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amateur traders beat Wall St. pros amateur traders beat Wall St. pros

02-01-2021 , 07:33 PM
Candybar , I doubt I’m the only one but anyone loving poker should actually appreciate the situation of GameStop as a poker hand kinda .
some poker poker pro player didn’t calculate risk appropriately and get called by a calling station retailers ( losing money over time is a certainty anyway) .

Me i just want to participate and I bought only 1 action .
Just to participate and I know my risk .
So the point about protecting investors from themselves, when the market didn’t freakn care a decade ago about millions losing their homes , is kinda a moot...

Don’t be a Phil hellmuth , it’s the people money and they can play their hands the way they want .

Last edited by Montrealcorp; 02-01-2021 at 07:41 PM.
amateur traders beat Wall St. pros Quote
02-01-2021 , 07:37 PM
Perhaps GME is so shorted because Robinhood loans out their customer's shares for interest.
Picked this up from Brandon Adam's recent podcast with Strassa.
Heard Robinhood customers may own as much as 60% of retail gamestop shares. If that is the case, they are definitely dragging that rocket down
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02-01-2021 , 07:41 PM
Activist Short Seller Carson Block Suspects Hedge Fund Coordination in Short Squeezes

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Last edited by Former DJ; 02-01-2021 at 07:46 PM.
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02-01-2021 , 08:09 PM
Originally Posted by candybar
They are allowing up to 20 options contracts - that seems to allow for plenty of non-trivial accumulation. And I'm sure other brokerages have loosened restrictions. I guess the meme stocks should be up a lot?
Options are ****ing bullshit. This whole thing started the day before options expiration because they were all ****ed. They don't want people buying physical shares because they can't scam their way out of that. And buying physical shares will make the price rise and squeeze them.
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02-01-2021 , 08:51 PM
Originally Posted by Montrealcorp
Candybar , I doubt I’m the only one but anyone loving poker should actually appreciate the situation of GameStop as a poker hand kinda .
some poker poker pro player didn’t calculate risk appropriately and get called by a calling station retailers ( losing money over time is a certainty anyway) .
lol this is not a bad analogy.
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02-02-2021 , 07:30 AM
Big money benefitting from this ... if they sell (MUST Asset Management already has):
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02-02-2021 , 08:26 AM

maybe not or maybe it is reddit's "Wall Street Bets" gang

but anyway silver shot way up Monday and then very quickly shot more than a third of the way down

maybe copycats - but this looks like a classic pump and dump scheme
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02-02-2021 , 08:55 AM
Originally Posted by FallawayJumper

maybe not or maybe it is reddit's "Wall Street Bets" gang

but anyway silver shot way up Monday and then very quickly shot more than a third of the way down

maybe copycats - but this looks like a classic pump and dump scheme
I get the feeling that there will be all sorts of schemes and strategies to try and take advantage of the wsb/reddit bros. And I am not convinced that GME, AMC etc. weren't already that to begin with.
amateur traders beat Wall St. pros Quote
02-02-2021 , 09:07 AM
Originally Posted by chytry
Big money benefitting from this ... if they sell (MUST Asset Management already has):

Some of the greatest discoveries in science and greatest innovations in business occurred as a result of pure serendipity - somebody was in the right place at the right time. A perfect example: "Watson, come here - I need you" and the result is the creation of the telephone industry. An example of shrewd prescience: Bill Gates paying $50,000.00 to buy the precursor to the MS-DOS operating system from a small Seattle computer store. There are those and then there's pure dumb luck ...

I wonder how much of this Gamestop phenomenon was pure dumb luck and how much was shrewd calculation by some very prescient individuals? I suppose one can argue that Ryan Cohen was prescient. It's just possible he anticipated the chance of a significant ROI if he took a substantial position in Gamestop last September. But could he, in his wildest dreams, have imagined a short squeeze happening - a short squeeze that would make him [literally] billions of dollars? Was his windfall the result of prescience - or pure dumb luck - or maybe a bit of both?

Flip the coin and we have the "sophisticated" financially astute hedge fund managers who shorted Gamestop. They thought they were making a smart move by shorting GME only to discover that they were in the wrong place at the wrong time. It must have been pure dumb [bad] luck for them to find themselves caught between a rock and a hard place. It had to be serendipity for them as there's no way they anticipated getting so royally screwed.

Then there's Vlad Tenay and his partner who started Robinhood. In the early days of his company, his oft stated goal was to "democratize" investing for the little guy. In the process of democratizing investing for the "little guy" he winds up creating a bunch of billionaires - and [potentially] a bunch of former billionaires.

Finally there's all those clueless "unsophisticated" (smallish) retail investors hanging out on Reddit and WSB. Some of them made a minor fortune - if they were smart enough to cash out in time - but were they prescient or just pure dumb lucky? If Shakespeare were alive today he would conclude that this spectacle has it all: Comedy, tragedy and farce.

