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[Unibet] Official Thread [Unibet] Official Thread

12-07-2016 , 05:21 PM
Originally Posted by UnibetAndrew

This is a reference design that we're looking at right now.
Perfect. Exactly how I would want it.
[Unibet] Official Thread Quote
12-07-2016 , 05:33 PM
+1 that looks so much better.
[Unibet] Official Thread Quote
12-07-2016 , 05:42 PM
The design above does look alot better Keep up the good work Andrew
[Unibet] Official Thread Quote
12-07-2016 , 06:38 PM
chipdumping always this evil avatars/ him two player
[Unibet] Official Thread Quote
12-07-2016 , 06:40 PM
Disconnections tonight are pretty bad and it seems to be for other players also.
[Unibet] Official Thread Quote
12-07-2016 , 07:12 PM
Since the software update I have had tons of disconnections. Pretty much every time I have played. I've been playing lots of HU SNGs, so those disconnects are going to add up to quite a few buy ins. What's Unibet's policy regarding refunds in these situations?
Just now I played 2 hu sngs. Got disconnected in both games. Had to close the programme. By the time I managed to log back in I had lost half my stack in one and got blinded down in the other (was short in both games, still ... ). Really frustrating.

On a side note I recently started playing on Unibet. I like the direction the site has taken (apart from all the problems with the new software). Think it's a good site to play on.

And I really like the fact there's a direct line of communication. I think you, Andrew, do a good job in this thread. I appreciate the fact that you respond to every question and comment.

Last edited by fishfinger; 12-07-2016 at 07:41 PM.
[Unibet] Official Thread Quote
12-07-2016 , 07:46 PM
Hi Andrew,

The guys from the Unibet Community had gotten back to me but my email filters missed it... sigh. Thx for passing my request on.
In the few days that I couldn't log onto the client my 25NL ticket expired. Is it possible to start a new one... or even a bonus or something.
[Unibet] Official Thread Quote
12-07-2016 , 08:26 PM
Originally Posted by UnibetAndrew
Is this on PC? Do they stay squashed, or do they resize themselves? Could you screenshot when it happens please, so that we can see which resolution the tables are that cause the problem?
Yes, Windows 7. The text shrinks/grows as you increase/decrease the size of the table/window, and the size I was using yesterday didn't scale properly. It might just be a quirk of Windows. I didn't see the problem today, but I might have had my tables at a slightly different size and there weren't any really long usernames. If I see it again, I'll take a screengrab.
Originally Posted by UnibetAndrew
I'd prefer this wasn't in there too, but it's going to have to go onto the improvements list rather than the bugs list I think.
Just for the lolz, here's a picture of MoreTBC's monster stack in the community freeroll:

Notice that 4.00 of the players on that table (which I was railing while playing on the other) have weird stacksizes with decimals.

Originally Posted by RK_95
just experienced the following issue:
Went all in on the turn. Pushed the all in button and then bet. Then I saw I wasnt all in but had 0.5 chip left. When it was checked to me on the river, the bet button didnt work, so I was stuck with a half chip because I had to check.
Here's another example of the ALL IN button not working as intended:

Villain shoved on me, so I was at least able to call and stack off pre.

FWIW, I'm getting about 1 disconnection/crash per hour while playing tourneys (usually only 1 or 2 tables at the moment). I tend to have the lobby open, as it's pretty important to know all the stacksizes near the bubble when playing satties, so it's not really feasible to minimize it in the hope it prevents disconnections.

Originally Posted by SleazyP84
That's a highrolling NL4 table! Hope you folded, pretty sure you're behind.
[x] Overbets 1000 euros into a 4-way 19c pot.
[x] Gets raised.
[?] Everyone dies.
[Unibet] Official Thread Quote
12-07-2016 , 09:31 PM
Originally Posted by UnibetAndrew

This is a reference design that we're looking at right now.
Gotta agree with the rest. Looks much better indeed!
[Unibet] Official Thread Quote
12-08-2016 , 03:34 AM
Hi Andrew,

I tried to play some poker yesterday. I opened a UO10, UO50 and UK4. Had table freezes completely at random on average every two hands I played. Constantly had to monitor if there was no table freezing, and constantly had to shut down the client and reopen it, because I couldnt close the freezed table. I couldnt do anything about it, lobby open or minimised, it happened every time again. It is not possible to play normal poker like this.

