Join Date: Feb 2012
Posts: 89
hey everyone , im new here and looking for a coach for hu nl, ive worked with a few from DC in the past to get to where i am today, but now i think its time for the big push in the midstakes and need some help .
the thing im wondering is this:
i read the coaching forum and there's good few hu coaches all seem very good tbh, all graphs look very good, no doubt there all worth the money,
i play 100nl hu as my main game, i beat it for around 7BB/100, i want to get into 200nl and play it as my main game then start to take shots at higher stakes,
to get to the midstakes do you think its neccasary to spend $300 per hour on coaching or should i be looking to get the advice to get to midstakes for a lower price then when i get to midstakes get one of these $300 pr hour guys to help me.
obv i dont have money to burn ect ect, and i play for a living so being smart with $$ is a big deal, sry if its worded kinda funny, just its hard to describe.