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Where can US players play? - First post updated Jan '23 Where can US players play? - First post updated Jan '23

06-18-2014 , 02:10 PM
yeah i was thinking of going WU anyway, thought I'd inquire about VISA first. Been a while since I sent cash to my buddy Rafaella in Venezuela.
Where can US players play? - First post updated Jan '23 Quote
06-18-2014 , 04:37 PM
Originally Posted by boutrous11
yeah i was thinking of going WU anyway, thought I'd inquire about VISA first. Been a while since I sent cash to my buddy Rafaella in Venezuela.
Yes, despite higher processing costs, I think most US-facing sites prefer cash deposits since there is no fear of charge-backs with cash money in hand.

Where can US players play? - First post updated Jan '23 Quote
06-18-2014 , 04:38 PM
doesn't carbon refund the cost of the transfer too?
Where can US players play? - First post updated Jan '23 Quote
06-18-2014 , 10:29 PM
Originally Posted by boutrous11
visa gift cards been working on carbon?
Not my Netspend card. Tried a few times, declined every time.
Where can US players play? - First post updated Jan '23 Quote
06-18-2014 , 10:54 PM
Originally Posted by boutrous11
doesn't carbon refund the cost of the transfer too?
If deposit is > $300, yes.

Where can US players play? - First post updated Jan '23 Quote
06-22-2014 , 03:12 AM
What is the best US site for multitabling sngs? Can non-US based players play there?
Where can US players play? - First post updated Jan '23 Quote
06-22-2014 , 04:35 AM
Originally Posted by Joe Tex
What is the best US site for multitabling sngs? Can non-US based players play there?
Whatever the answer to the first question is, the answer to the second question will be yes. The only sites that take US players and not non-US are the NV, NJ, and DE regulated sites that can only be played by players from those specific states.
Where can US players play? - First post updated Jan '23 Quote
06-22-2014 , 05:42 AM
Just out of curiousity, do you think when (and if) the US poker regulatory environment is sorted - will it be US only? I.e. the US sites will only accept US players?
Where can US players play? - First post updated Jan '23 Quote
06-22-2014 , 05:45 AM
On US-licensed sites for the foreseeable future, yes. One day, who knows?
Where can US players play? - First post updated Jan '23 Quote
06-22-2014 , 06:03 AM
Originally Posted by kahntrutahn
If deposit is > $300, yes.

i got the fee back and i only deposited 50, got 55 on my account.
Where can US players play? - First post updated Jan '23 Quote
06-22-2014 , 12:42 PM
Originally Posted by Joe Tex
What is the best US site for multitabling sngs? Can non-US based players play there?

It depends on how many SNGs you want to play at a time. What type of SNGs. And what stake(s) you wish to play. Are you OK with anonymous tables? Do you need a HUD | a certain HUD? etc

Where can US players play? - First post updated Jan '23 Quote
06-22-2014 , 02:24 PM
Can you guys fill me in....I'm just curious...what changed so that now I am able to play poker online? Just trying to understand what is going on with the laws. I live in ny.
Where can US players play? - First post updated Jan '23 Quote
06-22-2014 , 02:33 PM
Originally Posted by Tommygun79
Can you guys fill me in....I'm just curious...what changed so that now I am able to play poker online? Just trying to understand what is going on with the laws. I live in ny.

There never was any law that said you could not play online poker in NY. There is a lot of confusion and ignorance out there in this regard. Basically what happened was a law was surreptitiously passed that served to cut off the deposit processing done by US banking and credit card institutions to offshore gaming sites. By making that part of the process dubiously legal/illegal, a huge portion of the $ flowing into offshore sites was cut off, and a slew of terrible reporting and publicity lead many players to falsely believe that online poker became illegal... it did not. You as a player are just fine.

Where can US players play? - First post updated Jan '23 Quote
06-22-2014 , 03:05 PM
Originally Posted by Tommygun79
Can you guys fill me in....I'm just curious...what changed so that now I am able to play poker online? Just trying to understand what is going on with the laws. I live in ny.
Your knowledge.
Where can US players play? - First post updated Jan '23 Quote
06-24-2014 , 03:09 PM
Hey kahntrutahn,

you had said "There never was any law that said you could not play online poker in NY. There is a lot of confusion and ignorance out there in this regard. Basically what happened was a law was surreptitiously passed that served to cut off the deposit processing done by US banking and credit card institutions to offshore gaming sites. By making that part of the process dubiously legal/illegal, a huge portion of the $ flowing into offshore sites was cut off, and a slew of terrible reporting and publicity lead many players to falsely believe that online poker became illegal... it did not. You as a player are just fine."