Also the problem with the all in not completely working might be problematic (not happened to me) in sattelites. Imagine two people really short when on the bubble. With having 0.5 chip left you might reach one more hand while the other shortstack is now forced to go all in because he is in the BB. I think this might get a big problem sometimes.
[Unibet] Official Thread Quote
12-08-2016 , 06:08 AM
Originally Posted by kidpoker55
no respect for us ! lose our money on this crapy client , is incredible , after 8 days from realese ...nothing good change with this bad client@
Im sure they are working very hard to solve the problems and I think we should be vey happy to have someone like Andrew, who is really active in this thread to provide us with as much information as he has. Because of this, I think there is no reason to be rude and saying things the way you say it. These problems affect all of us and we all agree some things went wrong in the process. But for now we can just wait, put constructive criticism in this thread if you have any and hope we can enjoy the poker experience as before asap!
[Unibet] Official Thread Quote
12-08-2016 , 06:12 AM
Originally Posted by UnibetAndrew

Looks good now, can you please test it on smallest size and make sure everything is readble etc. Btw 34k stack on NL4, that guy is a beast
[Unibet] Official Thread Quote
12-08-2016 , 07:12 AM
Originally Posted by UnibetAndrew
Love it
[Unibet] Official Thread Quote
12-08-2016 , 07:22 AM

[Unibet] Official Thread Quote
12-08-2016 , 08:07 AM
Arty you stalker!

Also, does spectating work now?
[Unibet] Official Thread Quote
12-08-2016 , 08:34 AM
Help needed guys. Deposited on Unibet last night, BEFORE I downloaded the poker client. No matter what I can not get it to work on
on my lap top. It's 5/6 years old running windows 8. I tried the patch, that didn't work. It said my video card drivers/direct X isn't right, but according to diagnostics my driver Is the latest one, and direct X is also the most updated one (12.)

I then tried right clicking the Unibet icon and looked at properties and tried troubleshooting, to which is said that the programme isn't compatiable. I then tried to play in the browser, but it just wouldn't load at all.

I'm really disappointed, mainly as I've moved site, deposited a chunk and it looks like there is no way I can play on the site.

Unibet official site community help is no help either. Anyone who has any advice a to how I could find a work around to this would be greatly appreciated.

[Unibet] Official Thread Quote
12-08-2016 , 09:17 AM
Constant disconnects and freezes today on the client. I've lost money since the launch of the new client I get disconnected into mid hand and time out when I'm clicking on the buttons and they are not responding than I have to close the client all together. It's very stressful. Andrew bless me with 50 cash bonus please.
[Unibet] Official Thread Quote
12-08-2016 , 09:49 AM
Originally Posted by UnibetAndrew
Does this freeze that single table, or crash the entire client? If the former case, this is fixed in the version that will come out early next week.

It's 2,120 average hands to clear, so pretty similar to the others. If you see fewer rivers than most, it will of course take longer.

Thanks. While I agree that this is a problem, it's a hard one to prioritise. If you no longer have to force the client to close, presumably the problem goes away. In that case, it's best that we spend our effort on fixing the crashes instead.

You should mail support and ask for a refund though.

Thanks for the report, that's an annoying one. I will send it to the developers.

Thanks for the report. I recommend that you mail support and ask for a refund. Does anyone else get this, asides from the two reports in this thread? It's quite a worrying one.

Thanks, I've passed this report on too.

Do you still get this if the lobby is minimised?

If it's minimised, might the timing of the crashes correspond to topping up?

What's your alias? I'll skip it in the back office.

Thanks. It's because the URL is to a page instead of an image, but I can get to the picture either way.
Hi Andrew, I played a session last night around 3 hours. Didn´t bother about minimizing the lobby. No crashes.

Today I played for 1,5 hours with the lobby minimized. 2 crashes. Not sure if topping up was involved in the first one but I´m sure it wasn´t in the second one. These two crashes were the type where the client freezes and the action just stops, not the type with the windows error message.

Btw I contacted support about refunds yesterday and the had not heard of there being any trouble with the poker client . When I told them about some hands they said that I had timed out, not been disconnected. After explaining that yes the client crashed and thats why I timed out 3-4 times he understood and forwarded the complaint to the poker team. I was then compensated for the money I had put in to the pot in the 2 hands I could remember from the crash. I mean thats ok i guess but it doesn´t really compensate the player correctly. For example one hand I raise QQ in the CO get called by the button and BB and the flop comes like T73ss. So I get 3BB back. I don´t know whats fair but my EQ is clearly more than 3BB in this spot. Then there is also the matter of the hands lost while restarting the client.

