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Paying for coaching is ******ed Paying for coaching is ******ed

04-14-2009 , 01:30 AM
Originally Posted by 0evg0
I coach the stakes you can't beat.

I'm willing to take you up on your challenge.

I am "putting up."

Let me know if I need to make it any clearer that I am looking to play you on 4-tables of 200nl HU in the very near future.

Also let me know how we should begin scheduling for this.


Your on. I will only play the match ups on the cake poker network.

PM sent, we will play soon
Paying for coaching is ******ed Quote
04-14-2009 , 01:45 AM
Paying for coaching is ******ed Quote
04-14-2009 , 02:35 AM
Post the details of the match, this'll be epic... lol

No but seriously do share.
Paying for coaching is ******ed Quote
04-14-2009 , 02:40 AM
Originally Posted by Ihatelosing
Your on. I will only play the match ups on the cake poker network.

PM sent, we will play soon
You ignored my acceptance. Won't play me? Also why only on Cake? Why not at a major site? I don't actually have an account at Cake right now.
Paying for coaching is ******ed Quote
04-14-2009 , 02:59 AM
sorry guys, i just lost my bank roll taking a shot at $2k hu, so all potential matchs will have to be off untill i can save up to redposit or i spin up the $100 or so i can get into the site in the meantime
Paying for coaching is ******ed Quote
04-14-2009 , 03:46 AM
Oh, and right now when u would get so much action, what a shame, isnt it? (sarcasm off)
Paying for coaching is ******ed Quote
04-14-2009 , 03:48 AM
Originally Posted by Ihatelosing
sorry guys, i just lost my bank roll taking a shot at $2k hu, so all potential matchs will have to be off untill i can save up to redposit or i spin up the $100 or so i can get into the site in the meantime
If only there were people out there who could teach you how to beat 2k NLHU, or how to avoid taking whole br shots...
Paying for coaching is ******ed Quote
04-14-2009 , 04:02 AM
Originally Posted by Insane_Steve
If only there were people out there who could teach you how to beat 2k NLHU, or how to avoid taking whole br shots...
lol, i am still up over $1000 from poker. just spent it all lol. so i was gambling with pure profit
Paying for coaching is ******ed Quote
04-14-2009 , 05:30 AM
Wow, what an idiot. Nice story about losing your bankroll, everyone believes you.
Paying for coaching is ******ed Quote
04-14-2009 , 05:34 AM
sorry guys, i just lost my bank roll taking a shot at $2k hu, so all potential matchs will have to be off untill i can save up to redposit or i spin up the $100 or so i can get into the site in the meantime
HH or graphs else it never happened!
Paying for coaching is ******ed Quote
04-14-2009 , 05:56 AM
Originally Posted by Brokerstar
HH or graphs else it never happened!
Paying for coaching is ******ed Quote
04-14-2009 , 08:16 AM
paying for coaching is ******ed........when your bankroll cant support it
Paying for coaching is ******ed Quote
04-14-2009 , 08:32 AM
Originally Posted by Ihatelosing
sorry guys, i can't back anything I say because i speak B.S. 99% of the time
Paying for coaching is ******ed Quote
04-14-2009 , 12:05 PM

he actually did send a pm and i was happy :/
Paying for coaching is ******ed Quote
04-14-2009 , 12:41 PM
Before you should even consider hiring a poker coach, maybe you should pay somebody $200 an hour to teach you how to cope with your brutal shortcomings as a human being.

After that special ed for op.
Paying for coaching is ******ed Quote
04-14-2009 , 12:44 PM
Originally Posted by Ihatelosing
lol, i am still up over $1000 from poker. just spent it all lol. so i was gambling with pure profit
One THOUSAND dollars?? OMG so sick!
Paying for coaching is ******ed Quote
04-14-2009 , 01:02 PM
Originally Posted by Ihatelosing
lol, i am still up over $1000 from poker. just spent it all lol. so i was gambling with pure profit
Or, in other words, you just donked off 2/3rds of your lifetime profit in poker on a HU tournament you lost.

GG BR management.
Paying for coaching is ******ed Quote
04-14-2009 , 02:01 PM
Originally Posted by Daddy Warbucks
One THOUSAND dollars?? OMG so sick!
naa, he made "$9,600 in one night", has a winrate of "24bb/100h with 175,000 hands over $500" and a "$40,000 bankroll"...remember?
Paying for coaching is ******ed Quote
04-14-2009 , 02:21 PM
Originally Posted by alewis21
Before you should even consider hiring a poker coach, maybe you should pay somebody $200 an hour to teach you how to cope with your brutal shortcomings as a human being.

