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[Pokerbros] Discussion thread [Pokerbros] Discussion thread

04-10-2020 , 03:23 AM
We constantly get posters in these threads looking for agents, clubs, etc.; many people have no idea where to start. We also have posters that are agents or club owners, and undoubtedly some of them are PMing posters with offers - some of them long-time contributing posters, and others who come to 2+2 solely to drum up business.

We’ve decided to bring this into the open, and are going to allow paid advertising of offers in this thread. We’ll be starting with one in this thread for the next month.

We in Two Plus Two management want to make it clear that 2+2 is not in any way endorsing anyone that is permitted to advertise in this thread. This model of poker room/network means that your money is under the control of the club or agent you are dealing with, which might sometimes be a single person operating out of their home. That doesn’t mean they can’t be extremely reputable and honest, but it is much more difficult for anyone to do proper research on an agent or club than it is for a poker site. It’s much easier for someone to become an agent, and then disappear one day. We all know that even large poker sites can sometimes close and take your money, leaving you with little to no recourse, so, we recommend not to deposit more than you are comfortable losing in case that were to happen; such a precaution is even more important in this case.

Those who are interested in advertising should contact me via PM, or the email address in my profile.
[Pokerbros] Discussion thread Quote
04-10-2020 , 03:31 AM
Good idea Bobo. fwiw, I only made the post you deleted because I felt bad for people who have no idea who to go to or how to start with agents.
[Pokerbros] Discussion thread Quote
04-10-2020 , 03:51 AM
I completely understand.
[Pokerbros] Discussion thread Quote
04-10-2020 , 04:56 AM
what are the best unions or clubs or whatever to get into?

In peoples experience here, the clubs where you have to sell some of your action usually the best?
[Pokerbros] Discussion thread Quote
04-10-2020 , 11:19 AM
Not always. Selling action could mean soft games, or higher risk or an agent trying to make an extra buck. Ask to observe games you're being offered.
[Pokerbros] Discussion thread Quote
04-10-2020 , 11:25 AM
i feel the whole "observe the games youre being offered" isnt really that realistic.

What are you actually looking for when doing that? you'll never be able to get an actual look into the games if you're observing without playing. And to make it worthwhile you have to spend a fair few hours watching.

or maybe im missing something for it to be easier??

just wish all this **** was easier. ill stop tarding up this thread
[Pokerbros] Discussion thread Quote
04-10-2020 , 12:01 PM
Yah, I agree that that isn't really feasible since it's not like you can open 8 tables at once to check out pot sizes and how many players are going to the flop.

I think the best way is probably to deposit only a couple buy-ins on a few different clubs and give each a test drive for a few hours before deciding on one and depositing a larger BR.
[Pokerbros] Discussion thread Quote
04-10-2020 , 08:28 PM
Originally Posted by AV0995
what are the best unions or clubs or whatever to get into?

In peoples experience here, the clubs where you have to sell some of your action usually the best?
The clubs with the most honest agents and managers I would suspect. I went with an agent that I've known for many many years.
[Pokerbros] Discussion thread Quote
04-11-2020 , 06:37 AM
How much stock do you guys put in the level # each club has attained?

For example, if you're deciding between 2 clubs and one is Lv:14 and the other Lv:4 would you assume that the 14 has probably been dealing with a large #s of players longer and would thus be the safer option?
[Pokerbros] Discussion thread Quote
04-11-2020 , 09:37 AM
I am Silver VIP and have the “Export Union Data” option. I’ve looked everywhere for this. Any tips? TIA.
[Pokerbros] Discussion thread Quote
04-11-2020 , 11:53 AM
Can I get away with this?

My home game has moved to pokerbros. We have a club, where one guy takes all our money on venmo, buys diamonds for chips and then distributed them to us. He also tells us if we cash out he loses 5% on the transferout. He set the rake to minimal, dude isn't trying to 'make' money just hope he breaks even.


Let's say I want to cash out $300 and another player wants to purchase $300. Can I just sit headsup with him, and intentionally dump the money preflop? Will pokerbros ban me for this obvious work around, has someone tried it or have a better idea?
[Pokerbros] Discussion thread Quote
04-11-2020 , 02:00 PM
Originally Posted by BobOjedaFan
Can I get away with this?

My home game has moved to pokerbros. We have a club, where one guy takes all our money on venmo, buys diamonds for chips and then distributed them to us. He also tells us if we cash out he loses 5% on the transferout. He set the rake to minimal, dude isn't trying to 'make' money just hope he breaks even.


Let's say I want to cash out $300 and another player wants to purchase $300. Can I just sit headsup with him, and intentionally dump the money preflop? Will pokerbros ban me for this obvious work around, has someone tried it or have a better idea?
"Pokerbros" doesn't care about what you do with your chips because they have no real money value. On the surface you're just playing with playmoney. Your club is the one assigning them a set value.
[Pokerbros] Discussion thread Quote
04-11-2020 , 02:02 PM
Can't the guy that distributed the chips in the first place just facilitate the transfer of chips?

