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Study Group formed...Now What? Study Group formed...Now What?

08-23-2012 , 04:38 PM
Hey Guys!

I've just recently organized a uNL study group. We have 3 definites, and 1 maybe. I realize that hand discussion will predominately be what we do, but I'm hoping that those of you already in study groups could enlighten me on the best way to run a study group.

Thanks in advance!
Study Group formed...Now What? Quote
08-25-2012 , 08:53 AM
I don't think there is only one correct answer to that question. A lot depends on how you guys see this study group. What are your goals? How much spare time do you have? Does everyone live in the same timezone? A lot of things have an (in)direct impact on how you manage your group. F.ex. some people don't feel comfortable being sweated, others like to get their hands reviewed and even other have other preferences.

My advice would be to sit together with your group and come up with a plan with which everyone feels happy. The only thing you must try to avoid is having people in your group that are unsure about the whole thing right from the start. In order for a study group to work, everyone must be dedicated and have a positive attitude.
Study Group formed...Now What? Quote
08-28-2012 , 01:29 PM
Good attitude in a group is a MUST. Otherwise it won't work.
I created a study group few weeks ago and I was looking for people with a good will of improiving, a lot of free time and motivation to get better. But the most important criterion was "do I feel he will fit into the team?". I talked to candidates via Skype to know them better, then I made decisions.
Atm we are in a group of 4.
We have scheduled 3 meetings in a week, each ~2 hours+. We do sweat each other frequently. We talk a lot about strategies, lines and general stuff.
My group isn't professional yet, but we are trying to make it this way.
We all are micro limits players and we have a lot of doubts and we talk about them a lot. Big feedback, support and motivation gives as strength to improve.
Ok, I said some about my group, now I am looking for some good tips from others, maybe I find there some useful tricks to make my group better.
Study Group formed...Now What? Quote
08-30-2012 , 11:36 AM
Originally Posted by BcuzItsSo
Hey Guys!

I've just recently organized a uNL study group. We have 3 definites, and 1 maybe. I realize that hand discussion will predominately be what we do, but I'm hoping that those of you already in study groups could enlighten me on the best way to run a study group.

Thanks in advance!
Ive been involved with a discussion group for more than a dozen years.

you might want to start out reviewing a book or portion of same.

like the concepts portion of Theory and practice.

then have each person bring in a hand or two that exemplifies one of the concepts. or that they have a question on whether the concept really app;ys or not.

discuss the hand and the action ie

I had KJs in the cut off with a 234$ stack the UTG+1 with a $300 stack limps and its folded to me. fold bet or raise and if raise how much?

go through the hand then discuss the concepts you thought applied to the hand.

this is a good place to start

you'll find out quick who is up on what and who the natural contributors are (they may be really bad) or the natural wall flowers (they may be really good) and who the interested parties are and who are the ... not so interested parties are.

once the group gets bigger you will need to elect a moderator to keep the discussion on topic.

the most important thing is to meet consistently. and I also suggest once you get a bit bigger to set up a yahoo group or e mail list but keep it exclusive.

Last edited by timmer; 08-30-2012 at 11:49 AM.
Study Group formed...Now What? Quote
09-02-2012 , 08:38 AM
Definitely get rid of the "Maybe" in your group... You're either in or out. The partially committed members of your group will quickly destroy it.
Study Group formed...Now What? Quote
09-02-2012 , 11:11 AM
Originally Posted by ReyzorXxX
Definitely get rid of the "Maybe" in your group... You're either in or out. The partially committed members of your group will quickly destroy it.
Study Group formed...Now What? Quote
09-05-2012 , 02:18 PM
Originally Posted by ReyzorXxX
Definitely get rid of the "Maybe" in your group... You're either in or out. The partially committed members of your group will quickly destroy it.
The "Maybe" ended up not working out, which was for the best.

We do have 4 guys who are very committed to improving, and so far we've had 2 sessions that have been great.

Thanks for all the feedback! GL at the tables!
Study Group formed...Now What? Quote
09-09-2012 , 09:00 PM
Are you looking for more members? Can you tell me little of levels that you play? And how succesfull?
Study Group formed...Now What? Quote
11-07-2012 , 01:57 AM
I"m looking for more people around my level.

Won almost 250k now and crush games at 5 bb usually to 10 bb / 100

get ahold of me on here / pm
Study Group formed...Now What? Quote
