I've lived in Switzerland for over a year now. I haven't opened a bank account here yet though. It's basically impossible for me as an American citizen for the time being. I'll be going down this track in some amount of time to come (probably own a Swiss account within 6-24 months from now is my best guess). It's definitely a good choice since to me the CHF is without question the best fiat of them all for a number of reasons. And the Swiss banking system is quite robust.
My only small tip for now would be to avoid Credit Suisse since they are the absolute joke of the country. There's some major banks to pick from, like UBS or your local Kantonalbank which are probably best suited for day to day activities. Then there's a massive suite of private banks to pick from that I found on this website quite some time ago when browsing:
If you have enough in assets, then any particular private bank may be able to suit your specific needs. Personally, I'll be doing a deeper dive into that whole list of private banks when I'm getting closer to my time to open one and once I've narrowed the list from that website I have a list of about 10-15 questions I'll ask each of them. Whichever 1-2 banks have the best responses will end up with my business.
So yeah, not too much help for now, but if this thread is still rolling in some time, I'll update later with any info I have.