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[PartyPoker] Ex-Official thread [PartyPoker] Ex-Official thread

07-20-2011 , 03:58 AM
and another email, not holding my breath, tho

to "" <>
date Wed, Jul 20, 2011 at 3:57 PM
subject Re: Response from (KMM1xxxxxxxxxxx)

hide details 3:57 PM (0 minutes ago)

please look at

it is mathematically close to impossible for all of us to have no c3 cities if they are given randomly and all cities are equally probable

change your tune and offer an explanation or admit you are hiding the truth.

kind regards,
[PartyPoker] Ex-Official thread Quote
07-20-2011 , 04:14 AM
^Well you linked to a 2000 post thread, instead of individual posts from veteran posters (you can click the # number at the top right of posts for a single post link). Any member of party support following the link you ask them to 'please look at' will be taken by default to post #1, the wrong end of the thread, and have to navigate through 200 pages as they'll see the forum default of 10 posts per page.

You also don't capitalize or punctuate sentences, and use informal language. You can't expect that email to achieve much.
[PartyPoker] Ex-Official thread Quote
07-20-2011 , 04:26 AM
Originally Posted by jspill
^Well you linked to a 2000 post thread, instead of individual posts from veteran posters (you can click the # number at the top right of posts for a single post link). Any member of party support following the link you ask them to 'please look at' will be taken by default to post #1, the wrong end of the thread, and have to navigate through 200 pages as they'll see the forum default of 10 posts per page.

You also don't capitalize or punctuate sentences, and use informal language. You can't expect that email to achieve much.
try again

the link points to index133, which means it points to page 133 of the thread, not page 1

wether i capitalize or punctuate is irrelevant, in no way does TOS of party state that emails without capitalization or punctuation will get less respect than others. Informal language is relative, and english is not my first language.

Last edited by Mike Haven; 07-20-2011 at 06:08 AM.
[PartyPoker] Ex-Official thread Quote
07-20-2011 , 05:03 AM
Originally Posted by sakipdsa
try again

the link points to index133, which means it points to page 133 of the thread, not page 1

wether i capitalize or punctuate is irrelevant, in no way does TOS of party state that emails without capitalization or punctuation will get less respect than others. Informal language is relative, and since english is not my first language, GFY u troll moron
do you think everyone uses same amount of posts per page? change yours to the max

any non noob user of this forum will be at page 21 at the moment

your link goes nowhere
[PartyPoker] Ex-Official thread Quote
07-20-2011 , 05:06 AM
just talked a bit with live chat also

waiting time was 30 seconds fwiw

i ranted about the promo and about the answers people are getting. their answer was that they are aware of what is going on in the forums and that they need to check everything before commenting about it publicly. so let's see what happens. maybe they will even admit something and/or make it right. won't hold my breath though
[PartyPoker] Ex-Official thread Quote
07-20-2011 , 05:19 AM
Originally Posted by Lessu
do you think everyone uses same amount of posts per page? change yours to the max

any non noob user of this forum will be at page 21 at the moment

your link goes nowhere
fair enough,
it is a conversation, where i had already referenced this thread and quoted specific posts, so they do know what it's about already. I didnt know about the posts/page tho. Now that i do, what is the point behind this derailing?
[PartyPoker] Ex-Official thread Quote
07-20-2011 , 05:34 AM
is the world dom script suddenly screwed for anyone else?
now i see only text like this:

PARTY_ACCOUNT_promos_worldDomination_continent_Eur ope PARTY_ACCOUNT_promos_worldDomination_country_germa ny PARTY_ACCOUNT_promos_worldDomination_city_berlin 0 PARTY_ACCOUNT_promos_worldDomination_city_munich 3 PARTY_ACCOUNT_promos_worldDomination_city_dusseldo rf 0 PARTY_ACCOUNT_promos_worldDomination_city_hamburg 1
PARTY_ACCOUNT_promos_worldDomination_country_polan d PARTY_ACCOUNT_promos_worldDomination_city_warsaw 3 PARTY_ACCOUNT_promos_worldDomination_city_krakow 2 PARTY_ACCOUNT_promos_worldDomination_city_poznan 0 PARTY_ACCOUNT_promos_worldDomination_city_lublin 2
PARTY_ACCOUNT_promos_worldDomination_country_franc e PARTY_ACCOUNT_promos_worldDomination_city_paris 0 PARTY_ACCOUNT_promos_worldDomination_city_marseill e 4 PARTY_ACCOUNT_promos_worldDomination_city_lyon 0 PARTY_ACCOUNT_promos_worldDomination_city_nice 2
PARTY_ACCOUNT_promos_worldDomination_country_engla nd PARTY_ACCOUNT_promos_worldDomination_city_london 1 PARTY_ACCOUNT_promos_worldDomination_city_manchest er 4 PARTY_ACCOUNT_promos_worldDomination_city_liverpoo l 0 PARTY_ACCOUNT_promos_worldDomination_city_newcastl e 2
PARTY_ACCOUNT_promos_worldDomination_country_russi a PARTY_ACCOUNT_promos_worldDomination_city_moscow 2 PARTY_ACCOUNT_promos_worldDomination_city_saintpet ersburg 1 PARTY_ACCOUNT_promos_worldDomination_city_novosibi rsk 0 PARTY_ACCOUNT_promos_worldDomination_city_samara 3
PARTY_ACCOUNT_promos_worldDomination_country_italy PARTY_ACCOUNT_promos_worldDomination_city_rome 1 PARTY_ACCOUNT_promos_worldDomination_city_venice 0 PARTY_ACCOUNT_promos_worldDomination_city_milan 0 PARTY_ACCOUNT_promos_worldDomination_city_naples 0
PARTY_ACCOUNT_promos_worldDomination_country_swede n PARTY_ACCOUNT_promos_worldDomination_city_stockhol m 2 PARTY_ACCOUNT_promos_worldDomination_city_gothenbu rg 2 PARTY_ACCOUNT_promos_worldDomination_city_mal 0 PARTY_ACCOUNT_promos_worldDomination_city_uppsala 1
PARTY_ACCOUNT_promos_worldDomination_continent_sou thamerica PARTY_ACCOUNT_promos_worldDomination_country_argen tina PARTY_ACCOUNT_promos_worldDomination_city_buenosAi res 2 PARTY_ACCOUNT_promos_worldDomination_city_Cdoba 2 PARTY_ACCOUNT_promos_worldDomination_city_Rosario 0 PARTY_ACCOUNT_promos_worldDomination_city_MardelPl ata 2
PARTY_ACCOUNT_promos_worldDomination_country_brazi l PARTY_ACCOUNT_promos_worldDomination_city_brasilia 1 PARTY_ACCOUNT_promos_worldDomination_city_paulo 1 PARTY_ACCOUNT_promos_worldDomination_city_riodeJan eiro 0 PARTY_ACCOUNT_promos_worldDomination_city_polis 2
PARTY_ACCOUNT_promos_worldDomination_country_colom bia PARTY_ACCOUNT_promos_worldDomination_city_bogota 2 PARTY_ACCOUNT_promos_worldDomination_city_medellin 1 PARTY_ACCOUNT_promos_worldDomination_city_cali 0 PARTY_ACCOUNT_promos_worldDomination_city_cacuta 4
PARTY_ACCOUNT_promos_worldDomination_continent_nor thamerica PARTY_ACCOUNT_promos_worldDomination_country_canad a PARTY_ACCOUNT_promos_worldDomination_city_ottawa 0 PARTY_ACCOUNT_promos_worldDomination_city_toronto 0 PARTY_ACCOUNT_promos_worldDomination_city_montreal 0 PARTY_ACCOUNT_promos_worldDomination_city_vancouve r 2
[PartyPoker] Ex-Official thread Quote
07-20-2011 , 06:24 AM
Originally Posted by sakipdsa
is the world dom script suddenly screwed for anyone else?
now i see only text like this:

PARTY_ACCOUNT_promos_worldDomination_continent_Eur ope PARTY_ACCOUNT_promos_worldDomination_country_germa ny PARTY_ACCOUNT_promos_worldDomination_city_berlin 0 PARTY_ACCOUNT_promos_worldDomination_city_munich 3 PARTY_ACCOUNT_promos_worldDomination_city_dusseldo rf 0 PARTY_ACCOUNT_promos_worldDomination_city_hamburg 1
PARTY_ACCOUNT_promos_worldDomination_country_polan d PARTY_ACCOUNT_promos_worldDomination_city_warsaw 3 PARTY_ACCOUNT_promos_worldDomination_city_krakow 2 PARTY_ACCOUNT_promos_worldDomination_city_poznan 0 PARTY_ACCOUNT_promos_worldDomination_city_lublin 2
PARTY_ACCOUNT_promos_worldDomination_country_franc e PARTY_ACCOUNT_promos_worldDomination_city_paris 0 PARTY_ACCOUNT_promos_worldDomination_city_marseill e 4 PARTY_ACCOUNT_promos_worldDomination_city_lyon 0 PARTY_ACCOUNT_promos_worldDomination_city_nice 2
PARTY_ACCOUNT_promos_worldDomination_country_engla nd PARTY_ACCOUNT_promos_worldDomination_city_london 1 PARTY_ACCOUNT_promos_worldDomination_city_manchest er 4 PARTY_ACCOUNT_promos_worldDomination_city_liverpoo l 0 PARTY_ACCOUNT_promos_worldDomination_city_newcastl e 2
PARTY_ACCOUNT_promos_worldDomination_country_russi a PARTY_ACCOUNT_promos_worldDomination_city_moscow 2 PARTY_ACCOUNT_promos_worldDomination_city_saintpet ersburg 1 PARTY_ACCOUNT_promos_worldDomination_city_novosibi rsk 0 PARTY_ACCOUNT_promos_worldDomination_city_samara 3
PARTY_ACCOUNT_promos_worldDomination_country_italy PARTY_ACCOUNT_promos_worldDomination_city_rome 1 PARTY_ACCOUNT_promos_worldDomination_city_venice 0 PARTY_ACCOUNT_promos_worldDomination_city_milan 0 PARTY_ACCOUNT_promos_worldDomination_city_naples 0
PARTY_ACCOUNT_promos_worldDomination_country_swede n PARTY_ACCOUNT_promos_worldDomination_city_stockhol m 2 PARTY_ACCOUNT_promos_worldDomination_city_gothenbu rg 2 PARTY_ACCOUNT_promos_worldDomination_city_mal 0 PARTY_ACCOUNT_promos_worldDomination_city_uppsala 1
PARTY_ACCOUNT_promos_worldDomination_continent_sou thamerica PARTY_ACCOUNT_promos_worldDomination_country_argen tina PARTY_ACCOUNT_promos_worldDomination_city_buenosAi res 2 PARTY_ACCOUNT_promos_worldDomination_city_Cdoba 2 PARTY_ACCOUNT_promos_worldDomination_city_Rosario 0 PARTY_ACCOUNT_promos_worldDomination_city_MardelPl ata 2
PARTY_ACCOUNT_promos_worldDomination_country_brazi l PARTY_ACCOUNT_promos_worldDomination_city_brasilia 1 PARTY_ACCOUNT_promos_worldDomination_city_paulo 1 PARTY_ACCOUNT_promos_worldDomination_city_riodeJan eiro 0 PARTY_ACCOUNT_promos_worldDomination_city_polis 2
PARTY_ACCOUNT_promos_worldDomination_country_colom bia PARTY_ACCOUNT_promos_worldDomination_city_bogota 2 PARTY_ACCOUNT_promos_worldDomination_city_medellin 1 PARTY_ACCOUNT_promos_worldDomination_city_cali 0 PARTY_ACCOUNT_promos_worldDomination_city_cacuta 4
PARTY_ACCOUNT_promos_worldDomination_continent_nor thamerica PARTY_ACCOUNT_promos_worldDomination_country_canad a PARTY_ACCOUNT_promos_worldDomination_city_ottawa 0 PARTY_ACCOUNT_promos_worldDomination_city_toronto 0 PARTY_ACCOUNT_promos_worldDomination_city_montreal 0 PARTY_ACCOUNT_promos_worldDomination_city_vancouve r 2
just checked and have this problem too...cant reveal new cities which acutally might be a good more
[PartyPoker] Ex-Official thread Quote
07-20-2011 , 06:52 AM
looks like party is doing something
[PartyPoker] Ex-Official thread Quote
07-20-2011 , 07:06 AM
Adding in more column 3 cities perhaps?
[PartyPoker] Ex-Official thread Quote
07-20-2011 , 07:16 AM
Originally Posted by sakipdsa
wether i capitalize or punctuate is irrelevant, in no way does TOS of party state that emails without capitalization or punctuation will get less respect than others. Informal language is relative, and english is not my first language.
No it isn't. A well written email with strong arguments is much more likely to get read rather than dismissed out of hand.
[PartyPoker] Ex-Official thread Quote
07-20-2011 , 08:39 AM
well, they're not so frisky about capitalization, punctuation and informal language.

I did get a response. Not much to it tho...

I hadn't mentioned their gaming commissions, but i guess they did read other people's posts refferring to that...


to xxxx
date Wed, Jul 20, 2011 at 8:32 PM
subject Repsonse from (KMMxxxxxxxxxxx)

Dear xxx,

Thank you for contacting Customer Service.

