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[Unibet] Official Thread [Unibet] Official Thread

10-08-2014 , 07:04 PM
Hi, can you change my 20x1euro sng tickets into 2x10euro tickets? thank you. username: geoka2
[Unibet] Official Thread Quote
10-08-2014 , 08:34 PM
Hi re dbltrbl I checked my inbox and I haven't received an invite
[Unibet] Official Thread Quote
10-08-2014 , 08:39 PM
By the way are you going to apply for this! Either way hope you're not leaving!! was just looking for other unibet poker players on twitter and it popped up
[Unibet] Official Thread Quote
10-09-2014 , 04:28 AM
Originally Posted by RAL*.*
my laptop broke, i got a new one with win 8.1. now i can only fit 2 tables to my screen. it is no good. 6 should be fine. Is there anything I can do about this. Second thing: mission to play nlhe on a different day hasnt this far succeeded for me though I play likely about 1k holdem hands daily
I've got windows 8.1 and can fit 6 tables on.

New windows does have the feature to resize windows if you push them too close to the edge though.
If you push it too far to the top edge it maximizes it, if you push it too far to the left or right it will set it to half the screen width.

Best way to get six tables is use the tiling feature in unibet (button that looks like 6 squares at top right of client) then carefully spread them out (hopefully they will fix the tile bug soon so you don't have to manually spread them out)

On the mission front, the language is a bit confusing. What it actually means is play NLHE on a different day AFTER you have completed the first step of the mission.

Hope that helps.

Edit: Been meaning to find out how to switch off automatic window arranging for ages.
Just found this article I thought I'd share:

Last edited by gormless; 10-09-2014 at 04:33 AM.
[Unibet] Official Thread Quote
10-09-2014 , 06:16 AM
Originally Posted by gormless
I've got windows 8.1 and can fit 6 tables on.

New windows does have the feature to resize windows if you push them too close to the edge though.
If you push it too far to the top edge it maximizes it, if you push it too far to the left or right it will set it to half the screen width.
It won't be a windows problem, I have a laptop also on win 8.1 that i play on and the screen resolution(1366x768) is lower than a desktop monitor, I can fit 4 tables on mine but two tables are always half covered.

When i get a new laptop i think one with super hd will be the way to go.
[Unibet] Official Thread Quote
10-09-2014 , 06:37 AM
Originally Posted by jonny2192
It won't be a windows problem, I have a laptop also on win 8.1 that i play on and the screen resolution(1366x768) is lower than a desktop monitor, I can fit 4 tables on mine but two tables are always half covered.

When i get a new laptop i think one with super hd will be the way to go.
Yeah, no help with tiling and rearranging. I have the same resolution, but I just wonder why I easily could fit 6 to my 4 years old win7 machine before. I would be amazed if it had better resolution. I basically bought this for poker and this is really f*k up. I don't have any clue how win8 works, but anyhow it seems that it sort of arranges my tables to a much larger screen than mine is as you can move your tables out of the visible screen.
[Unibet] Official Thread Quote
10-09-2014 , 07:05 AM
Ticket backlog - the whole company is in Malta at the moment and I've not had the time to do this yet. Hopefully this afternoon I'll be able to catch up, but meanwhile...

Originally Posted by RaffaNadal
Can you exchange my 24 €1 MTT and €1 SNG tickets to 6 €4 sng tickets? My account name is RaffaNadal.
Hopefully I can do this this afternoon.

Originally Posted by GoFlo
thank you for yesterday's bugfix! Mac table tiling is working fine now.
Cool, glad to hear it works.

Originally Posted by GoFlo
On little request: Could you please exchange all of my SNG and MTT-tickets to 4 euro SNG-tickets, please? (Go_Flo) Thank you very much in advance.
Saving for later.

Originally Posted by GoFlo
And btw: Major challenges are intended to be completed faster now? I have at least played 15.000 hands since the beginning of october and still haven't finished my first major challenge "reach a flop of QJT". Variance in "rakeback" is a completly new experience.
Yup, the average now is 2500 hands. That's based on the overall average of hands played on the site, so if you are tighter than that it'll take a bit longer. Obviously 15k hands is very unlucky though, the average was 3,168.

Originally Posted by GoFlo
But nevertheless: You have got a great site and I think the complete team is doing a superb job improving it.
I'm glad to hear you're enjoying the site, good luck in the Challenge!

Originally Posted by krayz1e1
1. Would love to see an Android client in the near future. considering there are no HUDs anyway i could definitely see myself using it on my TV stick.
Agree, I'd like it too. Hopefully the developers have success with fitting the client into different aspect ratios as then we can built it quite quickly.

Originally Posted by krayz1e1
2. Its probably noted before but the client tends to lag when playing lots (8+) of tables and its probably not my PCs fault (new i5 CPU, 8gb RAM, radeon 6870 video etc). Also impossible to play youtube etc while grinding for the same reason.
It sounds like CPU lag, but obviously that shouldn't happen on a machine that fast. If possible, could you send us your log file please?

