Join Date: Apr 2009
Posts: 59
I satellited into the FTOPS #2 the $200+16 6max 7-game event. I mainly just play NL cash games, and while I do understand PLO and the mixed limit games to a degree (obviously as I managed to win the ticket somehow) I want to spend today learning more about the mixed limit games so that I feel more confident in the tourny. Does anyone know a good video coaching series for these? I know there's a good BobboFittos one on leggopoker but I don't have a subscription for that anymore but I do have deucescracked. Any ideas?
// Edit: To clarify, the 7-game on FTP is LHE, Omaha8, Stud8, StudHi, Razz, NLHE and PLO.
Last edited by slavOuchka; 11-04-2009 at 04:44 PM.