Hi everyone, I'm new to this forum and relatively new to the game so my apologies in advanced if I make a dumb/ignorant comment.
I was playing 9 player regular hold-em with 0.02/0.04 blinds. I had $4.00 and my pre-flop was A


I raised to 0.12 and everyone except one guy folded. He called me (his stack was around $8.00)
The flop was:


I thought the flop was way too wet so I decided to slow-play and checked. Naturally, the guy raised me, and I reraised him. He reraised me back until I was forced to call all-in. I had three of a kind aces, and he had pocket 7's. I was thrilled.
On the river however, another 7 appeared and he ended up winning the pot with a full house! I was absolutely stunned and felt at first so sure it was just dumb luck but now questioning myself if I should have been somewhat ready/expecting for this to happen. Any thoughts?