My question to this is how does one deposit money online if that part is illegal? How does one cash payouts form online sites if they won a large tournament or ran up a large bankroll?

I am not challenging you, I am new to this and was just curious how that worked.

Where can US players play? - First post updated Jan '23 Quote
06-24-2014 , 03:47 PM
Originally Posted by Skippii
Hey kahntrutahn,

you had said "There never was any law that said you could not play online poker in NY. There is a lot of confusion and ignorance out there in this regard. Basically what happened was a law was surreptitiously passed that served to cut off the deposit processing done by US banking and credit card institutions to offshore gaming sites. By making that part of the process dubiously legal/illegal, a huge portion of the $ flowing into offshore sites was cut off, and a slew of terrible reporting and publicity lead many players to falsely believe that online poker became illegal... it did not. You as a player are just fine."

My question to this is how does one deposit money online if that part is illegal? How does one cash payouts form online sites if they won a large tournament or ran up a large bankroll?

I am not challenging you, I am new to this and was just curious how that worked.

There is a significant minority of poker rooms and payment processors who do not believe UIGEA applies to them because poker is not a "gambling game," but a "skill game" Also, UIGEA only applies to deposits, so many feel that withdrawals are 100% fair game. Couple that with the fact that there is little to no legal precedence in these matters.... and business goes on, albeit in a modified way with a couple extra hurdles sometimes.

Where can US players play? - First post updated Jan '23 Quote
06-26-2014 , 01:38 PM
I can't seem to find an answer to my question. Hoping you can help me out. Looking for a site that allows U.S. players but does NOT allow HUDs.

Also, as a side, I haven't played online in about 2 years. Would you say the games are much tougher then they were 2 years ago? I played mostly 100NL then and would like to start out at 50NL now.
Where can US players play? - First post updated Jan '23 Quote
06-26-2014 , 02:42 PM
Originally Posted by XraySpeX
I can't seem to find an answer to my question. Hoping you can help me out. Looking for a site that allows U.S. players but does NOT allow HUDs.
Bovada is the site you seek.
Also, as a side, I haven't played online in about 2 years. Would you say the games are much tougher then they were 2 years ago? I played mostly 100NL then and would like to start out at 50NL now.
Much tougher, you're better off starting at 25NL and seeing how things are. Bovada's supposed to be pretty soft, though.
Where can US players play? - First post updated Jan '23 Quote
06-27-2014 , 12:51 PM
Originally Posted by XraySpeX
I can't seem to find an answer to my question. Hoping you can help me out. Looking for a site that allows U.S. players but does NOT allow HUDs.

Also, as a side, I haven't played online in about 2 years. Would you say the games are much tougher then they were 2 years ago? I played mostly 100NL then and would like to start out at 50NL now.

otatop's advice above is pretty accurate, however, Bovada does allow HUDs. Well, to be more accurate, it allows one HUD. It's not a particularly powerful HUD, but Holdem Indicator is aok at Bovada.

There are no US sites that forbid HUDs outright. There are a few that only work with holdem indicator natively.

Where can US players play? - First post updated Jan '23 Quote
06-27-2014 , 04:54 PM
I think with regards to HUDs, otatop's answer is much more helpful than yours if you're not going to further qualify it. When someone is looking for a site without HUDs, I think we can be fairly certain that Bovada fits the bill much better than other sites. It's not an issue of how powerful HI is or isn't - it's the fact that the anonymous tables at Bovada mean that even a "powerful" HUD only provides data from the current session. Other sites that only work with HI aren't going to be anywhere near as appealing for a player looking to avoid HUDs.
Where can US players play? - First post updated Jan '23 Quote
06-27-2014 , 05:59 PM
Basically any Bitcoin site other than Seals is HUD-free, just on account of nobody cares enough to make them work. You'll have to scramble for action, though.
Where can US players play? - First post updated Jan '23 Quote
06-30-2014 , 02:13 AM
I'm an oregon resident, and was wondering if there is any sites online that accept oregon players? is it safe to try playing online in oregon now? do players here face legal/criminal trouble? More information would be greatly appreciated, I've been waiting to play again online since 2009. I've heard people at live tourneys and cash games tell me they play on certain sites. Is it safe? I'd love to play poker online, but don't want to get myself into trouble. Thank you.
Where can US players play? - First post updated Jan '23 Quote
06-30-2014 , 02:57 AM
so what this says is that it is ok to play online in oregon, because they don't pursue players, they only pursue online companies processing payments from the players.
Where can US players play? - First post updated Jan '23 Quote
06-30-2014 , 02:58 AM
anyone that plays in oregon that has had success playing lately, and can tell me how it goes? any trouble with withdrawals? anything i should look out for?
Where can US players play? - First post updated Jan '23 Quote
