thread.
This is some serious reading comprehension/logic fail and misses the point entirely -- please refer to the other posts I made to understand why, or just PM me so the thread can stop being "tarded up".

Last edited by boobies4me; 10-01-2010 at 10:57 PM.
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10-01-2010 , 11:33 PM
The AMERICA real estate.

I would like to buy an house in USA where it's the cheaper at this time of the years. I am a foreigner and I would like to know all the tips you can give me about that. Thanks you very much
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10-02-2010 , 08:54 PM

If you need to ask such a elementary question like "can you still make money in this climate" you need to read this thread.

It is you with the huge fail in reading comprehension and understanding, not us.
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10-02-2010 , 09:57 PM
Originally Posted by Tien

If you need to ask such a elementary question like "can you still make money in this climate" you need to read this thread.

It is you with the huge fail in reading comprehension and understanding, not us.
Me not knowing the answer to that question has nothing to do with the point in question. Like I said, just PM me if you still don't get it, no need to further derail.
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10-04-2010 , 01:56 AM
Originally Posted by fun160
Maybe he can use Google Docs to post it?
Thanks, I got a few pms already so I think this will work better than emailing everyone.

Here is the link, its .rtf because I don't have microsoft word on this computer
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10-04-2010 , 02:02 AM
tried the link, it says the doc is no available..
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10-04-2010 , 03:59 AM
I changed the share settings to anyone on the web, it was link only setting before. Try it again and let me know. It's my first time using that program so hopefully it will work now.
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10-04-2010 , 08:29 AM
Nice one yimc17, worked fine for me, appreciate the effort.
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10-04-2010 , 12:26 PM
Thanks for the link, i see that spex hasnt been on 2p2 for a while, so ill ask just to throw it out there.

I'm a long way off being able to invest in property, I live in the U.K. and in theory my plan would be to save/invest/work until i have enough to buy a flat to rent out as student accommadation in a university city.

I have looked at some prices and they would range from 40-100k, 70k is probably where the decent ones are.

Would I be better off getting a mortgage?
Does having savings + investments increase my chances of getting one?
Is student accommadation a good place to start to get into RE?
Could i expect the price of the property to go up at a decent rate being in a city and near a university?
Is there anything smaller/cheaper I could start with in the U.K?

I haven't done a tonne of research or started reading up on REI yet as you can probably tell but just in theory and on paper, how does this sound?

EDIT: I also understand my questions are quite broad, but im just looking for general feedback.
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10-04-2010 , 12:26 PM
Originally Posted by yimc17
Thanks, I got a few pms already so I think this will work better than emailing everyone.

Here is the link, its .rtf because I don't have microsoft word on this computer
That is really awesome, thank you yimc17!
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10-04-2010 , 12:46 PM
Originally Posted by yimc17
Thanks, I got a few pms already so I think this will work better than emailing everyone.

Here is the link, its .rtf because I don't have microsoft word on this computer
Very cool, thanks!
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10-04-2010 , 03:36 PM
Originally Posted by yimc17
Thanks, I got a few pms already so I think this will work better than emailing everyone.

Here is the link, its .rtf because I don't have microsoft word on this computer
this is amazing. got a 3 hour plane ride this weekend, gonna reread and take notes
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10-07-2010 , 03:08 AM
Is it a good time to buy a house/condo in orange county area right now?
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10-07-2010 , 11:10 AM
Originally Posted by yimc17
Thanks, I got a few pms already so I think this will work better than emailing everyone.

Here is the link, its .rtf because I don't have microsoft word on this computer
Awesome. Huge thanks for this.
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10-07-2010 , 08:28 PM
Originally Posted by wifebeater123
Is it a good time to buy a house/condo in orange county area right now?
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10-08-2010 , 11:07 AM
New York is still declining but some of the places might have come close to bottom in Orange County... Depends how long u intend to stay in it?
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10-08-2010 , 10:56 PM
yimc, lol, that's exactly what I am in the process of doing. My question is how did you do it? did you skip over a lot of the same questions? did you just choose the best questions/answers? the reason i ask is because I'm done copy/pasting all of spex's responses and the questions associated and I'm @ page 350 or so.

I've still got to read this thread. I just wanted to organize it before starting. Took forever to do what I did so far and I haven't even started sectioning.

On a different note, I just finished 'What Every Real Estate Investor Needs to Know About Cash Flow' today and it was very good. I learned a ton. Recommend it to everyone who wants to get into REI. It's a good first book to read.
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10-09-2010 , 05:14 AM
I put the questions in sections as I was copy/pasting them. I didn't read the entire question/answer either, just skimmed it for the gist of the question and put it in the right section. I had already read through the thread twice at that point so that sped up the process because I would recognize the question and answer around first sentence or so. I think I got all the questions although I could have missed a few. Took me a few days to do it but it was over winter so I had nothing else to do
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10-09-2010 , 02:57 PM
I think I might just read your thingy instead of finishing mine. It kinda sucks cuz I feel like I wasted a ton of hours now for nothing, thanks yimc, j/k
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10-12-2010 , 04:08 PM
I have read this thread and found it unbelievably helpful. Much thanks to all involved.

My goal in real estate is to be able to live off the income I bring in 50-100k/year. I have a bankroll of 500-700k I would be willing to invest. I was hoping someone would be willing to check my logic on one issue.

I am planning on instead of financing most of my houses, to simply by them outright. Now obviously my ROI will be much worse than the 25% criteria for spex, however it seems that ROI isn't as important because I have a larger bankroll?

For example, if I buy a house for $50,000, rent it for 1k/mo and assume my expenses at 50% - is it ok to have an ROI around 13%? It seems this would lower my management efforts and also reduce my risk of depreciate even if it ties up a lot of my money. In fact, this just seems like the simplest way to accomplish my goal. And if I ever decide I want to untie my money, I could refinance out my equity.

Thanks in advance.

EDIT: I've just saw you have answered this multiple times: For those of you that missed it, spex suggests that it is a personal choice on how much you decide to pay off and that deciding what is best for you depends on quite a few factors. My bad.

Last edited by J_V; 10-12-2010 at 04:22 PM.
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10-12-2010 , 05:50 PM
I'm just wondering what others think.

Like I said a few posts ago, I read 'What Every Real Estate Investor Needs To Know About Cash Flow" and thought it was a great book.

Now, I started reading a John T. Reed book, "How To Get Started In Real Estate Investment" and am only 20 pages in (out of 68 total) and find it quite boring and uninformative. Has anyone else read this book? I bought this, and 4 other John T. Reed books a year ago when I asked Spex to recommend me some reading material. I am hoping his other books are better.

I also read a pretty bad review of this book on amazon where the guy really made it clear that he doesn't believe John T. Reed knows what he's talking about. (I know it's only one review, but I couldn't find any other reviews on this book)

I am just curious what other people's thoughts are on this book. It just seems so random and unorganized and he just talks about whatever comes to mind, whether it be related to REI or not.


edit - i read the 'books' section of yimc's summary and see that spex really recommends John T. Reed. I'm going to trust him and get through this book and then expect his other ones to be better (this one is too general and all over the place IMO)

Last edited by GabeTheKid; 10-12-2010 at 06:03 PM.
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