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[Stoxpoker pays six figures] Former coach Jason Ho scams students [Stoxpoker pays six figures] Former coach Jason Ho scams students

02-11-2010 , 10:10 AM
Originally Posted by PokerStorm
And I agree with bronxbomber about the leatherass thread. That was a leatherass hate thread, there's one every other week.
There's a Godwin's Law of 2+2: Any discussion, if stretched long enough, will involve Dusty Schmidt.
[Stoxpoker pays six figures] Former coach Jason Ho scams students Quote
02-11-2010 , 10:20 AM
Mods in this thread get a 2/10
[Stoxpoker pays six figures] Former coach Jason Ho scams students Quote
02-11-2010 , 12:59 PM
Originally Posted by Angelic_Ace
Mods in this thread get a 2/10

seriously first we had TT and his ridiculous "HAY GUYZ IT'S OK IT'S JUST A STAKING DISAGREEMENT" nonsense and now we have this guy who's rambling in nonsensical circles about why the thread is still buried in here.

"create a thread in NVG!" --> people already did, duh. one got moved to the mod forum for 'further discussion', the other got thrown in here. as far as i can tell, there is no 'further discussion' to be had. plus creating a new thread when there's this one with all the info and drama already contained within is a stupid idea anyway. just take this thread and move it, simple, no?

"OMG there's already a thread in NVG!" --> no there isn't. a thread about leatherass being an egomaniacal turd =/= a thread on jason ho being a scammer. i hope for your students sake that you're better at poker than you are at reading comprehension.

"the thread was moved here so stox could address and resolve the problem more easily" ---> i don't see why it being in here would aid that (and you haven't explained this) but it's a moot point seeing as there's nothing more for stox to do now except for address whatever few claims haven't been sorted yet.

*rambling on for paragraphs about the ins and outs of threads being x-posted by mods* --> what? who cares about this?

i doubt this really is a sinister attempt to keep the story buried or anything like that, but to be honest i would have expected the mods to have the common sense to realise that it looks exactly like that to the casual reader.
[Stoxpoker pays six figures] Former coach Jason Ho scams students Quote
02-11-2010 , 05:25 PM
thread should be retitled 'Jason Ho is a scammer official thread' and moved to NVG, easy enough. This would greatly increase the public awareness in the poker community of not only Jason Ho, but of precautions to be taken in general when dealing with coaches/staking/etc.
[Stoxpoker pays six figures] Former coach Jason Ho scams students Quote
02-11-2010 , 05:25 PM
I mean even if it should be in NVG I'm pretty sure any poker player who would even be in the market for coaching or even subscribing at a training site knows about Jason Ho now. Someone posted the day it happened in ssfr and I'm sure other subforums had it posted and I've talked to a bunch of friends about it. It's pretty public knowledge among poker players. Maybe the NVG posters who want to argue over whether Hellmuth is good at poker or not all day and don't actually play at all haven't heard about it but I'm pretty sure anyone who would be even close to affected by it knows about it.

