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2014 Trading Thread 2014 Trading Thread

10-23-2014 , 12:19 AM
Originally Posted by nyc999
What I like about FB is they're not afraid to grow via acquisition (e.g. Instagram, Oculus). Coupled with their strong growth on the mobile side, they appear a pretty solid long-term bet.
Thanks for the reply and I agree. I've been a FB bull for a long time. 78 was my 2014 price target for them so I've backed off of late.

Was just checking to see if anybody thought a different social media had more upside. FB seems to be our consensus so I'll keep following.
2014 Trading Thread Quote
10-23-2014 , 12:22 AM
Originally Posted by domer2
the business model of Herbalife is tricking incredibly poor people into buying products that don't work. the only reason they have any sales at all is because it's a pyramid scheme.

i don't know what the FTC is going to do, but i highly doubt they're going to be allowed to keep going as is. then you'll have the specter of lawsuits piggybacking on the FTC ruling, which could take the company into insolvency.
Then why didn't they rule in 1990. These MLM companies have been around forever. There are probably 100 large mlm companies. Why now?

Do I like these companies no. Is there a potential for a good one yes. Is hlf a good one, I don't know. However, I am a little worried about the number of short shares increase the last few weeks.

Last edited by steelhouse; 10-23-2014 at 12:35 AM.
2014 Trading Thread Quote
10-23-2014 , 01:01 AM
Originally Posted by DickFuld
I'm not sure I agree with this. Sure comp effects the numbers, as with any company, but cash flow growth is still strong. You can break it down on a per share basis to see the net effect more reasonably if you'd like. I logged into my S&P Capital IQ real quick to grab the data, which shows cash flow/share annually with 2006 as 0.93 and 2013 as 6.62.
6.62 4.68 3.72 3.77 2.51 2.28 1.76 0.93
It just really bugged me that the author wrote a long paragraph about cash flow growth and it's drivers but failed to mention that $0.6 billion of the $1.6 billion growth from 2011 to 2013 was driven by increases in stock compensation which just inflated growth by diluting equity.

You are absolutely correct that there is still solid growth both as a whole and on a per share basis. I'm just disappointed the author showed an inflated number and couldn't give a valid explanation.
2014 Trading Thread Quote
10-23-2014 , 08:54 AM
CAT beat this morning...should have a halo effect for URI.

Good PMI data out of Europe. In-line PMI in China. All should be good for US markets today in theory.
2014 Trading Thread Quote
10-23-2014 , 10:23 AM
nice job longs.. out of all my plays.. stayed away from all of them except msft..
shorted more @44.75 and have puts offering below the current bid anticipating a run up pre close. that an reshorting EBAY @ 50.55 are my only play (got stopped out).. hopefully i dont blow it again on ebay if given the chance
2014 Trading Thread Quote
10-23-2014 , 10:26 AM
Covered a small IBIO short at 1.42 from 1.95ish. Hit this stock for 50c + three times now. Good game ebola
2014 Trading Thread Quote
10-23-2014 , 10:26 AM
Worst spot to exit shorts ran purely on LEI beat, but likely getting tired. Would have given it a tad longer.
2014 Trading Thread Quote
10-23-2014 , 10:29 AM
Originally Posted by jb514
Covered a small IBIO short at 1.42 from 1.95ish. Hit this stock for 50c + three times now. Good game ebola
Lol...Nice job JB!
2014 Trading Thread Quote
10-23-2014 , 10:36 AM
Originally Posted by ToothSoother
Worst spot to exit shorts ran purely on LEI beat, but likely getting tired. Would have given it a tad longer.
i meant , i did not short grub or P and not going to short amzn .. will just play msft and ebay ..

i also agree that it would be a horrible time to cover/buy right now..
2014 Trading Thread Quote
10-23-2014 , 11:02 AM
Originally Posted by ToothSoother
Worst spot to exit shorts ran purely on LEI beat, but likely getting tired. Would have given it a tad longer.
There were plenty of things outside of LEI for the market to run on.

Covering isn't horrible imo. Market isn't exactly stretched...might cool down, but can easily run through Friday too.

