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Coaching advice what kind of coach to get? Coaching advice what kind of coach to get?

04-08-2014 , 08:18 PM
Hi My name is Doug and I am looking to improve my poker game. i have played since 2009 on ps and ft till black friday and i just recently started playing again on winning poker. I live in california and I am looking to improve my overall poker skills in both cash and mtt stt NLH PLO. I typically play 6 handed games when playing cash games as i find they flow better to me then 9 handed games. i have about 20k holdem hands in my HM2 and im -210$. I have been playing omaha without omaha manager but i think i am winning at that game based on only playing 1 table at a time and tracking buy in's like i would at a live game up 4/5 buy in's so not a tun(and probably a tiny sample size also. Anyway I would like peoples opinion on what to get coaching on and why? if all i am looking to do is bankroll build get coaching and get better what kinda coach should i get PLO NLH? cash? tourny? sng? husng? were is the "sweet" money coming from? what would be the most profitable coach i guess is what i am asking.
Coaching advice what kind of coach to get? Quote
04-09-2014 , 12:30 AM
I doubt anyone really knows the answer to which game you should choose or which game might offer the best RIO from coaching.

I would suggest you think about which game you are most interested in playing tons of. If you want to get really good at something it requires lots of practice, and this will only happen if you really like the game. Also consider your own psychology and how it may or may not fit with a game(i.e. I don't play many MTTs or PLO as I prefer the steady lower variance earn from 6m NLH).

Once you pick the game you want to work on you can shop around for a coach
Coaching advice what kind of coach to get? Quote
04-09-2014 , 01:39 PM
thanks for the reply mike. Honestly i love badugi but i don't think their is any money in it. i can barely get anyone to want to play a limit game. which i guess leads back to my original question. which games are good. I love poker in all it forms and even though i have 2m hands in my database i can only say i am a break even player. This is why i want to get coaching to get better. I have had no poker mentor in years now and though i play regularly . I feel i would benefit from a coach but they are all so specialized. and i honestly feel like the only games of nlh i can play online anymore are like so much more developed then the games at pokerstars were. which means i need to work on my game more. which means i need a coach .... but if the plo games are "juicy" would i rather get a coach for the juicy game hell ya!
Coaching advice what kind of coach to get? Quote
04-09-2014 , 02:06 PM
Well if you are good, any game can be good up to point.

Since I don't play PLO or badugi I can't comment on how good those games are but I am happy to say I can still find good NLH games

But, there is a reason most players/coaches are so specialized - it takes a lot of time and work to get good enough at one game to make a living at it and the 2005 party poker days are long gone.
Coaching advice what kind of coach to get? Quote
