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~0k 20 year old college student, what to do? ~0k 20 year old college student, what to do?

02-19-2009 , 12:44 AM
Originally Posted by DPatty
I'd be wary of a financial adviser. I always wonder why they're working as a financial advisers for some small bank at 40 if they are capable of earning a sufficient gain year in and year out in the market. In my opinion I'd also think most of those financial types have a terrible background based on faulty logic and unsound economic priniciples.

To not have any of that money in precious metals is just lunacy and not wise. To not have atleast 10% of your portfolio in such is just nuts in this current financial climate (that's not even to mention the gains you're missing out on ). I'd stay the heck away from long term investments that lock that capital up for low returns. I'd put atleast 50% into precious metals, gold if you wanna be safer but silver if you wanna take on more risk for greater upside. For physical bullion I'd advise the simplest way to do so would be to use I would not put it into one of those funds that tracks gold or doesn't actually have to have the physical gold. The other half go nuts with, do what you want. I'd recommend equities in agri-foods like potash and a little bit in energy should you wanna take on a bit of risk but have greater upside. The key here would be to buy tangible assets, stuff you can actually touch with your hands. Stuff that has value even if all hell breaks loose.

I can't really advise on that other half as I myself am 100% in the precious metals right now as I feel that will yield the most profit in the next 5 years. I'm a very aggressive investor given my own individual situation and typically invest in one sector at a time based off of my current macro-economic view of the world. I'm big on contrarian investing as I pretty much feel that mainstream isn't that bright. So yeah, I'm in precious metals because I view it as the greatest opportunity right now, and so obviously I'd advise people to put their money where mine is.

While doing all of this the most important thing to do would be to read, read, read. I'd start out by learning about Austrian Economics. That's the school with sound logic and reasoning and will ensure you don't get burned with the masses. A great book to begin with is this one: as well as this one:

Should you choose to go with a financial adviser instead I'd expect them to advise you on keeping a high cash position with maybe picking up some muni or corporate bonds.

Again, just keep on learning and reading. It's your best bet. And be a logical knit above all else.
yea you had me until "wise." ... then you kinda went off the deep end there. i don't think austrian economists say to put 100% or even 50% of your wealth in gold. that is just ******ed.

this is an amazing time to get some way underpriced corporate bonds, solid profit making companies that have been beat way the hell down, and to get the 'next generation' companies (BIDU) or companies that will do really well when emerging markets come back in a few years (CSCO among others).

there are some GREAT emerging market buys out there as well as ones at home. at least with these you'll have a claim on a real asset rather than a metal that can go out of style as quickly as it comes in. of course we're holding gold, but nowhere near 50% (about 6% in risk space). we're also short the overall market and long some of those companies we like as well as holding bonds of companies that got murdered for no good reason and w/ the elverage we have, yield ~30%/year (we get 3.5:1 on 'inv grade' companies).

in any case, the point is that while gold is a great trade in the current environment, it should be thought of as just that. even those who REALLY LOVE gold (dalio, einhorn, rogers) don't have CLOSE to that amt of their portfolios in it. and at least the first of those 3 have made a sh*tton in the current environment (lol @ rogers unreal suckiness).

so sure, take on gold exposure but:

a) it will probably come down again before going up,
b) it is just ******ed to have 50+% of your wealth in gold
c) see b)
d) realize that EVERYTHING that is predicted as likely catalysts for gold could happen to make gold go up and IT CAN STILL GO DOWN. case in point is rogers short dollar trade. he literally said "X,Y,Z will happen and the dollar will fall" instead, X,Y,and Z all happened and it strengthened.

i realllllly hope i didn't get leveled again though :-( ... seems to happen at least 1 time / day now lol.

~0k 20 year old college student, what to do? Quote
02-19-2009 , 02:50 AM
Originally Posted by boc4life
lol at the "contrarian" suggesting 50% precious metals
I would say that it is contrarian relative to the mainstream, but not to this message board. I just think that because I feel the average level of intelligence on this board is fairly high.

And yeah, I just gave him my opinion. To be blunt I've been experiencing phenominal returns with my bullion/equities/call options in the gold sector.