After that special ed for op.
[x] Wins thread
[ ] HU4rollz had a chance of happening
Paying for coaching is ******ed Quote
04-14-2009 , 02:56 PM
Originally Posted by reverie
Wins thread.
Paying for coaching is ******ed Quote
04-14-2009 , 03:04 PM
i love the ideas u 2+2 members come up with
Paying for coaching is ******ed Quote
04-14-2009 , 08:46 PM
this thread
Paying for coaching is ******ed Quote
04-15-2009 , 01:11 AM
let me just finish this thread off with some points:

paying for coaching is ******ed because:

1, nobody who is really good is going to coach people because they can make more playing poker and because they recognise how dumb it is to educate fish

2, poker players are almost entirely lazy, not punctual, and unreliable. thus paying for lessons from people who cant be bothered to get out of bed in the morning is extremely risky and any minor benefits gained from being coached by a ****ty player who cant crush the games is outweighed by the huge risk involved in securing coaching

3, There are no secrets in poker. No coach is going to be able to able to tell you a great secret that has been stopping you from crushing the games. In fact, poker is a simple game where you just need to take the best line on each individual hand. You increase how often you do this by experience. There are no great moves that can be learnt and allow you to crush. and in fact being taught will simply lead you to not think for yourself and thus may cause you to become too predictable and become worse

4, you have no guarentee that the information you are being fed is accurate and advantageous to you

5, you are basically opening urself up to being scammed in a number of ways

6, coaching is ******ed!
Paying for coaching is ******ed Quote
04-15-2009 , 01:24 AM
1, nobody who is really good is going to coach people because they can make more playing poker and because they recognise how dumb it is to educate fish

2, poker players are almost entirely lazy, not punctual, and unreliable. thus paying for lessons from people who cant be bothered to get out of bed in the morning is extremely risky and any minor benefits gained from being coached by a ****ty player who cant crush the games is outweighed by the huge risk involved in securing coaching

3, There are no secrets in poker. No coach is going to be able to able to tell you a great secret that has been stopping you from crushing the games. In fact, poker is a simple game where you just need to take the best line on each individual hand. You increase how often you do this by experience. There are no great moves that can be learnt and allow you to crush. and in fact being taught will simply lead you to not think for yourself and thus may cause you to become too predictable and become worse

4, you have no guarentee that the information you are being fed is accurate and advantageous to you

5, you are basically opening urself up to being scammed in a number of ways

6, coaching is ******ed!
1) Then how do you explain Jman, CTS, Krantz, and raptor all coaching?

2) The top players are much less likely to be lazy do you see why?

3) You really just don't understand. If poker is so simple why aren't computers dominating it like they do chess?

4) You never have this kind of guarantee when you learn any information. It's up to you to absorb and use it

5) Pretty much just 1 way and that is pretty unlikely unless you're hiring just anyone with no reputation or recommendations

6) No you are!
Paying for coaching is ******ed Quote
04-15-2009 , 01:32 AM
Originally Posted by Ihatelosing
let me just finish this thread off with some points:

paying for coaching is ******ed because:

1, nobody who is really good is going to coach people because they can make more playing poker and because they recognise how dumb it is to educate fish

2, poker players are almost entirely lazy, not punctual, and unreliable. thus paying for lessons from people who cant be bothered to get out of bed in the morning is extremely risky and any minor benefits gained from being coached by a ****ty player who cant crush the games is outweighed by the huge risk involved in securing coaching

3, There are no secrets in poker. No coach is going to be able to able to tell you a great secret that has been stopping you from crushing the games. In fact, poker is a simple game where you just need to take the best line on each individual hand. You increase how often you do this by experience. There are no great moves that can be learnt and allow you to crush. and in fact being taught will simply lead you to not think for yourself and thus may cause you to become too predictable and become worse

4, you have no guarentee that the information you are being fed is accurate and advantageous to you

5, you are basically opening urself up to being scammed in a number of ways

6, coaching is ******ed!
Mate I hate to say it but the only person that seems ******ed isn't the people going out of their way to learn. I'ver personally gained so much from being coached and my coach was never late (Alex Yex from Card Runners).

Yes what he taught me was indeed out there in books but he spotted my leaks and more importanly helped (made) me think about the game on a higher level, which ultimatly sped up my learning process.

It's the same as anything, I could of learned to be a fighter from videos and books but I never, I learned froma local Thai boxing club when I was 14. Then some years later, at 22, I moved to Thailand and learnt from some awesome fighters/coaches and within six months of learning from them, became ten times the fighter I was. So not only would I say coaching helps but different coaches can improve you further as mine did and inspire you to push yourself onto greater things.

You have avoided everyones requests from proving you ever had a 40k roll (it never happened) to playing HU (it was never going to happen) and now you won't even post a graph or HH of your NL2000 shot taking because again, it never happened.

You know what they say about being a compulsive lier. "what a tangled web we weave when at first we start to decieve"

Good luck in life.

Paying for coaching is ******ed Quote
