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[WPT Global] Official Thread [WPT Global] Official Thread

07-25-2024 , 12:30 PM
Point beeing i agree with Aligato this system does not block burner accounts, and if they also get rakeback it will be a bonus for them taken from the long time regs. You just avoided to answer this question so far Alex, do you think it is the corect buisness decision to punish regulars and reward cheaters? I could understand this kind of drastic decisions in a fair ecology, but i have proven daily with examples that WPTG can't handle cheaters and abusers. Can you please answear how you will deal with losing 80% of regulars trafic from next month, because i have to make a decision, continue playing with cheaters abusers and some recreationals or moving on another platform.
[WPT Global] Official Thread Quote
07-25-2024 , 01:13 PM
Originally Posted by ghindos
Point beeing i agree with Aligato this system does not block burner accounts, and if they also get rakeback it will be a bonus for them taken from the long time regs. You just avoided to answer this question so far Alex, do you think it is the corect buisness decision to punish regulars and reward cheaters? I could understand this kind of drastic decisions in a fair ecology, but i have proven daily with examples that WPTG can't handle cheaters and abusers. Can you please answear how you will deal with losing 80% of regulars trafic from next month, because i have to make a decision, continue playing with cheaters abusers and some recreationals or moving on another platform.
It's comical, what benefit is there for a regular honest pro to start tables, wait hours to finally get a game going while earning 0 RB. Meanwhile a abuser can just create a new account snap fire 4 tables immediately and earn max RB lol.
[WPT Global] Official Thread Quote
07-25-2024 , 03:00 PM
Originally Posted by Savz.58
Yeah, this is a problem that I spotted a couple of months ago. I noticed a LOT of guys with stats like this, or stats 50/2 (maybe just limp/fold HU with some other account).
1. They made fake stats. This can fool some REGs and RECs at least from the beginning until they realise it´s fake. So he gains an advantage
2. He makes an impression for AI, he is a fish and who knows how long it takes AI to realize, he is an HSP
3. He has access to all the games running
I can confirm this happens...

In fact I spoted one time 2 guys that where clearly boosting their stats playing Hu AND even I was rewarded by wpt because of that...

Alex please hear us this Is just true, ITS basically imposible for us to bring proofs because we dont have hh etc etc (dont get me wrong I think Is good to have trackers banned).

But all this problems aré happening 100%, site Is still profitable. But look at ignition right now, thats whats going to happen here if you dont take measures
[WPT Global] Official Thread Quote
07-25-2024 , 05:41 PM

What is ratholing time for PLO5 Omaha?

I play low limit PLO5. At WPT I lost thousands of $$ but enjoy it as I need to learn this game - have some live home games invitations for higher stakes.

I ask b/c as plenty of my oppnts at low stakes are leaving with bigger stack and immdtly coming back with initial buyin, I started doing it also.

I guess it is (possibility for returning immediately with initial buyin) a feature not a bug in your software. Unlike at other online rooms where it is blockage imposed: half an hour, 1 hour or 2 hours usually.

No problem for me, just want a clear answer.

[WPT Global] Official Thread Quote
07-25-2024 , 06:21 PM
Originally Posted by ALIGATO
It's comical, what benefit is there for a regular honest pro to start tables, wait hours to finally get a game going while earning 0 RB. Meanwhile a abuser can just create a new account snap fire 4 tables immediately and earn max RB lol.
Not sure if your being serious here at "get a game going" but you never started a table in your life on WPT and always grim everyone when table breaks or rare time your HU lol (honestly not blaming you, 90% do it as well)

System sucks but it could actually be a good system for regulars that do start games if they did it properly wich is not the case right now.

A good example of a decent "reward" for a regular starting a game Alex could be that they can open an extra table while others can't if they are playing short handed, headsup, or even waiting alone.

I'd say if you want to fix the burner account issue limit new accounts to 2 tables max until they are adjusted by the unfairAI system and then they can play 4 tables after.

Let regs that start games have unlimited table open and the one that bumhunts only cap to 4.

Last edited by Mike Haven; 07-31-2024 at 12:41 PM. Reason: 2 posts merged
[WPT Global] Official Thread Quote
07-25-2024 , 07:27 PM
Originally Posted by WPT Global Alex
If a player is recognized as skilled at NLH 2 4 8 CNY, will he also lose the rakeback and viewing of all tables at the same game but a lower level (NLH 1 2 4 CNY)?
I also have another question please: from this point of view (that of the evaluation for the purposes of rakeback and viewing or not all tables), are the NLH 0.2, 0.5 1 $ and the 2 4 8 CNY level considered the same game? Or because 8 CNY has a slightly higher value than 1 dollar it is considered a higher game, and therefore I could have a phase in which I am treated as a skilled player at 0.2, 0.5 1 $, and as a standard player at 2 4 8 CNY?