Invest where you see fit, I'll do the same. The one who more accurately forsees the future will gain control over more resources. Good luck.
~0k 20 year old college student, what to do? Quote
02-19-2009 , 02:53 AM
Originally Posted by DcifrThs
i don't think austrian economists say to put 100% or even 50% of your wealth in gold. that is just ******ed.
I'm not saying they do. I subscribe to the austrian school of thought. My current position is concentrated to fit my particular risk profile. I am able to take on a lot of risk right now and am entering my positions accordingly.
~0k 20 year old college student, what to do? Quote
02-19-2009 , 03:01 AM
Originally Posted by DPatty
I would say that it is contrarian relative to the mainstream, but not to this message board. I just think that because I feel the average level of intelligence on this board is fairly high.

And yeah, I just gave him my opinion. To be blunt I've been experiencing phenominal returns with my bullion/equities/call options in the gold sector.

Invest where you see fit, I'll do the same. The one who more accurately forsees the future will gain control over more resources. Good luck.
Its not contrarian because if you told average joe 6 pack you're investing in metals, he'd probably nod his head and say its a good idea and better than stocks.
~0k 20 year old college student, what to do? Quote
02-19-2009 , 03:06 AM
Originally Posted by ArturiusX
Its not contrarian because if you told average joe 6 pack you're investing in metals, he'd probably nod his head and say its a good idea and better than stocks.
I think the average joe is thinking more along the lines of "cash is king" right now imo. Or that they wanna lock up some long term bonds with the government or some municipality.
~0k 20 year old college student, what to do? Quote
02-19-2009 , 04:43 AM
Originally Posted by DcifrThs
yea you had me until "wise." ... then you kinda went off the deep end there. i don't think austrian economists say to put 100% or even 50% of your wealth in gold. that is just ******ed.

this is an amazing time to get some way underpriced corporate bonds, solid profit making companies that have been beat way the hell down, and to get the 'next generation' companies (BIDU) or companies that will do really well when emerging markets come back in a few years (CSCO among others).

there are some GREAT emerging market buys out there as well as ones at home. at least with these you'll have a claim on a real asset rather than a metal that can go out of style as quickly as it comes in. of course we're holding gold, but nowhere near 50% (about 6% in risk space). we're also short the overall market and long some of those companies we like as well as holding bonds of companies that got murdered for no good reason and w/ the elverage we have, yield ~30%/year (we get 3.5:1 on 'inv grade' companies).

in any case, the point is that while gold is a great trade in the current environment, it should be thought of as just that. even those who REALLY LOVE gold (dalio, einhorn, rogers) don't have CLOSE to that amt of their portfolios in it. and at least the first of those 3 have made a sh*tton in the current environment (lol @ rogers unreal suckiness).

so sure, take on gold exposure but:

a) it will probably come down again before going up,
b) it is just ******ed to have 50+% of your wealth in gold
c) see b)
d) realize that EVERYTHING that is predicted as likely catalysts for gold could happen to make gold go up and IT CAN STILL GO DOWN. case in point is rogers short dollar trade. he literally said "X,Y,Z will happen and the dollar will fall" instead, X,Y,and Z all happened and it strengthened.

i realllllly hope i didn't get leveled again though :-( ... seems to happen at least 1 time / day now lol.