Sorry if this is too much complaining, but its a bit frustrating since I really would like to make a milestone this quarter and win some tickets too . Other than the crashes I´m really starting to like the new client.
[Unibet] Official Thread Quote
12-08-2016 , 10:08 AM
Originally Posted by SleazyP84
That's a highrolling NL4 table! Hope you folded, pretty sure you're behind.
That's how our designers roll.

Originally Posted by HOPlop
Looks a lot better, simpler. Looking forward to it!
Although would be even better if you could choose not to have the challenges and / or casino buttons at all.

When can we have it?
Parts of this will come in with the release early next week. It's hard to say exactly which bits at the moment, it depends how much time the developers need to fix bugs.

Originally Posted by datpaddy
Hi andrew, after initally not likeing the software iv decided i really like it once i got used to it,

But i am experincing these disconnects where all my tables freeze and it shows the red disconnect, but i know im connected becuase as soon as i fold, the hand continues perfectly
Could you post a screenshot of what it looks like when it happens please? Could you also post your dxdiag front page please?

If you always have the lobby minimised, do you crash less frequently?

Originally Posted by lennuk
about in 100 minutes of play, three crashes. the already known "one table freeze and cant close this without task manager", then crashed all tables, it started when one of my tables lost its ability to reload (window pop out byt I could only reload 0€ (yes I had money on my account)) and third was just a connection lost, though youtube, 2+2forums were fine
Could you post your dxdiag please.

Originally Posted by rsfb
since v2.0.6 the software is really laggy for me, animations is turned of and yet sometimes someone has already bet before i was able to see the flop. Also it crashes every 15 minutes for me with this pop up. It really is unplayable for me.

I also had this problem:

I had no idea against who i was playing, because all players were blurry, yet someone raised my bet.
Could you post your dxdiag please.

Originally Posted by YouAreHappy
Is merging tables being worked on? I don't mind playing headsup or 3handed but it usually ends with being buttoned over and over at new tables starting. So I guess either try to merge tables that are shorthanded or don't start new tables until there are atleast 4 or 5 players ready to play.
It's one of the things that's top of my list post-2.0, but we need to spend our dev time fixing 2.0 for the moment.

Originally Posted by RK_95
I also still see the bug with the client selecting your soonest expiring ticket. For example: I try to register to a unibet UK tour €4 tournament. I can only register with a €4MTT ticket I have, because its the soonest expiring one. That way I cant use the €4UK tour tickets I have. So now I regged a tournament with a 4MTT instead of a 4UK ticket.
I'll put this on the list for changes once 2.0 is fixed. Can you fix it by going to the ticket you want to use in your profile, then using that to find the target tournament?

Originally Posted by RK_95
Could you please take away a 4UK ticket from my account and replace it by a 4MTT?
Sure, done.

Originally Posted by nickouk
I had exactly the same thing happen; in a sng, press all in but instead of going all in it left a random decimal of chips behind. Then it wouldn't let me go all in for the rest. This happened only on one table, two (played) hands in a row.
Thanks, I've included this in the email thread discussing that problem.

Originally Posted by nickouk
Additionally, in follow-up to my 'massive lag/freeze when opening new tables' thing, I have since realised this is only when you already have a table being played. So if you click five times on a 10 Euro SNG, it opens fine, so long as you open all five tables before you buy in to any of them. But if even one tournament has actually started, it'll lag for 1/1.5 mins
Nice, thanks for the details/replication. It'll help us track down the problem.

Originally Posted by motopompa
I've the same bug since beggining of new client, it's not only in new v2.06. Table freeze and makes sitout on other tables all the time while you'll close client or table by task manager (you cant close just this one table by pressing x)
The release coming next week will fix a single-table-freeze problem related to when you top-up. Do you have single table freezes in any other circumstances?

Originally Posted by motopompa
Also there are many random disconnects when all net is working fine, after restarting client you can easily login&play (until you get another crash ofcourse), so this is not a internet or hardware fault.
Might this be high CPU usage? You can tell by checking your task manager.