We have escalated the information you have provided from the forum and also the one from your screen shots. Our respective team will further check the promotion in question.

If you wish, you can always contact our main regulator or any of the listed below commissions that also regulate our activities. We are licensed and regulated by the Government of Gibraltar. Here are also links for another 3 Gambling Commissions:

In case you have further questions, we will be more than happy to assist you. We are available 24/7 by e-mail and phone.

Thank you for choosing us as your online gaming site.

Best regards,


Customer Service
[PartyPoker] Ex-Official thread Quote
07-20-2011 , 08:44 AM






Last edited by Tryst_; 07-20-2011 at 08:45 AM. Reason: #stllrigged
[PartyPoker] Ex-Official thread Quote
07-20-2011 , 08:54 AM
With the risks of being GTFO'ed...

I find it a bit hilarious that some poker players, who are supposed to know quite a bit about odds and probability, are disgusted about the rareness of the column 3 cities. If all cities were equally likely, it has already been calculated here that you'd need on average less than 400 cities (i.e. $2000 in rake) to get to World Domination and ship the $100k. So, of course there are rare cities, and of course you can imagine that Party pre-constructed the distribution in such a way that they perfectly know how much money they will be distributing for their 2.1M cities (i.e. $10M in rake).

Of course, there are problems:
* Support absolutely not having a clue about the promo and confusing random with equally distributed. In fact, Party support is pretty clueless altogether.
* The bad distribution of the rare cities. It's obvious that a lot of C3 were distributed in the beginning, and I suspect that a lot will be distributed toward the end as well. It's clear that the distribution is clustered. E.g. from the last 20 cities, I suddenly got 5 freeroll tickets.

All in all, this promo remains a lottery. It's just slightly better than last month's lottery in the sense that at least you can now see your own progress toward the bonus prizes, but it's still a lottery with a high variance.
[PartyPoker] Ex-Official thread Quote
07-20-2011 , 09:23 AM
There's never been a better time to play at PartyPoker.

[PartyPoker] Ex-Official thread Quote
07-20-2011 , 09:24 AM
holy crap, tables are really atrociously bad at that time, couldnt find more than 2 fish at nl200 ...
[PartyPoker] Ex-Official thread Quote
07-20-2011 , 09:26 AM
Originally Posted by ViperPP
* The bad distribution of the rare cities. It's obvious that a lot of C3 were distributed in the beginning, and I suspect that a lot will be distributed toward the end as well. It's clear that the distribution is clustered. E.g. from the last 20 cities, I suddenly got 5 freeroll tickets.
I really aren't bothered about the randomness / rarity issue and fully expected it to work like that, BUT:

What does cheese me off is the way people who played on day 1 and 2 unfairly got so much more value from the promotion (for whatever reason it was...). IMO, if there was some problem that caused this then they should have restarted the whole promo rather than punishing everybody who didn't play on day 1 and 2 with crap value to make up for the losses incurred against those lucky few who made big $ in those first two days... From what people have posted, the difference between playing the first 2 days and not means vastly increased effective rakeback; possibly even as much as 1-2 orders of magnitude more!

[PartyPoker] Ex-Official thread Quote
07-20-2011 , 09:27 AM
Originally Posted by ViperPP
With the risks of being GTFO'ed...

I find it a bit hilarious that some poker players, who are supposed to know quite a bit about odds and probability, are disgusted about the rareness of the column 3 cities. If all cities were equally likely, it has already been calculated here that you'd need on average less than 400 cities (i.e. $2000 in rake) to get to World Domination and ship the $100k. So, of course there are rare cities, and of course you can imagine that Party pre-constructed the distribution in such a way that they perfectly know how much money they will be distributing for their 2.1M cities (i.e. $10M in rake).

Of course, there are problems:
* Support absolutely not having a clue about the promo and confusing random with equally distributed. In fact, Party support is pretty clueless altogether.
* The bad distribution of the rare cities. It's obvious that a lot of C3 were distributed in the beginning, and I suspect that a lot will be distributed toward the end as well. It's clear that the distribution is clustered. E.g. from the last 20 cities, I suddenly got 5 freeroll tickets.