Sent from my KIW-L24 using Tapatalk
[Pokerbros] Discussion thread Quote
04-11-2020 , 02:15 PM
Originally Posted by SelfishGhost
"Pokerbros" doesn't care about what you do with your chips because they have no real money value. On the surface you're just playing with playmoney. Your club is the one assigning them a set value.
I know that's the legal justification, but in reality of course both parties are aware this isn't the case, I mean the fact that they take 5% of of the total chips off the table when you cash out is a bit of a joke. But I get your point also I can't imagine them interfering with "play money" haha
[Pokerbros] Discussion thread Quote
04-11-2020 , 03:50 PM
Maybe they support the club's treasurer, or whatever he's called, by at least reporting chip-dumps to him, in case he's selling to his club members at a premium in order to justify running the club that is supporting Pokerbros?
[Pokerbros] Discussion thread Quote
04-11-2020 , 04:26 PM
Originally Posted by Mike Haven
Maybe they support the club's treasurer, or whatever he's called, by at least reporting chip-dumps to him, in case he's selling to his club members at a premium in order to justify running the club that is supporting Pokerbros?
Yeah, I could see that. Frankly I think he's screwing something up here, there is probably a way to transfer chips without losing money, but if there is he doesn't seem to know how.
[Pokerbros] Discussion thread Quote
04-12-2020 , 01:41 AM
Is Rake model alot cheaper here on average than other places?
[Pokerbros] Discussion thread Quote
04-12-2020 , 07:35 AM
I encourage players to start outing clubs and unions here that sneakily charge winning players percentage of their profits.
[Pokerbros] Discussion thread Quote
04-12-2020 , 11:04 AM
Originally Posted by BobOjedaFan
Yeah, I could see that. Frankly I think he's screwing something up here, there is probably a way to transfer chips without losing money, but if there is he doesn't seem to know how.
hidden 5% fee to send chips from club bank to players / agent. PPPoker has the same exact fee.
[Pokerbros] Discussion thread Quote
04-12-2020 , 11:16 AM
Originally Posted by BobOjedaFan
Can I get away with this?

My home game has moved to pokerbros. We have a club, where one guy takes all our money on venmo, buys diamonds for chips and then distributed them to us. He also tells us if we cash out he loses 5% on the transferout. He set the rake to minimal, dude isn't trying to 'make' money just hope he breaks even.


Let's say I want to cash out $300 and another player wants to purchase $300. Can I just sit headsup with him, and intentionally dump the money preflop? Will pokerbros ban me for this obvious work around, has someone tried it or have a better idea?
If discovered each respective club will confiscate all funds.
[Pokerbros] Discussion thread Quote
04-12-2020 , 11:16 AM
Originally Posted by Dream Crusher
Can't the guy that distributed the chips in the first place just facilitate the transfer of chips?

Sent from my KIW-L24 using Tapatalk
No because they may play for different clubs/agents.
[Pokerbros] Discussion thread Quote
04-12-2020 , 11:19 AM
Originally Posted by y0del
I encourage players to start outing clubs and unions here that sneakily charge winning players percentage of their profits.
Unfortunately this is the model that most clubs are adopting. Although most that I've worked with aren't really sneaky about it. They tell agents and players up front that either there is a tax for cashing out or they adjust the chip conversion rate. Most players are on to it by this point. It's usually the first question I get when players text me.
[Pokerbros] Discussion thread Quote
04-12-2020 , 12:47 PM
Originally Posted by poker_triad
No because they may play for different clubs/agents.
That doesn't seem to be the case here:

My home game has moved to pokerbros. We have a club, where one guy takes all our money on venmo
[Pokerbros] Discussion thread Quote
04-12-2020 , 02:29 PM
I'm sorry but I have to disagree here.

Don't join clubs that charge a % of a player's winning when cashing out, it's that simple.

You're basically paying rake twice.

The only fees you should pay are the ones coming from the transfer method you choose for cashing out (transferwise, btc, skrill, etc..).

Otherwise you're just getting scammed.

Last edited by Mike Haven; 04-13-2020 at 05:19 AM.
[Pokerbros] Discussion thread Quote
04-12-2020 , 08:27 PM
Originally Posted by poker_triad
Unfortunately this is the model that most clubs are adopting. Although most that I've worked with aren't really sneaky about it. They tell agents and players up front that either there is a tax for cashing out or they adjust the chip conversion rate. Most players are on to it by this point. It's usually the first question I get when players text me.
taxing winning players is a huge scam that benefit only dirty agents. It's not like your giving back the tax to the losing players. Unions just keep the money for themselves, scummy af.

Buying an winning players action is different of course since the agent is assuming some risk at least.
[Pokerbros] Discussion thread Quote