Wow, you seem to bear a huge grudge against Rogers. Anyway, he actually predicted the rally in dollars and therefore covered his dollar shorts and also warned that oil could easily fall 50% etc. I mean he's gotten most of this right and I'm pretty sure he's up over the past 12 months. Not sure if this will help you get over your hate for him though...
~0k 20 year old college student, what to do? Quote
02-19-2009 , 05:45 AM
Originally Posted by Mort10
Wow, you seem to bear a huge grudge against Rogers. Anyway, he actually predicted the rally in dollars and therefore covered his dollar shorts and also warned that oil could easily fall 50% etc. I mean he's gotten most of this right and I'm pretty sure he's up over the past 12 months. Not sure if this will help you get over your hate for him though...
Maybe Rogers is up but his clients are way down. Worse than the S&P.
~0k 20 year old college student, what to do? Quote
02-19-2009 , 07:36 AM
Originally Posted by Brons
Maybe Rogers is up but his clients are way down. Worse than the S&P.
I actually wasn't aware he had clients. Are you referring to the commodity index or is he an active manager again?
I'm not trying to say that he got everything right or anything, but he seems to be the only guy who saw this mess coming who is not calling for the end of the world.
~0k 20 year old college student, what to do? Quote
02-19-2009 , 08:17 AM
My mistake, I did a switcharoo in my head with a few of these doom sayers. There have been so much on tv lately.
~0k 20 year old college student, what to do? Quote
02-28-2009 , 08:16 PM
there are <5 people on this forum worth seriously listening too for more than very basic financial advice in my humble opinion. investing is very complex especially now. whatever you do take your time before jumping in. you can lose a lot of money in todays market very quickly. I know a lot of young investor who have gotten badly burnt including myself.
~0k 20 year old college student, what to do? Quote
02-28-2009 , 09:28 PM
Im pretty biased but Id buy as much RE as I could. Of course your going to have to research RE investing for a few months but this the safest option IMO
~0k 20 year old college student, what to do? Quote
03-01-2009 , 12:45 AM
Originally Posted by DcifrThs
this is an amazing time to get some way underpriced corporate bonds, solid profit making companies that have been beat way the hell down, and to get the 'next generation' companies (BIDU) or companies that will do really well when emerging markets come back in a few years (CSCO among others).

there are some GREAT emerging market buys out there as well as ones at home. at least with these you'll have a claim on a real asset rather than a metal that can go out of style as quickly as it comes in. of course we're holding gold, but nowhere near 50% (about 6% in risk space). we're also short the overall market and long some of those companies we like as well as holding bonds of companies that got murdered for no good reason and w/ the elverage we have, yield ~30%/year (we get 3.5:1 on 'inv grade' companies).
Would you mind sharing a list of the best underpriced corporate bonds right now?
~0k 20 year old college student, what to do? Quote
03-01-2009 , 03:32 AM
Anyone that suggested hiring a financial adviser should be ban here for life.
~0k 20 year old college student, what to do? Quote
03-01-2009 , 04:00 AM
You want to go to Ticker Forum...Google it. Best investment place I've ever found.
~0k 20 year old college student, what to do? Quote
03-01-2009 , 09:40 PM
this thread is so bad, the 2p2 server farm should just be unplugged.
~0k 20 year old college student, what to do? Quote
03-01-2009 , 09:52 PM
Originally Posted by Jeff28

I'd put it in a short term muni bond fund @ Vanguard or FDIC insured Bank CDs while you study and learn for a while.

Read: The Four Pillars of Investing
Read: A Random Walk Down Wall Street

Look, there's a lot of fear out there and people are fleeing to gold and silver. Maybe it will run higher for the next year.

But in the long run, this will appear to be one of the best buying opportunities for stocks since the 70s.

You don't want to be the last one piling into precious metals and get caught holding the bag.
This ALWAYS cracks me up... "caught holding the bag..." "the LAST ONE piling into precious metals. do you realize that if 3% of the population of the United states owned 30 ounces of silver each, there wouldn't be any silver left anywhere in the world for any of the other 6+ billion people to even own one tenth of an ounce of silver? Imagine what stock valuations would be like if significantly less than 1% of the US population even considered investing in stocks? Hardly anyone holds any precious metals, and the few that do only own very insignificant amounts. When the dow is worth significantly less than one ounce of gold then we have one of the best buying opportunities... however I would be very cautious buying the dow at even one ounce of gold because I don't trust the game and its ever changing rules. Who knows if there will be another short selling ban? How can you trust these crooks not to blatantly rob a business which you are part owner of? real cash money is king during Kondratieff winter, those who do not study history are doomed to repeat it. can't think of anywhere i'd rather be than long silver & agriculture
~0k 20 year old college student, what to do? Quote
03-01-2009 , 11:11 PM
Originally Posted by The_Poker_Sage
Anyone that suggested hiring a financial adviser should be ban here for life.