Edit: One thing I think your good at is judging when a run is about to slow down/change directions. I'm curious what your looking at to think we're at risk of reversing?
2014 Trading Thread Quote
10-23-2014 , 11:04 AM
I'm talking more intraday for a serious trader. See what happens until near close and then close out. LEI had run its course; only bad news can come through now; there can't be too much upside left and there is a non trivial downside chance.
2014 Trading Thread Quote
10-23-2014 , 11:08 AM
Makes sense..thanks for reply.
2014 Trading Thread Quote
10-23-2014 , 11:11 AM
Hey Savant (and traders who trade on his time frame), I always meant to ask you:

You typically mostly buy in the last hour right (I guess as opposed to the first hour)?. I've noticed some decent improvements in the last 2 months on my side when I stay far away from anything 9:30am to 2pm, and was just wondering if I generally needed a strict rule for my kind of trading (2 days to 20 days, I need to work out my average holding length).
2014 Trading Thread Quote
10-23-2014 , 11:23 AM
Are stocks following crude or is it the reverse? Feels like the former.
2014 Trading Thread Quote
10-23-2014 , 11:24 AM
Originally Posted by rafiki
Hey Savant (and traders who trade on his time frame), I always meant to ask you:

You typically mostly buy in the last hour right (I guess as opposed to the first hour)?. I've noticed some decent improvements in the last 2 months on my side when I stay far away from anything 9:30am to 2pm, and was just wondering if I generally needed a strict rule for my kind of trading (2 days to 20 days, I need to work out my average holding length).
I'm probably the wrong guy to ask. I'm too busy during the day to worry too much about trading time.

If I buy or sell...I'm looking for some combination of either macro economic, stock specific, or technical variables to play out. If those scenario's hit I usually know the price I'd buy or sell the day before.

9:30-10:00 is commonly referred to as amateur hour...because people commonly get faked out (I certainly have been guilty of that in the past)

At the same time there are a lot of intraday guys who specialize in trading the first and last hour day (I suppose getting their edge from the volatility and mistakes others are making)

In general I do think it's better to avoid buying between 9:30-10:00, but if I have busy day with other things I'm often going to do it anyway.

Edit: End of the day I'm almost always working. I usually just have limits orders in at a price I want. This is how I got URI and ILMN yesterday...I don't even know what time it triggered.

Last edited by savant111; 10-23-2014 at 11:31 AM.
2014 Trading Thread Quote
10-23-2014 , 11:56 AM
why are my mutual funds managed by my bank keeping on losing money in the last few weeks?
2014 Trading Thread Quote
10-23-2014 , 11:59 AM
Originally Posted by gabbkk
why are my mutual funds managed by my bank keeping on losing money in the last few weeks?
What are the funds?
2014 Trading Thread Quote
10-23-2014 , 12:49 PM
Massive opening sale of puts in BABA today for those of you who are considering trading it, 10k puts at Nov $91s right around ER (looks like they are opening after closing prior weeks $87s). Thing has been a rocket ship since hitting lows last week, only would play it from a long side. $100 inevitable on a good ER, was initiated at overweight by Barclays w/ $107 target.

Last edited by ASAP17; 10-23-2014 at 01:01 PM.
2014 Trading Thread Quote
10-23-2014 , 01:52 PM
wow, did not expect to get filled on all my msft puts ,, but i did.. have a bunch of 11/14 , 45 , 44 , 45.5 . i have most of the open interest.. wow..
2014 Trading Thread Quote
10-23-2014 , 01:57 PM
This price (trading a hair under $31 right now) seems like a great entry point for GM. Solid earnings out today, and a phenomenal balance sheet. Upside opportunity seems far greater than the downside risk.
2014 Trading Thread Quote
10-23-2014 , 02:04 PM
Originally Posted by djevans
Guys - look at UGAZ - it's looking very good at $13 Pick some up before the winter - unless you think we are going to have an el nino lol.
Originally Posted by djevans
well i've been getting lucky than - cuz i've traded this thing between $13 - $16 for the past 3 months and made quite a bit of cash. UGAZ at under $13 is a good buy - although it could go lower just like anything else. I bought some but and while It could go down I really don't see it. Heres to hoping LOL
See how nat gas can just keep going lower and winter is irrelevant to its overall price? It's now as low as it was a year ago. If you bought UGAZ when you posted this about 10 days ago you'd be down about 25%.
2014 Trading Thread Quote
10-23-2014 , 02:14 PM
Originally Posted by MyrnaFTW
wow, did not expect to get filled on all my msft puts ,, but i did.. have a bunch of 11/14 , 45 , 44 , 45.5 . i have most of the open interest.. wow..
2014 Trading Thread Quote
10-23-2014 , 02:14 PM
Originally Posted by DickFuld
See how nat gas can just keep going lower and winter is irrelevant to its overall price? It's now as low as it was a year ago. If you bought UGAZ when you posted this about 10 days ago you'd be down about 25%.
Way better spots to invest. Very difficult to have an edge outside of the pros who trade it constantly.
2014 Trading Thread Quote
10-23-2014 , 02:15 PM
You guys see the rocket ship AAL is on? That is an incredible <2 week 25% gain.
2014 Trading Thread Quote
10-23-2014 , 02:17 PM
Also looking at selling $23.5 calls, buying $26 calls, and buying $22.5 puts on pandora for no cost or slight premium today at a 5, 5, 6 ratio for their earnings report. Any opinions there?
2014 Trading Thread Quote