Does it happen to someone that just by pressing the + or - button to adjust the bet, you actually bet or check?

Last edited by Mike Haven; 07-31-2024 at 12:41 PM. Reason: 2 posts merged
[WPT Global] Official Thread Quote
07-25-2024 , 11:43 PM
i got shown two 5-10-20 that were decent today and i played 8 hours, and yes i play some of the bad tables with 7 regs and a nit fish. zero shown 10/20/40 that were decent!! i try to start tables but my tables are mostly showed to pros i know that.

when i get a table which is rare the pros are alll new accounts with under 3k hands. these guys plays until they are restricted then create a new account, rinse and repeat!

i know these guys are the reason why im not shown tables anymore, it feels like a ripoff seriously. i have 10's of thousands of hands on the site, doesnt pay anymore to be honest its sad.
[WPT Global] Official Thread Quote
07-26-2024 , 03:54 AM
Originally Posted by OmgImBreaking
If a player is recognized as skilled at NLH 2 4 8 CNY, will he also lose the rakeback and viewing of all tables at the same game but a lower level (NLH 1 2 4 CNY)?
I also have another question please: from this point of view (that of the evaluation for the purposes of rakeback and viewing or not all tables), are the NLH 0.2, 0.5 1 $ and the 2 4 8 CNY level considered the same game? Or because 8 CNY has a slightly higher value than 1 dollar it is considered a higher game, and therefore I could have a phase in which I am treated as a skilled player at 0.2, 0.5 1 $, and as a standard player at 2 4 8 CNY?

No, I was tagged as HSP and at that time 99% of volume came from .5/1/2$, and they limited in 2/4/8y, 5/10/20y, 10,20,40y games as well

Last edited by Savz.58; 07-26-2024 at 03:58 AM. Reason: Repair
[WPT Global] Official Thread Quote
07-26-2024 , 04:57 AM
This is getting more out of hand every day. They're even making cheeky usernames making it obvious.

Last edited by _jimbo_; 07-26-2024 at 05:13 AM.
[WPT Global] Official Thread Quote
07-26-2024 , 07:56 AM
Your heads-up rake is the highest in the industry, but as HSP that’s the only reliable game available even though at the rake level it’s 100 percent a house advantage game. So essentially you are just shadow banning winning players while rewarding a few lucky hsps with high win rates and low volume so you can brag about how great your site is.

It feels like being a poker pro is now equivalent to being a Mexican standing outside of Home Depot hoping to get picked for the construction job.
[WPT Global] Official Thread Quote
07-26-2024 , 09:26 AM
The article below was just published yesterday.

Just something worth noting is that there was a distinction made between 'policy violation' and 'cheating'. Now, I don't know if or to what degree this new influx of players are using RTA or collusion but if this group is just flooding certain limits with new accounts, they do cause enormous harm to the existing player pool and this is clearly cheating in my view. It's not just the site they are stealing from but us the players, both the recreational players and the pros on the site.

I'm sure those involved are reading this thread and you should know that WPTG pays out significant amounts for information on cheating rings. Just send in a mail to security. It's probably only a matter of time before your account gets confiscated anyway.
[WPT Global] Official Thread Quote
07-26-2024 , 10:14 AM
Originally Posted by Savz.58
No, I was tagged as HSP and at that time 99% of volume came from .5/1/2$, and they limited in 2/4/8y, 5/10/20y, 10,20,40y games as well
thanks for yours reply. At the time you were also restricted for 10,20,40y, had you played any hands at 10,20,40y or none at all?
[WPT Global] Official Thread Quote
07-26-2024 , 10:47 AM
Originally Posted by OmgImBreaking
thanks for yours reply. At the time you were also restricted for 10,20,40y, had you played any hands at 10,20,40y or none at all?
Maybe, just maybe I played very little at 5/10/20Y, but not 10/20/40
[WPT Global] Official Thread Quote
07-26-2024 , 11:58 AM
Originally Posted by Savz.58
Maybe, just maybe I played very little at 5/10/20Y, but not 10/20/40
That's very weird. Has the same thing happened to anyone else?

@WPT Global Alex do you have an explication about this?

