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[Unibet] Official Thread [Unibet] Official Thread

10-27-2014 , 05:30 AM
Around 1am CET on Saturday, a database server blew up. It was fixed at around 6am. This meant that Challenges, Mission progress, and rake were not directly recorded.

We've been able to rebuild almost all of that through other sources, and work will continue on that through today. We don't have a system for retrospectively awarding steps towards a Challenge, so we will credit partial loyalty points for Challenge progress. For example, if you finished one step of three towards a Challenge while the database was broken, we'll credit you with 1/3 of the projected points. That Challenge will now appear to you as 0/3. We will credit fully completed Challenges in this way too, but your current Challenge will be the one you had when the database broke.

We also can't retrospectively award Mission progress. The worst case scenario for this is anyone who was on 2/3 days of playing an MTT - if they played just one MTT while the database was down, the system won't recognise it and it'll reset their progress to 0/3. In those cases, we'll credit the freeroll ticket as if they'd completed the step.

I apologise for the inconvenience. I believe that the problem has now been fixed and shouldn't happen again.
[Unibet] Official Thread Quote
10-27-2014 , 05:45 AM
Hi Andrew out of interest do you run multiple servers as a contingency or are there any plans to do so in the future?

Also I been meaning to ask are the cards random at time of each card being dealt, or is the board randomised in one go then the cards dealt, thanks
[Unibet] Official Thread Quote
10-27-2014 , 05:49 AM
hi Andrew

its good to hear you've got to the bottom of it and its almost fixed.

by what your saying it looks like I will get roughly 3/4 of the points towards the major challenge I was in the middle off when the issues arose.

but what about the other points I am missing from the rest of my play Saturday? I was playing for around 10 hours and when I logged back on on sunday I was at same total as I was when I logged on on Saturday, do you know where they disappeared to. I am missing roughly 28k points.

alais edgehead

many thanks
[Unibet] Official Thread Quote
10-27-2014 , 08:08 AM
hi Andrew

the above has been sorted and the points adjusted. only problem is it took me through another points threshold, 250k, but hasn't credited the award. ive informed customer care who have forwarded it on to the relevant team.

thanks again
[Unibet] Official Thread Quote
10-27-2014 , 11:23 AM
Originally Posted by gormless
Sounds like a good idea to me.

By the way not sure the 4-bet minor challenge is fair on NL10, 4 bets seem to be pretty rare. Have completed a major challenge and still only 1 out of 3 completed on the minor
Originally Posted by skicowboys
e.g. playing Omaha, have the pot folded to you in the sb x25, this has taken forever, I've been playing some PLO25 and some PLO50 and no-one folds, so if you can look at the figures for this one for next time. I suspect this is worse at the higher levels and I could move down to PLO4 but that's not what I want to do and it's less rake for you, so again for me more minors with "dealt" requirements is better.
It should be closest to accurate on stakes where the majority of hands are played, so NL4 and NL10 should be fairly close to the overall number for NLHE. Similarly, it's likely to hit more often at PLO25 than at PLO4, but the total average will be closer to the PLO4 figures. Obviously there's a lot of variance though.

Originally Posted by skicowboys
Could I ask about the PLO major I have, it only has a requirement of 3 but I'm still at 0. Can you tell me how many PLO hands I've played? I've completed 5 nearly 6 PLO minor challenges so in theory this major should be nearly over The challenge is bet pre, flop with one suit and win with 1 bet, it's proven unachievable so far. For me something that's easier to trigger, with a higher requirement x10, x20 is easier at least you feel like your getting somewhere, I've played who knows how many hands and I'm still at the start, it's a little depressing and I'm losing too so there isn't much motivation to bother at all. Adrian
I'm afraid that the tool to see how many hands people have played by game (instead of just overall) doesn't work right now. I agree that Challenges with 10 or 20 steps required are better than ones with 1 or 2, but the problem is the lack of variety. There aren't that many (interesting) things that happen at least once every 250 hands.

Originally Posted by kapetain
i like this idea very much. Perhaps it would make things more fair and less variance dependable.

I also got just recently minor challenge "raise or fold at 4bet", and also am not sure that this works so good for lower stakes (NL4, NL10).
So maybe you could also separate challenges according to limits, make several categories for different limits ? (some of them could be present on all stakes of course)
I'll see if there's a way to do individual points for Challenges for Q1 2015, but it might have to wait until Q2.