That said it's still news and plenty of views to be had, so seems like a thread in NVG could be warranted. But just the way 2p2 is I'm not entirely convinced it would make that big a difference aside from giving people who spend all day flaming 2p2 someone else to flame.
[Stoxpoker pays six figures] Former coach Jason Ho scams students Quote
02-11-2010 , 05:35 PM
plus let's face it i think we've moved past the subject and it's funny photoshop time right about now.
[Stoxpoker pays six figures] Former coach Jason Ho scams students Quote
02-11-2010 , 09:23 PM
I just wanted to apologize for feeding the fire with my challenge to Jason Ho. I was halfway serious at the time, mostly because I thought it could be an opportunity to take on a challenge (and I honestly didn't think it would be an easy one). That being said, I was bringing more attention to Jason than he deserves. This guy appears to be quite the scumbag. After reconsidering my challenge, I have no desire to have any further dealings with Jason. I apologize to anyone I may have offended by making light of a situation that should have been left alone.
[Stoxpoker pays six figures] Former coach Jason Ho scams students Quote
02-11-2010 , 10:17 PM
Originally Posted by RainmanTrail
I just wanted to apologize for feeding the fire with my challenge to Jason Ho. I was halfway serious at the time, mostly because I thought it could be an opportunity to take on a challenge (and I honestly didn't think it would be an easy one). That being said, I was bringing more attention to Jason than he deserves. This guy appears to be quite the scumbag. After reconsidering my challenge, I have no desire to have any further dealings with Jason. I apologize to anyone I may have offended by making light of a situation that should have been left alone.
Looks like someone got a bollicking from stoxpoker.
[Stoxpoker pays six figures] Former coach Jason Ho scams students Quote
02-11-2010 , 10:25 PM
Originally Posted by PokerStorm
Looks like someone got a bollicking from stoxpoker.
Stoxpoker hasn't said anything to me regarding my challenge. A friend pointed out that I shouldn't have made it. He had some compelling arguments. I agreed and thought I'd post it here.
[Stoxpoker pays six figures] Former coach Jason Ho scams students Quote
02-11-2010 , 10:27 PM
Originally Posted by RainmanTrail
I just wanted to apologize for feeding the fire with my challenge to Jason Ho. I was halfway serious at the time, mostly because I thought it could be an opportunity to take on a challenge (and I honestly didn't think it would be an easy one). That being said, I was bringing more attention to Jason than he deserves. This guy appears to be quite the scumbag. After reconsidering my challenge, I have no desire to have any further dealings with Jason. I apologize to anyone I may have offended by making light of a situation that should have been left alone.
just stop posting. nobody took you seriously in the first place
[Stoxpoker pays six figures] Former coach Jason Ho scams students Quote
02-11-2010 , 10:40 PM
Rainman, I came down on you pretty hard after your initial post. I'm glad that after further reflection, you chose to post that. It's good that you have friends like your buddy. Buy him a beer.
[Stoxpoker pays six figures] Former coach Jason Ho scams students Quote
02-12-2010 , 03:43 AM
For those who enjoy a good JasonHo vid...

summary: **** around at work all day instead of actually working - time saving!
[Stoxpoker pays six figures] Former coach Jason Ho scams students Quote
02-12-2010 , 04:11 AM
A Jason Ho google turns this thread up at the bottom of page two now, but still no relevant topic suggestions from the auto-suggestion drop down list.
[Stoxpoker pays six figures] Former coach Jason Ho scams students Quote
02-12-2010 , 03:13 PM
Originally Posted by mrdasefx
So is Jason Ho offering discounts now?
It is insane to me that Jason is still even coaching.

[Stoxpoker pays six figures] Former coach Jason Ho scams students Quote
02-12-2010 , 03:14 PM
BTW. What ever happened to the zenconcept reality show. I could not find any vids after the one he talks with the computer. I am so curious to see how he looks now.

[Stoxpoker pays six figures] Former coach Jason Ho scams students Quote
02-12-2010 , 09:14 PM
Wow. A poker buddy pointed me to this thread. I dont post on 2+2 anymore but wow. I had Jason as a coach for low limits $100 NL and $200 NL. He added to my game by making me loosen up. I was way too tight. It helped.

Later I went back for more study and he doubled his rates for the limit I was coached at. I wanted coaching for the next limit so the rates were double that too or 4x and I simply couldnt afford it.

He was different, he followed the basic principles of good LAG.

I dont have anything bad to say about jason.
[Stoxpoker pays six figures] Former coach Jason Ho scams students Quote
02-13-2010 , 09:52 AM
Originally Posted by winky51

I dont have anything bad to say about jason.
What about now after reading the thread?
[Stoxpoker pays six figures] Former coach Jason Ho scams students Quote
02-13-2010 , 02:02 PM
Originally Posted by winky51
I dont have anything bad to say about jason.
Can you make something up?
[Stoxpoker pays six figures] Former coach Jason Ho scams students Quote
02-13-2010 , 04:20 PM
Originally Posted by winky51
He was different, he followed the basic principles of good LAG.
You received incompetent advice. Unless you are one of a few thousand top-notch players, there is no such thing as "good LAG." That's just ego tripping.
[Stoxpoker pays six figures] Former coach Jason Ho scams students Quote
02-13-2010 , 04:23 PM
Originally Posted by denks
Stox / CR vouched for JH's credentials, so in that regard they have something to answer for.
As a poker player, Ho is a loser. That said, he isn't nearly as bad a loser as some of the cult heroes of 2+2.
[Stoxpoker pays six figures] Former coach Jason Ho scams students Quote
02-13-2010 , 10:42 PM
Originally Posted by Jabbershot
...there is no such thing as "good LAG." That's just ego tripping...
Read up on what a good LAG player is. Do some research before you give an absolute statement like that.