Last edited by OmgImBreaking; 07-26-2024 at 12:04 PM.
[WPT Global] Official Thread Quote
07-26-2024 , 12:24 PM
Is It normal that from mobile I can see way more tables running than from laptop? (Im not sure I can Seat in them but for sure I see many more)
[WPT Global] Official Thread Quote
07-26-2024 , 04:40 PM
Originally Posted by Bozemanite
Your heads-up rake is the highest in the industry, but as HSP that’s the only reliable game available even though at the rake level it’s 100 percent a house advantage game. So essentially you are just shadow banning winning players while rewarding a few lucky hsps with high win rates and low volume so you can brag about how great your site is.

It feels like being a poker pro is now equivalent to being a Mexican standing outside of Home Depot hoping to get picked for the construction job.

Every day for every stake up from 1/2/4 up to 10/20/40. Only at 25/50/100 does it show me any form of available ring game. Any game that does occasionally show up either

A. 7 regs and basically a rake trap.
B. Most of the time it wont let me sit an empty seat that I've been waiting on.
[WPT Global] Official Thread Quote
07-26-2024 , 04:54 PM
Just don't play here. Clearly they don't want or value regulars so let the site dry up and die.
[WPT Global] Official Thread Quote
07-26-2024 , 06:30 PM
Very curious to see what Alex has to say about past messages. If intellectually honest no way he stays with this BS about burner not being a problem and no RB for regs+segregation being sustainable
Also not really sure what's going on with them but there's two guys playing each other HU on Pace 2/4 and snap sitting out when i join. Probably same inflating pf stats bs

Originally Posted by IsWPTgonnadie?
Very curious to see what Alex has to say about past messages. If intellectually honest no way he stays with this BS about burner not being a problem and no RB for regs+segregation being sustainable
Also not really sure what's going on with them but there's two guys playing each other HU on Pace 2/4 and snap sitting out when i join. Probably same inflating pf stats bs

Last edited by Mike Haven; 07-31-2024 at 12:42 PM. Reason: 2 posts merged
[WPT Global] Official Thread Quote
07-26-2024 , 09:28 PM
Originally Posted by JaNdRo27
Is It normal that from mobile I can see way more tables running than from laptop? (Im not sure I can Seat in them but for sure I see many more)
You can see but you cant sit, if you got tagged as pro.
[WPT Global] Official Thread Quote
07-26-2024 , 09:41 PM
This new acc, but I've already read all the post in this topic.
First, Alex you need to accept what people post here, cause we do care about wpt global, so we talk and discuss problem to make site being better.
Second, i want to help about my account. My account got lock due to security check, and this is an agent account means i cant send rakeback to customer. No rakeback means i must tell they to change agent, and stop working as an affiliate until you may unlock my account. Because i have my reputation, my customer trust me when follow to using wpt global. I 've asked eveywhere, everyone i know but all the answer is "Just wait".
I know some accounts got security check over 6 weeks - still no answer after all, just lock and tell wait. I dont know why my agent account, which cant play any games, just deposit transfer money to player and withdraw get locked.
If you want lock my agent account, just tell it, we all done, but i really cant wait without know estimate time. I hope you understand this.
[WPT Global] Official Thread Quote
07-27-2024 , 08:19 AM
Every time I want to open a new table/tournament I get this error - only been happening the last two days, odd & it's annoying having to restart the client 20x a day, especially when the only way to actually close it is task manager. Also a nightmare sitting out for a minute or two elsewhere every time as well.

No issue for two months prior, w/ same location/connection.
[WPT Global] Official Thread Quote
07-27-2024 , 10:26 AM
Hi all!

I want to discuss about disabling rb for pro accounts in cash game.

May be make * pro* account only for higher limits ? Like 10/20/40y+ ? Where pro play less hands and pay less rake in bb.

And if someone wants to cheat on hight stakes and create a new account, he will need to make a large deposit and the chance that someone will take risk is minimal.

0 rb for * pro* will make many fake accounts on low stakes because need only 800$ and you can play on new account with rb and all benefits , and will make many regs 17/11 , because when rake hight more simple to don’t open many hands , games will be more boring and more nitty.

For example

1) player will play 34/20 and have some rb plus will make game more funny.

2) player will play 17/12 will not have rb and he will make game more boring.

This part of rb which the player will no longer receive is worth it?

Btw player 34/20 make whey more rake every day then 17/12.