All in all, this promo remains a lottery. It's just slightly better than last month's lottery in the sense that at least you can now see your own progress toward the bonus prizes, but it's still a lottery with a high variance.

you kinda answered to your own comment already so why bother posting?

the problem is not the odds. everyone knows there are less column 3 cities

the problem is what you stated already: most of the C3 cities being awarded in the first 1-2 days and support treating their customers like they are idiots and party not admitting they screwed up. well i am voting with my wallet and playing on other sites until this promotion ends (mostly at least)

and this part is debatable but i think saying the promotion is random is misleading if you are not stating in the promotion page that some cities are rare
[PartyPoker] Ex-Official thread Quote
07-20-2011 , 09:37 AM
you could even to as far as naming it fraud.

people who start playing now seem to have no chance at all of winning anything.

(200 cities, 3usd, and trying ipoker in the next days)
[PartyPoker] Ex-Official thread Quote
07-20-2011 , 09:42 AM
The World Domination promo launched on July 8th , and is expected to continue into early August (when all of the cards will have been released).

To date, the promotion has paid out, to players, over $1m and continues to pay out over $20k/day. This is in line with what was projected for this promotion.

The promotion mechanics were setup such that there were 2.2 million cards, with a total of 72 cities on those cards. The number of cards per city varied, from very few for some cities, to a lot for others. When the creative work was done for the promotion, the cities that were deemed “rare” were copied from an excel sheet into the creative work, resulting in those rare cities all appearing in one column.

The 2.2m cards were awarded randomly. All of the cards were placed into virtual buckets, and a random city was selected, and then drawn, for the player.

In summary, the promotion has paid out and been executed as expected.
[PartyPoker] Ex-Official thread Quote
07-20-2011 , 09:48 AM
So either the juicy bucket is empty or not in play right now.
[PartyPoker] Ex-Official thread Quote
07-20-2011 , 10:08 AM
Originally Posted by Party_Rep
The World Domination promo launched on July 8th , and is expected to continue into early August (when all of the cards will have been released).

To date, the promotion has paid out, to players, over $1m and continues to pay out over $20k/day. This is in line with what was projected for this promotion.

The promotion mechanics were setup such that there were 2.2 million cards, with a total of 72 cities on those cards. The number of cards per city varied, from very few for some cities, to a lot for others. When the creative work was done for the promotion, the cities that were deemed “rare” were copied from an excel sheet into the creative work, resulting in those rare cities all appearing in one column.

The 2.2m cards were awarded randomly. All of the cards were placed into virtual buckets, and a random city was selected, and then drawn, for the player.

In summary, the promotion has paid out and been executed as expected.
so basically a 5 paragraph answer not saying anything what people have been talking about. i guess party has decided not to admit anything

i think many would like to know how many % of the column 3 cities were awarded in the first 2 days of this promotion. there is exactly 1 report about a 2+2er getting a column3 city from day 3 that i know of
[PartyPoker] Ex-Official thread Quote
07-20-2011 , 10:11 AM
Dear PartyRep,

I like the promo because I accrued at least some points on day 1 and day 2. If I had missed day 1 and day 2 then I would not like the promo at all! Surely which days you choose to optimize your playing time should not be relevant?

I whole heartedly trust PP and this has done nothing to effect that, in fact i'm investing in PartyBwin, but I don't think during this period of transition in online poker you have excelled yourselves!

This promotion awarding so much money in the first 2 days is only really a small issue in comparison to the ailiing servers, particularly to mtt players and especially when you run a rake free promo at the tables!
[PartyPoker] Ex-Official thread Quote
07-20-2011 , 10:18 AM
Oh and if some idiot consultant decided giving away all c3 cities on day 1 and day 2 was most ev for the company in the current climate then they need to hire a new one!
[PartyPoker] Ex-Official thread Quote
07-20-2011 , 10:40 AM
Originally Posted by Party_Rep
To date, the promotion has paid out, to players, over $1m and continues to pay out over $20k/day. This is in line with what was projected for this promotion.
promotion days up to now: 12
Money paid out up to now: 1mio

1mio / 12 days = 83k usd/day
currently paid out: 20k usd /day

thank u for admitting that, that the profitable part of the promotion is done!

and that is assuming that the first 12days had an equal payout, if you go with the rumors that the first 3 days were the profitable ones, lets make a new calculation:

12 days (-3 outliner days) * 20k usd (current daily payout) = 180k usd
1mio - 180k usd = 820kusd (in the first 3 days)
820k / 3days = 275usd / day
----> 275 usd/day compared to 20k usd/day

its a good marketing strategy, to pay out the majority at the beginning, so that people see that there can be a lot of money won. people keep playing more and more alltough they win less.

u really must think we are idiots!

Last edited by pokerbiker; 07-20-2011 at 10:52 AM.
[PartyPoker] Ex-Official thread Quote