A book and a movie, (i.e. "The Big Short"), came out of the 2007-2008 financial crisis. I have a feeling Michael Lewis and Aaron Sorkin are already working on a book (and a screenplay) that might be titled something like: "The Big Squeeze."
amateur traders beat Wall St. pros Quote
02-02-2021 , 09:09 AM
Originally Posted by mrbaseball
I get the feeling that there will be all sorts of schemes and strategies to try and take advantage of the wsb/reddit bros. And I am not convinced that GME, AMC etc. weren't already that to begin with.
a lot of people with pure bias running around in this thread

the only thing this has shown is that Robinhood has bad management and haven't even done basic stress tests for these types of situations
amateur traders beat Wall St. pros Quote
02-02-2021 , 10:02 AM
Originally Posted by lvr
a lot of people with pure bias running around in this thread

the only thing this has shown is that Robinhood has bad management and haven't even done basic stress tests for these types of situations
Bias goes both ways Robinhood was definitely not prepared for the exponential interest and trading that occurred in a handful of stocks and got pushed past their limits.
amateur traders beat Wall St. pros Quote
02-02-2021 , 10:58 AM
Cuban doing a reddit AMA today in WSB, should be popcorn worthy
amateur traders beat Wall St. pros Quote
02-02-2021 , 11:09 AM
Originally Posted by mrbaseball
I get the feeling that there will be all sorts of schemes and strategies to try and take advantage of the wsb/reddit bros. And I am not convinced that GME, AMC etc. weren't already that to begin with.
100% I agree
amateur traders beat Wall St. pros Quote
02-02-2021 , 11:12 AM
Originally Posted by rafiki
Cuban doing a reddit AMA today in WSB, should be popcorn worthy
I wonder if he read some of the recent most upvoted threads in WSB, I really doubt he wants to be associated with that type of mentality given his political ambitions. Agree it should be popcorn worthy.
amateur traders beat Wall St. pros Quote
02-02-2021 , 11:43 AM
I remember being young and foolish enough to try and catch this knife
amateur traders beat Wall St. pros Quote
02-02-2021 , 11:57 AM
There are tons of posts on WSB talking about how the drop is manipulation and encouraging everyone to HODL.
amateur traders beat Wall St. pros Quote
02-02-2021 , 12:25 PM
I don't know if this is over yet - I would think the buying power of the meme crowd is pretty limited, so a lower price may substantially increase their ability to provide support. Anecdotally, the interest appears to be a lot lower outside of WSB though.

It'd be pretty sad if GameStop never gets any capital infusion out of this.
amateur traders beat Wall St. pros Quote
02-02-2021 , 12:36 PM
Another funny possibility. Vlad Tenev (the CEO of Robinhood) is scheduled to testify in front of Congress on 2/18. The reason for this is that some members of Congress also fell for the conspiracy theories surrounding Robinhood's decision to stop meme stock buys. But, if this is all over by then, there may be a lot of sob stories about people who lost their savings. So the Robinhood CEO may very well be grilled by Congresspeople who insinuate that Robinhood should've had more restrictions sooner to protect their users - i.e. "You knew what was going on, so why did you allow this to continue?" I don't know if the public/Congress will turn that quickly on this topic but this seems like a possibility at least.
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02-02-2021 , 12:44 PM
I saw someone post on another forum the similarities between the MAGA cult and the GME pump and dump:

- false boogeyman (Clinton/Soros --> hedge funds)
- desire to punish (elites --> financial system)
- savior complex (Trump as Jesus figure --> WSB as Wall Street's reckoning)
- idol worship (Trump --> Deep****ingValue/Elon Musk/Portnoy/other WSB personalities)
- emotion over logic
- bots (Russia --> whoever is behind WSB bots)
- Social media influence (Facebook/Cambridge --> WSB)
- Sloganeering (MAGA --> HOLD!!!)
amateur traders beat Wall St. pros Quote
02-02-2021 , 12:57 PM
Originally Posted by ToothSayer
They're not buy limits, they're total account hold limits. If you already have more than 20 you can't buy another one. Wipes out all the non-trivial accumulators.
Is 100 shares + 100 options contract enough for you?
amateur traders beat Wall St. pros Quote
02-02-2021 , 12:59 PM
Originally Posted by synth_floyd
I saw someone post on another forum the similarities between the MAGA cult and the GME pump and dump:

- false boogeyman (Clinton/Soros --> hedge funds)
- desire to punish (elites --> financial system)
- savior complex (Trump as Jesus figure --> WSB as Wall Street's reckoning)
- idol worship (Trump --> Deep****ingValue/Elon Musk/Portnoy/other WSB personalities)
- emotion over logic
- bots (Russia --> whoever is behind WSB bots)
- Social media influence (Facebook/Cambridge --> WSB)
- Sloganeering (MAGA --> HOLD!!!)
I suspect a lot of the exact same people are involved as well.
amateur traders beat Wall St. pros Quote
02-02-2021 , 01:28 PM
Originally Posted by synth_floyd
I saw someone post on another forum the similarities between the MAGA cult and the GME pump and dump:
It's because you have the same susceptible mentality for any get-rich-quick scheme that comes along:

I was one of the victims of Robinhood. I’m sick of losing money bc of these sick **** hedgies. I will keep putting all my money into meme stocks from now on. GME. AMC. NOK...You name it, I buy it. I will keep buying the dips till there’re no dips anymore. I.DON’T.CARE.
amateur traders beat Wall St. pros Quote
02-02-2021 , 01:29 PM
Yup, all the diamond hands rubes are getting rung up at this moment. A few people made a run of the place and the majority are losing 75%+. They still think they are sticking it to wall street. One hedge fund isn't wall street, its just a hedge fund.
amateur traders beat Wall St. pros Quote
02-02-2021 , 01:32 PM
You guys see Cuban's final message in the AMA? Kind of epic.

Coles is basically to plan these better and come back smarter/harder the next time. Disruption doesn't happen overnight, etc.

yes some of you are too young to know what Coles means
amateur traders beat Wall St. pros Quote
02-02-2021 , 01:34 PM
He's encouraging this WSB stuff? He's a smart guy. He knows better. What an *******.
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