I don't think we could divide Challenges by stake though because it'd mean you can't complete a Challenge over several stakes. We can't restrict them to just one stake because discouraging people from moving up, or requiring people stay at too high a stake are both bad for all of us.

Originally Posted by johnbeans
I did a search for "heads up" in this thread and couldn't find anything. Are there any plans to add heads up cash games in the future?
We don't plan to have heads-up cash games. We have HU SNG, but we think that new players are more likely to lose faster if we had HU cash games. It also doesn't work so well when you can change identity three times a day.

(Sorry, even if you are a Path of Exile guildmate)

Originally Posted by Reg74
Just played a session helping start tables at €50nl and it was close to unbearable with the table prioritisation problem not only causing me to sit out but then the global sit out feature was activated and i grew evermore frustrated with constantly having to sit back in and miss tonnes of hands.

Is this issue likely to be fixed soon please? It's less of an issue at full tables but is hard when you have a few tables playing 3/4 handed.
It'll be fixed in the late Nov release - we discovered the cause too late to make it into the Oct release I'm afraid. I realise this isn't an ideal solution, but if you play fewer tables then you'll trigger priority less often (plus you'll have less overlap so it'll be less important).

On the plus side, from next month we will halve the rake cap in cash games when only 2 or 3 players are dealt into the hand.

Originally Posted by KrustyTheClown
Please convert my 16 €1 SNG tickets to 4 x €4 SNG.
Sure, done.

Originally Posted by edgehead
on a side issue could you talk me thru the playthru bonus requirements once you get to 200k points. how long before they expire? whats the rake requirements to release each step? what happens if you haven't fully released the bonus from 200k reward when you activate the bonus at 250k?
The playthrough bonuses are all 20% and have 90 day expiry. Most of them are released in five steps but some are one (I don't actually know why, I didn't set the bonuses up). On average they should finish before triggering the next payout. If they don't, they queue up.

Originally Posted by pirahn
Please exchange €26 sng to 2 x €10 mtt and 3 x €2ubo. Many thanks.
Sure, done.

Originally Posted by woolly
Cashout verification requirements seem unreasonably strict. "All four corners have to be visible" - why is this necessary? I've sent the exact same documents to Stars, Merge, 888 and Party and there has been no issue with what I have provided to any of them.
This is company-wide so I'm afraid I can't help much. Support are your best bet for an explanation.

Originally Posted by skicowboys
Andrew around 10pm (UK) the table prioritisation has just stopped working and I'm sat out all over the place. It's been fine all evening until then. I've given up and closed all tables except 1.
Is anyone else getting this? (is prioritisation definitely still on?) We haven't received any other reports, and this should be client-side and the client hasn't updated since last month.

Originally Posted by SuddenlyGood2
Quick feedback - challenges like the minor , get your hole cards to add to 8 or less, are great, because you can be card dead and yet your cards are still helping you, more like this great IMO.
Good point. I just put it in as it was a bit different, but having Challenges that work when things aren't going your way is a good plan.

Originally Posted by SuddenlyGood2
Second the spin, when I spin I'll receive the notification telling me I won a ticket before the spin completes, not a major bug but thought I'd share it
Thanks, I agree that isn't ideal. I've reported it.

Originally Posted by SuddenlyGood2
Also I've won 2 1k unibet open freeroll tickets, but I think there's only one left, are they exchangeable for anything or just redundant? In case I win more. Also if redundant would be cool if the spin programming knew so as not to award redundant tickets, but not sure how much work that'd be!
They're redundant I'm afraid. And yes, I agree that it isn't ideal. I think we need a better system for whenever we bring a slot promo back.

Originally Posted by SuddenlyGood2
Also on site crashing, hope it's resolved asap because I really like the site and like everyone else I'm sure, you included! I want to see it go from strength to strength.
Yeh, bad timing to break twice on unrelated problems in one week. On the plus side, the 24th was our best ever day since we launched on standalone.

Originally Posted by SuddenlyGood2
Hi Andrew out of interest do you run multiple servers as a contingency or are there any plans to do so in the future?