But player 34/20 will not play like this when need first to beat rake and then beat opponent. More simple start to play less hands.

maybe it's better to come up with promotions, and if a pro player gets something in it, subtract it from his RB.

if you really want to take something away from the players, subtract the jackpots from the monthly rake pro players , it turns out that the pro players will in fact give you part of the every jackpot, bacause after Jp they will receive less RB.

But don’t make 0 rb for pro accounts , probably I have pro account but I don’t beat limits for be pro. Pro without rb- can be only sharks on hight limits, they don’t need rb

Or may be you can make less rb for new accounts ? Because after make Ai system, many players make new account for they can play all tables.

But don't take away rewards from loyal players.
[WPT Global] Official Thread Quote
07-27-2024 , 01:53 PM
Originally Posted by IsWPTgonnadie?
Very curious to see what Alex has to say about past messages. If intellectually honest no way he stays with this BS about burner not being a problem and no RB for regs+segregation being sustainable
Clearly he has never played on the site or know the advantages of burner accounts outweigh pro acc. Burner accounts can view/play almost every single table on the app getting max RB while a HSP can't sit a table for jack **** while getting 0RB? Elaborate please

Last edited by ALIGATO; 07-27-2024 at 02:04 PM.
[WPT Global] Official Thread Quote
07-28-2024 , 12:16 AM
Our largest ever series starts in just under 4 hours time, with our $8,000,000 Summer Festival. $440,000 is guaranteed this Sunday, and flights for our $500,000 $220 Summer Festival Championship, $150,000 $22 Summer Festival Mini Championship & $530 WPT500 ($400,000 GTD) begin!

Summer Festival satellites continue today, along with another 4 seat guaranteed feeder to our $2,100 High Roller Bounty ($250,000 GTD) - which has a $220 BI at 01:30 ET. Multiple feeders run for the flight tournaments mentioned above, including a $5.50 100 seat guarantee to the $22 Summer Festival Mini Championship (at 05:30 ET)

Some linked promotions we are running with the festival:

$75,000 Freeroll - Have at least 30 entries during the Summer Festival to get registered for this. The more events you enter, means the more starting chips you will get. You can also mix in some PLO cash game hands to maximize your starting stack

$12,400 WPT World Championship draw - Enter 100 events (or 100+ entries overall) to be in with a chance of winning a 2024 $12,400 WPT WC package for WPT's live event in Las Vegas

$25,000 Champions Freeroll - Win any Summer Festival event to get into this! Win more than 1 to get double starting stack, more than 2 for triple starting stack, etc!

Want to earn up to $1,600 worth of Global Spins tickets? Find out more about our Summer Festival Global Spins promotion
[WPT Global] Official Thread Quote
07-28-2024 , 11:47 AM
Alex, could you please comment on this paragraph , taken from your website ? Especially phrases that are underlined with red color.


Quote from this paragraph : " Poker sites have tried to solve ecology problems like this before. The most common way this problem is addressed is to penalise winning players for example by cutting their rewards and\or eligibility for promotions, or even banning them from the site altogether ..... At WPT Global , we don't think methods like these are fair. " .
I perfectly understand that Alex is not the only person , who participates in taking decision to remove rakeback for winning players ( which is a form of reward = people pay a little less rake) . But could you , please, explain the position of WPT Global management on this paragraph? These people once wrote that "we don't think methods like these are fair", but now THIS IS EXACTLY WHAT THEY ARE DOING !
How can this be possible? First , people state that "it's unfair", but later do it anyway when they just want more money!!

Originally Posted by WPT Global Alex
It's very, very difficult to argue that we should spend millions of dollars on rewarding players who are already winning large amounts of money in the games.
Alex, could you , please, explain why do you call rakeback a "spending of millions of dollars?" . When you provide rakeback, YOU DO NOT SPEND ANYTHING !! You are just charging some people less for your services of poker platform. If someone , for example, has 33% rakeback and he pays you 3000$ in rake per month, he still brings you 2000$ per month and 1000$ is basically his discount. YOU DON'T SPEND ANYTHING ADDITIONAL FROM YOUR POCKET HERE !! It's like selling a product that originaly costs 10000$ to someone with 30% discount for 7000$ and then claim that you "SPENT 3000$".
PROS are the biggest rake generators since they play many tables simultaniously and many hours per month, no recreational player bring you as much rake( income) as multi-tabling pros.

I fully understand that it's probably not Alex himself who took this insanely unfair decision to remove rakeback ( especially for shortdeck holdem, where rake in bb\100 is several times higher than in NLHE). I appreciate Alex for his dialog with us, and my anger is forwarded mostly to WPT management.
[WPT Global] Official Thread Quote
