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04-11-2019 , 06:28 AM
Had a bug where a table bugged and balance was not returned to my account.
Contacted customer service and they refunded me in a day. So in my experience the customer service was exellent.
[Run It Once] Unofficial Thread Quote
04-11-2019 , 07:01 AM
Imagine having to deal with tikmassy all the time as a site owner, ughhh.

I'd ban you too

Actually have a site that is trying to do things right , show some respect.
[Run It Once] Unofficial Thread Quote
04-11-2019 , 01:34 PM
Originally Posted by JossoDee
cool story bro

being a jerk to the cs person is like being a jerk to a dealer in a live game

it's wrong and uncalled for and there is not a situation where it's ever ok unless they've been a jerk to you first (almost never happens)

it's a shame they are banning you tho and not letting you make the games better
I agree, but 1st of all it's the internet and not face to face, 2nd off all I didn't even say it to him directly but thought I was talking to another rep.

Also, imagine a waitress comes over to your table and drops a coffee on you, you stand up and slip out, **** you imbecile, watch out, wth, you are thinking?

You didn't mean to offend that person, but you did it anyway as a natural reaction to what happened. I think it's all context brother!
[Run It Once] Unofficial Thread Quote
04-11-2019 , 02:28 PM
Originally Posted by tikmassy
I agree, but 1st of all it's the internet and not face to face, 2nd off all I didn't even say it to him directly but thought I was talking to another rep.

Also, imagine a waitress comes over to your table and drops a coffee on you, you stand up and slip out, **** you imbecile, watch out, wth, you are thinking?

You didn't mean to offend that person, but you did it anyway as a natural reaction to what happened. I think it's all context brother!
That's not a natural reaction to an accident. You may jump up, shocked etc but '**** you imbecile' isn't how most people would react.
[Run It Once] Unofficial Thread Quote
04-11-2019 , 05:09 PM
Originally Posted by Husker
That's not a natural reaction to an accident. You may jump up, shocked etc but '**** you imbecile' isn't how most people would react.
I'm really glad you came along and have gathered a big sample of the 8 billion people and have come to the conclusion based on scientific evidence that the majority of people indeed do not react in this way. Thanks for clarifying this!

I guess anyone reacting this way, must indeed be exterminated and banned from civilisation, how dare the vermin react in such a hostile manner!

How dare you not follow the herd, how dare you, shame on me for being the black sheep. Shame on me!!!


How about she throws a coffee on you, then short changes you, then returns with the supposed correct amount of money, and has still short changed you. Are you still all smiles, perhaps it wasn't even an accident??

Then when you call the manager over, he drops a coca cola over your lap, then finally, you snap and call him an imbecile, is that then ok according to your high horse??

Yes he didn't desrve that, but it's context and things have happened prior to his 1 little mistake, he doesnt know that and neither do you! Nonetheless many things have happened already, and that last mistake is sort of all the customer can take, until he says something inappropriate, hey I'm only human, man, but I guess if I am not behaving in robotic manner then we should just ban, right??

Last edited by tikmassy; 04-11-2019 at 05:19 PM.
[Run It Once] Unofficial Thread Quote
04-11-2019 , 05:45 PM
Originally Posted by tikmassy
I guess anyone reacting this way, must indeed be exterminated and banned from civilisation, how dare the vermin react in such a hostile manner!

How dare you not follow the herd, how dare you, shame on me for being the black sheep. Shame on me!!!
This is in response to someone saying that "'**** you imbecile' isn't how most people would react."? Wow.

Maybe time to cool down and see if RIO has anything more to say. Through the 6 posts you've already made about this today, I think we all know where you stand now.
[Run It Once] Unofficial Thread Quote
04-11-2019 , 06:26 PM
Originally Posted by barney big nuts
Imagine having to deal with tikmassy all the time as a site owner, ughhh.

I'd ban you too

Actually have a site that is trying to do things right , show some respect.
lol ya I'm sure Phil as a site owner spent a great amount of his time dealing with Tikmassy, poor guy.