The log file can be created by adding “ -log” parameter to the shortcut “Target” field. For example: "C:\Program Files (x86)\Unibet Poker\Unibet Poker.exe" -log

Then run the Unibet poker client, reproduce the issue and send us the log file. I'm The log file will be created on the desktop as unibet_poker_log.txt

Originally Posted by krayz1e1
3. Have you considered changing the points reset date from quaterly to yearly? People like to have longterm goals. I, for example would like the idea to grind myself a UO package, but at the moment it would take ~6 months for me.
The only reason I don't like annual goals is that if you join the site in, say, June, you don't think you can get anything decent from the loyalty scheme. I've thought a bit about annual goals though and I'm interested in including it. Perhaps we could say "if you reach 500k points each quarter" or something. It'd be hard to make this economical, but it's worth me looking into it as it needs finishing before we make Q1 Challenges.

Originally Posted by Tommilio
Can you please extend my 3 mtt unibet open freeroll 200 euro tickets? I have not been able to play and will not for a couple of days.
Sure, done.

Originally Posted by rokent
Hi Andrew,
I have 147 EU in tickets, can you please exchange them in two tickets for 50 NL,
75EU and 72EU for 50 NL.
User : rokent
Saving for later

Originally Posted by pirahn
Andrew, Please exchange all sng tickets to €2 ubo tickets please. Alias pirahn
Saving for later

Originally Posted by RAL*.*
my laptop broke, i got a new one with win 8.1. now i can only fit 2 tables to my screen. it is no good. 6 should be fine. Is there anything I can do about this. Second thing: mission to play nlhe on a different day hasnt this far succeeded for me though I play likely about 1k holdem hands daily
Are you using one screen? There're some tiling bugs where it uses the wrong screen's resolution if you have your primary monitor in Windows different from your main monitor.

The minimum table size is 640x480. If it can't fit them in, it'll overlap them.

Originally Posted by geoka2
Hi, can you change my 20x1euro sng tickets into 2x10euro tickets? thank you. username: geoka2
Saving for later

Originally Posted by Ejsik
Hi Andrew,
if you are still doing this, could you please convert 20 of my 1e SNG/MTT tickets to 2x10E STT tickets? Alias is Ejsik
Yup, saving for later.

Originally Posted by SuddenlyGood2
Hi re dbltrbl I checked my inbox and I haven't received an invite
It runs from Monday to Sunday - from the 29th to the 5th, you lost €8.16. This weeks period is still running though.

Originally Posted by SuddenlyGood2
By the way are you going to apply for this! Either way hope you're not leaving!! was just looking for other unibet poker players on twitter and it popped up
That's not me (I'm poker business development manager), but I will indeed be applying.
[Unibet] Official Thread Quote
10-09-2014 , 09:29 AM
Hi Andrew,
Better exchange my tournament tickets to only on 50 Nl ticket, with 147 EU on it.
User rokent.
[Unibet] Official Thread Quote
10-09-2014 , 10:34 AM
Andrew, could you please also check my account for double trouble, I'm pretty sure I lost more than 20 eur during last week... ?

alias is Vamper

btw this is the message i get when i try to login now : "This game requires an Internet connection. Please ensure you have a working internet connection and press here to try again." and my internet is working. anyone else having this problem ?
[Unibet] Official Thread Quote
10-09-2014 , 02:55 PM
sorry, new alias is " k0k4 "

still can't open client, wtf, this never happened before to me
[Unibet] Official Thread Quote
10-09-2014 , 03:37 PM
Originally Posted by RAL*.*
Yeah, no help with tiling and rearranging. I have the same resolution, but I just wonder why I easily could fit 6 to my 4 years old win7 machine before. I would be amazed if it had better resolution. I basically bought this for poker and this is really f*k up. I don't have any clue how win8 works, but anyhow it seems that it sort of arranges my tables to a much larger screen than mine is as you can move your tables out of the visible screen.

Useful info on screens.

If you right click desktop and select screen resolution.
You will get this

On mine its 1366x768 you might be able to select higher on yours.
Andrew says table size is 640x480

1366 / 640 = 2 so thats 2 tables across
768 / 480 = 1.5 so thats 2 tables down with overlap

If you got this laptop
or this one


3840 / 640 = 6 so thats 6 tables across
2160/ 480 = 4.5 so thats 5 tables down with overlap

Hope this helps.

Last edited by jonny2192; 10-09-2014 at 03:52 PM.
[Unibet] Official Thread Quote
10-09-2014 , 03:54 PM
I really, really love Unibet. This new concept ist great, I hate the modern HUD and tracker way of playing poker It was a shock for me after a 3 years break- every micro player uses a dozen different tools nowadays O_o

The current update is fabulous. Now I am really happy. It seems to me that unibet traffic is raising I get my 4-5 tables really quick now. Great for me and great for you :-)


1. "remember me" I play since July and never seen it working. You said something about it few days ago, its not your derpartment and so on.
But its a joke. It's such a small thing and is always broken. It's not respectable. Andrew, you should yell at someone in your office to make it working^^

2. I would like do enter my raise amount with [Enter]-key." keyboard -> raise" instead of "keyboard -> mouse -> raise" like now.