Also I been meaning to ask are the cards random at time of each card being dealt, or is the board randomised in one go then the cards dealt, thanks
I'll have to get to this one tomorrow as the developers are caught up in the stuff from yesterday at the moment.

Originally Posted by edgehead
hi Andrew

its good to hear you've got to the bottom of it and its almost fixed.

by what your saying it looks like I will get roughly 3/4 of the points towards the major challenge I was in the middle off when the issues arose.

but what about the other points I am missing from the rest of my play Saturday? I was playing for around 10 hours and when I logged back on on sunday I was at same total as I was when I logged on on Saturday, do you know where they disappeared to. I am missing roughly 28k points.
It'll credit completed Challenges too.

Originally Posted by edgehead
hi Andrew

the above has been sorted and the points adjusted. only problem is it took me through another points threshold, 250k, but hasn't credited the award. ive informed customer care who have forwarded it on to the relevant team.

thanks again
Yeh, this is all being done by hand by the developers, so parts are being credited when they're calculated but it can take a while to get the amounts that we need to credit. Hopefully it'll all be sorted out today.
[Unibet] Official Thread Quote
10-27-2014 , 11:42 AM
Hi Andrew, I checked last night and table prioritisation was still turned on, it simply didn't work. it's fine again today. Adrian
[Unibet] Official Thread Quote
10-27-2014 , 01:03 PM
hi, back on unibet after a while away but it doesnt seem to be registering playing hands on a different day 1a mission?
if you could look into it that would be great
userrname : hueylewis

also do freerolls count for playing tournaments on 3 consecutive days 1b mission?
[Unibet] Official Thread Quote
10-27-2014 , 01:15 PM
Originally Posted by SuddenlyGood2
Also I've won 2 1k unibet open freeroll tickets, but I think there's only one left, are they exchangeable for anything or just redundant? In case I win more. Also if redundant would be cool if the spin programming knew so as not to award redundant tickets, but not sure how much work that'd be!
Originally Posted by UnibetAndrew
They're redundant I'm afraid. And yes, I agree that it isn't ideal. I think we need a better system for whenever we bring a slot promo back.
Someone who knows more about it than me on the team informs me that the odds of winning a weekly ticket are approx 1/21, so it was designed with this in mind but didn't have an inbuilt cap.

Originally Posted by skicowboys
Hi Andrew, I checked last night and table prioritisation was still turned on, it simply didn't work. it's fine again today. Adrian
Weird, glad to hear it works now though.
[Unibet] Official Thread Quote
10-27-2014 , 01:55 PM
Hi Andrew,
I have a €250 UO ticket. Since I live in London, in case I’ll win the 2k package would be possible to have the €600 hotel founds credited as poker bonus?
[Unibet] Official Thread Quote
10-27-2014 , 02:20 PM
Hi Andrew,

Can you extend my 3000 euro freeroll ticket. I will not be able to play the 1st of november. Can you also combine my 4 tickets of 1 mtt into a ticket of 4?

Alias: Tommilio
[Unibet] Official Thread Quote
10-28-2014 , 05:12 AM
hi Andrew

everything is all sorted now, thanks. I know it musnt have been easy. I have 80eur worth of tickets could I please get them exchanged to 3x25eur nl cash tickets please and the rest in whatever sng tickets please.

alias edgehead

once again many thanks
[Unibet] Official Thread Quote
10-28-2014 , 11:28 AM
Originally Posted by Vizkid79
Hi Andrew,
seeing as there's a good 2 month runup to Unibet London, could you please look at offering some seat only satellites for UK players? I want to play but not interested in paying for the hotel.
Even if it's just one big satellite at the end of the run? London players are more flexible than those who need to travel.
ATM I can't justify doing any UO mission stuff as don't know if I can use it.
[Unibet] Official Thread Quote
10-28-2014 , 01:26 PM
Hey Andrew,

could you exchange my SNG and MTT tickets to a single biggest denomination SNG ticket again?

