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Coaching v building a bank roll v leak buster Coaching v building a bank roll v leak buster

11-05-2012 , 07:35 AM
He guys, after your opinion of what the best item to spend around $50-$100 on as in the title. An hour coaching, verneers book or leak buster. Trying to make the transition to fr small stakes zoom/rush.
Coaching v building a bank roll v leak buster Quote
11-05-2012 , 10:03 AM
Wouldn't consider coaching unless you are certain that your coach is good, and a good fit for you, and you can go for a whole package of coaching hours.

Leakbuster isn't a tool for transitioning, and personally I don't have any experience with Verneer's book so I can't comment on that. Also I have never ever heard anyone giving the advice to purchase leakbuster anywhere, so I personally wouldn't buy it.

Your money is probably better spend for some time on a training site, and watching videos and posting on forums, in regards to improving.
Coaching v building a bank roll v leak buster Quote
11-05-2012 , 10:34 AM
Verneer's book and it's not even close IMHO.

But seriously, for a beginner, I would recommend a book (BlackRain's book is a good alternative to mine for beginning FR players), then a training site, and finally some individual coaching. You need to develop some macro fundamentals (which a book does) before you start worrying about the micro aspects (which coaching tends to focus on).
Coaching v building a bank roll v leak buster Quote
11-05-2012 , 12:22 PM
Coaching v building a bank roll v leak buster Quote
11-05-2012 , 01:51 PM
Go for the book.
Coaching v building a bank roll v leak buster Quote
11-05-2012 , 03:24 PM
posting hands on 2p2.
Coaching v building a bank roll v leak buster Quote
11-05-2012 , 04:49 PM
w/e you do, dont spend it on leak buster
Coaching v building a bank roll v leak buster Quote
11-05-2012 , 05:12 PM
Sorry I meant to say I am moving from micros to small stakes. Not six max to fr... Would u recommend verneers book for that? Or black rains?
Coaching v building a bank roll v leak buster Quote
11-06-2012 , 02:03 PM
I would recommend BlackRain79's book, Verneer's book, and Leakbuster. I have all 3 , and have found them all to be helpful.

Crushing the microstakes is a great intro book. Verneer's book is a nice progression from that, and i think Leakbuster is a good interactive program that can not only help you identify and fix leaks, but has some good training content, and analysis tools.
Coaching v building a bank roll v leak buster Quote
11-06-2012 , 03:31 PM
Originally Posted by RGyoho
Wouldn't consider coaching unless you are certain that your coach is good, and a good fit for you, and you can go for a whole package of coaching hours.

Leakbuster isn't a tool for transitioning, and personally I don't have any experience with Verneer's book so I can't comment on that. Also I have never ever heard anyone giving the advice to purchase leakbuster anywhere, so I personally wouldn't buy it.

Your money is probably better spend for some time on a training site, and watching videos and posting on forums, in regards to improving.
Evaluate all of them on your own, and make your own decisions.

As far as Leak Buster being recommended, just search on here. It's been recommended by tons of mid and high stakes pooh bahs on here and anyone who has actually used it including coaches who post on here.

Best thing to do is to reply to others hand posts on here. Don't worry about being wrong, and when you're ready, invest in coaching and software.
Coaching v building a bank roll v leak buster Quote
11-07-2012 , 02:46 AM
if you're moving from micros to small stakes then i'd say the answer is coaching ainec. That being said the budget you spend on coaching should be more in proportion to the benefit it would give you. if you have the roll to move up to small stakes (i'm assuming 100nl?) then i wouldn't limit your improvement by only spending 0.5-1 buy in. If you only want to spend $50 - $100 on any of these ideas then hiring a coach is likely to be a terrible idea since either a) you'll probably only get 1 hour of coaching or b) they may be ****ing terrible if they are so cheap.

Consider how you want to progress forward in poker and what you are willing to spend to achieve that... if it is only $50-$100, then just be aware that your likely benefit will be limited too. There are very few players i know/speak too that claim to have made any significant steps to improve their game via poker books, most have either made decent progress through hard graft, playing more and learning from their own mistakes or by the former and also the help of a decent coach at some point or another. I doubt there is much ground breaking strat available in poker books that hasn't already been discussed/available on many of the training sites.
Coaching v building a bank roll v leak buster Quote
11-09-2012 , 01:59 PM
Originally Posted by pontylad
if you're moving from micros to small stakes then i'd say the answer is coaching ainec. That being said the budget you spend on coaching should be more in proportion to the benefit it would give you. if you have the roll to move up to small stakes (i'm assuming 100nl?) then i wouldn't limit your improvement by only spending 0.5-1 buy in. If you only want to spend $50 - $100 on any of these ideas then hiring a coach is likely to be a terrible idea since either a) you'll probably only get 1 hour of coaching or b) they may be ****ing terrible if they are so cheap.

Consider how you want to progress forward in poker and what you are willing to spend to achieve that... if it is only $50-$100, then just be aware that your likely benefit will be limited too. There are very few players i know/speak too that claim to have made any significant steps to improve their game via poker books, most have either made decent progress through hard graft, playing more and learning from their own mistakes or by the former and also the help of a decent coach at some point or another. I doubt there is much ground breaking strat available in poker books that hasn't already been discussed/available on many of the training sites.
This is a good point, and something that can't be underscored. Just speaking from my own personal experience (and this is having spent up to $1500/hr for coaching), most coaches are really ****ing bad. I think because of the industry shrinking, the better ones are rising to the top a little more, but in general, most don't really have a very good plan or model for coaching. So just be super cautious when investing in a coach, and don't expect to spend less than $125/hr or so for a competent small stakes coach imho.
Coaching v building a bank roll v leak buster Quote
11-10-2012 , 03:19 AM
Originally Posted by FreakDaddy
This is a good point, and something that can't be underscored. Just speaking from my own personal experience (and this is having spent up to $1500/hr for coaching), most coaches are really ****ing bad. I think because of the industry shrinking, the better ones are rising to the top a little more, but in general, most don't really have a very good plan or model for coaching. So just be super cautious when investing in a coach, and don't expect to spend less than $125/hr or so for a competent small stakes coach imho.
i agree that there are good coaches and not so good coaches - just like any anything else you need to shop around

don't agree about the $125 - there are several very good coaches for low stakes that are charging less right now
Coaching v building a bank roll v leak buster Quote