It's a lousy way to go about it on Tikmassys part and your never going to get anywhere with support acting aggressively rather than being calm and explaining your situation. Pretty ridiculous though over the word 'imbecile' (and lol that the support guy quoted it) as if that staff member lost sleep over it and needed to be protected in the future. Goodluck handling the customer relations side of the site if your this sensitive.
[Run It Once] Unofficial Thread Quote
04-11-2019 , 08:12 PM
Originally Posted by Bobo Fett
This is in response to someone saying that "'**** you imbecile' isn't how most people would react."? Wow.

Maybe time to cool down and see if RIO has anything more to say. Through the 6 posts you've already made about this today, I think we all know where you stand now.

Only made 1 post today!
[Run It Once] Unofficial Thread Quote
04-11-2019 , 10:47 PM
I really hope that was an attempt at a joke.

Last edited by Bobo Fett; 04-11-2019 at 10:48 PM. Reason: And if not, I'm sure you know how time zones work.
[Run It Once] Unofficial Thread Quote
04-12-2019 , 01:48 PM
Is there an update on your software fixes. The site is unplayable for me in its current state. Repeated disconnections, being sat out then not being able to sit back in, trying to sit back in and being told I can't add more money, tables closing out of the blue. Other weird things like when I do manage to sit back in, the sounds are on when they are set to be off.

It's been a few weeks but the site just isn't ready as far as I can tell.
[Run It Once] Unofficial Thread Quote
04-14-2019 , 07:42 PM
Originally Posted by humesy
Is there an update on your software fixes. The site is unplayable for me in its current state. Repeated disconnections, being sat out then not being able to sit back in, trying to sit back in and being told I can't add more money, tables closing out of the blue. Other weird things like when I do manage to sit back in, the sounds are on when they are set to be off.

It's been a few weeks but the site just isn't ready as far as I can tell.
I would consider move my action somewhere else in ur shoes.
[Run It Once] Unofficial Thread Quote
04-18-2019 , 09:20 AM
Imagine drinking so much cool aid that you actually think RIO is the answer to online poker. Who would think that?

An imbicile would of course!
[Run It Once] Unofficial Thread Quote
04-18-2019 , 02:34 PM
Originally Posted by Adjusted
Imagine drinking so much cool aid that you actually think RIO is the answer to online poker. Who would think that?

An imbicile would of course!
LOL well if you could spell imbecile I might think you weren't one.
[Run It Once] Unofficial Thread Quote
04-18-2019 , 03:22 PM
Seriously - for people who want to be humorous, or just trying to put the boot in, being able to spell does help, so does having a reasonable education. Being foreign (like myself, I'm from the UK), obviously there are spelling differences, but very bad grammar and very bad spelling does undermine someone who is trying to talk about being an imbecile, and not be able to spell imbecile. People disagree, fine. No, I don't think RIO is the whole answer, but it's a start, and it would appear someone is at least trying.

Last edited by TheSquirrel1; 04-18-2019 at 03:33 PM.
[Run It Once] Unofficial Thread Quote
04-19-2019 , 01:57 AM
Originally Posted by TheSquirrel1
LOL well if you could spell imbecile I might think you weren't one.
Damn, too late to edit it.
[Run It Once] Unofficial Thread Quote
04-19-2019 , 05:41 PM
Originally Posted by tikmassy
Wow, is this guy on a power trip or what? I got shafted on AAxx, obviously these cheats over at RIOP, freeze the hand at plo 200, as soon as I call this donks all in.

I call one of their support workers an imbecile, used the word or any swear word 1 time, just once!!! and this muppet manager thinks I should be banned from playing on the network, because they do not tolerate that language?

You should be NOT tolerating your client crashing 20 times a day! Thats what you shouldn't be tolerating!"!!

What no warning? Is this real life, were the customer is wrong and the workers are right??

I just got shafted, your site freezes and now I am banned?? What the ****????

I didn't know he was God, judge and jury, and could take away my freedom of speech!!

