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2016 Trading Thread 2016 Trading Thread

06-23-2016 , 09:34 PM
many futures markets with massive ranges tonight on possible leave
2016 Trading Thread Quote
06-23-2016 , 10:30 PM
Originally Posted by Mori****a System
I have decided to become a gold bug.
Long GLD and GLD calls.
Short IEV.
Lets see how this goes.
I also shorted HSBC yesterday.
Suddenly this doesn't look ******ed anymore .
2016 Trading Thread Quote
06-23-2016 , 10:32 PM
£/$ from 1.5 to under 1.4 in a couple hours, truly a massive move. Haven't seen anything similar since the '08 crash.
2016 Trading Thread Quote
06-23-2016 , 10:46 PM
Wow, ES nearing 100 pt range. Love occasional moves like these. If you're in stocks, you're either puking your guts out or high as a kite.

Personally, I thought this Brexit **** was over-hyped lol
2016 Trading Thread Quote
06-23-2016 , 10:47 PM
Originally Posted by ASAP17
£/$ from 1.5 to under 1.4 in a couple hours, truly a massive move. Haven't seen anything similar since the '08 crash.
Now down 8% below 1.37, unprecedented.
2016 Trading Thread Quote
06-23-2016 , 10:55 PM
VIX futures
2016 Trading Thread Quote
06-23-2016 , 11:07 PM
Money Never Sleeps

There has got to be a lot of good British stocks for the open the pound is down almost 10% last I heard. If the market drops 20% or the adrs drop, we be getting a 30% discount. Assuming the leave vote stays.
2016 Trading Thread Quote
06-23-2016 , 11:18 PM
Hilarious how no one will be ripping Janet Yellen now... Fed wins again.
2016 Trading Thread Quote
06-23-2016 , 11:36 PM
So short for a couple days and then lots of weird volatility and then long continuous recovery afterwards for a couple months?
2016 Trading Thread Quote
06-23-2016 , 11:36 PM
Stat of the night/day, not often you go back 30+ years... “@zerohedge: POUND DROPS TO LOWEST LEVEL SINCE 1985”

Side note: screw those zerohedge DBs who are probably popping champagne on this news lol.
2016 Trading Thread Quote
06-23-2016 , 11:37 PM
Seems like this has to be a buying opp. There has to be some big blow ups on the GBP move
2016 Trading Thread Quote
06-23-2016 , 11:58 PM
Originally Posted by ASAP17
Stat of the night/day, not often you go back 30+ years... “@zerohedge: POUND DROPS TO LOWEST LEVEL SINCE 1985”
We might see a lot of unprecedented moves today. We don't know how banks/traders are positioned on this. With leverage, an unexpected global move this size could cause any number of tail outcomes.

I'm not expecting anything in particular, but we haven't seen these kind of moves since derivatives/algorithmic trading became a large part of the market.
Side note: screw those zerohedge DBs who are probably popping champagne on this news lol.
It's a good thing. Constantly increasing centralized bureaucracy (which is what Brussel is) chokes the life of economies in the long run. Whatever your take on this, that's a fact.
2016 Trading Thread Quote
06-24-2016 , 12:05 AM
Originally Posted by jb514
Seems like this has to be a buying opp. There has to be some big blow ups on the GBP move
One idea that I have been floating is to permalong HSBC after it craters.
2016 Trading Thread Quote
06-24-2016 , 12:20 AM
Originally Posted by jb514
Seems like this has to be a buying opp. There has to be some big blow ups on the GBP move
Could always throw out a few bids in quality names like 10-20% off closing print. Might catch some puke here or there.
2016 Trading Thread Quote
06-24-2016 , 12:26 AM
Algos are going to go ape**** tomorrow at the open, I expect to see some flash crashing.
2016 Trading Thread Quote
06-24-2016 , 12:30 AM
I’m so excited for the US open, will be hard to sleep (it’s the trader in me &#129297. Plenty of careers made & destroyed in minutes.
2016 Trading Thread Quote
06-24-2016 , 12:40 AM
ES overnight limit down at 1999.00.

What's the pre-market limit down for equities?
2016 Trading Thread Quote
06-24-2016 , 12:52 AM
Originally Posted by ASAP17
Algos are going to go ape**** tomorrow at the open, I expect to see some flash crashing.
Perhaps, don't the firms running the algos write cut-off switches in case vol or other parameters are not within a certain range? Prob just manually switch them off unless they have one that specifically exploits a move like this. Also wtf British ppl...
2016 Trading Thread Quote
06-24-2016 , 01:04 AM
100% wait to buy next week for a novice long-term investor?
2016 Trading Thread Quote
06-24-2016 , 01:05 AM
S&P futures down 5%
2016 Trading Thread Quote
06-24-2016 , 01:08 AM
I would think they tighten up whatever they need to tighten to prevent a flash crash in the morning right?

Can't imagine it dives like back in August.
2016 Trading Thread Quote
06-24-2016 , 01:28 AM
Originally Posted by DrawNone
100% wait to buy next week for a novice long-term investor?
I'm wondering the same thing myself. On the one hand, all they've really done on a political level is announce their intention to leave the EU. They still have 2 years to negotiate an exit. You'd think that if people had a weekend to digest that and calm down, there could potentially be a rally by Monday.

On the other hand, a massive sell-off in the pound can't be good for banks, and who knows where that leads.
2016 Trading Thread Quote
06-24-2016 , 01:42 AM
yeah but doesn't the market action almost always divorce from political reality following a crash like this? If US equities get slaughtered like it looks right now, there's nearly 0 chance we see an insta-rally Monday right?

I know that may not be clear. I'm asking for indicators, intra-day Friday, that point to this being a weekend event rather than The Brexit Crash that plays out over weeks.
2016 Trading Thread Quote
06-24-2016 , 01:42 AM
Originally Posted by DrawNone
100% wait to buy next week for a novice long-term investor?
Can't predict whats going to happen, if you do invest make sure you understand the volatility. You will certainly be getting a big discount on yesterdays prices today, but after that anyones guess where it goes next.
2016 Trading Thread Quote
06-24-2016 , 01:52 AM
It's not the economics that matter, it's the market that matters. (Unexpected) high volatility produces high hair cuts and margin calls, harming buying power. The market is going to sell off until prices are low enough to compensate for volatility risk. Where that level is, obviously no one knows for certain.
2016 Trading Thread Quote