And I had is a strange SnG bug today. I registered to a 1€ SnG, deregistered before it started.
I have an empty "Please wait to be selected. As soon as x ..." 1€ SnG window for 2-3 hours. It reopens if I restart client. But I wasn't charged for this 1€ SnG.

But I played two 4€ SnGs and one of them looked strange-

Fold, call, bet/raise buttons were overlaid by this box a little bit. It was possible to fold/call/minraise but not to enter an raise/bet amount. (Okay it was possible to raise with mouse wheel but I realised it only at the end of the SnG ;-( ). Client restarting was not successful, too

I contacted the german support but you are the unibet king not them^^

And hmmmmm it would be nice to get one 4€ SnG ticket (I already asked german support for it)... This one SnG was really broken and all that making screenshots, client restarting, broken user interface, ... was ugly.

my login name:

And sorry my English isn't really good ;-(

Last edited by takman; 10-09-2014 at 04:17 PM.
[Unibet] Official Thread Quote
10-09-2014 , 04:59 PM
Does anyone know when leaderboard cashes are usually paid out?
[Unibet] Official Thread Quote
10-09-2014 , 09:39 PM

Can you please exchange my tickets for an as big as possible playthrough bonus?


user : laurensds
[Unibet] Official Thread Quote
10-10-2014 , 03:57 AM
Hey Andrew,

there should be SNG & MTT tickets worth €60 in my account. Could you convert them to 6x €10 SNG tickets please?

Name: Joschka
[Unibet] Official Thread Quote
10-10-2014 , 04:18 AM
still can't open client...

my tickets are getting wasted, my mission time also...
Andrew can you please look into this ASAP ?
(reinstall doesn't fix)

alias: k0k4
[Unibet] Official Thread Quote
10-10-2014 , 06:05 AM
Originally Posted by kapetain
still can't open client...

my tickets are getting wasted, my mission time also...
Andrew can you please look into this ASAP ?
(reinstall doesn't fix)

alias: k0k4
Got this problem also with cant open the client.

Its the antivirus BitDefender who is stopping this after the update, but you cant make any exceptions in that program. Is this going to get fixed as before?
[Unibet] Official Thread Quote
10-10-2014 , 07:15 AM
Hi Andrew,

I have (20x€1SNG, 8x€1MTT,2x€4MTT and 1x€4SNG) that I would like to change into (5x€2UO,1x€10MTT and 4x€5MTT). I don't know if you change cash tickets, but if you do, could you change my €25 ticket into a €25 MTT.
If it is also possible to extend the bonus time it would be really appreciated.
Thanks a lot,
CrazyScience (which is also my Unibet alias)
[Unibet] Official Thread Quote
10-10-2014 , 07:34 AM
hi Andrew

I have 2 4euro mtt tickets I would like changed to 2 4euro sng tickets please. my unibet alias is edgehead. thanks
[Unibet] Official Thread Quote
10-10-2014 , 08:50 AM
Kapetain, I get the same message on my laptop. Its your antivirus. The way i get round it is to temporarily turn off the Auto-Sandbox. Im waiting for a friend to help with a permanent solution.
[Unibet] Official Thread Quote
10-10-2014 , 09:06 AM
i get it even when antivirus is deactivated
[Unibet] Official Thread Quote
10-10-2014 , 10:03 AM
Hi Andrew,

could you please change my SnG and MTT tickets to 4x50EUR NL Cash Game ticket and 1x25EUR NL Cash Game ticket?


username: Aston07
[Unibet] Official Thread Quote
10-10-2014 , 10:31 AM

After i busted from sng "play another?" didn't work on one table and i couldn't close it, it kept saying "You will not be removed from the tournament unt you are eliminated".

Love bigger fonts.
[Unibet] Official Thread Quote
10-10-2014 , 01:20 PM
Hi andrew not sure if I confused you in my first post but I know I haven't qualified for DBL trbl this week I was talking about three weeks ago I put dates in my first post
[Unibet] Official Thread Quote
10-10-2014 , 09:32 PM
OMG, Unibet really doesn`t wants me there, I am the definition of DS... i think i`m over 40 BI under EV at 50 NL ... is this normal to the new Unibet? ffs in 4 years of playing poker never had such big DS in just one week.
Please torn the DOomSwitch off.. Only today 3x KK vs AA, set under set, str vs str, set vs fd vs oe. 5 Minutes in session i go AI 3 times. WTF + *n setups, every board looks like is made to get as much monney in it as possibile...
OMG ... As i was writing this post i played 4 tables lol : KK vs AA, Str on flop we get all in and he gets backdoor flush and 1x flush under flush - 20 min session 4 tables.
[Unibet] Official Thread Quote