Having said that, I didn't know using a swear word would immediately result in a ban, I mean is this guy for real?? Where's the crime? Did I cheat (like them), did I collude, use a bot, a program?

No I called a support a worker an imbecile, for behaving like a cheat! He initially short changed me as well, the nerve!! He was also condescending and making it out, like returning my initial 81 eur contribution to the pot, was a great gesture on his part!

I have had the system crash on me 20+ times but only twice did it crash during a hand, once I had KKxx ds, and was about to stack some donk, and now again with AA hand.

I didn't even bother to report the KK hand, was at plo20, but this hand was at plo200, I mean out of 20+ times the only 2 hands that it freezes is when I have 2 monster hands, cmon! You guys are cheats!!!

He ran equities with my opponents hand and the dead cards of others and as a result I was not even a favorite vs the guy who had 8753 , while I had AA72 r.

Is that even possible, that I can't be a favorite with Aces vs his hand and the dead cards of others??? I'd of thought I'd always be a favorite with AAxx.

I am now super curious to who actually won the hand, I mean they have that information, I'd like to know who won the hand!!

Bad move by RIO

really really dangerous banning people for that
[Run It Once] Unofficial Thread Quote
04-19-2019 , 06:47 PM
That ban is ridiculous.

RIO staff need to be made aware that they are going to get abusive emails all the time.

If they ban everyone who calls them an imbecile they won't have many players left.
[Run It Once] Unofficial Thread Quote
04-20-2019 , 05:01 AM
No sympathy.
[Run It Once] Unofficial Thread Quote
04-20-2019 , 05:52 AM
Great ban. Respect should be a mandatory characteristic of a human being.
[Run It Once] Unofficial Thread Quote
04-20-2019 , 11:23 AM
ok, so the software, chat and avatars don't work for me and my idea of how poker should play... the lack of a rat-hole period is predatory, and the anon player base is certain to make sure I do not return to cash games ever on RIO. I might or might not try a tourney here or there when they are eventually available. I was so hopeful upon release of the site, but responses in this thread aren't promising, and I may just never bother logging back in. Nothing personal, just another crappy new poker site with so little to offer to the game.

Disappointing. Good luck.
[Run It Once] Unofficial Thread Quote
04-20-2019 , 11:26 AM
Originally Posted by JimmyRare
Great ban. Respect should be a mandatory characteristic of a human being.
While i think you are right one should be respectfull, i dont think the ban is right. Its actually pretty thin skinned. They are a poker site not a flower shop. Obv people get angry if the same bugs happen over and over and cost them money.
[Run It Once] Unofficial Thread Quote
04-20-2019 , 02:21 PM
That ban seems a little ridiculous especially if it’s only for a little name calling.

I’ve been waiting to hear of an update on bugs and RB percentages before I make a deposit in this network but I’ve been waiting for quite some time now, has there been an update without me noticing?
[Run It Once] Unofficial Thread Quote
04-20-2019 , 02:31 PM
Originally Posted by Helllsreal
While i think you are right one should be respectfull, i dont think the ban is right. Its actually pretty thin skinned. They are a poker site not a flower shop. Obv people get angry if the same bugs happen over and over and cost them money.
Still, those people working at support have the right to work in a decent atmosphere and not feel like whipping boys, which was more or less the stated reason for the ban ... a warning to tilt boy that he was rapidly approaching ban zone might have been a better line.
[Run It Once] Unofficial Thread Quote
04-20-2019 , 05:08 PM
Originally Posted by +VLFBERH+T
Still, those people working at support have the right to work in a decent atmosphere and not feel like whipping boys, which was more or less the stated reason for the ban ... a warning to tilt boy that he was rapidly approaching ban zone might have been a better line.
Agree a warning would have done the job.
[Run It Once] Unofficial Thread Quote
04-21-2019 , 10:36 AM
Originally Posted by Helllsreal
Agree a warning would have done the job.
I also agree. I assumed, because it had escalated to the operation manager, a warning was given on an earlier occasion.
[Run It Once] Unofficial Thread Quote