Originally Posted by LektorAJ
Would it be possible to have the "sit back in" button visible and clickable whenever the user is sitting out?
It currently doesn't appear till the start of the next hand and if you are UTG you don't get very much chance to click it.
Thanks, I'll pass this on to the developers. Sounds like a mistake that comes from replicating a feature.

Originally Posted by JohnCleese
Will this new software, leaving adobe air behind, be more effective at stopping HoldemIndicator's hud? Let's hope so.
It gives us a couple of new tools, yes.

Originally Posted by tompoker
Just got disconnected from the client wich is not a problem from my side.
here my directX
will look for a new desktop tomorrow my laptop is 6 years old after all.
Thanks. At that much CPU usage, I suspect this is CPU lag causing a disconnection. I'll add this to the internal email thread of system resource problems where there shouldn't be any.

Originally Posted by bansski
chipdumping always this evil avatars/ him two player
Thanks, I'll pass this on.

Originally Posted by chipwhacker
Disconnections tonight are pretty bad and it seems to be for other players also.
There were some Danish connection problems yesterday afternoon, but nothing outside Denmark, and nothing in the evening as far as I can see. It ended up as a very good day, so I don't think it could have been anything widespread.

Originally Posted by fishfinger
Since the software update I have had tons of disconnections. Pretty much every time I have played. I've been playing lots of HU SNGs, so those disconnects are going to add up to quite a few buy ins. What's Unibet's policy regarding refunds in these situations?
You should contact support and ask for a refund, mentioning the times you were disconnected.

When you are disconnected, what happens exactly? Could you check taskmanager and see what the CPU usage is when it happens please?

Originally Posted by Sect7G
In the few days that I couldn't log onto the client my 25NL ticket expired. Is it possible to start a new one... or even a bonus or something.
Sure, done.

Originally Posted by ArtyMcFly
Here's another example of the ALL IN button not working as intended:

Villain shoved on me, so I was at least able to call and stack off pre.
Thanks, I've added it to the email thread.

Originally Posted by ArtyMcFly
FWIW, I'm getting about 1 disconnection/crash per hour while playing tourneys (usually only 1 or 2 tables at the moment). I tend to have the lobby open, as it's pretty important to know all the stacksizes near the bubble when playing satties, so it's not really feasible to minimize it in the hope it prevents disconnections.
Yeh, it's not a long term solution, it's more about finding what's causing the problem. Hopefully the release early next week resolves it.

Originally Posted by kidpoker55
no respect for us ! lose our money on this crapy client , is incredible , after 8 days from realese ...nothing good change with this bad client@
Nothing's good with any of your posts. You are demonstrably capable of posting in this thread, how about you read some of my posts?

Originally Posted by SleazyP84
Also, does spectating work now?
Did spectating not work? What was the problem?

Originally Posted by Yoga Flame
on my lap top. It's 5/6 years old running windows 8. I tried the patch, that didn't work. It said my video card drivers/direct X isn't right, but according to diagnostics my driver Is the latest one, and direct X is also the most updated one (12.)
What exactly happens when you run the client?

Windows diagnostics are not good at telling if you have the latest video card drivers. It's better go to to the manufacturer's site.

Originally Posted by dzigi
Constant disconnects and freezes today on the client. I've lost money since the launch of the new client I get disconnected into mid hand and time out when I'm clicking on the buttons and they are not responding than I have to close the client all together. It's very stressful. Andrew bless me with 50 cash bonus please.
Please contact support if you have any refund requests.

Originally Posted by ebisumaru
Today I played for 1,5 hours with the lobby minimized. 2 crashes. Not sure if topping up was involved in the first one but I´m sure it wasn´t in the second one. These two crashes were the type where the client freezes and the action just stops, not the type with the windows error message.
The topup crash is the one that freezes one table. The lobby minimise crash is one that crashes the whole site. I think there's at least one other kind of entire-site-crash too, but it's hard to track down until the lobby minimise one is gone.