SN itsjustabuyinlol
[Unibet] Official Thread Quote
10-28-2014 , 02:19 PM
Hi Andrew,
I was like 5 miniutes late for today Double Trouble and can't register
Is it maybe possible to extend validity period of this ticket so I can play next week? ALias is LondonBaby, thanks
[Unibet] Official Thread Quote
10-28-2014 , 05:32 PM
what am i doing wrong re: mission 1a - playing nlhe on a different day.
im been playing a load more than 10 flops every day since friday but its not registering ?
could you look into it please as its stopping me getting any further with the october missions

alias : mel_d
[Unibet] Official Thread Quote
10-28-2014 , 07:00 PM
Originally Posted by propapokah
what am i doing wrong re: mission 1a - playing nlhe on a different day.
im been playing a load more than 10 flops every day since friday but its not registering ?
could you look into it please as its stopping me getting any further with the october missions

alias : mel_d
Mission 1a = days 1,2+3

1a Play Tournaments Complete a tournament 3 days in a row

mission 1b = day 4(a different day)

1b Play NLHE on a different day See 10 flops at any NLHE stake on a different day 1a + 1b = €3,000 Freeroll Ticket

You have to do 1a before 1b.
[Unibet] Official Thread Quote
10-28-2014 , 08:18 PM
Hi Andrew, could you convert my 5 €4-tickets and 3 €10-tickets into a €50 UO ticket?

Thanx a lot!
[Unibet] Official Thread Quote
10-28-2014 , 10:07 PM
I have 8 x €1 tickets for a mixture of SNG and MTT, can you turn these into €4 tickets please? Preferably both SNG if possible.

SN - Evilpengwinz

[Unibet] Official Thread Quote
10-29-2014 , 05:52 AM
Originally Posted by jonny2192
You have to do 1a before 1b.
many thanks jonny !
[Unibet] Official Thread Quote
10-29-2014 , 10:20 AM
Right, 2 + 2 catchup.

Originally Posted by SuddenlyGood2
Hi Andrew out of interest do you run multiple servers as a contingency or are there any plans to do so in the future?

Also I been meaning to ask are the cards random at time of each card being dealt, or is the board randomised in one go then the cards dealt, thanks
The deck is shuffled once.

The server is modular - it's actually a large group of servers for different functions like tournaments, cash games, achievements. There are multiple instances of each server, but it's more of a scaling thing than a contingency thing. There are always going to be parts that will break everything if they go wrong - for example, the real money cashier connection between Unibet and the developers.

Originally Posted by Sentenza
I have a €250 UO ticket. Since I live in London, in case I’ll win the 2k package would be possible to have the €600 hotel founds credited as poker bonus?
I'm afraid not. It's definitely something I'd be introducing in the future as obviously we also have lots of players in Copenhagen for example.

Originally Posted by Tommilio
Can you extend my 3000 euro freeroll ticket. I will not be able to play the 1st of november. Can you also combine my 4 tickets of 1 mtt into a ticket of 4?
I'm afraid there's only one 3k freeroll ticket from the mission, so I didn't extend it. Done re tickets though.

Originally Posted by edgehead
everything is all sorted now, thanks. I know it musnt have been easy. I have 80eur worth of tickets could I please get them exchanged to 3x25eur nl cash tickets please and the rest in whatever sng tickets please.
I believe it's all sorted now, but if anyone has any remaining problems please let me know.

Also, tickets exchanged.

Originally Posted by Vizkid79
Even if it's just one big satellite at the end of the run? London players are more flexible than those who need to travel.
ATM I can't justify doing any UO mission stuff as don't know if I can use it.
I agree it'd be good, our main concerns about how we communicate it to players as we haven't done this kind of thing before. We're thinking about it though.

Originally Posted by mikidi-kikidi
could you exchange my SNG and MTT tickets to a single biggest denomination SNG ticket again?
Sure, done.

Originally Posted by Ejsik
Is it maybe possible to extend validity period of this ticket so I can play next week?
Sure, done.

Originally Posted by propapokah
what am i doing wrong re: mission 1a - playing nlhe on a different day.
im been playing a load more than 10 flops every day since friday but its not registering ?
could you look into it please as its stopping me getting any further with the october missions

alias : mel_d
Originally Posted by jonny2192
Mission 1a = days 1,2+3

1a Play Tournaments Complete a tournament 3 days in a row

mission 1b = day 4(a different day)

1b Play NLHE on a different day See 10 flops at any NLHE stake on a different day 1a + 1b = €3,000 Freeroll Ticket

You have to do 1a before 1b.
Originally Posted by propapokah
many thanks jonny !
Yeh, the phrasing sucks. Has anyone got a better way of phrasing it?