Shills, the only finances they're advising you on is their own.
~0k 20 year old college student, what to do? Quote
03-01-2009 , 11:21 PM
Financial advisers are like personal trainers, most give crappy advice and don't really care, but some actually know the science, think about your needs, and design you something useful.

of course, the key is the shop around etc.
~0k 20 year old college student, what to do? Quote
03-01-2009 , 11:52 PM
Originally Posted by ArturiusX
Financial advisers are like personal trainers, most give crappy advice and don't really care, but some actually know the science, think about your needs, and design you something useful.

of course, the key is the shop around etc.
I agree that some financial advisers are better than others. The problem is, the only people capable of separating good financial advisers from bad ones are people who don't need financial advisers in the first place.
~0k 20 year old college student, what to do? Quote
03-02-2009 , 01:35 AM
If you do not own a home, I think it is worth considering instead of gold/silver. Precious metals have gone up a lot lately but could still be a smart buy with the expected high inflation around the corner. However, real estate has an intrinsic value making it somewhat inflation-resistant vs cash and owning your own home seems like a good place to start investing. With no income outside of poker (I think?) and no established credit, it will be just about impossible to get a mortgage but I don't think buying one outright is a terrible idea at the moment. Prices have obviously come down a lot and there are some great deals out there. Avoiding paying some rent means it pays a sort of "dividend" in addition to buying it at a low price. Of course, it may be impossible to purchase one outright depending on where you live but many areas have decent livable properties available for 150k. Not to mention the 8k first-time homebuyer credit...

Whatever you decide to do, make sure you keep enough for maybe 6 months of living expenses, bankroll, etc.
~0k 20 year old college student, what to do? Quote
03-02-2009 , 02:52 AM
Originally Posted by ArturiusX
Financial advisers are like personal trainers, most give crappy advice and don't really care, but some actually know the science, think about your needs, and design you something useful.

of course, the key is the shop around etc.
Yep. Most financial advisors are nothing more than brokers. Dont rush into feeling like yr money has to be 'working' for you right now. Even in a savings account it already is.

Educate yrself first before swinging around that chunk of money you have.
~0k 20 year old college student, what to do? Quote
03-02-2009 , 03:45 PM
An idea might be becoming a hard money lender. You would have to figure out which terms work best for you, but generally the worst case scenario is that someone pays you on time. Best case scenario, you get the house/Condo/real estate. Just make sure that the equity in the property makes it worthwhile to do.

There are still good deals out there, but without good solid knowledge, you could be out of luck.

I do have to agree with some of the posters regarding financial planners. If they are so good at what they do, why are they working for someone? Why don't they get rich on their own? And on the off chance that they enjoy their job, why not start their own firm instead?

I'm just sayin'...
~0k 20 year old college student, what to do? Quote
03-02-2009 , 07:08 PM
Get a Lambo jk
Seriously invest in Funds, real estate start a buisness... lots of options u choose
~0k 20 year old college student, what to do? Quote
03-02-2009 , 11:41 PM
To be honest, with that small amount of money most advisors wouldnt touch it i wouldnt think. That being said I would personally NEVER use a financial advisor...well if I won the lottery I would just so I wouldnt have to concern myself with it.

There are a lot of things to consider here of course. How soon do you need the money? Do you want it to generate income? What is your current tax situation? What is your risk tolerance? But the best advice already given here is read, read, read. Then make your own educated decisions.

That being said if I had $200k I'd invest in 5 stocks, then sell covered calls for the income and to reduce the cost of the stock. Then repeat every month....but thats just me. And I'm stupid.
~0k 20 year old college student, what to do? Quote
03-03-2009 , 04:54 AM
assuming this is a serious request ...
first, don't go looking for investment advice from random people on 2+2
that said, this random person strongly suggests you work with a financial advisor or even multiple ones. you may want to interview a few and compare services / fees before settling on one. while $200k may not put you into their high net worth groups, you'll definitely get noticed. barron's publishes an annual list ranking top financial advisors. while i'm not familiar with their methodolgy, it's probably not a bad place to start if you're going into the process completely dark.

don't let them pressure you b/c you're young and an investment novice.. your money, you're the boss
~0k 20 year old college student, what to do? Quote