Originally Posted by ebisumaru
Btw I contacted support about refunds yesterday and the had not heard of there being any trouble with the poker client . When I told them about some hands they said that I had timed out, not been disconnected. After explaining that yes the client crashed and thats why I timed out 3-4 times he understood and forwarded the complaint to the poker team. I was then compensated for the money I had put in to the pot in the 2 hands I could remember from the crash. I mean thats ok i guess but it doesn´t really compensate the player correctly. For example one hand I raise QQ in the CO get called by the button and BB and the flop comes like T73ss. So I get 3BB back. I don´t know whats fair but my EQ is clearly more than 3BB in this spot. Then there is also the matter of the hands lost while restarting the client.
You SHOULD just be able to say "I'd like a poker refund please", and they will send it to our 3rd line poker guy. What's your alias? We can educate the first line agent.

I don't think we can refund on what you might've won. We can't refund on equity because there's no way to tell how either of you would have played, nor what villain's range was then. The long term should work out though, because you both have an equal chance to disconnect.

Originally Posted by ebisumaru
Sorry if this is too much complaining, but its a bit frustrating since I really would like to make a milestone this quarter and win some tickets too . Other than the crashes I´m really starting to like the new client.
Complaining isn't a problem, don't worry about it. It's just idiots like kidpoker55 that I don't think much of. I'd like the client to be working too, and the developers are very much aware of that.
[Unibet] Official Thread Quote
12-08-2016 , 10:17 AM
Originally Posted by UnibetAndrew
Did spectating not work? What was the problem?
I can remember it not working in the web client and I'm pretty sure it didn't work in the first PC beta but i appears to be working fine in 2.0.6.
[Unibet] Official Thread Quote
12-08-2016 , 10:29 AM
Originally Posted by UnibetAndrew
I'll put this on the list for changes once 2.0 is fixed. Can you fix it by going to the ticket you want to use in your profile, then using that to find the target tournament?
Unfortunately I cant fix it this way. When I do this for a tournament, it will send me to the tournament lobby of that tournament. When I click register there, I only see the 4mtt ticket and none of the others.
[Unibet] Official Thread Quote
12-08-2016 , 10:30 AM
What exactly happens when you run the client?

Windows diagnostics are not good at telling if you have the latest video card drivers. It's better go to to the manufacturer'sYou site.

I get the message "Direct x update required - There is a problem with your video card or driver."

Direct X is the latest one on my laptop (12) and I've already checked with my manufacturer that my video card has the latest drivers, so what else's would you suggest?

I can't play in the browser either. I'd happily play on Unibet but I've never had this trouble with any other poker client, ever.
[Unibet] Official Thread Quote
12-08-2016 , 10:39 AM
Originally Posted by bansski
chipdumping always this evil avatars/ him two player
Free money, who cares.
[Unibet] Official Thread Quote
12-08-2016 , 11:07 AM
Originally Posted by SleazyP84
Also, does spectating work now?
For me, only intermittently. If I click someone's name in the tourney lobby their table pops up occasionally. Sometimes, their name briefly turns green then goes back to normal. Mostly nothing happens. Railing another table certainly isn't as quick and easy as it is on Stars for example.

On a related note, I forgot to mention this minor bug I spotted with tourney lobbies yesterday:

Usually my screenname is highlighted green, and clicking the green 'eye' icon moves it top of the list. Yesterday, my alias wasn't highlighted, and my name completely vanished if I clicked the eye. (I was actually alive and well in about 7th place when I took the screengrab). I'd guess the anomaly occurred because I switched to a different alias between registering and the start of the tourney, but haven't confirmed this yet. The green zero might also have been a prediction of what was going to happen to my stack on the stone cold bubble!

P.S. I'm not keen on how all the tourney info disappears the moment a satellite finishes. For bookkeeping (and sometimes bragging) purposes I like to take notes/screengrabs about finishing positions/stacksizes, but - unlike in the previous client - you can't even see the names of the winner or the bubbleboy/girl.

Last edited by ArtyMcFly; 12-08-2016 at 11:13 AM.
[Unibet] Official Thread Quote
12-08-2016 , 11:24 AM
Originally Posted by UnibetAndrew
Looks nice, but I notice decimal mark is not consistent in this picture (decimal point in total pot + betting amount and decimal comma in stack sizes + 0,5x raise). I guess it could be because it's just a dev's build, but letting you know anyway

But that's not my main point here. What I would like to see is that manual betting amount would accept decimal comma as well, not just decimal point. Being from Europe (but not form UK), my num pad has decimal comma by default, so searching for a dot on other part of keyboard is a bit awkward. Of course this is nothing major, just a little improvement of quality of poker life
[Unibet] Official Thread Quote