My aim is to encourage people to return the next day. I'm interested in getting people into the habit of loading Unibet each day instead of whatever other client they're currently using. That's also why there're things like "play a SNG 3 days in a row".

There're no missions like the "play another day" Oct ones in Nov or Dec by the way.

Originally Posted by Bersma
Hi Andrew, could you convert my 5 €4-tickets and 3 €10-tickets into a €50 UO ticket?
Sure, could you post your alias or PM me your login name please?

Originally Posted by EvilPengwinz
I have 8 x €1 tickets for a mixture of SNG and MTT, can you turn these into €4 tickets please? Preferably both SNG if possible.
Sure, done.
[Unibet] Official Thread Quote
10-29-2014 , 11:04 AM
Here're the release notes for today's client:

Originally Posted by UnibetAndrew
My edit of release notes for the client on the 29th (if it passes testing):

- New mission for November added (Desktop only)
- a tool allowing to search for flops seen
- 7 new avatars
- 3 new backgrounds

- Background order changed in the client - new ones are now marked as new and appear in the beginning of the list
- Now it's possible to buy-in to a multi buy-in tournament by combining multiple tickets
- Tournament ticket overlay now allows to hide closed registrations directly
- Log file is now created by default when launching the client (Windows Desktop only)
- Table cascading feature now maintains the window size you launched it from (Desktop only)
- Table tiling feature is now tiled to active monitor (Desktop only)
- Table tiling now uses active monitor resolution which fixed a few issues (Desktop only)
- Specific tournament lobby window now pops us if launched from the tournament table (Desktop only)
- Made some table text crispier when scaling the table up (Desktop only)
- Added textual information to used tournament ticket overlays
- Added textual information to expired tournament ticket overlays
- Added a new column called "Format" to the full tournament lobby (Desktop only)
- Added a new column to the SNG game selection menu allowing to see the number of people playing at each stake

- causing the table to move around the desktop when re-sizing the window (Desktop only)
- causing you not being able to leave a SNG queue
- causing the bet/raise to change when scrolling the dealer chat with the mouse wheel
- causing the 2000 bet amount not to be shown properly when the table size is set to a minimum (Desktop only)
- causing you to not being able to set the bet/raise size using a keyboard when playing in full-screen mode (Desktop only)
- causing a previously launched SNG stake to disappear from the main loby
- causing the lobby to be scalable (Desktop only)
It also has half rake cap when 2 or 3 players are dealt into hands.

Is tiling over multiple monitors working for everyone?

Here's a new background & two of the new avatars. I complained that there wasn't a drum & bass avatar, but I guess I can't have everything my own way.

Originally Posted by UnibetAndrew
I'm afraid not. It's definitely something I'd be introducing in the future as obviously we also have lots of players in Copenhagen for example.
Oops, typo: that should be "It's definitely something I'd be interested in introducing in the future".

Last edited by UnibetAndrew; 10-29-2014 at 11:17 AM.
[Unibet] Official Thread Quote
10-29-2014 , 11:07 AM
Originally Posted by UnibetAndrew
Yeh, the phrasing sucks. Has anyone got a better way of phrasing it?

My aim is to encourage people to return the next day. I'm interested in getting people into the habit of loading Unibet each day instead of whatever other client they're currently using. That's also why there're things like "play a SNG 3 days in a row".

There're no missions like the "play another day" Oct ones in Nov or Dec by the way.
I think the play another day wording works.
What most people seem confused about is that it has to run in sequence.
Perhaps if you remove the need for 1a to be completed before 1b, you will still achieve the aim of getting players to come back without the confusion.
[Unibet] Official Thread Quote
10-29-2014 , 11:24 AM
Hi Andrew, I trust you are well. I'd appreciate it if you could have a look at the PM I sent you on Monday, thank you, Adrian.
[Unibet] Official Thread Quote
10-29-2014 , 11:57 AM
Loving the new avatars!
[Unibet] Official Thread Quote
10-29-2014 , 11:59 AM
Originally Posted by Bersma
Hi Andrew, could you convert my 5 €4-tickets and 3 €10-tickets into a €50 UO ticket?

Thanx a lot!
My alias is ViaFerrata.
[Unibet] Official Thread Quote