I had 4 hours with Jason and we mostly talked about opening up my game and hand selection. I was a tight player that made decent low variance money but the field was hardening with good players and I was not making as much. My main problem was money fear though because I was playing to support a family. After the 4 hours was up I went back 2 months later for some more coaching but I didnt want to pay $200 an hour for $200 NL the price was way too steep and I didnt feel worth it (if I remember correctly on the price).

I would suspect if he is guilty of the accusations then all of it happend because he got in over his head mentally and financially and then turned to desperate measures.

Jason acted professionally with me and was actually generous with his time. I think I got a total of 5 hours. He did treat coaching like a business. And after I didnt want to pay the fee for $200 NL I stopped receiving replies to emails on a couple questions. There I said something negative.
[Stoxpoker pays six figures] Former coach Jason Ho scams students Quote
02-14-2010 , 12:25 AM
Originally Posted by Jabbershot
You received incompetent advice. Unless you are one of a few thousand top-notch players, there is no such thing as "good LAG." That's just ego tripping.
umm no
[Stoxpoker pays six figures] Former coach Jason Ho scams students Quote
02-14-2010 , 03:56 AM
doesnt stox also have a bunch of coaches that are losing players? wtf is wrong with the site

Last edited by realestate; 02-14-2010 at 04:06 AM.
[Stoxpoker pays six figures] Former coach Jason Ho scams students Quote
02-14-2010 , 04:59 AM
Originally Posted by Dorkus Malorkus

seriously first we had TT and his ridiculous "HAY GUYZ IT'S OK IT'S JUST A STAKING DISAGREEMENT" nonsense and now we have this guy who's rambling in nonsensical circles about why the thread is still buried in here.

"create a thread in NVG!" --> people already did, duh. one got moved to the mod forum for 'further discussion', the other got thrown in here. as far as i can tell, there is no 'further discussion' to be had. plus creating a new thread when there's this one with all the info and drama already contained within is a stupid idea anyway. just take this thread and move it, simple, no?

"OMG there's already a thread in NVG!" --> no there isn't. a thread about leatherass being an egomaniacal turd =/= a thread on jason ho being a scammer. i hope for your students sake that you're better at poker than you are at reading comprehension.

"the thread was moved here so stox could address and resolve the problem more easily" ---> i don't see why it being in here would aid that (and you haven't explained this) but it's a moot point seeing as there's nothing more for stox to do now except for address whatever few claims haven't been sorted yet.

*rambling on for paragraphs about the ins and outs of threads being x-posted by mods* --> what? who cares about this?

i doubt this really is a sinister attempt to keep the story buried or anything like that, but to be honest i would have expected the mods to have the common sense to realise that it looks exactly like that to the casual reader.
I can see merit in both side's points (nice to see a mod finally stepping back into the thread to proffer an argument), but I think Dorkus really nails it here.

Yes, there's nothing stopping a new NVG thread being started (leading with the Macau Times frontpage say). But, by the same argument, what's stopping this thread being moved back there now (particularly as the primary matter in hand - the refunds - have been largely settled?) Any new thread will link to this one after all.

So what IS stopping it? Why is the title of this thread STILL 'Where did the Jason Ho thread get moved to?' (lol) Seems a reasonable question at this point - especially as it appears Ho is still coaching.

PS: still waiting on TT.
[Stoxpoker pays six figures] Former coach Jason Ho scams students Quote
02-14-2010 , 06:11 AM
Originally Posted by winky51
Read up on what a good LAG player is. Do some research before you give an absolute statement like that.
Here are Ho's own words:
Originally Posted by Jason Ho
If you very hyper aggressive it can give alot of players troubles. Most are TAGs which don't want to come out their comfort zone and call lighter or bluff catch alot wider to what they are use to. Also if you don't show down a hand then they won't know yet. Hence bluffing becomes an artform where when you know you are caught and they start readjusting you can leave and come back another time.
I'm torn here. Intellectually, I want to explain why serious players have lined up to face LAG players for decades. On the other hand, I like money and I don't want loose grinders to stop doing what they're doing.

Just remember: Regs trying to be cute by playing LAG are easy to spot with a HUD and a little notetaking. LAG regs and LAG fish don't play alike. A fish will just stack off light and a reg will reach a certain crisis point where he will bail out before getting pot committed.

Last edited by Jabbershot; 02-14-2010 at 06:24 AM.
[Stoxpoker pays six figures] Former coach Jason Ho scams students Quote
