Originally Posted by goofyballer
Haven't looked at my 401k in months, really don't want to either.
I think that ignoring your 401k is a big mistake. I understand the objective of avoiding emotional reactions, but ignoring your retirement funds is a sign of a major underlying problem with your retirement savings plan. If you are saving money for retirement, you should have a
dynamic investment plan, not a
static investment plan. If your plan is to direct your funds to your account, select your investment option, and then ignore it until you're close to retirement, then you've got a static plan. A static plan is an invitation to not be able to retire when you want or have the retirement lifestyle that you want. If you have a 401k, or any kind of retirement plan, you should have:
- a clear retirement income objective;
- a clear strategy with a contribution level and expected investment return that will build up to the retirement income you want; and
a plan to change the plan when you have to because past investment experience or other factors change your outlook
The earlier you identify factors that make your prior plan no longer work (like a 40% drop in equities in a given year) then the easier it will be to adjust your strategy to get back on track.